USMB Coffee Shop IV

Not sure if I mentioned it before, but last month one of the hens went broody....and yesterday was day 21, though sometimes it can take a few days to finish hatching. Anyway, as of today there are 2 baby is peeking thru Mama's neck feathers and the other is turned away but visible.

View attachment 292898
What breed chicken do you prefer? I've been considering Chanticleers when I finally establish a flock.
Hey 007. You haven't been here for awhile so good to see you. I have found that the hydrocodone or oxycodone don't work well with dental pain. Not sure about straight oxy but doubt that would either. I can relate to Gracie though because I have an old wisdom tooth that is starting to hurt and needs to come out and since my last medical event I can't take any nsaids that do help with the pain. So hope I can get in with my dentist soon.
Good luck with the dentist. My daughter finally had her wisdom teeth out last month. She's been having migraines for years and they traced the source to her wisdom teeth. The dentist had to break her jaw to get the last one out and another he took out after breaking it into pieces. Sheesh! What a hassle. I am glad to be a mutant who has never even had the hint of wisdom teeth. No buds, no roots, nothing. I only have 28 teeth!

Well, I'll be darned.....nice to see I'm not the only one without a trace of wisdom teeth. Like you, there's no buds, or roots, nada.
I always thought it odd, maybe an indicator of a higher form of the human species. But after all the agony others have gone through because of wisdom teeth, I am glad, whatever the reason. Could we be related?

I have no idea if we are or not, but we do seem to have a few similarities.

I found this article about missing wisdom teeth (1 or all 4), and as you say, may be linked with evolution....having larger brains and the room to accomadate. Though could have to do with genetics.....I don't know about you, but I'm not Inuit, African or Asian (though I love the food :) )

Why Some People Lack Wisdom Teeth | Live Science
I'm guessing I'm one of the rare European descendants with this mutation. I am happy about it, though. So many people I know have had problems with their wisdom teeth.

Yeah, #2 had to get his pulled from having trouble with pain & infection. Haven't heard any complaints from #3 yet.

#1 and the ex had theirs come in sideways.....pointing out to the side instead of down
I managed to get the green spruce dug out of the ice/snow and stacked up. It will become next year's firewood. I love the smell of fresh spruce. Lots of heavy lifting. Tomorrow, I am going to get another load of hay. I think I'll leave it on the truck and tarp it.
One of my older goats is doing poorly. It is the time of year when older animals will die. The other time of year they'll pass is in the Spring, after they have made it through Winter. All the other critters are doing well. It's been warmer than usual but that means their houses and pens are still wet. I am surprised how well free range fowl (chickens and turkeys) do up here in the winter. They like to scratch, though. That means that any space under cover and free of snow becomes a dust bath for them.
Not sure if I mentioned it before, but last month one of the hens went broody....and yesterday was day 21, though sometimes it can take a few days to finish hatching. Anyway, as of today there are 2 baby is peeking thru Mama's neck feathers and the other is turned away but visible.

View attachment 292898
What breed chicken do you prefer? I've been considering Chanticleers when I finally establish a flock.

I like Orpingtons cause they fit well with my plan...…..decent layers, often double yolks (though this group hasn't yet), docile temperament (except when brooding), notorious for brooding and good mama's, and good size for the table. Also, once they're about 6 or 8 months old, they're too fat in the butt to get over the fence to the neighbors yard :badgrin:
Before that, I only have to clip their wings once, maybe twice.
Except my current rooster is a Red/Blue Laced Wyandotte. This Mama is one of his daughters.

Chanticleers would probably be a great flock for you in Alaska being so cold hardy.
Ok... is there any Harry Potter fans here, can you tell me where this is?

It’s famous and it’s in my town.
(Another of my photos)

And another.

I have only seen the first Harry Potter movie, but am intrigued by that particular genre. Don't remember that hallway in it. Later movie? And no, I don't know where that is.
Oh I just thought of Oddball who supplies our Saturday morning cartoons. He's in Utah.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery and comfort/peace for Peach.
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and increased responsibilities.
Gracie for wellness and good solutions.
Did we miss anybody? Jog my memory please.

And we leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

i'm learning all sorts of newer music, which is 80's and up for me


Welcome to the Coffee Shop sparky. I believe this is your first visit here and we're happy you found us. Please read over the OP to know what we're all about in here and keep on joining right in.

Hombre and my quite extensive music cd collection has very little in it newer than the 1980's. We prefer the time of beautiful and creative melodies, strong lyrics, song styling instead of lots of noise and vocal acrobatics.

