USMB Coffee Shop IV

Iā€™m doing my usual day shift. Then someone is picking me up around 7pm, itā€™s an all nighter. A job needs finishing tonight no excuses, just to make sure itā€™s finished they asked me to help out.
All day Wednesday off with pay sounds good to me.
Meanwhile...seeing AquaAthena beautiful house and me motivated to do more in mine. I could use more artwork, but I tend to hang tapestries instead of paintings and prints. Those fold and are easy to transport..better than canvas and frames. And during an earthquake, won't konk us in the head when they fall, lol. Plus, they are beautiful and have a multitude of uses. Drape over a couch, hang on the wall, cover up with them on cold nights, etc. :)

And..I adore AquaAthena. Beautiful woman, beautiful soul. It just shines every time she posts.:smiliehug:

PS...LOVE her vases and that cat statue!!! I like floor decor too. :)
WOW!!!!!!!! Thanks for all that Christmas cheer, Gracie. Very heartwarming, sweetie. However, I don't have a cat statue so am wondering if you just saw my beautiful feline of solid black?
It was to a chair?
OOhh, I found it. That is a pale green swan with a gold-plated beak. A very large swan, now residing in the bathroom. ;)
Speaking of cats..I am taking Abby in to the vet tomorrow to have her put down. I did all I could for her, but now she is getting paralyzed in her back legs and its getting worse. MRI's cost a couple grand, which I don't have, and other tests will rack up to 5 to 700 bucks, which I also don't have to spare. I don't want to take her to the pound cuz they will just gas her. I want to be there when they do it, so she knows she is not alone when embarking on her journey over rainbow bridge. She is only 10 months old, too. Vet said last vist she probably has cat leukemia, and possibly lymphoma. Now with this not being able to walk and just laying all day cuz of that, I see no other way to address this except to put her out of her misery. :(
Oh, so sorry and sad. Poor little one going over the rainbow bridge and at such a young age. Can't stand the thought. I am relieved to know you are going to be by her side. I have done this with my dogs and cats, too. Had my hand on them and talking soothingly as the Dr. injected them. A tearful time for me, always, and I have to drive 50 miles just to help me over the coming back home to the absence of the precious ones, An empty nest. Goodbye, little Abby. You were loved.

Gracie, I mourn with you. :itsok:
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I mentioned to my wife it would be nice if we had a bottle of sloe Gin to offer our guests this year, no sooner said than done, she bought one today.
I remember tasting it at a gun fair years ago, my eldest son was 18months old so that is 38 yrs ago easy.
Iā€™m looking forward to Xmas, my wife has her own money, she has always been independently wealthy. She overspends on me, but as a true Libran I expect it, thatā€™s not me being shallow, itā€™s just the way it is :)
Whoa...boy does that bring back a memory! Sloe gin and I met one night when I was 18 and it tasted so good I drank too much of it too fast and the following few hours spent in a daze followed by bringing it all back up and suffering a tremendous headache for two days. Have not had a drop since! May you enjoy a better experience than I, Roy! :lol:
I mentioned to my wife it would be nice if we had a bottle of sloe Gin to offer our guests this year, no sooner said than done, she bought one today.
I remember tasting it at a gun fair years ago, my eldest son was 18months old so that is 38 yrs ago easy.
Iā€™m looking forward to Xmas, my wife has her own money, she has always been independently wealthy. She overspends on me, but as a true Libran I expect it, thatā€™s not me being shallow, itā€™s just the way it is :)
Whoa...boy does that bring back a memory! Sloe gin and I met one night when I was 18 and it tasted so good I drank too much of it too fast and the following few hours spent in a daze followed by bringing it all back up and suffering a tremendous headache for two days. Have not had a drop since! May you enjoy a better experience than I, Roy! :lol:

