USMB Coffee Shop IV

Iā€™m currently sat in an Indian restaurant, Iā€™ve ordered takeaway meals for us both.
The owner has spoken to me, he told me my youngest son had a meal here last week. :)
I ate at an Indian place once, Buffalo steaks, pemmican and fry bread......... :eusa_whistle:
I hope everyone's okay.

Oh and we had some recent flooding..........


.......... :D
I'll be at work when the new year turns tonight. :p I do have tomorrow off, though!

I hope everyone enjoys their New Year's Eve!


Hombre and I will lift a glass to toast all of you brave, dedicated souls who will be working tonight, all over the country. All over the world actually.

But these days we ring in the New Year's with the New Yorkers in Times Square. New Year's actually arrives two hours later here in New Mexico.

Still wondering why they can't dynamite the ice jam. Is it because it is jammed against the bridge?
I'll be at work when the new year turns tonight. :p I do have tomorrow off, though!

I hope everyone enjoys their New Year's Eve!


Hombre and I will lift a glass to toast all of you brave, dedicated souls who will be working tonight, all over the country. All over the world actually.

But these days we ring in the New Year's with the New Yorkers in Times Square. New Year's actually arrives two hours later here in New Mexico.

Still wondering why they can't dynamite the ice jam. Is it because it is jammed against the bridge?
Nothing brave or dedicated, I just work an overnight shift. :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR to our super Roy Batty with the new shoes and any other British coffee shoppers. ( Don't think there is an Aussie here ) and it won't be long before we catch up with you! WELCOME 2020! May we continue to share and to love here. :thanks:

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I'll be at work when the new year turns tonight. :p I do have tomorrow off, though!

I hope everyone enjoys their New Year's Eve!


Hombre and I will lift a glass to toast all of you brave, dedicated souls who will be working tonight, all over the country. All over the world actually.

But these days we ring in the New Year's with the New Yorkers in Times Square. New Year's actually arrives two hours later here in New Mexico.

Still wondering why they can't dynamite the ice jam. Is it because it is jammed against the bridge?
Happy New Year to you, Hombre, and all my other CS friends.
I think they are concerned that by freeing the ice dam that will cause even more flooding downstream. There are lots more homes downstream that would be flooded if that happens. I wonder why they can make some kind of temporary fix on the old bridge. In 2016, a flood washed the north end of the bridge out there. Maybe some rip-rap and steel plates like the military uses would provide a way for residents to cross.
I'll be at work when the new year turns tonight. :p I do have tomorrow off, though!

I hope everyone enjoys their New Year's Eve!


Hombre and I will lift a glass to toast all of you brave, dedicated souls who will be working tonight, all over the country. All over the world actually.

But these days we ring in the New Year's with the New Yorkers in Times Square. New Year's actually arrives two hours later here in New Mexico.

Still wondering why they can't dynamite the ice jam. Is it because it is jammed against the bridge?
Nothing brave or dedicated, I just work an overnight shift. :)
I'll be at work when the new year turns tonight. :p I do have tomorrow off, though!

I hope everyone enjoys their New Year's Eve!


Hombre and I will lift a glass to toast all of you brave, dedicated souls who will be working tonight, all over the country. All over the world actually.

But these days we ring in the New Year's with the New Yorkers in Times Square. New Year's actually arrives two hours later here in New Mexico.

Still wondering why they can't dynamite the ice jam. Is it because it is jammed against the bridge?
Nothing brave or dedicated, I just work an overnight shift. :)
I'll be at work when the new year turns tonight. :p I do have tomorrow off, though!

I hope everyone enjoys their New Year's Eve!


Hombre and I will lift a glass to toast all of you brave, dedicated souls who will be working tonight, all over the country. All over the world actually.

But these days we ring in the New Year's with the New Yorkers in Times Square. New Year's actually arrives two hours later here in New Mexico.

Still wondering why they can't dynamite the ice jam. Is it because it is jammed against the bridge?
Nothing brave or dedicated, I just work an overnight shift. :)
I've worked graveyard shift for over 20 years now. I prefer that shift over any other.
We are in the last minutes before the ball drops in Times Square. Our son and his family are there this year--it was on their bucket list of things to accomplish and this was the year they chose to do it. They have rooms that front on Times Square. The view from their suite:


And looking down right now:
And for the last time this year:

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:
Pogoā€™s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery and comfort/peace for Peach.
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and increased responsibilities and also for Rod's healing in mind, body, and spirit.
Gracie for wellness, good solutions, and a conquering spirit.
Jackson for wellness.
And me, Foxfyre, for good news from upcoming tests.
Roy for wellness.
Gracie's Abby .
And all those we love.
And we leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

I'll be at work when the new year turns tonight. :p I do have tomorrow off, though!

I hope everyone enjoys their New Year's Eve!


Hombre and I will lift a glass to toast all of you brave, dedicated souls who will be working tonight, all over the country. All over the world actually.

But these days we ring in the New Year's with the New Yorkers in Times Square. New Year's actually arrives two hours later here in New Mexico.

Still wondering why they can't dynamite the ice jam. Is it because it is jammed against the bridge?
Nothing brave or dedicated, I just work an overnight shift. :)
I'll be at work when the new year turns tonight. :p I do have tomorrow off, though!

I hope everyone enjoys their New Year's Eve!


Hombre and I will lift a glass to toast all of you brave, dedicated souls who will be working tonight, all over the country. All over the world actually.

But these days we ring in the New Year's with the New Yorkers in Times Square. New Year's actually arrives two hours later here in New Mexico.

Still wondering why they can't dynamite the ice jam. Is it because it is jammed against the bridge?
Nothing brave or dedicated, I just work an overnight shift. :)
I'll be at work when the new year turns tonight. :p I do have tomorrow off, though!

I hope everyone enjoys their New Year's Eve!


Hombre and I will lift a glass to toast all of you brave, dedicated souls who will be working tonight, all over the country. All over the world actually.

But these days we ring in the New Year's with the New Yorkers in Times Square. New Year's actually arrives two hours later here in New Mexico.

Still wondering why they can't dynamite the ice jam. Is it because it is jammed against the bridge?
Nothing brave or dedicated, I just work an overnight shift. :)
I've worked graveyard shift for over 20 years now. I prefer that shift over any other.
Iā€™m a night person, and I love the lack of traffic on my way home. It can be unfortunate when I want to see the little one, though. I missed a chorus concert of hers because of my schedule. Iā€™ve had some other schedule issues as well. If everyone in my life just lived by my schedule...:p
Good morning all, I woke up early, fed the furry children and then I made breakfast for myself, the wife was left in bed so I had full reign in the kitchen.
Grilled bacon and a slightly toasted bun, coffee and a glass of tomato juice. The staffies got a slice of toast each as well.... cos I can.

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