USMB Coffee Shop IV

Iā€™m currently in Hereford, in Herefordshire on a building site, the site generator has decided to die, us blokes have no power, no heating, and importantly no hot water for drinks.
ā€˜ā€˜Tis the coldest day of the year, it took me 10 minutes to scrape the ice off the outside and inside my work van.
Itā€™s depressing and Iā€™m thinking of going back home. ;)
Well hell. Now I have a damn toothache. I need something done with it asap BEFORE Thursdays roto rooter on my body. I think. I mean, how can I go thru that with a damn toothache and not able to take a heavy duty pain pill? I don't think they will allow a norco to be taken day before (colon prep day) or the day of the procedure. I have a cracked back tooth and it didn't start bothering me until Turkey Day. I though tmaybe it would cease but now it throbs all the time and I think the small fevers I have been getting is from a possible infection. Tooth itself doesn't hurt...but the gum around it does.
Dammit dammit dammit. I gotta see if I can find an emergency dentist to do what needs done with it either tomorrow, monday or tuesday. Can't do anything Wed or Thurs cuz those are the D days of the roto rooter.
Damn, Gracie, when it rains, it pours for you. I'm crossing the hooks in hope that you'll find some relief before the big procedure.

She needs some of my oxy.

Hey 007. You haven't been here for awhile so good to see you. I have found that the hydrocodone or oxycodone don't work well with dental pain. Not sure about straight oxy but doubt that would either. I can relate to Gracie though because I have an old wisdom tooth that is starting to hurt and needs to come out and since my last medical event I can't take any nsaids that do help with the pain. So hope I can get in with my dentist soon.
Good luck with the dentist. My daughter finally had her wisdom teeth out last month. She's been having migraines for years and they traced the source to her wisdom teeth. The dentist had to break her jaw to get the last one out and another he took out after breaking it into pieces. Sheesh! What a hassle. I am glad to be a mutant who has never even had the hint of wisdom teeth. No buds, no roots, nothing. I only have 28 teeth!

Well, I'll be darned.....nice to see I'm not the only one without a trace of wisdom teeth. Like you, there's no buds, or roots, nada.
Iā€™m currently in Hereford, in Herefordshire on a building site, the site generator has decided to die, us blokes have no power, no heating, and importantly no hot water for drinks.
ā€˜ā€˜Tis the coldest day of the year, it took me 10 minutes to scrape the ice off the outside and inside my work van.
Itā€™s depressing and Iā€™m thinking of going back home. ;)
Ah, yes, but is home any warmer?
Well hell. Now I have a damn toothache. I need something done with it asap BEFORE Thursdays roto rooter on my body. I think. I mean, how can I go thru that with a damn toothache and not able to take a heavy duty pain pill? I don't think they will allow a norco to be taken day before (colon prep day) or the day of the procedure. I have a cracked back tooth and it didn't start bothering me until Turkey Day. I though tmaybe it would cease but now it throbs all the time and I think the small fevers I have been getting is from a possible infection. Tooth itself doesn't hurt...but the gum around it does.
Dammit dammit dammit. I gotta see if I can find an emergency dentist to do what needs done with it either tomorrow, monday or tuesday. Can't do anything Wed or Thurs cuz those are the D days of the roto rooter.
Damn, Gracie, when it rains, it pours for you. I'm crossing the hooks in hope that you'll find some relief before the big procedure.

She needs some of my oxy.

Hey 007. You haven't been here for awhile so good to see you. I have found that the hydrocodone or oxycodone don't work well with dental pain. Not sure about straight oxy but doubt that would either. I can relate to Gracie though because I have an old wisdom tooth that is starting to hurt and needs to come out and since my last medical event I can't take any nsaids that do help with the pain. So hope I can get in with my dentist soon.
Good luck with the dentist. My daughter finally had her wisdom teeth out last month. She's been having migraines for years and they traced the source to her wisdom teeth. The dentist had to break her jaw to get the last one out and another he took out after breaking it into pieces. Sheesh! What a hassle. I am glad to be a mutant who has never even had the hint of wisdom teeth. No buds, no roots, nothing. I only have 28 teeth!

