USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with lots of food, family & fun.

Here, we went to #1's bringing a traditional roasted turkey, several sides & pies to go with his deep fried turkey and a ham in the crock pot for about 15-20 people...including the ex...…….and nobody got hurt. :04:
Aww, aren't you as sweet as ever! You have ALWAYS been very special to me Dajjal. I love you, hon, and cherish all the precious pictures you put up here that make me smile and go awww. They really make my day. Thank you, so much for the warmth of those pics and your beautiful spirit of goodwill. :smiliehug:
Eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast (hey, I work overnight, this is when I wake up! :lol:), I have a pie in the fridge, football on the TV. Everyone enjoy your Thanksgiving. :D
What an awesome guy you are. So nice to see you again, Montrovert!

Thanks AA, but it's not me that's awesome, it's pie! :D
I wasn't referencing the pie, rather you as a person I have been reading over the years, Montrovant. I should have been more clear ( although pie is sounding very good right now, instead of cold cereal. ) ;)
Ringel may have gotten 3" on the ground at his house, but it measures 7" at our house--we may be 5 miles? apart. This morning looking at our driveway and street:


Really beautiful and Christmasy pictures Foxfyre. I say this because it is the first snow of the holiday season? lol. We will have rain and hopefully one annual snowfall that typically melts over night. But what a calming visual it is against the backdrop of a mature forest and no sign of commercialism from my garden windows. Watching huge snowflakes falling is a reason to pause for contemplation of being alive and well and knowing we don't have to do any shoveling. :113:
Ringel may have gotten 3" on the ground at his house, but it measures 7" at our house--we may be 5 miles? apart. This morning looking at our driveway and street:


Really beautiful and Christmasy pictures Foxfyre. I say this because it is the first snow of the holiday season? lol. We will have rain and hopefully one annual snowfall that typically melts over night. But what a calming visual it is against the backdrop of a mature forest and no sign of commercialism from my garden windows. Watching huge snowflakes falling is a reason to pause for contemplation of being alive and well and knowing we don't have to do any shoveling. :113:

Normally here in the city we get one, maybe two measurable snowfalls each year. When we lived on the mountain though, we measured snow in feet instead of inches. The second winter we were out there we got 130 inches of snow total so it never completely melted between snows. But we were younger and probably a lot more stupid then so we loved it. :)
Happy belated Thanksgiving, y'all!
For me it's SSDD, a work day like any other. My brother-another-mother and his wife, my sister-by-another-mister usually host me for Thanksgiving and Christmas but both have been cancelled this year. They are still living in a dinky rental apartment while waiting for the foundation of their house to be rebuilt. It was severely damaged during last year's big earthquake and it has been one disaster after another. She had stored most of her household goods up at their place near Willow but it all burned up when that big fire swept through.
Little spurts of snow, and a mini cold snap last week but we're back in high 30's, low 40's again. It hovers right at freezing at night so you can imagine driving is quite a recreational activity...kinda like bumper cars.
Happy belated Thanksgiving, y'all!
For me it's SSDD, a work day like any other. My brother-another-mother and his wife, my sister-by-another-mister usually host me for Thanksgiving and Christmas but both have been cancelled this year. They are still living in a dinky rental apartment while waiting for the foundation of their house to be rebuilt. It was severely damaged during last year's big earthquake and it has been one disaster after another. She had stored most of her household goods up at their place near Willow but it all burned up when that big fire swept through.
Little spurts of snow, and a mini cold snap last week but we're back in high 30's, low 40's again. It hovers right at freezing at night so you can imagine driving is quite a recreational activity...kinda like bumper cars.

I am so sorry for your family's loss even if it's just things, it still matters and would be devastating. You and your family are strong people. And I hope things turn around for all of you.

As for weather......this past week and thru the weekend, it's been in the low 20's at night and 30's during the day. A brief snow is expected by Sunday morning and with that cloud cover, it should melt and be in the 40's after that. I am amazed that it's been colder here, than where you are
Well I ate half my pumpkin pie yesterday, and then ate the other half today. :p

I went and saw the little one today for a couple of hours. She had 6 of her cousins there, so we got to do some good playing. I spoke to her mom to find out what their Christmas plans are: I'm planning on going out the weekend before Christmas and wanted to be sure that wouldn't interfere with my ability to see the little one for Christmas. Right now the plan is for me to go over there again Christmas morning, assuming I have that day off work and not Christmas Eve.

