USMB Coffee Shop IV

Part of my time away from USMB this past year has been spent on the stock market. One stock in particular has been a major focus. I am nearing my goal of 25,000 shares which should reach $20 to 40 per share in the next 15 to 18 months. Soon I can shift my interests to follow up investments with the profits. At this point I am getting adjusted to $5,000 swings on a daily basis. Seems easier on up days.
Some of you may be aware of the problems with my sin in law. He is a dentist who had his own private practice. He sold that practice last year to begin treatments for a very rare form of cancer. I understand only 1500 people in the US have had it. He went through two types of Chemo to no avail. They turned to bone marrow transplant, his brother is a 100% match. after two transplants he has "Graft vs Host" His lungs and skin are rejecting the transplants. He is back on two types of Chemo....
Prayers would be welcome.
Seems things have taken a turn for the worse here. It's snapped deadly cold and has been lingering below zero for the past week and a half. It's supposed to hold this low for at least the next week. Three, or more, of my goats have died. The last was a pregnant doe who delivered at least one kid and they both froze to death. They partner has ignored me for years when birthing time came and he pretty much pooh-poohed the signs I told him to watch for. He reported that the goat had been crying most of the night but it was too cold to go out. Her sister is in the cabin now and is reported to have some "drooley stuff" coming out of her vagina. He's not sure whether it's pre- or post-partum "drooley stuff" but nothing has happed thus far. He said he searched the pen for a kid but didn't find any. I asked him to send me some pictures but he is apparently unable to use the phone to take the photos. I suspect she delivered at least one kid and I will find it when I get back up there.
I'm trying to find a ride home. Since the road is still technically closed but locals with a 3/4 ton or larger, 4-wheel drive vehicle are being allowed through. I'm looking for a ride and found a neighbor willing to give me one but not until Tuesday.
I took next week off and may take the next in order to properly manage my animals. After questioning the partner, I ascertained that in the past two weeks he's provided only about 45 gallons of water for 18 animals. He's got a mountain of excuses, some are valid and I have been a fool believing that his feigned love for the animals would prompt him to do better by them. I'll be able to make up the hot mash I usually feed them on severely cold days and provide additional grain. I'll also be able to get the pickup and move back and forth without having to call the emergency services or begging for help from people dealing with their own grief and worries.
What a mess!
On another subject: more of my friends and family are offering support and encouragement for me dumping the partner. I was already laying the groundwork when the latest disaster happened. I had been leaving him for longer periods at his place in town and allowing him to fend more for himself. That did not sit very well with him. As some may understand, the biggest achievement for a passive-aggressive controller is to establish and maintain control over others. I was hoping that last summer, after surgery and while my brother was here for a couple of months, pard would stay in town and thus weaken that control. Nah, didn't work because his stroke put him in a prime position to use his infirmity to re-establish control. It hasn't worked as well as he hoped and it's been a rocky time since then. After the boner he pulled a couple of weeks ago, we are definitely finished. A punch to the mouth is pretty much definitive punctuation to the finish of a long term relationship, I'd say. Passive-aggressive manipulation failing, he resorted to just plain physical aggression and I am avoiding putting myself into prolonged, close contact with him at all costs.
I would like to thank all you fine folks for all the support and encouragement to resolve this issue. I promise that 2020 will be the year that this all changes. Bless you all and I am looking forward to visiting with you throughout the year.
I know how much you love your critters and I am so sorry some have passed on due to the negligence of your partner. It is not surprising though, because from what you have been saying, he is not reliable to, himself, much less dependent animals who needed him and he failed them, too.
See if the person that takes you out there tomorrow will give him a ride back to town..that way, you will be rid of him for at least a while. And better yet..he can't get back to you, either, unless he hitches a ride.

