USMB Coffee Shop IV



Are those New Mexican leafy vegetables? And, is that really snow where you are? We haven't had that much around here, at least not at the places I frequent.

Homemade tamales grace a lot of holiday tables around here. (I confess that while I can make a good tamale, we always buy ours.) Early snow is not all that unusual here, but as much as we got overnight on Thanksgiving Eve is quite unusual. And yeah, it was wet and heavy vs the usual light fluffy stuff we get, but definitely snow.
My granddaughter makes a mean tamale. She's even been selling them to her dad's co-workers and catering some of their team events. I've never been a real fan of tamales, though. Maybe it's the pork filling or the corn masa. I can imagine why they would be popular holiday fare in your neck of the woods.
Well hell. Now I have a damn toothache. I need something done with it asap BEFORE Thursdays roto rooter on my body. I think. I mean, how can I go thru that with a damn toothache and not able to take a heavy duty pain pill? I don't think they will allow a norco to be taken day before (colon prep day) or the day of the procedure. I have a cracked back tooth and it didn't start bothering me until Turkey Day. I though tmaybe it would cease but now it throbs all the time and I think the small fevers I have been getting is from a possible infection. Tooth itself doesn't hurt...but the gum around it does.
Dammit dammit dammit. I gotta see if I can find an emergency dentist to do what needs done with it either tomorrow, monday or tuesday. Can't do anything Wed or Thurs cuz those are the D days of the roto rooter.
Damn, Gracie, when it rains, it pours for you. I'm crossing the hooks in hope that you'll find some relief before the big procedure.
Well hell. Now I have a damn toothache. I need something done with it asap BEFORE Thursdays roto rooter on my body. I think. I mean, how can I go thru that with a damn toothache and not able to take a heavy duty pain pill? I don't think they will allow a norco to be taken day before (colon prep day) or the day of the procedure. I have a cracked back tooth and it didn't start bothering me until Turkey Day. I though tmaybe it would cease but now it throbs all the time and I think the small fevers I have been getting is from a possible infection. Tooth itself doesn't hurt...but the gum around it does.
Dammit dammit dammit. I gotta see if I can find an emergency dentist to do what needs done with it either tomorrow, monday or tuesday. Can't do anything Wed or Thurs cuz those are the D days of the roto rooter.
Damn, Gracie, when it rains, it pours for you. I'm crossing the hooks in hope that you'll find some relief before the big procedure.
She needs some of my oxy.
As mentioned earlier, the weather has been...confused here. Rain more than snow and the temps are way too high for this time of year. The animals are miserable and I've been hanging my gear to dry every afternoon after chores.
I've been pretty busy with everything I have to do nowadays so I haven't been able to visit here much. It's been kind of an emotional roller coaster ride, too. Now my left hip is on it's way out and I have doubled the pain. It's getting that much more difficult to get into and out of cars/trucks. I cannot help but reflect that I would now be four months post-op for the right hip and maybe even able to schedule surgery for the left hip come Spring. Alas, I have been condemned to a couple more years of pain. Everyone I know who has had the hip surgery tells me it's like night and day and the hip pain is pretty much immediately gone. After the surgery heals, life is so much better, so they tell me. I guess I'm just a whiny whimp and I owe y'all an apology.
I asked what my partner was thankful for last week, he told me: that the animals are healthy, the cars all run, and the mortgages are paid to date. There are a few puzzling points to all of that. One of the wethers is sick and I am not sure why. I suspect he's dealing with urinary calculi and am treating him with ammonium chloride drenches. Three of the nine vehicles on my place run. And, finally, he's catching up the mortgage payments for his house in Anchorage because he missed on while he was in the hospital. So, of the things that make him happy, not one is true. Somehow, I am disappointed that I didn't make that list. You know, like having a friend who will go that extra mile to ease your transition after a life changing event like a stroke. I'm pretty sure that as soon as the new year turns, he will be returning to his own place. I'll give him that much time to recuperate. I've been doing his work as well as mine. I've overcome my fear of chainsaws and have changed oil and filters in all the operational vehicles. I loaded and unloaded the Honda generator without his help (that was quite the event). Better to be wanted than needed and I've told him before he's not needed, it's just convenient to have him help by doing stuff like this. And I'm no longer wanting to put up with the shit-show that is his life.
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Until I can figure out what to do...I found a bottle of amoxicillan that I was given during my last tooth extraction a few months ago. I'm gonna pop one every 8 hours. See if I can keep this thing mellow until next Friday. I CANNOT cancel this colonoscopy again. It will take months to get it going again.

