USMB Coffee Shop IV

The hills you see in the picture are extinct volcanoes.
That be Worcestershire that be.

you can see my house

I really never thought about Great Britain having volcanoes but then I never studied the ancient geology of that area either. A large amount of Albuquerque's western horizon is topped with a row of ancient volcano cores. In that same area is our Petroglyph National Monument where ancient Native Americans--long before there was an America--carved symbolic and informative markings into the ancient lava rock. They are really interesting if you have a guide who can differentiate between the authentic petroglyphs and those carved into the rocks by hiking Boy Scouts and such back in the 1950's and 60's.




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Mile to possibly a mile and half from the house... If this dormant extinct Volcano ever becomes active, lets just hope I don't owe you money...

Punchbowl Crater is an extinct volcanic tuff cone located in Honolulu, Hawaii. It is the location of the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. The crater was formed some 75,000 to 100,000 years ago during the secondary activity of the Honolulu Volcanic Series.


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Credit for this one goes to SFC Ollie as I stole it from him elsewhere. Too good not to share it though. Don't read ahead or it will not be effective for you.

Your Yearly Dementia Test ! (only 4 questions this year)

Yep, it's that time of year again for us to take our annual senior citizen test.

Exercise of the brain is as important as exercise of the muscles.
As we grow older, it’s important to keep mentally alert.
If you don’t use it, you will lose it !!!

Here is a very private way to gauge how your memory compares to your last test.
Some may think it is too easy, but the ones with memory problems may have difficulty.

Take this test to determine if you’re losing it or not.

The spaces below are so you don’t see the answers until you’ve answered.

OK, RELAX, clear your mind and begin.

#1. What do you put in a toaster ?

Answer: 'bread.' If you said 'toast', just give up now and go do something else.

And, try not to hurt yourself. If you said, bread, go to Question #2.

# 2. Say 'silk' ten times. Now spell 'silk.' What do cows drink ?

Answer: Cows drink water. If you said 'milk,' don't attempt the next question.

Your brain is already over-stressed and may even overheat.

Content yourself with reading more appropriate literature such as Women's Weekly or Auto World.

However, if you did say 'water', proceed to Question #3.

# 3. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from blue bricks and a pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made from black bricks, what is a green house made from ?

Answer: Greenhouses are made from glass.

If you said 'green bricks', why are you still reading this ??? PLEASE, go lie down !

But, if you said 'glass,' go on to Question #4.

# 4. Please do not use a calculator for this for it would be cheating:

You are driving a bus from New York City to Philadelphia.

In Staten Island, 17 people got on the bus.

In New Brunswick, 6 people get off the bus and 9 people get on.

In Windsor, 2 people get off and 4 get on.

In Trenton, 11 people get off and 16 people get on.

In Bristol, 3 people get off and 5 people get on.

And, in Camden, 6 people get off and 3 get on.

You then arrive at Philadelphia Station.

Without going back to review, how old is the bus driver ?

Answer: Oh, for crying out loud !

Don't you remember your own age?!?!

It was YOU driving the bus!

If you pass this along to your friends, pray they do better than you.

The hills you see in the picture are extinct volcanoes.
That be Worcestershire that be.

you can see my house
So lovely, Mr. Roy. I love architecture of the lovely church on the left foreground area.
LOL.... That's no church!
It’s Gloucester cathedral, Gloucester was once the capital of England.

The Harry Potter film was filmed at the Cathedral, built around 11th century

To Film buffs this has been the Mecca to visit.

Ringel05 if you & Mrs are interested.....

Kefir...….if you choose to do your own at home there are plenty of places to buy the 'grains' with prices from $7.95 & up. Making kefir is simple a glass jar or vessel, add about a cup of milk and let sit. Strain the milk kefir from the grains & drink, then add fresh milk to the grains. Average ferment time is about every 12 hours to change the milk. There is also water kefir, if preferred. If you don't want to mess with doing it yourself, look in the dairy section of your grocery store for Lifeway Brand, and is usually flavored.
Kefir is an immune booster, helps balance the body's PH levels, etc that helps the body repair itself.

