USMB Coffee Shop IV

Jasper, our oldest cat finally passed this morning from kidney failure, he was 17 1/2 years old. He was greatly loved and will be sorely missed but we are grateful he is no longer suffering.
Goodbye my little buddy, you are with God now.
Hi all, hanging in there. Still trying to get the bathroom done but have sorta been laid up for the last five days, knees were stiff and swollen but getting better. Actually got some stuff done today including some more work on the tub niche and putting out a couple of Christmas items.
Here's the tub niche now.


Have to build a step because the tub is so deep, been bouncing a couple of ideas around in my head and think I have decided on what I want. Now all I have to do is build it.
Ringel..have you tried that Arnica cream? I swear by it. But, I also wanted to try something new, so I bought something on Amazon that I will try tonight to see how it does:

It has some great reviews but I gotta find out for myself. Meanwhile...try some of that Arnica Cream on yer knees. I smear it on both of mine...front and ,; on my feet..ankles, soles, arch, betwixt my toes; on my wrists and sometimes on both hips. Stuff is amazing. I just hope this hemp stuff does as well or better.
Gracie, et al, this is an article you might find helpful when deciding to "hope this hemp stuff does as well or better" and whether to continue to use it:
What We Don't Know About CBD Products Could Hurt You

A month ago I called my brother who has long been a practicing family physician and who was a registered pharmacist before that. He knows how drugs work, relative to the latest knowledge. I had asked him about the use of CBD products being sold everywhere. He said the medical community is at least 20 years behind in studying this new and sudden formula that one never knows what they are really getting. He mentioned all the unknowns and how it interacts with medications we may be taking. He also said while we may find temporary relief it could also be a wonderful formula but still unregulated, federally, so he does not recommend it to his patients because of the lack of knowledge. The link to the article I just posted substantiates my brother's concern with this product. I do know one person who had never tried anything with THC in it and she began hallucinating. I know others who are new to the formula and who swear by it, but they might want to check out influence on the liver, as mentioned in the sourced article. My brother is very interested in this product and is staying on top of all the information. Our cousin who called my brother recently was raving about the CBD oil he just purchased for 4 oz. at a cost of $125.00 ( or was it 175.? ) and you place a small drop under the tongue and presto! his pain was gone. My cousin is also a registered pharmacist. lol. So, who knows? Try it at one's own risk, I guess.
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Jasper, our oldest cat finally passed this morning from kidney failure, he was 17 1/2 years old. He was greatly loved and will be sorely missed but we are grateful he is no longer suffering.
Goodbye my little buddy, you are with God now.
This news breaks my heart, Ringel. What an incredibly beautiful friend you have loved and lost. My thoughts have been with you and Mrs. Ringel on a daily basis as you cope with sadness and uncertainty this Christmas season and after. Please send your wife some sincere hugs from me and tell her she is in my prayers each and every night, and so are you, my friend of many years.
This is one of the tapestries I's like a headboard instead of having a headboard. Sorry it's cut off. My bed is a mess. :eusa_snooty:

And the other pic is of my tiny "sooth" area. Candles, gemstone rocks, carved fetishes, crystals, salt lamp, incense. I like looking at it at night before I go to bed. Soothes me. The back section is a room divider with sarees hanging all over it.

Love that look, Gracie and love your wall coverings, too. Beauty comes in so many forms and yours suits your personality. Basic, earthy, and beautiful.
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Meanwhile...seeing AquaAthena beautiful house and me motivated to do more in mine. I could use more artwork, but I tend to hang tapestries instead of paintings and prints. Those fold and are easy to transport..better than canvas and frames. And during an earthquake, won't konk us in the head when they fall, lol. Plus, they are beautiful and have a multitude of uses. Drape over a couch, hang on the wall, cover up with them on cold nights, etc. :)

And..I adore AquaAthena. Beautiful woman, beautiful soul. It just shines every time she posts.:smiliehug:

PS...LOVE her vases and that cat statue!!! I like floor decor too. :)
WOW!!!!!!!! Thanks for all that Christmas cheer, Gracie. Very heartwarming, sweetie. However, I don't have a cat statue so am wondering if you just saw my beautiful feline of solid black?
Hi all, hanging in there. Still trying to get the bathroom done but have sorta been laid up for the last five days, knees were stiff and swollen but getting better. Actually got some stuff done today including some more work on the tub niche and putting out a couple of Christmas items.
Here's the tub niche now.