Well, I'll be darned.....nice to see I'm not the only one without a trace of wisdom teeth. Like you, there's no buds, or roots, nada.
I always thought it odd, maybe an indicator of a higher form of the human species. But after all the agony others have gone through because of wisdom teeth, I am glad, whatever the reason. Could we be related?
Whew! The partner was thumping about upstairs. I feared he would come down and spoil my quiet time. He starts talking non-stop, the most idiotic stuff. With him here 24-7 I have little time to myself. Any of you who are accustomed to being by yourselves will understand how stressful it can be to have someone else around all the time. Since he came here from the hospital, I have rarely been less alone or more lonely. He's not really good company, especially since his stroke. Oops! Spoke too soon, something wicked this way comes... I'll be chauffeuring him to his doc's appointment this morning. He's been driving himself but the roads are crap after the recent freeze-snow-thaw-snow cycle. With only on good hand, he will not be able to control the car on slushy roads.
I never thought I'd be thankful for having to pee several times a night. Now, my bladder is keeping the fire stoked.
Good morning, Mr. Roy Batty! It is now 7:33 AM here across the pond from you in the state of Oregon and I am having my first of two cups of coffee and then shortly thereafter I will be getting ready for my parttime great job in a beautiful small coastal town of 10,000 peeps along the breathtakingly sensual and spiritually visual central coast. Seasonal tourism is over for the most part and our spectacular coast of mature forests and a narrow winding highway has been left back to us locals and we are happy and grateful as our shortened holiday season begins.

Late last night I had a grand, interesting and informative time reading your introduction post, thanks to our wonderful and talented, Ms. Gracie who put up the link to your OP right here in the coffee shop. Since I am not here everyday I had missed it completely. I thank you, Gracie, for the goodwill. I LOVED reading every page of Roy Batty's OP and am so happy you introduced him to this sweet site for gracious posting.

Roy, if I may, I WELCOME you with open arms. I can't believe our good fortune to have captured the interest of such a fine, kind, well-informed and intelligent gentleman USMB has attracted and I hope you remain. You are very well-rounded and you are the kind of gentleman I have long been attracted to for social, civil, and exciting discourse. I LOVED reading all your posts in your Intro. I learned much about you and leaned on every word, excited to read the next post as you so generously responded to the many inquiries about your life and times in Britain. Loved that video the Brit shared with is on the pronunciation of various differences we of English/Scottish/Irish/ and various other descents use in our daily conversations relative to many subjects. I was familiar with some as I have often watched British media content on Prime Video.

Roy Batty, your presence, sir, is a welcomed Christmas gift to me personally, and it appears to many others who seem to embrace you and your worthy contributions. Thanks so much for coming early, Santa. May we be everything you enjoy and were seeking when you came upon us.
Good morning, Mr. Roy Batty! It is now 7:33 AM here across the pond from you in the state of Oregon and I am having my first of two cups of coffee and then shortly thereafter I will be getting ready for my parttime great job in a beautiful small coastal town of 10,000 peeps along the breathtakingly sensual and spiritually visual central coast. Seasonal tourism is over for the most part and our spectacular coast of mature forests and a narrow winding highway has been left back to us locals and we are happy and grateful as our shortened holiday season begins.

Late last night I had a grand, interesting and informative time reading your introduction post, thanks to our wonderful and talented, Ms. Gracie who put up the link to your OP right here in the coffee shop. Since I am not here everyday I had missed it completely. I thank you, Gracie, for the goodwill. I LOVED reading every page of Roy Batty's OP and am so happy you introduced him to this sweet site for gracious posting.

Roy, if I may, I WELCOME you with open arms. I can't believe our good fortune to have captured the interest of such a fine, kind, well-informed and intelligent gentleman USMB has attracted and I hope you remain. You are very well-rounded and you are the kind of gentleman I have long been attracted to for social, civil, and exciting discourse. I LOVED reading all your posts in your Intro. I learned much about you and leaned on every word, excited to read the next post as you so generously responded to the many inquiries about your life and times in Britain. Loved that video the Brit shared with is on the pronunciation of various differences we of English/Scottish/Irish/ and various other descents use in our daily conversations relative to many subjects. I was familiar with some as I have often watched British media content on Prime Video.

Roy Batty, your presence, sir, is a welcomed Christmas gift to me personally, and it appears to many others who seem to embrace you and your worthy contributions. Thanks so much for coming early, Santa. May we be everything you enjoy and were seeking when you came upon us.
Why thank you indeed for such a glorious warm welcome, I am humbled.
Itā€™s 16.00. Itā€™s just starting to get dark the sun has nearly gone down, the temperature has dropped, another cold night, Iā€™ll have to put my Scandinavian onesie on tonight. :)
*Site generator update*

The Electricians got it working again, itā€™s lunch time, everybody started using the kettles, microwaves..... yeah you guessed it... the generator has tripped again.
Good morning, Mr. Roy Batty! It is now 7:33 AM here across the pond from you in the state of Oregon and I am having my first of two cups of coffee and then shortly thereafter I will be getting ready for my parttime great job in a beautiful small coastal town of 10,000 peeps along the breathtakingly sensual and spiritually visual central coast. Seasonal tourism is over for the most part and our spectacular coast of mature forests and a narrow winding highway has been left back to us locals and we are happy and grateful as our shortened holiday season begins.