I sure wish we were closer to help you out. Howver, we would be pretty much useless to you due to our limitations now. But you have our prayers, hon.
Some of you may be aware of the problems with my sin in law. He is a dentist who had his own private practice. He sold that practice last year to begin treatments for a very rare form of cancer. I understand only 1500 people in the US have had it. He went through two types of Chemo to no avail. They turned to bone marrow transplant, his brother is a 100% match. after two transplants he has "Graft vs Host" His lungs and skin are rejecting the transplants. He is back on two types of Chemo....
Prayers would be welcome.
You have my best wishes and prayers, Ollie. Mrs. Ringel has been battling cancer, too, these past few years.
Best out for your SIL, and for you. Stay strong, brother. You have been through so much these years.
Seems things have taken a turn for the worse here. It's snapped deadly cold and has been lingering below zero for the past week and a half. It's supposed to hold this low for at least the next week. Three, or more, of my goats have died. The last was a pregnant doe who delivered at least one kid and they both froze to death. They partner has ignored me for years when birthing time came and he pretty much pooh-poohed the signs I told him to watch for. He reported that the goat had been crying most of the night but it was too cold to go out. Her sister is in the cabin now and is reported to have some "drooley stuff" coming out of her vagina. He's not sure whether it's pre- or post-partum "drooley stuff" but nothing has happed thus far. He said he searched the pen for a kid but didn't find any. I asked him to send me some pictures but he is apparently unable to use the phone to take the photos. I suspect she delivered at least one kid and I will find it when I get back up there.
I'm trying to find a ride home. Since the road is still technically closed but locals with a 3/4 ton or larger, 4-wheel drive vehicle are being allowed through. I'm looking for a ride and found a neighbor willing to give me one but not until Tuesday.
I took next week off and may take the next in order to properly manage my animals. After questioning the partner, I ascertained that in the past two weeks he's provided only about 45 gallons of water for 18 animals. He's got a mountain of excuses, some are valid and I have been a fool believing that his feigned love for the animals would prompt him to do better by them. I'll be able to make up the hot mash I usually feed them on severely cold days and provide additional grain. I'll also be able to get the pickup and move back and forth without having to call the emergency services or begging for help from people dealing with their own grief and worries.
What a mess!
On another subject: more of my friends and family are offering support and encouragement for me dumping the partner. I was already laying the groundwork when the latest disaster happened. I had been leaving him for longer periods at his place in town and allowing him to fend more for himself. That did not sit very well with him. As some may understand, the biggest achievement for a passive-aggressive controller is to establish and maintain control over others. I was hoping that last summer, after surgery and while my brother was here for a couple of months, pard would stay in town and thus weaken that control. Nah, didn't work because his stroke put him in a prime position to use his infirmity to re-establish control. It hasn't worked as well as he hoped and it's been a rocky time since then. After the boner he pulled a couple of weeks ago, we are definitely finished. A punch to the mouth is pretty much definitive punctuation to the finish of a long term relationship, I'd say. Passive-aggressive manipulation failing, he resorted to just plain physical aggression and I am avoiding putting myself into prolonged, close contact with him at all costs.
I would like to thank all you fine folks for all the support and encouragement to resolve this issue. I promise that 2020 will be the year that this all changes. Bless you all and I am looking forward to visiting with you throughout the year.
I know how much you love your critters and I am so sorry some have passed on due to the negligence of your partner. It is not surprising though, because from what you have been saying, he is not reliable to, himself, much less dependent animals who needed him and he failed them, too.
See if the person that takes you out there tomorrow will give him a ride back to town..that way, you will be rid of him for at least a while. And better yet..he can't get back to you, either, unless he hitches a ride.