They make em tough in the West country AquaAthena! :10:
Speaking of cats..I am taking Abby in to the vet tomorrow to have her put down. I did all I could for her, but now she is getting paralyzed in her back legs and its getting worse. MRI's cost a couple grand, which I don't have, and other tests will rack up to 5 to 700 bucks, which I also don't have to spare. I don't want to take her to the pound cuz they will just gas her. I want to be there when they do it, so she knows she is not alone when embarking on her journey over rainbow bridge. She is only 10 months old, too. Vet said last vist she probably has cat leukemia, and possibly lymphoma. Now with this not being able to walk and just laying all day cuz of that, I see no other way to address this except to put her out of her misery. :(
It's really hard especially when they're that young, even though it's the kindest thing we could do for them it doesn't make it any easier. My heart goes out to you in shared grief.
Crappy end to my night tonight. I get home from work in the wee hours of the morning, so I have to be quiet so as not to wake anyone. To start with, after I got inside and went to the kitchen, I realized I needed to go back out to my car for something I forgot, and it's raining. I decided to start some food heating in the microwave before I did that. I turned the microwave on, but there were a couple of wineglasses with spoons in them next to the sink, which is right by the microwave, and I knocked one onto the floor, where it shattered loudly. I used a hand broom to sweep it up (because I'm not sure where the big broom is, and it's too early in the morning to go wandering the house opening closets and look for it), but it wasn't as effective as I'd have liked. I used a Swiffer to mop after sweeping. After I got done with that, I stepped on a piece of back to sweeping. I ended up leaving a note about the broken glass, in case I didn't get it all.

It turned into one of those times where everything I did seemed to go wrong: every door squeaked loudly, I hit every creaky spot on the floor, I accidentally clanged my metal tumbler into the plate my food was on, things like that. At least neither of the dogs started barking. :lol:
It's always when we're trying to be quiet or be in a hurry when we make the loudest noises or make mistakes that slow us down........... :lol:
Crappy end to my night tonight. I get home from work in the wee hours of the morning, so I have to be quiet so as not to wake anyone. To start with, after I got inside and went to the kitchen, I realized I needed to go back out to my car for something I forgot, and it's raining. I decided to start some food heating in the microwave before I did that. I turned the microwave on, but there were a couple of wineglasses with spoons in them next to the sink, which is right by the microwave, and I knocked one onto the floor, where it shattered loudly. I used a hand broom to sweep it up (because I'm not sure where the big broom is, and it's too early in the morning to go wandering the house opening closets and look for it), but it wasn't as effective as I'd have liked. I used a Swiffer to mop after sweeping. After I got done with that, I stepped on a piece of back to sweeping. I ended up leaving a note about the broken glass, in case I didn't get it all.

It turned into one of those times where everything I did seemed to go wrong: every door squeaked loudly, I hit every creaky spot on the floor, I accidentally clanged my metal tumbler into the plate my food was on, things like that. At least neither of the dogs started barking. :lol:

I think now and then we all have a day like that Montro as well as dreams that go like that. And while I empathize so much and don't dismiss your frustration, I'll admit you made me smile.
Well, it's any day now with my 2nd daughter and her pregnancy, officially December 31st but she's pretty well had enough of this waiting stuff. My son-in-law works 4 day on/off shifts so she's spending his long work days with us. It's fun but I'd forgotten the stress level of last month of pregnancy for Mom and Pops.

It's been interesting spending more time with her and my 3 year (namesake Lumpy) grandson. Sheesh, so much energy "Little Man" has and quite honestly Paa Paa is just plain ole tuckered out.

View attachment 295172

But a new grandbaby for Christmas or New Year's? How exciting!

Both of my kids were due early January but I brought the first home from the hospital on Christmas Day and the second on Christmas Eve. One was 8'4oz, the other 7'12oz. I think I'm glad I didn't wait until January. :)
I didn't take Abby to the vet. I'm going to hold off awhile. She is walking sliding around. Maybe she just pulled a muscle? Whatever it may be...I don't want to put her down until she looks at me with that face, saying I'M HURTING. SEND ME OFF. Until then..we will all just have to make due and take it day by day.
She is a wild feral. She is semi friendly. She used to sleep under a sparse bush across the road. She would come eat at Feral Cat Dinner Time, then Evie started playing with her. She let me pet her now and then, but not too much. Then she started coming in, and laying on the couch. When I made a move to get up from my chair or MrG walk by, she would make a dash to the door. Feral. But wanting to be loved and afraid to. So I gave her space.