I also found out a little about what presents have already been bought for her, so I just ordered a bunch of stuff for her on amazon. I got her 8 different smaller gifts, rather than worrying about a big one. The only big things she asked for were an iphone, an Apple Watch, and a basketball hoop for the driveway which her mom already got her. At least she'll get a lot of things to open from me. :)

I need to figure out what I'm getting for the rest of the people I give gifts, now.
Ringel may have gotten 3" on the ground at his house, but it measures 7" at our house--we may be 5 miles? apart. This morning looking at our driveway and street:


Really beautiful and Christmasy pictures Foxfyre. I say this because it is the first snow of the holiday season? lol. We will have rain and hopefully one annual snowfall that typically melts over night. But what a calming visual it is against the backdrop of a mature forest and no sign of commercialism from my garden windows. Watching huge snowflakes falling is a reason to pause for contemplation of being alive and well and knowing we don't have to do any shoveling. :113:

Normally here in the city we get one, maybe two measurable snowfalls each year. When we lived on the mountain though, we measured snow in feet instead of inches. The second winter we were out there we got 130 inches of snow total so it never completely melted between snows. But we were younger and probably a lot more stupid then so we loved it. :)

mmm ... ...:eusa_think: .. .. the wild and crazy days of Lady Foxfyre .. those younger years .. do tell.. :popcorn:
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Are those New Mexican leafy vegetables? And, is that really snow where you are? We haven't had that much around here, at least not at the places I frequent.

Homemade tamales grace a lot of holiday tables around here. (I confess that while I can make a good tamale, we always buy ours.) Early snow is not all that unusual here, but as much as we got overnight on Thanksgiving Eve is quite unusual. And yeah, it was wet and heavy vs the usual light fluffy stuff we get, but definitely snow.
Well hell. Now I have a damn toothache. I need something done with it asap BEFORE Thursdays roto rooter on my body. I think. I mean, how can I go thru that with a damn toothache and not able to take a heavy duty pain pill? I don't think they will allow a norco to be taken day before (colon prep day) or the day of the procedure. I have a cracked back tooth and it didn't start bothering me until Turkey Day. I though tmaybe it would cease but now it throbs all the time and I think the small fevers I have been getting is from a possible infection. Tooth itself doesn't hurt...but the gum around it does.
Dammit dammit dammit. I gotta see if I can find an emergency dentist to do what needs done with it either tomorrow, monday or tuesday. Can't do anything Wed or Thurs cuz those are the D days of the roto rooter.
Until I can figure out what to do...I found a bottle of amoxicillan that I was given during my last tooth extraction a few months ago. I'm gonna pop one every 8 hours. See if I can keep this thing mellow until next Friday. I CANNOT cancel this colonoscopy again. It will take months to get it going again.
Hope everybody had a nice Thanksgiving. I got on the ball on Black Friday and completed all of my Christmas shopping. This year gift giving was a snap. I went down to the grocery store and purchased a whole case (24 bottles) of pig’s feet. This year everybody on my gift list gets their own bottle of pig’s feet! No fighting the crowds for me this year. How simple was that?
Happy belated Thanksgiving, y'all!
For me it's SSDD, a work day like any other. My brother-another-mother and his wife, my sister-by-another-mister usually host me for Thanksgiving and Christmas but both have been cancelled this year. They are still living in a dinky rental apartment while waiting for the foundation of their house to be rebuilt. It was severely damaged during last year's big earthquake and it has been one disaster after another. She had stored most of her household goods up at their place near Willow but it all burned up when that big fire swept through.
Little spurts of snow, and a mini cold snap last week but we're back in high 30's, low 40's again. It hovers right at freezing at night so you can imagine driving is quite a recreational activity...kinda like bumper cars.

I am so sorry for your family's loss even if it's just things, it still matters and would be devastating. You and your family are strong people. And I hope things turn around for all of you.

As for weather......this past week and thru the weekend, it's been in the low 20's at night and 30's during the day. A brief snow is expected by Sunday morning and with that cloud cover, it should melt and be in the 40's after that. I am amazed that it's been colder here, than where you are
This has been a weird year here, weather-wise. Right now it's at or just above freezing and snowing/raining. It rained all afternoon at my place, changing to wet,heavy snow at dark. The roads are a crap shoot and I am so glad that tomorrow starts my weekend. It will give me the time I need to clean up some of the mess.
Bundle up, stay warm and safe JAN.
Well I ate half my pumpkin pie yesterday, and then ate the other half today. :p

I went and saw the little one today for a couple of hours. She had 6 of her cousins there, so we got to do some good playing. I spoke to her mom to find out what their Christmas plans are: I'm planning on going out the weekend before Christmas and wanted to be sure that wouldn't interfere with my ability to see the little one for Christmas. Right now the plan is for me to go over there again Christmas morning, assuming I have that day off work and not Christmas Eve.

I also found out a little about what presents have already been bought for her, so I just ordered a bunch of stuff for her on amazon. I got her 8 different smaller gifts, rather than worrying about a big one. The only big things she asked for were an iphone, an Apple Watch, and a basketball hoop for the driveway which her mom already got her. At least she'll get a lot of things to open from me. :)

I need to figure out what I'm getting for the rest of the people I give gifts, now.
Kids and cats often play more with the packaging than the actual gift. Have a nice Christmas with your little buddy.

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