USMB Coffee Shop IV

Nutrition: Goats milk is a good source of protein, contains less sugar (lactose), 13% more calcium, 25% more vitamin B6, 47% more vitamin A, and 134% more potassium than regular cow's milk.
Cow's milk upsets tummies on lots of two-leggers, too. That's why I could have a fantastic market for my goat's milk. But I always suggest that anyone interested in providing goat milk as a substitute for lactose intolerant consumers consult their doctors. I also neglect to process my milk, other than to chill it as soon as it has been filtered. Unless you consider making cheese, joghurt, or kefir to be processing.

I don't know about Alaskan laws regarding the sale of raw milk or milk products, but yeah...….if it's anything like Washington, you could make alot of money with it especially since 'organic, local, unprocessed' is quite the rage.

I just got back a bit ago from a Health Food store where I bought a gallon of raw cows milk & paid $13.99 for 1 gallon :ack-1:

So in order to get the most out of it, I pulled off the top cream (about 3 cups) to make some butter & get the resulting buttermilk, in addition to the milk to feed my kefir with.

I don't normally drink much milk, but I have to admit I chugged a glass of that stuff down. I'd almost forgotten how good & creamy it was. I may have to make another trip over there in a few days :)
I don't normally drink much milk, but I have to admit I chugged a glass of that stuff down. I'd almost forgotten how good & creamy it was. I may have to make another trip over there in a few days :)

:thup: She's hooked... But there are a hell of lot of worse things to be hooked on... Just be careful if you find yourself trying to milk the closest milk cow in the middle of the night...
I don't normally drink much milk, but I have to admit I chugged a glass of that stuff down. I'd almost forgotten how good & creamy it was. I may have to make another trip over there in a few days :)

:thup: She's hooked... But there are a hell of lot of worse things to be hooked on... Just be careful if you find yourself trying to milk the closest milk cow in the middle of the night...

I'd like to have my own, but it wouldn't fit it in my backyard and the neighbors would probably complain
Lumpy being obvious...

Whew .. okay well it's great having family and friends visit over the holidays but it's also great getting things back to normal. It's pretty well as good as visiting or vacationing then getting back to your very own bed and your normal life

Also .. Alexander.. eating great (snack and sleep) and gaining weight.. :)
Yesterday took the wife on a road trip. Went up to Las Vegas, not the one in Nevada the older one in New Mexico which was more wicked than Dodge City and all the other wicked towns of the old west. Headed out on I 40 east then took a very windy (twisty turny) Rte 3 north to I 25 then on to Las Vegas. Hit a couple of antique stores then the wife tuckered out so we headed straight back via I 25.
Las Vegas is on the edge of the Great Plains just at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
Yesterday took the wife on a road trip. Went up to Las Vegas, not the one in Nevada the older one in New Mexico which was more wicked than Dodge City and all the other wicked towns of the old west. Headed out on I 40 east then took a very windy (twisty turny) Rte 3 north to I 25 then on to Las Vegas. Hit a couple of antique stores then the wife tuckered out so we headed straight back via I 25.
Las Vegas is on the edge of the Great Plains just at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

Both my sister and her husband graduated from New Mexico Highlands at Las Vegas--an excellent college back in its day. Was pretty well run into the ground over the years since but that's another story inappropriate for the Coffee Shop. They both got their first teaching jobs in West Las Vegas which was one of the roughest communities in New Mexico at that time. They were only there a couple of years before moving on to Santa Rosa, also a tough little town back then, but by then they were trained and capable of handling anything.
I visited the old mining town of Oatman
Oatman is a village in the Black Mountains of Mohave County, Arizona, my wife and I were taken into the old gold mine for a tour and we came out experts in Gold mining.
Of course we extensively shopped at the many open shops and stalls, I even bought a token allowing me a bath and a woman within the establishment.
It’s a great show the locals put on for the tourists, I can still hear the “Hey, where do ya think your going with my gold!” shouted from the sheriff :)
I visited the old mining town of Oatman
Oatman is a village in the Black Mountains of Mohave County, Arizona, my wife and I were taken into the old gold mine for a tour and we came out experts in Gold mining.
Of course we extensively shopped at the many open shops and stalls, I even bought a token allowing me a bath and a woman within the establishment.
It’s a great show the locals put on for the tourists, I can still hear the “Hey, where do ya think your going with my gold!” shouted from the sheriff :)

Dodge City, Kansas, also puts on a really good old west show during tourist season.

I confess this is actually a lie. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with the paranormal and always wanted to witness some in haunted houses and such. But alas, I am still waiting for that.

I confess this is actually a lie. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with the paranormal and always wanted to witness some in haunted houses and such. But alas, I am still waiting for that.

I confess this is actually a lie. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with the paranormal and always wanted to witness some in haunted houses and such. But alas, I am still waiting for that.