We prefer mostly 20th Century movies for the same reason: strong story lines, character development, great acting instead of disjointed plots, characters you can't identify with, gratuitous violence and sex, profanity dominated dialogue, and dramatic special effects that dominate most movies now.

Oh, and first timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage:


*Insert obligatory "You just have to find the right music!" comment*

i'm learning all sorts of newer music, which is 80's and up for me


Welcome to the Coffee Shop sparky. I believe this is your first visit here and we're happy you found us. Please read over the OP to know what we're all about in here and keep on joining right in.

Hombre and my quite extensive music cd collection has very little in it newer than the 1980's. We prefer the time of beautiful and creative melodies, strong lyrics, song styling instead of lots of noise and vocal acrobatics.

We prefer mostly 20th Century movies for the same reason: strong story lines, character development, great acting instead of disjointed plots, characters you can't identify with, gratuitous violence and sex, profanity dominated dialogue, and dramatic special effects that dominate most movies now.

Oh, and first timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage:


*Insert obligatory "You just have to find the right music!" comment*


That too, though I rarely am not conscious so much of what music is in the background with some exceptions.

The opening scene of "My Cousin Vinny", the theme songs to "Out of Africa", "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", "Star Wars", "Titanic", "Beverly Hills Cop", to name just a few, are indelibly identified with the films.
Speaking of "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" and in honor of our new British Coffee Shopper, I would like to offer one of my favorite British groups, the Ukelele Orchestra, performing that particular theme song:

They are brilliantly funny, but this is actually brilliantly done and very good music to boot.
Thank you kindly :)
Yes Gracie and I have hit it off straight away, she’s a straight bat. I’m looking forward to popping in regularly and posting in this fine establishment.

What part of the country or world do you hail from Roy? We have folks from most U.S. states and several other countries who visit here from time to time.

Ere luv! I’m a West Country boy.
From Terry’s video you will get an idea of ow I do talk like!

I'm thinking our Dajjal mentioned once he is in southwest England? I may not be remembering that well though. Perhaps you are neighbors?

I live in south east England now, but I used to live in Somerset.

Ave you be got an accent like :)

Hi there.
Nah ! I was born in south London, and have a typical British accent..
What part of the country or world do you hail from Roy? We have folks from most U.S. states and several other countries who visit here from time to time.

Ere luv! I’m a West Country boy.
From Terry’s video you will get an idea of ow I do talk like!

I'm thinking our Dajjal mentioned once he is in southwest England? I may not be remembering that well though. Perhaps you are neighbors?

I live in south east England now, but I used to live in Somerset.

Ave you be got an accent like :)

Hi there.
Nah ! I was born in south London, and have a typical British accent..

South London accent = estuary accent :)
The 12 foot tumbleweed snowman is up on I-40 in Albuquerque again this year. They put him in a really bare, isolated spot so there's no danger if somebody pitches a match into him. But he's kinda special for as long as he lasts.

Not sure if I mentioned it before, but last month one of the hens went broody....and yesterday was day 21, though sometimes it can take a few days to finish hatching. Anyway, as of today there are 2 baby is peeking thru Mama's neck feathers and the other is turned away but visible.

View attachment 292898
What breed chicken do you prefer? I've been considering Chanticleers when I finally establish a flock.

I like Orpingtons cause they fit well with my plan...…..decent layers, often double yolks (though this group hasn't yet), docile temperament (except when brooding), notorious for brooding and good mama's, and good size for the table. Also, once they're about 6 or 8 months old, they're too fat in the butt to get over the fence to the neighbors yard :badgrin:
Before that, I only have to clip their wings once, maybe twice.
Except my current rooster is a Red/Blue Laced Wyandotte. This Mama is one of his daughters.

Chanticleers would probably be a great flock for you in Alaska being so cold hardy.
My first consideration is cold hardy birds. I also like the idea of a good multi-purpose bird. And, Chanticleers are a heritage breed, too. I have looked at Buff Orpingtons and other birds with feathered feet, thinking they would be better in the cold. But then I discovered that feathered feet often cause problems because they accumulate ice and snow. My original birds were Rhode Island reds and Gold Laced Wyandottes. Until I can establish facilities to keep them separate, I will refrain from establishing a flock of Chanticleers.
I am sitting on Folly Beach SC with the wife. Made it home. There was stuff we wanted to see and do today..... But we're still on the beach..

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