I cracked my upper back tooth 3 weeks ago, I had to wait a week for an appointment, luckily a filling came completely out, no pain just a gaping hole the size of a small planet. It took half an hour in the chair for the repair, i was surprised how cheap it was when I paid at reception downstairs, £145
As mentioned earlier, the weather has been...confused here. Rain more than snow and the temps are way too high for this time of year. The animals are miserable and I've been hanging my gear to dry every afternoon after chores.
I've been pretty busy with everything I have to do nowadays so I haven't been able to visit here much. It's been kind of an emotional roller coaster ride, too. Now my left hip is on it's way out and I have doubled the pain. It's getting that much more difficult to get into and out of cars/trucks. I cannot help but reflect that I would now be four months post-op for the right hip and maybe even able to schedule surgery for the left hip come Spring. Alas, I have been condemned to a couple more years of pain. Everyone I know who has had the hip surgery tells me it's like night and day and the hip pain is pretty much immediately gone. After the surgery heals, life is so much better, so they tell me. I guess I'm just a whiny whimp and I owe y'all an apology.
I asked what my partner was thankful for last week, he told me: that the animals are healthy, the cars all run, and the mortgages are paid to date. There are a few puzzling points to all of that. One of the wethers is sick and I am not sure why. I suspect he's dealing with urinary calculi and am treating him with ammonium chloride drenches. Three of the nine vehicles on my place run. And, finally, he's catching up the mortgage payments for his house in Anchorage because he missed on while he was in the hospital. So, of the things that make him happy, not one is true. Somehow, I am disappointed that I didn't make that list. You know, like having a friend who will go that extra mile to ease your transition after a life changing event like a stroke. I'm pretty sure that as soon as the new year turns, he will be returning to his own place. I'll give him that much time to recuperate. I've been doing his work as well as mine. I've overcome my fear of chainsaws and have changed oil and filters in all the operational vehicles. I loaded and unloaded the Honda generator without his help (that was quite the event). Better to be wanted than needed and I've told him before he's not needed, it's just convenient to have him help by doing stuff like this. And I'm no longer wanting to put up with the shit-show that is his life.

I gave you an 'agree' GW EXCEPT for the 'whiny' characterization and that you owe us an apology. You are the least whiny person in the world to be marching through what you are having to endure. And you sure as hell don't owe us any apology for trusting us to lean on us a bit for maybe just a wee bit of emotional support since that is all we can give you.
Well hell. Now I have a damn toothache. I need something done with it asap BEFORE Thursdays roto rooter on my body. I think. I mean, how can I go thru that with a damn toothache and not able to take a heavy duty pain pill? I don't think they will allow a norco to be taken day before (colon prep day) or the day of the procedure. I have a cracked back tooth and it didn't start bothering me until Turkey Day. I though tmaybe it would cease but now it throbs all the time and I think the small fevers I have been getting is from a possible infection. Tooth itself doesn't hurt...but the gum around it does.
Dammit dammit dammit. I gotta see if I can find an emergency dentist to do what needs done with it either tomorrow, monday or tuesday. Can't do anything Wed or Thurs cuz those are the D days of the roto rooter.
Damn, Gracie, when it rains, it pours for you. I'm crossing the hooks in hope that you'll find some relief before the big procedure.

She needs some of my oxy.

Hey 007. You haven't been here for awhile so good to see you. I have found that the hydrocodone or oxycodone don't work well with dental pain. Not sure about straight oxy but doubt that would either. I can relate to Gracie though because I have an old wisdom tooth that is starting to hurt and needs to come out and since my last medical event I can't take any nsaids that do help with the pain. So hope I can get in with my dentist soon.
Until I can figure out what to do...I found a bottle of amoxicillan that I was given during my last tooth extraction a few months ago. I'm gonna pop one every 8 hours. See if I can keep this thing mellow until next Friday. I CANNOT cancel this colonoscopy again. It will take months to get it going again.