Mrs Batty has psychic powers... too much has happened for me to believe anything else, in the 16th - 17th centuries she would have been drowned in the village pond opposite my house. Many a time I’ve asked her to use her powers to make me a rich man, but she’s refused me!
And now for the daily (or intermittent) poetry rendition:

One bright day in the middle of the night
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf police man heard the noise
And came to arrest those two dead boys!
Nutrition: Goats milk is a good source of protein, contains less sugar (lactose), 13% more calcium, 25% more vitamin B6, 47% more vitamin A, and 134% more potassium than regular cow's milk.
Cow's milk upsets tummies on lots of two-leggers, too. That's why I could have a fantastic market for my goat's milk. But I always suggest that anyone interested in providing goat milk as a substitute for lactose intolerant consumers consult their doctors. I also neglect to process my milk, other than to chill it as soon as it has been filtered. Unless you consider making cheese, joghurt, or kefir to be processing.

I don't know about Alaskan laws regarding the sale of raw milk or milk products, but yeah...….if it's anything like Washington, you could make alot of money with it especially since 'organic, local, unprocessed' is quite the rage.

I just got back a bit ago from a Health Food store where I bought a gallon of raw cows milk & paid $13.99 for 1 gallon :ack-1:

So in order to get the most out of it, I pulled off the top cream (about 3 cups) to make some butter & get the resulting buttermilk, in addition to the milk to feed my kefir with.

I don't normally drink much milk, but I have to admit I chugged a glass of that stuff down. I'd almost forgotten how good & creamy it was. I may have to make another trip over there in a few days :)
Here, herd shares are legal but outright sales are not. The herd share contract has to very specifically NOT promise any particular amount of product in exchange for the herd share fees. Many people don't want to sign contracts committing to payment of a monthly fee, they just want to buy a quart or gallon of milk.
A gallon of ultra-pasteurized, over-processed goat milk at the grocery around here would run you about $25.

I confess this is actually a lie. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with the paranormal and always wanted to witness some in haunted houses and such. But alas, I am still waiting for that.

I confess this is actually a lie. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with the paranormal and always wanted to witness some in haunted houses and such. But alas, I am still waiting for that.

Mrs Batty has psychic powers... too much has happened for me to believe anything else, in the 16th - 17th centuries she would have been drowned in the village pond opposite my house. Many a time I’ve asked her to use her powers to make me a rich man, but she’s refused me!
Using powers like that for ill gain can "boomerang" and bring bad karma back to the user.
Seems things have taken a turn for the worse here. It's snapped deadly cold and has been lingering below zero for the past week and a half. It's supposed to hold this low for at least the next week. Three, or more, of my goats have died. The last was a pregnant doe who delivered at least one kid and they both froze to death. They partner has ignored me for years when birthing time came and he pretty much pooh-poohed the signs I told him to watch for. He reported that the goat had been crying most of the night but it was too cold to go out. Her sister is in the cabin now and is reported to have some "drooley stuff" coming out of her vagina. He's not sure whether it's pre- or post-partum "drooley stuff" but nothing has happed thus far. He said he searched the pen for a kid but didn't find any. I asked him to send me some pictures but he is apparently unable to use the phone to take the photos. I suspect she delivered at least one kid and I will find it when I get back up there.
I'm trying to find a ride home. Since the road is still technically closed but locals with a 3/4 ton or larger, 4-wheel drive vehicle are being allowed through. I'm looking for a ride and found a neighbor willing to give me one but not until Tuesday.
I took next week off and may take the next in order to properly manage my animals. After questioning the partner, I ascertained that in the past two weeks he's provided only about 45 gallons of water for 18 animals. He's got a mountain of excuses, some are valid and I have been a fool believing that his feigned love for the animals would prompt him to do better by them. I'll be able to make up the hot mash I usually feed them on severely cold days and provide additional grain. I'll also be able to get the pickup and move back and forth without having to call the emergency services or begging for help from people dealing with their own grief and worries.
What a mess!
On another subject: more of my friends and family are offering support and encouragement for me dumping the partner. I was already laying the groundwork when the latest disaster happened. I had been leaving him for longer periods at his place in town and allowing him to fend more for himself. That did not sit very well with him. As some may understand, the biggest achievement for a passive-aggressive controller is to establish and maintain control over others. I was hoping that last summer, after surgery and while my brother was here for a couple of months, pard would stay in town and thus weaken that control. Nah, didn't work because his stroke put him in a prime position to use his infirmity to re-establish control. It hasn't worked as well as he hoped and it's been a rocky time since then. After the boner he pulled a couple of weeks ago, we are definitely finished. A punch to the mouth is pretty much definitive punctuation to the finish of a long term relationship, I'd say. Passive-aggressive manipulation failing, he resorted to just plain physical aggression and I am avoiding putting myself into prolonged, close contact with him at all costs.
I would like to thank all you fine folks for all the support and encouragement to resolve this issue. I promise that 2020 will be the year that this all changes. Bless you all and I am looking forward to visiting with you throughout the year.