Also, Turmeric is widely known for cancer fighting properties. Here is a recipe for Turmeric Tea that isn't too bad, though I may not have added enough (I only used a hefty dash, maybe 1/2 tsp)…...I used the simple stove top recipe, with lots of honey & no milk. Also I didn't add the ginger, didn't have any but it almost tastes like a ginger tea.

Ultimate Turmeric Tea + Turmeric Tonic Recipes

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of clove
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  • pinch of fresh ground black pepper*
  • As much turmeric as you can handle! Start with a teaspoon and go up from there.
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • Raw honey to sweeten
  • Milk sub of choice (I went with fresh coconut milk, but almond and hemp would both be delicious)

Make It Like So
Slow and steady stove top method

  1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 mins.
  2. Strain out and add honey and milk.
Fast and furious blender method
  1. Boil water in your kettle and add to blender (a blender with gradual speed increase will reduce likely hood of pressure from steam of boiled water exploding out of your blender).
  2. Add in spices and blend until smooth and unified in colour.
  3. Strain out tea and add milk and honey.
*I have included black pepper in this recipe as studies show it aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. I happen to be allergic to black pepper and so I omit it.
Ringel05 if you & Mrs are interested.....

Kefir...….if you choose to do your own at home there are plenty of places to buy the 'grains' with prices from $7.95 & up. Making kefir is simple a glass jar or vessel, add about a cup of milk and let sit. Strain the milk kefir from the grains & drink, then add fresh milk to the grains. Average ferment time is about every 12 hours to change the milk. There is also water kefir, if preferred. If you don't want to mess with doing it yourself, look in the dairy section of your grocery store for Lifeway Brand, and is usually flavored.
Kefir is an immune booster, helps balance the body's PH levels, etc that helps the body repair itself.

Also, Turmeric is widely known for cancer fighting properties. Here is a recipe for Turmeric Tea that isn't too bad, though I may not have added enough (I only used a hefty dash, maybe 1/2 tsp)…...I used the simple stove top recipe, with lots of honey & no milk. Also I didn't add the ginger, didn't have any but it almost tastes like a ginger tea.

Ultimate Turmeric Tea + Turmeric Tonic Recipes

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of clove
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  • pinch of fresh ground black pepper*
  • As much turmeric as you can handle! Start with a teaspoon and go up from there.
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • Raw honey to sweeten
  • Milk sub of choice (I went with fresh coconut milk, but almond and hemp would both be delicious)

Make It Like So
Slow and steady stove top method

  1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 mins.
  2. Strain out and add honey and milk.
Fast and furious blender method
  1. Boil water in your kettle and add to blender (a blender with gradual speed increase will reduce likely hood of pressure from steam of boiled water exploding out of your blender).
  2. Add in spices and blend until smooth and unified in colour.
  3. Strain out tea and add milk and honey.
*I have included black pepper in this recipe as studies show it aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. I happen to be allergic to black pepper and so I omit it.
I would add that if you can acquire farm-fresh, un-processed milk you would do better. There are loads of beneficial elements in fresh milk that are destroyed by modern processing.
Took the night off and went to the Town Meeting featuring recent flooding in my neck o'the woods. Being a natural event, it's very difficult for the engineers and politicians to tell us when, or how, they plan on overcoming those forces. They are . The pard is now set up for about two weeks survival and hopefully by then I'll be able to get up there and back out on my own. Met lots of neighbors at the meeting. One woman was pretty distraught because she had to get back home to save her pets. Another was pretty mad because she had lost her place. It was the prime local chosen by the creek to set up new housekeeping. They were the first to call 911 because their house was flooding. I feel for them, they lost a lot. The primary answer is: there are only a relative few families affected by this "disaster", about 50-60 (so far), so the state is weighing how much our disaster stacks up against others. Some of us suggested a Bailey bridge be brought in for temporary relief. There is one in state and the Borough is offering free storage when no in use. It would take time and money to move it, but it would solve the biggest problems. Some of asked about restoring the old bridge only to find out that the wooden decking had been removed. Kind of a mess, really.
Ringel05 if you & Mrs are interested.....