I cracked my upper back tooth 3 weeks ago, I had to wait a week for an appointment, luckily a filling came completely out, no pain just a gaping hole the size of a small planet. It took half an hour in the chair for the repair, i was surprised how cheap it was when I paid at reception downstairs, £145
Glad to see you made it to the Coffee Shop, Roy!

Meanwhile...the amoxicilan seems to be doing something. No pain today. (Knock on wood). And the norco (half a tablet) seems to be knocking out the throb. Now if I can continue like this until Thursday, I will be a happy camper. And...I am cancelling the endoscopy but going ahead with the colonoscopy. We can do the endoscopy later on in 2020. I really don't want their mouth guard thingy banging around on my tender tooth.

I got your voicemail, gallantwarrior ...sorry I didn't hear the original call. Was kind of out of it yesterday and missed your call. I will give you a holler soon, though. :11_2_1043:
Until I can figure out what to do...I found a bottle of amoxicillan that I was given during my last tooth extraction a few months ago. I'm gonna pop one every 8 hours. See if I can keep this thing mellow until next Friday. I CANNOT cancel this colonoscopy again. It will take months to get it going again.

I cracked my upper back tooth 3 weeks ago, I had to wait a week for an appointment, luckily a filling came completely out, no pain just a gaping hole the size of a small planet. It took half an hour in the chair for the repair, i was surprised how cheap it was when I paid at reception downstairs, £145

Welcome to the Coffee Shop Roy Batty . I take it you and Gracie already know each other and there's lots of other good folks here in the Coffee Shop to get to know. Just scan over the OP to see what its all about in here and then keep on enjoying the fun. We're happy you found us.

Oh, and first timers receive a complimentary beverage:

Until I can figure out what to do...I found a bottle of amoxicillan that I was given during my last tooth extraction a few months ago. I'm gonna pop one every 8 hours. See if I can keep this thing mellow until next Friday. I CANNOT cancel this colonoscopy again. It will take months to get it going again.

I cracked my upper back tooth 3 weeks ago, I had to wait a week for an appointment, luckily a filling came completely out, no pain just a gaping hole the size of a small planet. It took half an hour in the chair for the repair, i was surprised how cheap it was when I paid at reception downstairs, £145

Welcome to the Coffee Shop Roy Batty . I take it you and Gracie already know each other and there's lots of other good folks here in the Coffee Shop to get to know. Just scan over the OP to see what its all about in here and then keep on enjoying the fun. We're happy you found us.

Oh, and first timers receive a complimentary beverage:


Thank you kindly :)
Yes Gracie and I have hit it off straight away, she’s a straight bat. I’m looking forward to popping in regularly and posting in this fine establishment.
Until I can figure out what to do...I found a bottle of amoxicillan that I was given during my last tooth extraction a few months ago. I'm gonna pop one every 8 hours. See if I can keep this thing mellow until next Friday. I CANNOT cancel this colonoscopy again. It will take months to get it going again.

I cracked my upper back tooth 3 weeks ago, I had to wait a week for an appointment, luckily a filling came completely out, no pain just a gaping hole the size of a small planet. It took half an hour in the chair for the repair, i was surprised how cheap it was when I paid at reception downstairs, £145

Welcome to the Coffee Shop Roy Batty . I take it you and Gracie already know each other and there's lots of other good folks here in the Coffee Shop to get to know. Just scan over the OP to see what its all about in here and then keep on enjoying the fun. We're happy you found us.

Oh, and first timers receive a complimentary beverage:


Thank you kindly :)
Yes Gracie and I have hit it off straight away, she’s a straight bat. I’m looking forward to popping in regularly and posting in this fine establishment.

What part of the country or world do you hail from Roy? We have folks from most U.S. states and several other countries who visit here from time to time.
He's in London. I met him in his intro thread. Seems a nice fella. :)
Invited him here cuz he genuinely seems to want to get to know the USMB folks and although the intro thread was interesting...I thought he would get to know us all more here in the Coffee Shop. :)
Until I can figure out what to do...I found a bottle of amoxicillan that I was given during my last tooth extraction a few months ago. I'm gonna pop one every 8 hours. See if I can keep this thing mellow until next Friday. I CANNOT cancel this colonoscopy again. It will take months to get it going again.