Late last night I had a grand, interesting and informative time reading your introduction post, thanks to our wonderful and talented, Ms. Gracie who put up the link to your OP right here in the coffee shop. Since I am not here everyday I had missed it completely. I thank you, Gracie, for the goodwill. I LOVED reading every page of Roy Batty's OP and am so happy you introduced him to this sweet site for gracious posting.

Roy, if I may, I WELCOME you with open arms. I can't believe our good fortune to have captured the interest of such a fine, kind, well-informed and intelligent gentleman USMB has attracted and I hope you remain. You are very well-rounded and you are the kind of gentleman I have long been attracted to for social, civil, and exciting discourse. I LOVED reading all your posts in your Intro. I learned much about you and leaned on every word, excited to read the next post as you so generously responded to the many inquiries about your life and times in Britain. Loved that video the Brit shared with is on the pronunciation of various differences we of English/Scottish/Irish/ and various other descents use in our daily conversations relative to many subjects. I was familiar with some as I have often watched British media content on Prime Video.

Roy Batty, your presence, sir, is a welcomed Christmas gift to me personally, and it appears to many others who seem to embrace you and your worthy contributions. Thanks so much for coming early, Santa. May we be everything you enjoy and were seeking when you came upon us.

Being raised mostly in interior flyover country, I was in my early 40's before I first saw any ocean. That I could remember anyway. My family lived near the Gulf when I was two, but I don't remember that.

But I knew I would see the ocean and I have, many times, since the first time, but the first time I wanted it to be over the wild Oregon coast when the surf was way up. Somehow I thought that would be the ultimate experience. Alas it didn't work out--I still haven't seen the Oregon coast being one state I have not yet visited--so my first view of any ocean was at Malibu from the Pepperdine University campus. Spectacular, but not the Oregon coast.

But someday.
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Until I can figure out what to do...I found a bottle of amoxicillan that I was given during my last tooth extraction a few months ago. I'm gonna pop one every 8 hours. See if I can keep this thing mellow until next Friday. I CANNOT cancel this colonoscopy again. It will take months to get it going again.

I cracked my upper back tooth 3 weeks ago, I had to wait a week for an appointment, luckily a filling came completely out, no pain just a gaping hole the size of a small planet. It took half an hour in the chair for the repair, i was surprised how cheap it was when I paid at reception downstairs, Ā£145

Welcome to the Coffee Shop Roy Batty . I take it you and Gracie already know each other and there's lots of other good folks here in the Coffee Shop to get to know. Just scan over the OP to see what its all about in here and then keep on enjoying the fun. We're happy you found us.

Oh, and first timers receive a complimentary beverage:


Thank you kindly :)
Yes Gracie and I have hit it off straight away, sheā€™s a straight bat. Iā€™m looking forward to popping in regularly and posting in this fine establishment.

What part of the country or world do you hail from Roy? We have folks from most U.S. states and several other countries who visit here from time to time.

Ere luv! Iā€™m a West Country boy.
From Terryā€™s video you will get an idea of ow I do talk like!

I'm thinking our Dajjal mentioned once he is in southwest England? I may not be remembering that well though. Perhaps you are neighbors?
And so starts my day. The pard made It downstairs. I've a fresh pot of coffee on and started the power. Now he's beating the shit out of the remote control because it isn't working correctly, according to him. It most likely needs batteries but that won't stop him from smacking it to pieces. Yes, whenever he is conscious, he grabs that remote and cycles through the channels, regardless of whether I am watching something or not. He would just never, ever think of asking if I'm watching something. He really needs to go back home to his place.
*Site generator update*

The Electricians got it working again, itā€™s lunch time, everybody started using the kettles, microwaves..... yeah you guessed it... the generator has tripped again.
Good morning, Mr. Roy Batty! It is now 7:33 AM here across the pond from you in the state of Oregon and I am having my first of two cups of coffee and then shortly thereafter I will be getting ready for my parttime great job in a beautiful small coastal town of 10,000 peeps along the breathtakingly sensual and spiritually visual central coast. Seasonal tourism is over for the most part and our spectacular coast of mature forests and a narrow winding highway has been left back to us locals and we are happy and grateful as our shortened holiday season begins.

