USMB Coffee Shop IV

Clarithromycin 500mg 1 to be taken everything 12 hours

That's a powerful med. But if your problem is ear infection or anything upper respiratory, it should help.

Thanks FF, I explained to the doctor I’m a very strong individual and I just cannot shake these symptoms. I’ll of course drink plenty of water during taking this medication.
My wife was having unexplained dizziness which she attributed to the chemo. They did a MRI and discovered a Shawnes Nodule on the nerves between the ear and her brain that controls balance and hearing, benign but it causes dizziness. It can be removed unfortunately causing permanent hearing loss in the affected ear.

Oh my. What else can be piled on you two?
She claims it's a mild annoyance and isn't planning to do anything about it right now. We will be headed to Houston the middle of next month to MD Anderson to see if they have any clinical trials they can put her in. This is the initial phase, more a medical meet and greet to get her registered as a patient, 3 to 5 days for testing, etc. We're working with ACS to find low cost hotel rooms and others for possible free transportation there and back, once she's registered as a patient at MD Anderson they have rooms available for free. Was hoping ACS's Hope Lodge would be open by now in Houston but not yet.
Clarithromycin 500mg 1 to be taken everything 12 hours

That's a powerful med. But if your problem is ear infection or anything upper respiratory, it should help.

Thanks FF, I explained to the doctor I’m a very strong individual and I just cannot shake these symptoms. I’ll of course drink plenty of water during taking this medication.
My wife was having unexplained dizziness which she attributed to the chemo. They did a MRI and discovered a Shawnes Nodule on the nerves between the ear and her brain that controls balance and hearing, benign but it causes dizziness. It can be removed unfortunately causing permanent hearing loss in the affected ear.

Oh my. What else can be piled on you two?
She claims it's a mild annoyance and isn't planning to do anything about it right now. We will be headed to Houston the middle of next month to MD Anderson to see if they have any clinical trials they can put her in. This is the initial phase, more a medical meet and greet to get her registered as a patient, 3 to 5 days for testing, etc. We're working with ACS to find low cost hotel rooms and others for possible free transportation there and back, once she's registered as a patient at MD Anderson they have rooms available for free. Was hoping ACS's Hope Lodge would be open by now in Houston but not yet.

MD Anderson is, in my opinion, the top ranked cancer facility for adults in the country.
Nutrition: Goats milk is a good source of protein, contains less sugar (lactose), 13% more calcium, 25% more vitamin B6, 47% more vitamin A, and 134% more potassium than regular cow's milk.
Cow's milk upsets tummies on lots of two-leggers, too. That's why I could have a fantastic market for my goat's milk. But I always suggest that anyone interested in providing goat milk as a substitute for lactose intolerant consumers consult their doctors. I also neglect to process my milk, other than to chill it as soon as it has been filtered. Unless you consider making cheese, joghurt, or kefir to be processing.

I don't know about Alaskan laws regarding the sale of raw milk or milk products, but yeah...….if it's anything like Washington, you could make alot of money with it especially since 'organic, local, unprocessed' is quite the rage.

I just got back a bit ago from a Health Food store where I bought a gallon of raw cows milk & paid $13.99 for 1 gallon :ack-1:

So in order to get the most out of it, I pulled off the top cream (about 3 cups) to make some butter & get the resulting buttermilk, in addition to the milk to feed my kefir with.

I don't normally drink much milk, but I have to admit I chugged a glass of that stuff down. I'd almost forgotten how good & creamy it was. I may have to make another trip over there in a few days :)
Here, herd shares are legal but outright sales are not. The herd share contract has to very specifically NOT promise any particular amount of product in exchange for the herd share fees. Many people don't want to sign contracts committing to payment of a monthly fee, they just want to buy a quart or gallon of milk.
A gallon of ultra-pasteurized, over-processed goat milk at the grocery around here would run you about $25.

So they expect you to pay those fees without getting anything in return???? I mean, what is the point?