Anyway...last night, I told her I might have to send her off. She was on the couch. I sat next to her, just to see what she would do. She stayed there. Then she rolled over and showed me her belly. Temptation for me, cuz it looks so soft. And I dared do it. Softly stroke that belly. She let me. Then she took her little paw and laid it over my fingers. No claws. But eyes wide open, dilated, ready to either bite or claw. She did neither. So I talked to her some more, told her I didn't want to do it but I didn't want her to suffer either and apologized I didn't have 5 grand to do all those tests. We stayed with me stroking her belly, her having her paw on my fingers. I got up and said Night Night Time (which she knows what that means as well as Evie) and I went to bed. This morning, she greeted me on all 4's. Ate, Peed. Pooped. Then went back to the kitty tree she and Evie used to play on when she was feeling better. I googled about the belly thing. When cats do this, it means they trust you. So..she trusts me to do what needs done when its time to to do it. Just not today. :)
Well, it's any day now with my 2nd daughter and her pregnancy, officially December 31st but she's pretty well had enough of this waiting stuff. My son-in-law works 4 day on/off shifts so she's spending his long work days with us. It's fun but I'd forgotten the stress level of last month of pregnancy for Mom and Pops.

It's been interesting spending more time with her and my 3 year (namesake Lumpy) grandson. Sheesh, so much energy "Little Man" has and quite honestly Paa Paa is just plain ole tuckered out.

View attachment 295172

But a new grandbaby for Christmas or New Year's? How exciting!

Both of my kids were due early January but I brought the first home from the hospital on Christmas Day and the second on Christmas Eve. One was 8'4oz, the other 7'12oz. I think I'm glad I didn't wait until January. :)

My daughter and "Little Man" were both born in late December on either side of Christmas. A Christmas baby (?) and another little grandson .. no doubt I'm blessed and excited no matter what.... :)

My daughter has been all in on birth (now) ever since the doctor said all would be fine, it's just a matter of when. They estimate the baby was around 7'4oz at this point last week.

Me, I was 10'3oz and late, my Mom was 5ft 2" .. ouch .. and that's where the "Lumpy" nickname started.. :lol:

My wife loves being a great Mom and I'm pretty sure you and her have that in common.
Well, it's any day now with my 2nd daughter and her pregnancy, officially December 31st but she's pretty well had enough of this waiting stuff. My son-in-law works 4 day on/off shifts so she's spending his long work days with us. It's fun but I'd forgotten the stress level of last month of pregnancy for Mom and Pops.

It's been interesting spending more time with her and my 3 year (namesake Lumpy) grandson. Sheesh, so much energy "Little Man" has and quite honestly Paa Paa is just plain ole tuckered out.

View attachment 295172

But a new grandbaby for Christmas or New Year's? How exciting!

Both of my kids were due early January but I brought the first home from the hospital on Christmas Day and the second on Christmas Eve. One was 8'4oz, the other 7'12oz. I think I'm glad I didn't wait until January. :)

My daughter and "Little Man" were both born in late December on either side of Christmas. A Christmas baby (?) and another little grandson .. no doubt I'm blessed and excited no matter what.... :)

My daughter has been all in on birth (now) ever since the doctor said all would be fine, it's just a matter of when. They estimate the baby was around 7'4oz at this point last week.

Me, I was 10'3oz and late, my Mom was 5ft 2" .. ouch .. and that's where the "Lumpy" nickname started.. :lol:

My wife loves being a great Mom and I'm pretty sure you and her have that in common.

Yes we do. :)
This photo just came up on my FB memories on FB and it still gives me a giggle:

I couldn't sleep night before last, and finally at or around 9 am, I fell asleep and stayed asleep till 6pm, and it was dark. Somehow I lost Dec. 17, 2019. lol! Now, I'm sleepy again, so good night to all and to all a blessed good night. :huddle:
This photo just came up on my FB memories on FB and it still gives me a giggle:

Yebbut they got the cutest cuties and so close to the earth, too. ;)

The one in the foreground looks so much like Carly, the mini doxie we kept for nine months while friend Dana was in Salt Lake getting and recovering from a heart transplant. We still get to keep Carly now and then and she and Dana come to visit often.

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