Late last night I had a grand, interesting and informative time reading your introduction post, thanks to our wonderful and talented, Ms. Gracie who put up the link to your OP right here in the coffee shop. Since I am not here everyday I had missed it completely. I thank you, Gracie, for the goodwill. I LOVED reading every page of Roy Batty's OP and am so happy you introduced him to this sweet site for gracious posting.

Roy, if I may, I WELCOME you with open arms. I can't believe our good fortune to have captured the interest of such a fine, kind, well-informed and intelligent gentleman USMB has attracted and I hope you remain. You are very well-rounded and you are the kind of gentleman I have long been attracted to for social, civil, and exciting discourse. I LOVED reading all your posts in your Intro. I learned much about you and leaned on every word, excited to read the next post as you so generously responded to the many inquiries about your life and times in Britain. Loved that video the Brit shared with is on the pronunciation of various differences we of English/Scottish/Irish/ and various other descents use in our daily conversations relative to many subjects. I was familiar with some as I have often watched British media content on Prime Video.

Roy Batty, your presence, sir, is a welcomed Christmas gift to me personally, and it appears to many others who seem to embrace you and your worthy contributions. Thanks so much for coming early, Santa. May we be everything you enjoy and were seeking when you came upon us.

Being raised mostly in interior flyover country, I was in my early 40's before I first saw any ocean. That I could remember anyway. My family lived near the Gulf when I was two, but I don't remember that.

But I knew I would see the ocean and I have, many times, since the first time, but the first time I wanted it to be over the wild Oregon coast when the surf was way up. Somehow I thought that would be the ultimate experience. Alas it didn't work out--I still haven't seen the Oregon coast being one state I have not yet visited--so my first view of any ocean was at Malibu from the Pepperdine University campus. Spectacular, but not the Oregon coast.

But someday.
Gosh, Foxfyre, I am so understanding of your want to see the turbulent coastline under the conditions you mention. The high surf pounding the beaches in shades of gray and white under cloudy skies has to rank as my number one vista of the central coast. While every day is a beautiful day along the Oregon Coast, as colors and moods of the vast ocean change with every gaze. the conditions you mention are fairly legendary and we attract tourists just for the wintry season. We call them Storm Watchers and Whale Watchers ( migratory path ) and they love their annual treks.

The Central Coast attracts, also, resident artists of every talent as they say it is the most spiritual area of the 364-mile coastline, not that they aren't everywhere, here. And, being centrally located, tourists pack the hospitality businesses and take day trips north and south seeing all the glory that awaits them with every twist and turn of the exciting highway length and at night return to their hotel rooms here. They fill the local eateries, purchase mementos, and they are very polite and lovely to interact with in any capacity. They come from all over the U.S. and British Columbia.

Tourism is the cleanest of all industries as tourists come, spend money all over and support the coastal small-town economies then they leave and we locals have the lushness all to ourselves for a few months. We would not have jobs without them. I love to take drives and cross the seven or eight Gothic bridges designed by an architect from Iowa and built to perfection to reflect Europe back-in-the-day and up to today. To see these bridges in the misty weather conditions upon approach is, for me, to experience a divinity of sorts. The emptiness of the highway and the weather condition are cathartic to my soul. I come home, a very calm and centered person with a renewed outlook on everything in my world. It is as I have been reborn, until a few days later when the bills come in. :102:
I cracked my upper back tooth 3 weeks ago, I had to wait a week for an appointment, luckily a filling came completely out, no pain just a gaping hole the size of a small planet. It took half an hour in the chair for the repair, i was surprised how cheap it was when I paid at reception downstairs, Ā£145

Welcome to the Coffee Shop Roy Batty . I take it you and Gracie already know each other and there's lots of other good folks here in the Coffee Shop to get to know. Just scan over the OP to see what its all about in here and then keep on enjoying the fun. We're happy you found us.

Oh, and first timers receive a complimentary beverage:


Thank you kindly :)
Yes Gracie and I have hit it off straight away, sheā€™s a straight bat. Iā€™m looking forward to popping in regularly and posting in this fine establishment.

What part of the country or world do you hail from Roy? We have folks from most U.S. states and several other countries who visit here from time to time.

Ere luv! Iā€™m a West Country boy.
From Terryā€™s video you will get an idea of ow I do talk like!

I'm thinking our Dajjal mentioned once he is in southwest England? I may not be remembering that well though. Perhaps you are neighbors?