I don't buy goats milk so I'm not sure if we even have it by the gallon. Seems like I've only seen pints or quarts, but I may be wrong. And yeah, it gets expensive,

I'm not 100% sure of the laws here regarding raw milk, other than you can only sell it if you're licensed or regulated to do so. I've never seen it in regular grocery stores and you can't buy it from the farm down the road unless you're good friends and sworn to secrecy. The only places you can buy it is from a handful of health food stores, not all of them do.
Technically, you can drink or use raw milk from your own animals. Not everyone wants to have their own animals so the solution is to buy into someone else's herd, making you an owner, too. Legally, I cannot sell raw milk to other people. If you're above board, you get you "co-owner" a reasonable amount of their product. The size herd I used to have would provide appoximately a gallon of milk for two herd shares. If I had excess, I usually offered them more. The monthly fee covered my expenses to care for and milk their animal(s). But since it was illegal to outright sell the milk I could not make a claim that a share would yield a specific amount of product. It's a go-around on a sales ban. Most people just want to buy a gallon, a quart, or whatever they need and not have to deal with contracts. I don't blame them. They should be able to buy the food they desire from the source they choose.
Seems things have taken a turn for the worse here. It's snapped deadly cold and has been lingering below zero for the past week and a half. It's supposed to hold this low for at least the next week. Three, or more, of my goats have died. The last was a pregnant doe who delivered at least one kid and they both froze to death. They partner has ignored me for years when birthing time came and he pretty much pooh-poohed the signs I told him to watch for. He reported that the goat had been crying most of the night but it was too cold to go out. Her sister is in the cabin now and is reported to have some "drooley stuff" coming out of her vagina. He's not sure whether it's pre- or post-partum "drooley stuff" but nothing has happed thus far. He said he searched the pen for a kid but didn't find any. I asked him to send me some pictures but he is apparently unable to use the phone to take the photos. I suspect she delivered at least one kid and I will find it when I get back up there.
I'm trying to find a ride home. Since the road is still technically closed but locals with a 3/4 ton or larger, 4-wheel drive vehicle are being allowed through. I'm looking for a ride and found a neighbor willing to give me one but not until Tuesday.
I took next week off and may take the next in order to properly manage my animals. After questioning the partner, I ascertained that in the past two weeks he's provided only about 45 gallons of water for 18 animals. He's got a mountain of excuses, some are valid and I have been a fool believing that his feigned love for the animals would prompt him to do better by them. I'll be able to make up the hot mash I usually feed them on severely cold days and provide additional grain. I'll also be able to get the pickup and move back and forth without having to call the emergency services or begging for help from people dealing with their own grief and worries.
What a mess!
On another subject: more of my friends and family are offering support and encouragement for me dumping the partner. I was already laying the groundwork when the latest disaster happened. I had been leaving him for longer periods at his place in town and allowing him to fend more for himself. That did not sit very well with him. As some may understand, the biggest achievement for a passive-aggressive controller is to establish and maintain control over others. I was hoping that last summer, after surgery and while my brother was here for a couple of months, pard would stay in town and thus weaken that control. Nah, didn't work because his stroke put him in a prime position to use his infirmity to re-establish control. It hasn't worked as well as he hoped and it's been a rocky time since then. After the boner he pulled a couple of weeks ago, we are definitely finished. A punch to the mouth is pretty much definitive punctuation to the finish of a long term relationship, I'd say. Passive-aggressive manipulation failing, he resorted to just plain physical aggression and I am avoiding putting myself into prolonged, close contact with him at all costs.
I would like to thank all you fine folks for all the support and encouragement to resolve this issue. I promise that 2020 will be the year that this all changes. Bless you all and I am looking forward to visiting with you throughout the year.