Kefir...….if you choose to do your own at home there are plenty of places to buy the 'grains' with prices from $7.95 & up. Making kefir is simple a glass jar or vessel, add about a cup of milk and let sit. Strain the milk kefir from the grains & drink, then add fresh milk to the grains. Average ferment time is about every 12 hours to change the milk. There is also water kefir, if preferred. If you don't want to mess with doing it yourself, look in the dairy section of your grocery store for Lifeway Brand, and is usually flavored.
Kefir is an immune booster, helps balance the body's PH levels, etc that helps the body repair itself.

Also, Turmeric is widely known for cancer fighting properties. Here is a recipe for Turmeric Tea that isn't too bad, though I may not have added enough (I only used a hefty dash, maybe 1/2 tsp)…...I used the simple stove top recipe, with lots of honey & no milk. Also I didn't add the ginger, didn't have any but it almost tastes like a ginger tea.

Ultimate Turmeric Tea + Turmeric Tonic Recipes

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of clove
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  • pinch of fresh ground black pepper*
  • As much turmeric as you can handle! Start with a teaspoon and go up from there.
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • Raw honey to sweeten
  • Milk sub of choice (I went with fresh coconut milk, but almond and hemp would both be delicious)

Make It Like So
Slow and steady stove top method

  1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 mins.
  2. Strain out and add honey and milk.
Fast and furious blender method
  1. Boil water in your kettle and add to blender (a blender with gradual speed increase will reduce likely hood of pressure from steam of boiled water exploding out of your blender).
  2. Add in spices and blend until smooth and unified in colour.
  3. Strain out tea and add milk and honey.
*I have included black pepper in this recipe as studies show it aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. I happen to be allergic to black pepper and so I omit it.
Ringel05 if you & Mrs are interested.....

Kefir...….if you choose to do your own at home there are plenty of places to buy the 'grains' with prices from $7.95 & up. Making kefir is simple a glass jar or vessel, add about a cup of milk and let sit. Strain the milk kefir from the grains & drink, then add fresh milk to the grains. Average ferment time is about every 12 hours to change the milk. There is also water kefir, if preferred. If you don't want to mess with doing it yourself, look in the dairy section of your grocery store for Lifeway Brand, and is usually flavored.
Kefir is an immune booster, helps balance the body's PH levels, etc that helps the body repair itself.

Also, Turmeric is widely known for cancer fighting properties. Here is a recipe for Turmeric Tea that isn't too bad, though I may not have added enough (I only used a hefty dash, maybe 1/2 tsp)…...I used the simple stove top recipe, with lots of honey & no milk. Also I didn't add the ginger, didn't have any but it almost tastes like a ginger tea.

Ultimate Turmeric Tea + Turmeric Tonic Recipes

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of clove
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  • pinch of fresh ground black pepper*
  • As much turmeric as you can handle! Start with a teaspoon and go up from there.
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • Raw honey to sweeten
  • Milk sub of choice (I went with fresh coconut milk, but almond and hemp would both be delicious)

Make It Like So
Slow and steady stove top method

  1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 mins.
  2. Strain out and add honey and milk.
Fast and furious blender method
  1. Boil water in your kettle and add to blender (a blender with gradual speed increase will reduce likely hood of pressure from steam of boiled water exploding out of your blender).
  2. Add in spices and blend until smooth and unified in colour.
  3. Strain out tea and add milk and honey.
*I have included black pepper in this recipe as studies show it aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. I happen to be allergic to black pepper and so I omit it.
I would add that if you can acquire farm-fresh, un-processed milk you would do better. There are loads of beneficial elements in fresh milk that are destroyed by modern processing.

That is true, but unless you have your own animals...…...raw milk is either very expensive, IF you can even find a source &/or in some states or areas is illegal
I’ve been unwell, giddiness and balance, if I lift my head I feel sick and if I stand up I am like a drunk.
The wife will monitor me and see how I am tomorrow. :(

Get thee to a doctor Roy. Probably nothing more serious than an inner ear infection but you need to be checked out.
Yes I’ve been taking ear drops for heavy earwax, Nurse Batty is looking after me.
Ringel05 if you & Mrs are interested.....