I cracked my upper back tooth 3 weeks ago, I had to wait a week for an appointment, luckily a filling came completely out, no pain just a gaping hole the size of a small planet. It took half an hour in the chair for the repair, i was surprised how cheap it was when I paid at reception downstairs, £145

Welcome to the Coffee Shop Roy Batty . I take it you and Gracie already know each other and there's lots of other good folks here in the Coffee Shop to get to know. Just scan over the OP to see what its all about in here and then keep on enjoying the fun. We're happy you found us.

Oh, and first timers receive a complimentary beverage:


Thank you kindly :)
Yes Gracie and I have hit it off straight away, she’s a straight bat. I’m looking forward to popping in regularly and posting in this fine establishment.

What part of the country or world do you hail from Roy? We have folks from most U.S. states and several other countries who visit here from time to time.

Ere luv! I’m a West Country boy.
From Terry’s video you will get an idea of ow I do talk like!
I watched a program called In The Zoo or The Zoo or Secret Life of the Zoo..some such name. was all filmed in Britain. One gal..I couldn't understand a word she said.
Well hell. Now I have a damn toothache. I need something done with it asap BEFORE Thursdays roto rooter on my body. I think. I mean, how can I go thru that with a damn toothache and not able to take a heavy duty pain pill? I don't think they will allow a norco to be taken day before (colon prep day) or the day of the procedure. I have a cracked back tooth and it didn't start bothering me until Turkey Day. I though tmaybe it would cease but now it throbs all the time and I think the small fevers I have been getting is from a possible infection. Tooth itself doesn't hurt...but the gum around it does.
Dammit dammit dammit. I gotta see if I can find an emergency dentist to do what needs done with it either tomorrow, monday or tuesday. Can't do anything Wed or Thurs cuz those are the D days of the roto rooter.
Damn, Gracie, when it rains, it pours for you. I'm crossing the hooks in hope that you'll find some relief before the big procedure.

She needs some of my oxy.

Hey 007. You haven't been here for awhile so good to see you. I have found that the hydrocodone or oxycodone don't work well with dental pain. Not sure about straight oxy but doubt that would either. I can relate to Gracie though because I have an old wisdom tooth that is starting to hurt and needs to come out and since my last medical event I can't take any nsaids that do help with the pain. So hope I can get in with my dentist soon.
Good luck with the dentist. My daughter finally had her wisdom teeth out last month. She's been having migraines for years and they traced the source to her wisdom teeth. The dentist had to break her jaw to get the last one out and another he took out after breaking it into pieces. Sheesh! What a hassle. I am glad to be a mutant who has never even had the hint of wisdom teeth. No buds, no roots, nothing. I only have 28 teeth!
Until I can figure out what to do...I found a bottle of amoxicillan that I was given during my last tooth extraction a few months ago. I'm gonna pop one every 8 hours. See if I can keep this thing mellow until next Friday. I CANNOT cancel this colonoscopy again. It will take months to get it going again.

I cracked my upper back tooth 3 weeks ago, I had to wait a week for an appointment, luckily a filling came completely out, no pain just a gaping hole the size of a small planet. It took half an hour in the chair for the repair, i was surprised how cheap it was when I paid at reception downstairs, £145
Glad to see you made it to the Coffee Shop, Roy!

Meanwhile...the amoxicilan seems to be doing something. No pain today. (Knock on wood). And the norco (half a tablet) seems to be knocking out the throb. Now if I can continue like this until Thursday, I will be a happy camper. And...I am cancelling the endoscopy but going ahead with the colonoscopy. We can do the endoscopy later on in 2020. I really don't want their mouth guard thingy banging around on my tender tooth.

I got your voicemail, gallantwarrior ...sorry I didn't hear the original call. Was kind of out of it yesterday and missed your call. I will give you a holler soon, though. :11_2_1043:
I thought a double would be a bit much but having the sore tooth does make a difference. I figured you were probably busy after I caught up on the CS chat. Feel free to call when you like, I'll probably try again some other time, too. How's the furfam?

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