Oh my Lord.....I am so very sorry for the loss of your animals......the sooner he is out, the better and from his actions (or lack of) this shouldn't be too hard to do, and don't let him manipulate you into giving him another chance...….yeah I know, sometimes it's easier said than done, but he'll do it again and again and again
The critters are already doing better. In the two days I've been here they have been served more than 15 gallons of warm water. I got the does back into their pen and put the dog on her lead. I got the little momma milked (they must be milked if the kid isn't nursing). I'll stay out here the rest of this week and will continue to commute from town until the weather warms up. Pard already tried to pull his shit a couple of times and I told him to "shut the f**k up!", and he did!! He's totally ignoring what he did to me a couple of weeks ago. I called the DA to find out the status of the DV and they are still reviewing the case. At the very least, I want him ordered to counseling. That will be for his own good. He informed that if it went to court he'd blame it on me, claiming I hit him first. Yeah, good luck with that, buddy.
Of course, the fun never stops here. The temps are holding at around -20F or lower for the past week. My propane heater gave up the ghost and I hope I can find parts for it. It's pretty old. I cannot afford replacing it right now without tapping into my hard reserves. Don't want to do that but cannot afford not to have something to keep this place above freezing when the wood burner goes out while I'm not home. I'd come home to cat-sickles:crybaby:
They saying they'll have the road fixed before I go back to work next week. I'm crossing my hooks. Seems like they're 1) waiting for permits, 2) looking for the least expensive option, or 3) afraid of incurring liability. Sheesh! I admit, though, that I'm getting more for my tax dollar here than in Anchorage. At least out here they grade and sand the roads promptly after a snowfall. Anchorage won't even touch their streets until at least 4" (I think that's the number) of snow has fallen.
That sounds like good news all around.

Sbiker!!!! Welcome back. Always a treat when you check in.

I like to be here, but job (or domestic needs) periodically breaks it :)

Understood. But we are always happen when you can get here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sbiker.

Thanks a lot, Merry Christmas to all you too (for us it happened right this night :)
Merry Christmas to you, Sbiker! There are many Russian Orthodox christians here in Alaska and this is a major holiday and celebrated, sharing with all who want to share. Lots of interesting customs, too.
Seems things have taken a turn for the worse here. It's snapped deadly cold and has been lingering below zero for the past week and a half. It's supposed to hold this low for at least the next week. Three, or more, of my goats have died. The last was a pregnant doe who delivered at least one kid and they both froze to death. They partner has ignored me for years when birthing time came and he pretty much pooh-poohed the signs I told him to watch for. He reported that the goat had been crying most of the night but it was too cold to go out. Her sister is in the cabin now and is reported to have some "drooley stuff" coming out of her vagina. He's not sure whether it's pre- or post-partum "drooley stuff" but nothing has happed thus far. He said he searched the pen for a kid but didn't find any. I asked him to send me some pictures but he is apparently unable to use the phone to take the photos. I suspect she delivered at least one kid and I will find it when I get back up there.
I'm trying to find a ride home. Since the road is still technically closed but locals with a 3/4 ton or larger, 4-wheel drive vehicle are being allowed through. I'm looking for a ride and found a neighbor willing to give me one but not until Tuesday.
I took next week off and may take the next in order to properly manage my animals. After questioning the partner, I ascertained that in the past two weeks he's provided only about 45 gallons of water for 18 animals. He's got a mountain of excuses, some are valid and I have been a fool believing that his feigned love for the animals would prompt him to do better by them. I'll be able to make up the hot mash I usually feed them on severely cold days and provide additional grain. I'll also be able to get the pickup and move back and forth without having to call the emergency services or begging for help from people dealing with their own grief and worries.
What a mess!
On another subject: more of my friends and family are offering support and encouragement for me dumping the partner. I was already laying the groundwork when the latest disaster happened. I had been leaving him for longer periods at his place in town and allowing him to fend more for himself. That did not sit very well with him. As some may understand, the biggest achievement for a passive-aggressive controller is to establish and maintain control over others. I was hoping that last summer, after surgery and while my brother was here for a couple of months, pard would stay in town and thus weaken that control. Nah, didn't work because his stroke put him in a prime position to use his infirmity to re-establish control. It hasn't worked as well as he hoped and it's been a rocky time since then. After the boner he pulled a couple of weeks ago, we are definitely finished. A punch to the mouth is pretty much definitive punctuation to the finish of a long term relationship, I'd say. Passive-aggressive manipulation failing, he resorted to just plain physical aggression and I am avoiding putting myself into prolonged, close contact with him at all costs.
I would like to thank all you fine folks for all the support and encouragement to resolve this issue. I promise that 2020 will be the year that this all changes. Bless you all and I am looking forward to visiting with you throughout the year.