Kefir...….if you choose to do your own at home there are plenty of places to buy the 'grains' with prices from $7.95 & up. Making kefir is simple a glass jar or vessel, add about a cup of milk and let sit. Strain the milk kefir from the grains & drink, then add fresh milk to the grains. Average ferment time is about every 12 hours to change the milk. There is also water kefir, if preferred. If you don't want to mess with doing it yourself, look in the dairy section of your grocery store for Lifeway Brand, and is usually flavored.
Kefir is an immune booster, helps balance the body's PH levels, etc that helps the body repair itself.

Also, Turmeric is widely known for cancer fighting properties. Here is a recipe for Turmeric Tea that isn't too bad, though I may not have added enough (I only used a hefty dash, maybe 1/2 tsp)…...I used the simple stove top recipe, with lots of honey & no milk. Also I didn't add the ginger, didn't have any but it almost tastes like a ginger tea.

Ultimate Turmeric Tea + Turmeric Tonic Recipes

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of clove
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  • pinch of fresh ground black pepper*
  • As much turmeric as you can handle! Start with a teaspoon and go up from there.
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • Raw honey to sweeten
  • Milk sub of choice (I went with fresh coconut milk, but almond and hemp would both be delicious)

Make It Like So
Slow and steady stove top method

  1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 mins.
  2. Strain out and add honey and milk.
Fast and furious blender method
  1. Boil water in your kettle and add to blender (a blender with gradual speed increase will reduce likely hood of pressure from steam of boiled water exploding out of your blender).
  2. Add in spices and blend until smooth and unified in colour.
  3. Strain out tea and add milk and honey.
*I have included black pepper in this recipe as studies show it aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. I happen to be allergic to black pepper and so I omit it.
Ringel05 if you & Mrs are interested.....

Kefir...….if you choose to do your own at home there are plenty of places to buy the 'grains' with prices from $7.95 & up. Making kefir is simple a glass jar or vessel, add about a cup of milk and let sit. Strain the milk kefir from the grains & drink, then add fresh milk to the grains. Average ferment time is about every 12 hours to change the milk. There is also water kefir, if preferred. If you don't want to mess with doing it yourself, look in the dairy section of your grocery store for Lifeway Brand, and is usually flavored.
Kefir is an immune booster, helps balance the body's PH levels, etc that helps the body repair itself.

Also, Turmeric is widely known for cancer fighting properties. Here is a recipe for Turmeric Tea that isn't too bad, though I may not have added enough (I only used a hefty dash, maybe 1/2 tsp)…...I used the simple stove top recipe, with lots of honey & no milk. Also I didn't add the ginger, didn't have any but it almost tastes like a ginger tea.

Ultimate Turmeric Tea + Turmeric Tonic Recipes

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of clove
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  • pinch of fresh ground black pepper*
  • As much turmeric as you can handle! Start with a teaspoon and go up from there.
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • Raw honey to sweeten
  • Milk sub of choice (I went with fresh coconut milk, but almond and hemp would both be delicious)

Make It Like So
Slow and steady stove top method

  1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 mins.
  2. Strain out and add honey and milk.
Fast and furious blender method
  1. Boil water in your kettle and add to blender (a blender with gradual speed increase will reduce likely hood of pressure from steam of boiled water exploding out of your blender).
  2. Add in spices and blend until smooth and unified in colour.
  3. Strain out tea and add milk and honey.
*I have included black pepper in this recipe as studies show it aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. I happen to be allergic to black pepper and so I omit it.
I would add that if you can acquire farm-fresh, un-processed milk you would do better. There are loads of beneficial elements in fresh milk that are destroyed by modern processing.

That is true, but unless you have your own animals...…...raw milk is either very expensive, IF you can even find a source &/or in some states or areas is illegal
Ringel05 if you & Mrs are interested.....

Kefir...….if you choose to do your own at home there are plenty of places to buy the 'grains' with prices from $7.95 & up. Making kefir is simple a glass jar or vessel, add about a cup of milk and let sit. Strain the milk kefir from the grains & drink, then add fresh milk to the grains. Average ferment time is about every 12 hours to change the milk. There is also water kefir, if preferred. If you don't want to mess with doing it yourself, look in the dairy section of your grocery store for Lifeway Brand, and is usually flavored.
Kefir is an immune booster, helps balance the body's PH levels, etc that helps the body repair itself.