I sure wish we were closer to help you out. Howver, we would be pretty much useless to you due to our limitations now. But you have our prayers, hon.
I wish I could send him back to town, Gracie, but I only have so many days off from work. I'll be out there for almost two weeks and will get things under control and hope the temps move back up above zero. The partner has been doing as well as he can, given his stroke and the circumstances, and his "handicaps". I figured out that one of the sisters died and will try to figure out why. The kid that was frozen came from the sister in the cabin right now. That is troubling because she will need to be milked after giving birth and losing her kid. I'll see to that when I get there and I'll get the partner's hand pump cleaned and ready. At least he'll have his fresh goat milk.
It has been bitter cold, and at least 10 degrees less in Willow than here.
I'm watching a "news" article right now about Australian animals threatened by the wildfires there. How horribly sad for all those helpless critters and for all that have lost their lives already.
Nutrition: Goats milk is a good source of protein, contains less sugar (lactose), 13% more calcium, 25% more vitamin B6, 47% more vitamin A, and 134% more potassium than regular cow's milk.
Cow's milk upsets tummies on lots of two-leggers, too. That's why I could have a fantastic market for my goat's milk. But I always suggest that anyone interested in providing goat milk as a substitute for lactose intolerant consumers consult their doctors. I also neglect to process my milk, other than to chill it as soon as it has been filtered. Unless you consider making cheese, joghurt, or kefir to be processing.

I don't know about Alaskan laws regarding the sale of raw milk or milk products, but yeah...….if it's anything like Washington, you could make alot of money with it especially since 'organic, local, unprocessed' is quite the rage.

I just got back a bit ago from a Health Food store where I bought a gallon of raw cows milk & paid $13.99 for 1 gallon :ack-1:

So in order to get the most out of it, I pulled off the top cream (about 3 cups) to make some butter & get the resulting buttermilk, in addition to the milk to feed my kefir with.

I don't normally drink much milk, but I have to admit I chugged a glass of that stuff down. I'd almost forgotten how good & creamy it was. I may have to make another trip over there in a few days :)
Here, herd shares are legal but outright sales are not. The herd share contract has to very specifically NOT promise any particular amount of product in exchange for the herd share fees. Many people don't want to sign contracts committing to payment of a monthly fee, they just want to buy a quart or gallon of milk.
A gallon of ultra-pasteurized, over-processed goat milk at the grocery around here would run you about $25.

So they expect you to pay those fees without getting anything in return???? I mean, what is the point?

I don't buy goats milk so I'm not sure if we even have it by the gallon. Seems like I've only seen pints or quarts, but I may be wrong. And yeah, it gets expensive,

I'm not 100% sure of the laws here regarding raw milk, other than you can only sell it if you're licensed or regulated to do so. I've never seen it in regular grocery stores and you can't buy it from the farm down the road unless you're good friends and sworn to secrecy. The only places you can buy it is from a handful of health food stores, not all of them do.
Seems things have taken a turn for the worse here. It's snapped deadly cold and has been lingering below zero for the past week and a half. It's supposed to hold this low for at least the next week. Three, or more, of my goats have died. The last was a pregnant doe who delivered at least one kid and they both froze to death. They partner has ignored me for years when birthing time came and he pretty much pooh-poohed the signs I told him to watch for. He reported that the goat had been crying most of the night but it was too cold to go out. Her sister is in the cabin now and is reported to have some "drooley stuff" coming out of her vagina. He's not sure whether it's pre- or post-partum "drooley stuff" but nothing has happed thus far. He said he searched the pen for a kid but didn't find any. I asked him to send me some pictures but he is apparently unable to use the phone to take the photos. I suspect she delivered at least one kid and I will find it when I get back up there.
I'm trying to find a ride home. Since the road is still technically closed but locals with a 3/4 ton or larger, 4-wheel drive vehicle are being allowed through. I'm looking for a ride and found a neighbor willing to give me one but not until Tuesday.
I took next week off and may take the next in order to properly manage my animals. After questioning the partner, I ascertained that in the past two weeks he's provided only about 45 gallons of water for 18 animals. He's got a mountain of excuses, some are valid and I have been a fool believing that his feigned love for the animals would prompt him to do better by them. I'll be able to make up the hot mash I usually feed them on severely cold days and provide additional grain. I'll also be able to get the pickup and move back and forth without having to call the emergency services or begging for help from people dealing with their own grief and worries.
What a mess!
On another subject: more of my friends and family are offering support and encouragement for me dumping the partner. I was already laying the groundwork when the latest disaster happened. I had been leaving him for longer periods at his place in town and allowing him to fend more for himself. That did not sit very well with him. As some may understand, the biggest achievement for a passive-aggressive controller is to establish and maintain control over others. I was hoping that last summer, after surgery and while my brother was here for a couple of months, pard would stay in town and thus weaken that control. Nah, didn't work because his stroke put him in a prime position to use his infirmity to re-establish control. It hasn't worked as well as he hoped and it's been a rocky time since then. After the boner he pulled a couple of weeks ago, we are definitely finished. A punch to the mouth is pretty much definitive punctuation to the finish of a long term relationship, I'd say. Passive-aggressive manipulation failing, he resorted to just plain physical aggression and I am avoiding putting myself into prolonged, close contact with him at all costs.
I would like to thank all you fine folks for all the support and encouragement to resolve this issue. I promise that 2020 will be the year that this all changes. Bless you all and I am looking forward to visiting with you throughout the year.