Oh wow GW. What a terrible, heart wrenching mess. My New Year's hope is for you to find a solution to your dilemma and your unholy and dangerous entanglement with that partner.
The partner is in denial. It's really sad that he will not address things and acts like nothing has happened. I am now setting things up so that the split will be fair and equitable, although he won't see it that way. Too bad. He's done shit in his wheaties, and mine, too, and I'm not willing to continue.
My uncle died last night in his sleep, my cousin just phoned me explaining how ill he had been, seems family members are dropping like flies nowadays.
My vet told me that most animals (people are animals, after all) will die at the beginning of the winter or in spring, after making it through winter. I'd rather go before having to struggle through another hard, cold winter.
But I do offer my condolences to you and your cousin, and the rest of your uncle's grieving family.
And my news: the house caught fire.

The firefighters are leaving now.

Myself and family and seven cats are very lucky.

I'm flying out tomorrow, amidst violent storms and gales.
Holy cow, Mindful! Everyone is OK, I'm guessing. Do you folks still have a place to stay? Is the house badly damaged? My best goes out to you.
Clarithromycin 500mg 1 to be taken everything 12 hours

That's a powerful med. But if your problem is ear infection or anything upper respiratory, it should help.

Thanks FF, I explained to the doctor I’m a very strong individual and I just cannot shake these symptoms. I’ll of course drink plenty of water during taking this medication.
My wife was having unexplained dizziness which she attributed to the chemo. They did a MRI and discovered a Shawnes Nodule on the nerves between the ear and her brain that controls balance and hearing, benign but it causes dizziness. It can be removed unfortunately causing permanent hearing loss in the affected ear.
You and the Mrs just cannot catch a break. Still sending all the best vibes I can to you and she.
Clarithromycin 500mg 1 to be taken everything 12 hours

That's a powerful med. But if your problem is ear infection or anything upper respiratory, it should help.

Thanks FF, I explained to the doctor I’m a very strong individual and I just cannot shake these symptoms. I’ll of course drink plenty of water during taking this medication.
My wife was having unexplained dizziness which she attributed to the chemo. They did a MRI and discovered a Shawnes Nodule on the nerves between the ear and her brain that controls balance and hearing, benign but it causes dizziness. It can be removed unfortunately causing permanent hearing loss in the affected ear.

Oh my. What else can be piled on you two?
She claims it's a mild annoyance and isn't planning to do anything about it right now. We will be headed to Houston the middle of next month to MD Anderson to see if they have any clinical trials they can put her in. This is the initial phase, more a medical meet and greet to get her registered as a patient, 3 to 5 days for testing, etc. We're working with ACS to find low cost hotel rooms and others for possible free transportation there and back, once she's registered as a patient at MD Anderson they have rooms available for free. Was hoping ACS's Hope Lodge would be open by now in Houston but not yet.
Good luck, Ringel. Hope this works out for y'all.
Clarithromycin 500mg 1 to be taken everything 12 hours

That's a powerful med. But if your problem is ear infection or anything upper respiratory, it should help.

Thanks FF, I explained to the doctor I’m a very strong individual and I just cannot shake these symptoms. I’ll of course drink plenty of water during taking this medication.
My wife was having unexplained dizziness which she attributed to the chemo. They did a MRI and discovered a Shawnes Nodule on the nerves between the ear and her brain that controls balance and hearing, benign but it causes dizziness. It can be removed unfortunately causing permanent hearing loss in the affected ear.

Oh my. What else can be piled on you two?
She claims it's a mild annoyance and isn't planning to do anything about it right now. We will be headed to Houston the middle of next month to MD Anderson to see if they have any clinical trials they can put her in. This is the initial phase, more a medical meet and greet to get her registered as a patient, 3 to 5 days for testing, etc. We're working with ACS to find low cost hotel rooms and others for possible free transportation there and back, once she's registered as a patient at MD Anderson they have rooms available for free. Was hoping ACS's Hope Lodge would be open by now in Houston but not yet.

I am hoping and praying for the best for you both.
Thanks a lot, Merry Christmas to all you too (for us it happened right this night :)

For much of America, Christmas Day ENDS the Christmas season. But for true traditionalists, Christmas Day BEGINS the 12 days of Christmas that ended January 5. However I'm looking at the garland and Christmas bows still decorating our entryway and thinking it is past time to put those away.