Also, Turmeric is widely known for cancer fighting properties. Here is a recipe for Turmeric Tea that isn't too bad, though I may not have added enough (I only used a hefty dash, maybe 1/2 tsp)…...I used the simple stove top recipe, with lots of honey & no milk. Also I didn't add the ginger, didn't have any but it almost tastes like a ginger tea.

Ultimate Turmeric Tea + Turmeric Tonic Recipes

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of clove
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  • pinch of fresh ground black pepper*
  • As much turmeric as you can handle! Start with a teaspoon and go up from there.
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • Raw honey to sweeten
  • Milk sub of choice (I went with fresh coconut milk, but almond and hemp would both be delicious)

Make It Like So
Slow and steady stove top method

  1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 mins.
  2. Strain out and add honey and milk.
Fast and furious blender method
  1. Boil water in your kettle and add to blender (a blender with gradual speed increase will reduce likely hood of pressure from steam of boiled water exploding out of your blender).
  2. Add in spices and blend until smooth and unified in colour.
  3. Strain out tea and add milk and honey.
*I have included black pepper in this recipe as studies show it aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. I happen to be allergic to black pepper and so I omit it.
Ringel05 if you & Mrs are interested.....

Kefir...….if you choose to do your own at home there are plenty of places to buy the 'grains' with prices from $7.95 & up. Making kefir is simple a glass jar or vessel, add about a cup of milk and let sit. Strain the milk kefir from the grains & drink, then add fresh milk to the grains. Average ferment time is about every 12 hours to change the milk. There is also water kefir, if preferred. If you don't want to mess with doing it yourself, look in the dairy section of your grocery store for Lifeway Brand, and is usually flavored.
Kefir is an immune booster, helps balance the body's PH levels, etc that helps the body repair itself.

Also, Turmeric is widely known for cancer fighting properties. Here is a recipe for Turmeric Tea that isn't too bad, though I may not have added enough (I only used a hefty dash, maybe 1/2 tsp)…...I used the simple stove top recipe, with lots of honey & no milk. Also I didn't add the ginger, didn't have any but it almost tastes like a ginger tea.

Ultimate Turmeric Tea + Turmeric Tonic Recipes

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of clove
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  • pinch of fresh ground black pepper*
  • As much turmeric as you can handle! Start with a teaspoon and go up from there.
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • Raw honey to sweeten
  • Milk sub of choice (I went with fresh coconut milk, but almond and hemp would both be delicious)

Make It Like So
Slow and steady stove top method

  1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 mins.
  2. Strain out and add honey and milk.
Fast and furious blender method
  1. Boil water in your kettle and add to blender (a blender with gradual speed increase will reduce likely hood of pressure from steam of boiled water exploding out of your blender).
  2. Add in spices and blend until smooth and unified in colour.
  3. Strain out tea and add milk and honey.
*I have included black pepper in this recipe as studies show it aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. I happen to be allergic to black pepper and so I omit it.
I would add that if you can acquire farm-fresh, un-processed milk you would do better. There are loads of beneficial elements in fresh milk that are destroyed by modern processing.

That is true, but unless you have your own animals...…...raw milk is either very expensive, IF you can even find a source &/or in some states or areas is illegal
True. Time to get government out of our panties...I mean, pantries... I own my goats, so I have access to my fresh milk.
Ringel05 if you & Mrs are interested.....

Kefir...….if you choose to do your own at home there are plenty of places to buy the 'grains' with prices from $7.95 & up. Making kefir is simple a glass jar or vessel, add about a cup of milk and let sit. Strain the milk kefir from the grains & drink, then add fresh milk to the grains. Average ferment time is about every 12 hours to change the milk. There is also water kefir, if preferred. If you don't want to mess with doing it yourself, look in the dairy section of your grocery store for Lifeway Brand, and is usually flavored.
Kefir is an immune booster, helps balance the body's PH levels, etc that helps the body repair itself.

Also, Turmeric is widely known for cancer fighting properties. Here is a recipe for Turmeric Tea that isn't too bad, though I may not have added enough (I only used a hefty dash, maybe 1/2 tsp)…...I used the simple stove top recipe, with lots of honey & no milk. Also I didn't add the ginger, didn't have any but it almost tastes like a ginger tea.