Have to build a step because the tub is so deep, been bouncing a couple of ideas around in my head and think I have decided on what I want. Now all I have to do is build it.
Oh, my goodness, I love blue. I just came downstairs from working on a blue quilt. I took a new med this morning called "garlic" and was a little queasy anyway, but that tile is fabulous! Thanks for sharing your work here.
Jasper, our oldest cat finally passed this morning from kidney failure, he was 17 1/2 years old. He was greatly loved and will be sorely missed but we are grateful he is no longer suffering.
Goodbye my little buddy, you are with God now.

So sorry Ringel. That's a good long life for a fur friend, but it doesn't make it any easier when they leave us.

Hi all, hanging in there. Still trying to get the bathroom done but have sorta been laid up for the last five days, knees were stiff and swollen but getting better. Actually got some stuff done today including some more work on the tub niche and putting out a couple of Christmas items.
Here's the tub niche now.


Have to build a step because the tub is so deep, been bouncing a couple of ideas around in my head and think I have decided on what I want. Now all I have to do is build it.
Oh, my goodness, I love blue. I just came downstairs from working on a blue quilt. I took a new med this morning called "garlic" and was a little queasy anyway, but that tile is fabulous! Thanks for sharing your work here.
And speaking of beauty, beautress, I have loved, respected and admired all the quilts you have put up over the years. They are of such quality and really transports the spirit of the viewer to another time in life when things were much simpler and beauty was made from the hands of its maker. Time and energy and love were poured into each quilt and often they told stories. Your taste in patterns and choices of color has always appealed to me. They make me think of times past when my grandparents spent time creating things that the family loved and most importantly, needed. You, beautress, are a master at quiltmaking. They could adorn anything upon which they lay or are hanging. You are a talent in so many ways and I have long appreciated them all. ;)
Meanwhile...seeing AquaAthena beautiful house and me motivated to do more in mine. I could use more artwork, but I tend to hang tapestries instead of paintings and prints. Those fold and are easy to transport..better than canvas and frames. And during an earthquake, won't konk us in the head when they fall, lol. Plus, they are beautiful and have a multitude of uses. Drape over a couch, hang on the wall, cover up with them on cold nights, etc. :)

And..I adore AquaAthena. Beautiful woman, beautiful soul. It just shines every time she posts.:smiliehug:

PS...LOVE her vases and that cat statue!!! I like floor decor too. :)
WOW!!!!!!!! Thanks for all that Christmas cheer, Gracie. Very heartwarming, sweetie. However, I don't have a cat statue so am wondering if you just saw my beautiful feline of solid black?
It was to a chair?
Speaking of cats..I am taking Abby in to the vet tomorrow to have her put down. I did all I could for her, but now she is getting paralyzed in her back legs and its getting worse. MRI's cost a couple grand, which I don't have, and other tests will rack up to 5 to 700 bucks, which I also don't have to spare. I don't want to take her to the pound cuz they will just gas her. I want to be there when they do it, so she knows she is not alone when embarking on her journey over rainbow bridge. She is only 10 months old, too. Vet said last vist she probably has cat leukemia, and possibly lymphoma. Now with this not being able to walk and just laying all day cuz of that, I see no other way to address this except to put her out of her misery. :(
I went out tonight to a superstore and bought the wife a Christmas card, it was a nice card but not as big as I usually get her.
My wife being the brains of the operation will have bought hers online with some wordage and decorations of her design weeks ahead. :)
Speaking of cats..I am taking Abby in to the vet tomorrow to have her put down. I did all I could for her, but now she is getting paralyzed in her back legs and its getting worse. MRI's cost a couple grand, which I don't have, and other tests will rack up to 5 to 700 bucks, which I also don't have to spare. I don't want to take her to the pound cuz they will just gas her. I want to be there when they do it, so she knows she is not alone when embarking on her journey over rainbow bridge. She is only 10 months old, too. Vet said last vist she probably has cat leukemia, and possibly lymphoma. Now with this not being able to walk and just laying all day cuz of that, I see no other way to address this except to put her out of her misery. :(