I live in south east England now, but I used to live in Somerset.
Good morning, Mr. Roy Batty! It is now 7:33 AM here across the pond from you in the state of Oregon and I am having my first of two cups of coffee and then shortly thereafter I will be getting ready for my parttime great job in a beautiful small coastal town of 10,000 peeps along the breathtakingly sensual and spiritually visual central coast. Seasonal tourism is over for the most part and our spectacular coast of mature forests and a narrow winding highway has been left back to us locals and we are happy and grateful as our shortened holiday season begins.

Late last night I had a grand, interesting and informative time reading your introduction post, thanks to our wonderful and talented, Ms. Gracie who put up the link to your OP right here in the coffee shop. Since I am not here everyday I had missed it completely. I thank you, Gracie, for the goodwill. I LOVED reading every page of Roy Batty's OP and am so happy you introduced him to this sweet site for gracious posting.

Roy, if I may, I WELCOME you with open arms. I can't believe our good fortune to have captured the interest of such a fine, kind, well-informed and intelligent gentleman USMB has attracted and I hope you remain. You are very well-rounded and you are the kind of gentleman I have long been attracted to for social, civil, and exciting discourse. I LOVED reading all your posts in your Intro. I learned much about you and leaned on every word, excited to read the next post as you so generously responded to the many inquiries about your life and times in Britain. Loved that video the Brit shared with is on the pronunciation of various differences we of English/Scottish/Irish/ and various other descents use in our daily conversations relative to many subjects. I was familiar with some as I have often watched British media content on Prime Video.

Roy Batty, your presence, sir, is a welcomed Christmas gift to me personally, and it appears to many others who seem to embrace you and your worthy contributions. Thanks so much for coming early, Santa. May we be everything you enjoy and were seeking when you came upon us.
Why thank you indeed for such a glorious warm welcome, I am humbled.
Itā€™s 16.00. Itā€™s just starting to get dark the sun has nearly gone down, the temperature has dropped, another cold night, Iā€™ll have to put my Scandinavian onesie on tonight. :)
It is my pleasure to become your cyber-acquaintance, Roy Batty, and I thank you for a sincere response. I would like to see a pic of you in your "Scandinavian onesie" as I am already smiling and chuckling as I type this. lol.

May you and all other coffee-shoppers make a fantastic day. I certainly intend to as the rain has stopped and the sun is shining and my little art gallery on the bay awaits the sound of the turn of the key to open the doors to the world. ;)
ā€œMoney comes to moneyā€ So they say, Iā€™ve just checked last nights lotto ticket, Iā€™ve won Ā£30
That does not happen often, I have been doing the lottery since it started. I almost won it in 1998 when I got five numbers.
And so starts my day. The pard made It downstairs. I've a fresh pot of coffee on and started the power. Now he's beating the shit out of the remote control because it isn't working correctly, according to him. It most likely needs batteries but that won't stop him from smacking it to pieces. Yes, whenever he is conscious, he grabs that remote and cycles through the channels, regardless of whether I am watching something or not. He would just never, ever think of asking if I'm watching something. He really needs to go back home to his place.
My wife is the brains of the dynamic duo, I am just her grunt, anything technology wise I bow to her genius. Computer, iPhone, I watch, literally anything she is the business. Her techie powers are above mine, she even taught me to copy and paste properly.
The TV remote is hers, actually she has a table nest remote holder case for all of them...yes all of THEM.
Iā€™m not bothered, she can control the tv and everything else, but when I want premier league footie on tv she understands and gives me a remote. :)
Recording programmes I wouldnā€™t have a clue which remote to touch so its her domain.
Everything for a quiet time, if the female of the house is happy, itā€™s a quiet happy house. :)
Welcome to the Coffee Shop Roy Batty . I take it you and Gracie already know each other and there's lots of other good folks here in the Coffee Shop to get to know. Just scan over the OP to see what its all about in here and then keep on enjoying the fun. We're happy you found us.

Oh, and first timers receive a complimentary beverage:


Thank you kindly :)
Yes Gracie and I have hit it off straight away, sheā€™s a straight bat. Iā€™m looking forward to popping in regularly and posting in this fine establishment.

What part of the country or world do you hail from Roy? We have folks from most U.S. states and several other countries who visit here from time to time.

Ere luv! Iā€™m a West Country boy.
From Terryā€™s video you will get an idea of ow I do talk like!

I'm thinking our Dajjal mentioned once he is in southwest England? I may not be remembering that well though. Perhaps you are neighbors?

I live in south east England now, but I used to live in Somerset.

Ave you be got an accent like :)

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