Ultimate Turmeric Tea + Turmeric Tonic Recipes

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of clove
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  • pinch of fresh ground black pepper*
  • As much turmeric as you can handle! Start with a teaspoon and go up from there.
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • Raw honey to sweeten
  • Milk sub of choice (I went with fresh coconut milk, but almond and hemp would both be delicious)

Make It Like So
Slow and steady stove top method

  1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 mins.
  2. Strain out and add honey and milk.
Fast and furious blender method
  1. Boil water in your kettle and add to blender (a blender with gradual speed increase will reduce likely hood of pressure from steam of boiled water exploding out of your blender).
  2. Add in spices and blend until smooth and unified in colour.
  3. Strain out tea and add milk and honey.
*I have included black pepper in this recipe as studies show it aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. I happen to be allergic to black pepper and so I omit it.
Ringel05 if you & Mrs are interested.....

Kefir...….if you choose to do your own at home there are plenty of places to buy the 'grains' with prices from $7.95 & up. Making kefir is simple a glass jar or vessel, add about a cup of milk and let sit. Strain the milk kefir from the grains & drink, then add fresh milk to the grains. Average ferment time is about every 12 hours to change the milk. There is also water kefir, if preferred. If you don't want to mess with doing it yourself, look in the dairy section of your grocery store for Lifeway Brand, and is usually flavored.
Kefir is an immune booster, helps balance the body's PH levels, etc that helps the body repair itself.

Also, Turmeric is widely known for cancer fighting properties. Here is a recipe for Turmeric Tea that isn't too bad, though I may not have added enough (I only used a hefty dash, maybe 1/2 tsp)…...I used the simple stove top recipe, with lots of honey & no milk. Also I didn't add the ginger, didn't have any but it almost tastes like a ginger tea.

Ultimate Turmeric Tea + Turmeric Tonic Recipes

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of clove
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  • pinch of fresh ground black pepper*
  • As much turmeric as you can handle! Start with a teaspoon and go up from there.
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • Raw honey to sweeten
  • Milk sub of choice (I went with fresh coconut milk, but almond and hemp would both be delicious)

Make It Like So
Slow and steady stove top method

  1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 mins.
  2. Strain out and add honey and milk.
Fast and furious blender method
  1. Boil water in your kettle and add to blender (a blender with gradual speed increase will reduce likely hood of pressure from steam of boiled water exploding out of your blender).
  2. Add in spices and blend until smooth and unified in colour.
  3. Strain out tea and add milk and honey.
*I have included black pepper in this recipe as studies show it aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. I happen to be allergic to black pepper and so I omit it.
I would add that if you can acquire farm-fresh, un-processed milk you would do better. There are loads of beneficial elements in fresh milk that are destroyed by modern processing.

That is true, but unless you have your own animals...…...raw milk is either very expensive, IF you can even find a source &/or in some states or areas is illegal
Ringel05 if you & Mrs are interested.....

Kefir...….if you choose to do your own at home there are plenty of places to buy the 'grains' with prices from $7.95 & up. Making kefir is simple a glass jar or vessel, add about a cup of milk and let sit. Strain the milk kefir from the grains & drink, then add fresh milk to the grains. Average ferment time is about every 12 hours to change the milk. There is also water kefir, if preferred. If you don't want to mess with doing it yourself, look in the dairy section of your grocery store for Lifeway Brand, and is usually flavored.
Kefir is an immune booster, helps balance the body's PH levels, etc that helps the body repair itself.

Also, Turmeric is widely known for cancer fighting properties. Here is a recipe for Turmeric Tea that isn't too bad, though I may not have added enough (I only used a hefty dash, maybe 1/2 tsp)…...I used the simple stove top recipe, with lots of honey & no milk. Also I didn't add the ginger, didn't have any but it almost tastes like a ginger tea.