So sorry Gracie. I know how hard that is as we have had to do it for our fur companions, but you gave her a lot of love and happiness in the time you've been together. And to not force her to needlessly suffer is absolutely an act of love.

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I mentioned to my wife it would be nice if we had a bottle of sloe Gin to offer our guests this year, no sooner said than done, she bought one today.
I remember tasting it at a gun fair years ago, my eldest son was 18months old so that is 38 yrs ago easy.
I’m looking forward to Xmas, my wife has her own money, she has always been independently wealthy. She overspends on me, but as a true Libran I expect it, that’s not me being shallow, it’s just the way it is :)
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery and comfort/peace for Peach.
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and increased responsibilities and also for Rod's healing in mind, body, and spirit.
Gracie for wellness, good solutions, and a conquering spirit.
Jackson for wellness.
And me, Foxfyre, for good news from upcoming tests.
Roy for wellness.
And caring for Ringel & Ms. R who said goodbye to their fur friend Jasper today. . .and Gracie & Mr. G who are saying goodbye to their fur friend Abby. . .
And all those we love.

And we leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

Crappy end to my night tonight. I get home from work in the wee hours of the morning, so I have to be quiet so as not to wake anyone. To start with, after I got inside and went to the kitchen, I realized I needed to go back out to my car for something I forgot, and it's raining. I decided to start some food heating in the microwave before I did that. I turned the microwave on, but there were a couple of wineglasses with spoons in them next to the sink, which is right by the microwave, and I knocked one onto the floor, where it shattered loudly. I used a hand broom to sweep it up (because I'm not sure where the big broom is, and it's too early in the morning to go wandering the house opening closets and look for it), but it wasn't as effective as I'd have liked. I used a Swiffer to mop after sweeping. After I got done with that, I stepped on a piece of back to sweeping. I ended up leaving a note about the broken glass, in case I didn't get it all.

It turned into one of those times where everything I did seemed to go wrong: every door squeaked loudly, I hit every creaky spot on the floor, I accidentally clanged my metal tumbler into the plate my food was on, things like that. At least neither of the dogs started barking. :lol:
Well, it's any day now with my 2nd daughter and her pregnancy, officially December 31st but she's pretty well had enough of this waiting stuff. My son-in-law works 4 day on/off shifts so she's spending his long work days with us. It's fun but I'd forgotten the stress level of last month of pregnancy for Mom and Pops.

It's been interesting spending more time with her and my 3 year (namesake Lumpy) grandson. Sheesh, so much energy "Little Man" has and quite honestly Paa Paa is just plain ole tuckered out.


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Speaking of cats..I am taking Abby in to the vet tomorrow to have her put down. I did all I could for her, but now she is getting paralyzed in her back legs and its getting worse. MRI's cost a couple grand, which I don't have, and other tests will rack up to 5 to 700 bucks, which I also don't have to spare. I don't want to take her to the pound cuz they will just gas her. I want to be there when they do it, so she knows she is not alone when embarking on her journey over rainbow bridge. She is only 10 months old, too. Vet said last vist she probably has cat leukemia, and possibly lymphoma. Now with this not being able to walk and just laying all day cuz of that, I see no other way to address this except to put her out of her misery. :(

So sorry Gracie. I know how hard that is as we have had to do it for our fur companions, but you gave her a lot of love and happiness in the time you've been together. And to not force her to needlessly suffer is absolutely an act of love.


I'm in the Middle East right now, and living with seven cats. All rescues.

It's absolute heaven. I can't imagine them ever getting old..

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