But these days 5 minutes is more like football or basketball 5 minutes when both teams still have all their time outs. And time to accomplish projects also works a lot like that.

My northern wife loves Christmas, she decorated the whole house, her Christmas tree is an art form.
The outside of the house too is decorated, I installed an electrical outlet for her on the wall of the house just so she could plug in and power up her stuff safely.
She took down everything on Sunday the 5th January, carefully putting everything back in boxes just like she does every year.
My ex wife of course left her tree and decorations when we divorced, I donated all of it to a Christian woman I know for families who would appreciate the gifts.

It's very interesting to see this Christian tradition, knowing that it based at pagan custom to make a bloody sacrifice to a evil "spirit of winter", now knowed as good Santa Claus... But anyway, family traditions are good! :)

Well ..we did eat 9 pounds of "roast beast" Christmas Eve ..

And also worked as Santa Claus for children? :) Nothing changes!

All my kids are grown, it's all about Grampa duties now... :wink_2:
Last summer I picked up the work vehicle keys mistakenly, I was taking the wife shopping, she closed the front door just as I shouted “don’t shut the door”
Yes I was locked out of the house, the wife didn’t have her house key either.
I sat in my work van and had a think for 5 minutes, then went on YouTube. We watched videos.
I started the engine and drove to a hardware store, bought some 1/8th drill bits.
Luckily I had a battery drill in my work van, drilling out the key lock took 1/2 an hour and 2 broken drill bits. But my wife kissed me when I put a screwdriver in the lock and turned it to open the door.
Moral of the story “always have a battery drill stashed somewhere!”

But beware the battery mouse! Right this morning my mouse lost the charge and I don't have spare batteries, so I'm forced to use wired mouse :)

Sbiker!!!! Welcome back. Always a treat when you check in.

I like to be here, but job (or domestic needs) periodically breaks it :)

Understood. But we are always happen when you can get here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sbiker.

Thanks a lot, Merry Christmas to all you too (for us it happened right this night :)
Merry Christmas to you, Sbiker! There are many Russian Orthodox christians here in Alaska and this is a major holiday and celebrated, sharing with all who want to share. Lots of interesting customs, too.

Damn, I want to visit Alaska sometimes! :) It would be ideal to work in any Alaska oil companies as IT developer about year or two, but I'm afraid to get visa for this job is too difficult :)
Tattoos today.

I’ve only one tattoo, it’s never seen, it never see’s any sunlight, it still looks like it was done yesterday.
Today youth have tattoos everywhere, faces, necks, legs, arms, hands and every other place you can think of.
For those that have them on places where the sun can fade them I sympathise, they didn’t think it through, or not realised.
When I was younger I sailed onboard the greatest liner of its time, of course I went over the equator. The ceremony was done to me like other lads, sat down and my face whitewashed with unmentionable material in a mixture, then with acting, publicly shaved by roars of laughter and merriment, I have certificates proving I’ve sailed from right to left, and left to right over the equator entitling me to anchors on both arms if I do so choose to have them done.
Alas, I am not entitled to a swallow tattoo, this tattoo is to show I have served 5 years aboard a ship.
Tattoos today.

I’ve only one tattoo, it’s never seen, it never see’s any sunlight, it still looks like it was done yesterday.
Today youth have tattoos everywhere, faces, necks, legs, arms, hands and every other place you can think of.
For those that have them on places where the sun can fade them I sympathise, they didn’t think it through, or not realised.
When I was younger I sailed onboard the greatest liner of its time, of course I went over the equator. The ceremony was done to me like other lads, sat down and my face whitewashed with unmentionable material in a mixture, then with acting, publicly shaved by roars of laughter and merriment, I have certificates proving I’ve sailed from right to left, and left to right over the equator entitling me to anchors on both arms if I do so choose to have them done.
Alas, I am not entitled to a swallow tattoo, this tattoo is to show I have served 5 years aboard a ship.

Tradirionally in Russia tattoos are a symbols of criminal achievements... But last 10-20 years tattoos became popular among young people, so their fantasy knows no boundaries :)

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