Ultimate Turmeric Tea + Turmeric Tonic Recipes

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of clove
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  • pinch of fresh ground black pepper*
  • As much turmeric as you can handle! Start with a teaspoon and go up from there.
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • Raw honey to sweeten
  • Milk sub of choice (I went with fresh coconut milk, but almond and hemp would both be delicious)

Make It Like So
Slow and steady stove top method

  1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 mins.
  2. Strain out and add honey and milk.
Fast and furious blender method
  1. Boil water in your kettle and add to blender (a blender with gradual speed increase will reduce likely hood of pressure from steam of boiled water exploding out of your blender).
  2. Add in spices and blend until smooth and unified in colour.
  3. Strain out tea and add milk and honey.
*I have included black pepper in this recipe as studies show it aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. I happen to be allergic to black pepper and so I omit it.
Ringel05 if you & Mrs are interested.....

Kefir...….if you choose to do your own at home there are plenty of places to buy the 'grains' with prices from $7.95 & up. Making kefir is simple a glass jar or vessel, add about a cup of milk and let sit. Strain the milk kefir from the grains & drink, then add fresh milk to the grains. Average ferment time is about every 12 hours to change the milk. There is also water kefir, if preferred. If you don't want to mess with doing it yourself, look in the dairy section of your grocery store for Lifeway Brand, and is usually flavored.
Kefir is an immune booster, helps balance the body's PH levels, etc that helps the body repair itself.

Also, Turmeric is widely known for cancer fighting properties. Here is a recipe for Turmeric Tea that isn't too bad, though I may not have added enough (I only used a hefty dash, maybe 1/2 tsp)…...I used the simple stove top recipe, with lots of honey & no milk. Also I didn't add the ginger, didn't have any but it almost tastes like a ginger tea.

Ultimate Turmeric Tea + Turmeric Tonic Recipes

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of clove
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  • pinch of fresh ground black pepper*
  • As much turmeric as you can handle! Start with a teaspoon and go up from there.
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • Raw honey to sweeten
  • Milk sub of choice (I went with fresh coconut milk, but almond and hemp would both be delicious)

Make It Like So
Slow and steady stove top method

  1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 mins.
  2. Strain out and add honey and milk.
Fast and furious blender method
  1. Boil water in your kettle and add to blender (a blender with gradual speed increase will reduce likely hood of pressure from steam of boiled water exploding out of your blender).
  2. Add in spices and blend until smooth and unified in colour.
  3. Strain out tea and add milk and honey.
*I have included black pepper in this recipe as studies show it aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. I happen to be allergic to black pepper and so I omit it.
I would add that if you can acquire farm-fresh, un-processed milk you would do better. There are loads of beneficial elements in fresh milk that are destroyed by modern processing.

That is true, but unless you have your own animals...…...raw milk is either very expensive, IF you can even find a source &/or in some states or areas is illegal
True. Time to get government out of our panties...I mean, pantries... I own my goats, so I have access to my fresh milk.

My 2 furry children only have only ever had goats milk with their 2wheatabix breakfast every morning, they drink bottled water and have never been given ordinary fluoride tasting tap water.
Nutrition: Goats milk is a good source of protein, contains less sugar (lactose), 13% more calcium, 25% more vitamin B6, 47% more vitamin A, and 134% more potassium than regular cow's milk.

Cows milk upsets my furry children stomachs.. never had any problems with goats milk ever.

"Shire" also refers, in a narrower sense, to ancient counties with names that ended in "shire". These counties are typically (though not always) named after their county town. The suffix -shire is attached to most of the names of English, Scottish and Welsh counties. It tends not to be found in the names of shires that were pre-existing divisions. Essex, Kent, and Sussex, for example, have never borne a -shire, as each represents a former Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Similarly Cornwall was a British kingdom before it became an English county. The term "shire" is not used in the names of the six traditional counties of Northern Ireland.
Nutrition: Goats milk is a good source of protein, contains less sugar (lactose), 13% more calcium, 25% more vitamin B6, 47% more vitamin A, and 134% more potassium than regular cow's milk.
Cow's milk upsets tummies on lots of two-leggers, too. That's why I could have a fantastic market for my goat's milk. But I always suggest that anyone interested in providing goat milk as a substitute for lactose intolerant consumers consult their doctors. I also neglect to process my milk, other than to chill it as soon as it has been filtered. Unless you consider making cheese, joghurt, or kefir to be processing.

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