Oh my Lord.....I am so very sorry for the loss of your animals......the sooner he is out, the better and from his actions (or lack of) this shouldn't be too hard to do, and don't let him manipulate you into giving him another chance...….yeah I know, sometimes it's easier said than done, but he'll do it again and again and again
Just an update for Mr. P
He just had his 2nd visit yesterday to see the Doc that will do his surgery.
He has two tests that will be done on Jan. 6th.
Then another appt. on the 16th and they will explain to us what will happen during and after his surgery and what I need to do for him at home.
Doc says he has a 95% chance of making it through his open heart surgery.
Of course our 36th anniversary is on Jan. 16th.
Still better than when we spent it in ICU in 2017. :)

I'm still doing renovations and painting.
I'm almost done except for putting down the new kitchen floor and one more back bedroom.
I'm still entertaining a couple of neighbors who come down to see me on the 3rd step ladder.
They both say I look like Spiderman without the sticky web stuff going up the wall. :biggrin:
That sounds like good news all around.

Sbiker!!!! Welcome back. Always a treat when you check in.

I like to be here, but job (or domestic needs) periodically breaks it :)

Understood. But we are always happen when you can get here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sbiker.

Thanks a lot, Merry Christmas to all you too (for us it happened right this night :)
Some of you may be aware of the problems with my sin in law. He is a dentist who had his own private practice. He sold that practice last year to begin treatments for a very rare form of cancer. I understand only 1500 people in the US have had it. He went through two types of Chemo to no avail. They turned to bone marrow transplant, his brother is a 100% match. after two transplants he has "Graft vs Host" His lungs and skin are rejecting the transplants. He is back on two types of Chemo....
Prayers would be welcome.