I confess this is actually a lie. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with the paranormal and always wanted to witness some in haunted houses and such. But alas, I am still waiting for that.

I confess this is actually a lie. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with the paranormal and always wanted to witness some in haunted houses and such. But alas, I am still waiting for that.

Mrs Batty has psychic powers... too much has happened for me to believe anything else, in the 16th - 17th centuries she would have been drowned in the village pond opposite my house. Many a time I’ve asked her to use her powers to make me a rich man, but she’s refused me!
Using powers like that for ill gain can "boomerang" and bring bad karma back to the user.

Yeah that’s why she won’t make me a millionaire.
Yesterday took the wife on a road trip. Went up to Las Vegas, not the one in Nevada the older one in New Mexico which was more wicked than Dodge City and all the other wicked towns of the old west. Headed out on I 40 east then took a very windy (twisty turny) Rte 3 north to I 25 then on to Las Vegas. Hit a couple of antique stores then the wife tuckered out so we headed straight back via I 25.
Las Vegas is on the edge of the Great Plains just at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

Wide spot in the road. Scenic out there if you're not used to it. Being from Tennessee, I'm not used to it. Sent on corporate work for a few weeks to Albuquerque. Loved the mountains. Did not really enjoy the desert plains. Missed the trees and lush greenery.
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I confess this is actually a lie. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with the paranormal and always wanted to witness some in haunted houses and such. But alas, I am still waiting for that.

I confess this is actually a lie. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with the paranormal and always wanted to witness some in haunted houses and such. But alas, I am still waiting for that.

Mrs Batty has psychic powers... too much has happened for me to believe anything else, in the 16th - 17th centuries she would have been drowned in the village pond opposite my house. Many a time I’ve asked her to use her powers to make me a rich man, but she’s refused me!
Using powers like that for ill gain can "boomerang" and bring bad karma back to the user.

Yeah that’s why she won’t make me a millionaire.
You have the option of making yourself a millionaire!
Yesterday took the wife on a road trip. Went up to Las Vegas, not the one in Nevada the older one in New Mexico which was more wicked than Dodge City and all the other wicked towns of the old west. Headed out on I 40 east then took a very windy (twisty turny) Rte 3 north to I 25 then on to Las Vegas. Hit a couple of antique stores then the wife tuckered out so we headed straight back via I 25.
Las Vegas is on the edge of the Great Plains just at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

Wide spot in the road. Scenic out there if you're not used to it. Being from Tennessee, I'm not used to it. Sent on corporate work for a few weeks to Albuquerque. Loved the mountains. Did not really enjoy the desert plains. Missed the trees and lush greenery.
When the wife, born and raised in Fairfax Virginia and I first moved down to the desert southwest our first thoughts were "OMG how stark and moon like......" In less than a year we fell in love with it, now not having treeless wide open spaces makes her feel claustrophobic, we can't imagine us living elsewhere now.

I confess this is actually a lie. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with the paranormal and always wanted to witness some in haunted houses and such. But alas, I am still waiting for that.

I confess this is actually a lie. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with the paranormal and always wanted to witness some in haunted houses and such. But alas, I am still waiting for that.

Mrs Batty has psychic powers... too much has happened for me to believe anything else, in the 16th - 17th centuries she would have been drowned in the village pond opposite my house. Many a time I’ve asked her to use her powers to make me a rich man, but she’s refused me!
Using powers like that for ill gain can "boomerang" and bring bad karma back to the user.

Yeah that’s why she won’t make me a millionaire.
You have the option of making yourself a millionaire!

On paper I guess I’m a half ££millionaire
Yesterday took the wife on a road trip. Went up to Las Vegas, not the one in Nevada the older one in New Mexico which was more wicked than Dodge City and all the other wicked towns of the old west. Headed out on I 40 east then took a very windy (twisty turny) Rte 3 north to I 25 then on to Las Vegas. Hit a couple of antique stores then the wife tuckered out so we headed straight back via I 25.
Las Vegas is on the edge of the Great Plains just at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

Wide spot in the road. Scenic out there if you're not used to it. Being from Tennessee, I'm not used to it. Sent on corporate work for a few weeks to Albuquerque. Loved the mountains. Did not really enjoy the desert plains. Missed the trees and lush greenery.
When the wife, born and raised in Fairfax Virginia and I first moved down to the desert southwest our first thoughts were "OMG how stark and moon like......" In less than a year we fell in love with it, now not having treeless wide open spaces makes her feel claustrophobic, we can't imagine us living elsewhere now.
Years in Tanks and skirting tree lines made me just the opposite. Feels like a bug on a plate waiting for something to swoop down on me, where it never bothered me before.

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