USMB Coffee Shop IV

Alexander my newest grandson was born today, I can't go see him because of this hideous cold and the fact that I feel pretty lousy..

I don't have specifics on baby Alexander, weight, the birth, exact times because once we heard (family visiting), they all left me (hospital) alone, like I had the plague...:laugh:

Aw. Well you'll see him soon enough. Sorry you have a cold though. Having a cold for the holidays really sucks.

I'm thinking pretty soon with precautions and I still bounce back pretty quick..

The thing about guys like SFC Ollie, they make guys like me realize that they will never measure up Great Patriotic American and selfless hero wise. :eusa_think:

While I agree that Ollie is all of that Lumpy, don't sell yourself short. We all have our gifts and challenges and opportunities in life, I would give pretty good odds you didn't squander yours.

I can't speak for Lumpy, but I know I squandered plenty of gifts and challenges and opportunities in life. :lmao:

Me, I should have 1 £million in the bank, several properties, a V8 BMW in the garage and several large breasted small waisted women on the go.
Alexander my newest grandson was born today, I can't go see him because of this hideous cold and the fact that I feel pretty lousy..

I don't have specifics on baby Alexander, weight, the birth, exact times because once we heard (family visiting), they all left me (hospital) alone, like I had the plague...:laugh:
:yes_text12: GREAT NEWS Lumpy. I have been waiting to share this joy. I hope all are doing well and you will soon recover so you can join in the great excitement of a newborn into your life and family! GREAT NEWS! I'm even excited. :) :)

7lb 2oz, 21 inches, born 1:55 pm. and exceedingly cute and sleepy, personally, I like babies that are sleepy..

. All looks great and with Kelly's picture I see such heartwarming happiness it plum chokes me up, just what a Dad likes to see. My son-in-law looks totally worn out but hanging in there and making sure everything is right..They share a true love story... :)

btw. Lady Aqua Athena... :smiliehug: 's .. and Thank You's

"He's got a cute nose and big round eyes;
"He's created excitement you can't disguise;
"He's a wonderful baby from a perfect pair,
"And that's reason enough for great fanfare."

So... ta-dah!
Congratulations on your new ( grandsons' ) arrival Lumpy1, my bud of many years.

By Karl Fuchs { edited by AA }

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The thing about guys like SFC Ollie, they make guys like me realize that they will never measure up Great Patriotic American and selfless hero wise. :eusa_think:

While I agree that Ollie is all of that Lumpy, don't sell yourself short. We all have our gifts and challenges and opportunities in life, I would give pretty good odds you didn't squander yours.

I can't speak for Lumpy, but I know I squandered plenty of gifts and challenges and opportunities in life. :lmao:

I'm pretty sure we all did at some point in our lives. Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure all of us have become more savvy and wiser as it went along.
they all left me (hospital) alone, like I had the plague...:laugh:

Well, ya gotta admit with the given choice of Lumpy vs a new baby...…...the new baby is going to win every time.

Congratulations Papa!

LOL. In this case maybe. But you haven't known our Lumpy as long as some of us have. He's pretty darn adorable himself. :)

Pretty much my three hour round trip to the airport today. Middle daughter going back to Denver.
Here is my new Nikon D7500 camera and lens.

I have the D7100 and about six different lenses including a 500 - 1000mm manual telephoto. I still have my D40X and my antique EM (35mm) with three lenses for the EM/D40X.

The 7500 is an excellent camera.

I was in NYC in 82, I bought a chrome Olympus OM2 with a 50mm lens, ever since then I’ve been a photographer.
There are countless photo albums in the house from when my family were growing up.

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