So sorry Ollie. If you have no objection I'll put him on the vigil list.
Seems things have taken a turn for the worse here. It's snapped deadly cold and has been lingering below zero for the past week and a half. It's supposed to hold this low for at least the next week. Three, or more, of my goats have died. The last was a pregnant doe who delivered at least one kid and they both froze to death. They partner has ignored me for years when birthing time came and he pretty much pooh-poohed the signs I told him to watch for. He reported that the goat had been crying most of the night but it was too cold to go out. Her sister is in the cabin now and is reported to have some "drooley stuff" coming out of her vagina. He's not sure whether it's pre- or post-partum "drooley stuff" but nothing has happed thus far. He said he searched the pen for a kid but didn't find any. I asked him to send me some pictures but he is apparently unable to use the phone to take the photos. I suspect she delivered at least one kid and I will find it when I get back up there.
I'm trying to find a ride home. Since the road is still technically closed but locals with a 3/4 ton or larger, 4-wheel drive vehicle are being allowed through. I'm looking for a ride and found a neighbor willing to give me one but not until Tuesday.
I took next week off and may take the next in order to properly manage my animals. After questioning the partner, I ascertained that in the past two weeks he's provided only about 45 gallons of water for 18 animals. He's got a mountain of excuses, some are valid and I have been a fool believing that his feigned love for the animals would prompt him to do better by them. I'll be able to make up the hot mash I usually feed them on severely cold days and provide additional grain. I'll also be able to get the pickup and move back and forth without having to call the emergency services or begging for help from people dealing with their own grief and worries.
What a mess!
On another subject: more of my friends and family are offering support and encouragement for me dumping the partner. I was already laying the groundwork when the latest disaster happened. I had been leaving him for longer periods at his place in town and allowing him to fend more for himself. That did not sit very well with him. As some may understand, the biggest achievement for a passive-aggressive controller is to establish and maintain control over others. I was hoping that last summer, after surgery and while my brother was here for a couple of months, pard would stay in town and thus weaken that control. Nah, didn't work because his stroke put him in a prime position to use his infirmity to re-establish control. It hasn't worked as well as he hoped and it's been a rocky time since then. After the boner he pulled a couple of weeks ago, we are definitely finished. A punch to the mouth is pretty much definitive punctuation to the finish of a long term relationship, I'd say. Passive-aggressive manipulation failing, he resorted to just plain physical aggression and I am avoiding putting myself into prolonged, close contact with him at all costs.
I would like to thank all you fine folks for all the support and encouragement to resolve this issue. I promise that 2020 will be the year that this all changes. Bless you all and I am looking forward to visiting with you throughout the year.

Oh wow GW. What a terrible, heart wrenching mess. My New Year's hope is for you to find a solution to your dilemma and your unholy and dangerous entanglement with that partner.
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My uncle died last night in his sleep, my cousin just phoned me explaining how ill he had been, seems family members are dropping like flies nowadays.

So sorry for your loss Roy. But yes, it seems like family gatherings are more likely to happen for funerals/memorial services these days than for anything else.
That sounds like good news all around.

Sbiker!!!! Welcome back. Always a treat when you check in.

I like to be here, but job (or domestic needs) periodically breaks it :)

Understood. But we are always happen when you can get here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sbiker.

Thanks a lot, Merry Christmas to all you too (for us it happened right this night :)

For much of America, Christmas Day ENDS the Christmas season. But for true traditionalists, Christmas Day BEGINS the 12 days of Christmas that ended January 5. However I'm looking at the garland and Christmas bows still decorating our entryway and thinking it is past time to put those away.

But these days 5 minutes is more like football or basketball 5 minutes when both teams still have all their time outs. And time to accomplish projects also works a lot like that.

Sbiker!!!! Welcome back. Always a treat when you check in.

I like to be here, but job (or domestic needs) periodically breaks it :)

Understood. But we are always happen when you can get here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sbiker.

Thanks a lot, Merry Christmas to all you too (for us it happened right this night :)

For much of America, Christmas Day ENDS the Christmas season. But for true traditionalists, Christmas Day BEGINS the 12 days of Christmas that ended January 5. However I'm looking at the garland and Christmas bows still decorating our entryway and thinking it is past time to put those away.

But these days 5 minutes is more like football or basketball 5 minutes when both teams still have all their time outs. And time to accomplish projects also works a lot like that.

My northern wife loves Christmas, she decorated the whole house, her Christmas tree is an art form.
The outside of the house too is decorated, I installed an electrical outlet for her on the wall of the house just so she could plug in and power up her stuff safely.
She took down everything on Sunday the 5th January, carefully putting everything back in boxes just like she does every year.
My ex wife of course left her tree and decorations when we divorced, I donated all of it to a Christian woman I know for families who would appreciate the gifts.

Sbiker!!!! Welcome back. Always a treat when you check in.

I like to be here, but job (or domestic needs) periodically breaks it :)

Understood. But we are always happen when you can get here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sbiker.

Thanks a lot, Merry Christmas to all you too (for us it happened right this night :)

For much of America, Christmas Day ENDS the Christmas season. But for true traditionalists, Christmas Day BEGINS the 12 days of Christmas that ended January 5. However I'm looking at the garland and Christmas bows still decorating our entryway and thinking it is past time to put those away.

But these days 5 minutes is more like football or basketball 5 minutes when both teams still have all their time outs. And time to accomplish projects also works a lot like that.

In Russia Christmas starts from 6th to 7th of January, because we had 13 days different between Russian and Western calendars at the reform moment. So, it's also a reason for unofficial and unformal holiday "Old New Year" at 13th of January...
As for Christmas tree - yes, it seems, middle of January is the best time to put it away, but also it's a subject of a lot of jokes about spring holidays, something like "Congratulate your wife on March 8 - take out the tree" :)
Sbiker!!!! Welcome back. Always a treat when you check in.

I like to be here, but job (or domestic needs) periodically breaks it :)

Understood. But we are always happen when you can get here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sbiker.

Thanks a lot, Merry Christmas to all you too (for us it happened right this night :)

For much of America, Christmas Day ENDS the Christmas season. But for true traditionalists, Christmas Day BEGINS the 12 days of Christmas that ended January 5. However I'm looking at the garland and Christmas bows still decorating our entryway and thinking it is past time to put those away.

But these days 5 minutes is more like football or basketball 5 minutes when both teams still have all their time outs. And time to accomplish projects also works a lot like that.

My northern wife loves Christmas, she decorated the whole house, her Christmas tree is an art form.
The outside of the house too is decorated, I installed an electrical outlet for her on the wall of the house just so she could plug in and power up her stuff safely.
She took down everything on Sunday the 5th January, carefully putting everything back in boxes just like she does every year.
My ex wife of course left her tree and decorations when we divorced, I donated all of it to a Christian woman I know for families who would appreciate the gifts.

It's very interesting to see this Christian tradition, knowing that it based at pagan custom to make a bloody sacrifice to a evil "spirit of winter", now knowed as good Santa Claus... But anyway, family traditions are good! :)
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery and comfort/peace for Peach.
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.
Gracie for wellness, good solutions, and a conquering spirit.
Jackson for wellness.
And me, Foxfyre, for good news from upcoming tests.
Roy for wellness.
SFC Ollie's son-in-law - comfort, wellness, solutions.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and being blocked from caring for the animals.
And all those we love.

And we leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.
I like to be here, but job (or domestic needs) periodically breaks it :)

Understood. But we are always happen when you can get here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sbiker.

Thanks a lot, Merry Christmas to all you too (for us it happened right this night :)

For much of America, Christmas Day ENDS the Christmas season. But for true traditionalists, Christmas Day BEGINS the 12 days of Christmas that ended January 5. However I'm looking at the garland and Christmas bows still decorating our entryway and thinking it is past time to put those away.

But these days 5 minutes is more like football or basketball 5 minutes when both teams still have all their time outs. And time to accomplish projects also works a lot like that.

My northern wife loves Christmas, she decorated the whole house, her Christmas tree is an art form.
The outside of the house too is decorated, I installed an electrical outlet for her on the wall of the house just so she could plug in and power up her stuff safely.
She took down everything on Sunday the 5th January, carefully putting everything back in boxes just like she does every year.
My ex wife of course left her tree and decorations when we divorced, I donated all of it to a Christian woman I know for families who would appreciate the gifts.

It's very interesting to see this Christian tradition, knowing that it based at pagan custom to make a bloody sacrifice to a evil "spirit of winter", now knowed as good Santa Claus... But anyway, family traditions are good! :)

Well ..we did eat 9 pounds of "roast beast" Christmas Eve ..
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