USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery and comfort/peace for Peach.
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.
Gracie for wellness, good solutions, and a conquering spirit.
Jackson for wellness.
And me, Foxfyre, for good news from upcoming tests.
Roy for wellness.
SFC Ollie's son-in-law - comfort, wellness, solutions.
Mindful's house fire damage.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and being blocked from caring for the animals.
And all those we love.

And we leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

Tonight's full moon is the first of 13 in 2020. The wolf moon due to the plaintiff howling of the wolves as they hunt winter prey.
Thank you for the "List", Foxy. I might have mentioned that they got a workable solution to our flooding dilemma. I've been off work this week while it's killing cold here. The animals are doing much better and I have decided that for the near future I will continue commuting during the work week. Rod has proven that his infirmity prevents him from properly caring for the animals, especially when the winter takes us in its teeth like it has this past week. At least I am sure they will be provided plenty of fresh, warm water. Since I've been up here, we've drawn water from the well twice, filling about 35 gallons each time. Now my big worry is the firewood. As soon as it's light enough, I plan on going out and digging the wood splitter out of its snow berm and then get to cutting the pile of wood I have ready. I can get about 3-4 weeks of 24 hr fire from a cord of wood. We have at least two weeks supply left right now. During a normal winter I would need at least 12 more weeks of wood until things warmed up enough to let the fire die down during the day. We were way behind wood preparation because of Rod's stroke. Hell, I'd better get to cutting! After my ready wood is processed I'll strap on the snow shoes and go after a couple of down birches. Winter in Alaska!
Busy few days here for me. I went to the dentist this morning for a 10AM deep cleaning appointment. I worked my normal 6PM to 2:30AM shift, getting home about 3. I'll be getting back up in about 5 hours and driving for about 5 hours for a weekend away. I come back Monday afternoon, go to work as normal Monday at 6. Then I have a second deep cleaning (for the other half of my mouth) Tuesday morning at 9AM.

I feel like there will not be enough sleep in between now and when I go to work Tuesday. :lol:
Is there ever enough time to sleep? Have a nice weekend. Will you be seeing the little one?

As a tourist - offcourse... but it's a way, where I have to find holidays to use it for visit :))
I didn’t know Russians could leave Russia and enter the United States

Only if they get US visa :) Which else problems could be to do it? (except some of money to travel :)
You need a sponsor, I'm here for you.

Oh! Do you have Dambldor's Time-Turner, to give me some extra time? :)
Don't I only wish!

As a tourist - offcourse... but it's a way, where I have to find holidays to use it for visit :))
I didn’t know Russians could leave Russia and enter the United States

Yes. Russia and the USA have full diplomatic relations. We can visit there. They can visit here.

And also Russia and USA have only 4 kilometers from border to border :) Somethere in a Pacific Ocean :)
Big and Little Diomede Islands
Diomede Islands - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Went out to provide fresh water and discovered another mortality. This was my oldest doe and at 12 yrs, she was older than most goats get to be. Now I'll have to pay special attention to her orphan so that she won't freeze without having mama to huddle up to for warmth. There are five singles in the pen, three of which are small. They seem to be staying near each other and I am hoping that Little Belle will find some comfort in their group. That's four animals that have died since this cold snap started. Winter will take the very young and the very old first.
Went out to provide fresh water and discovered another mortality. This was my oldest doe and at 12 yrs, she was older than most goats get to be. Now I'll have to pay special attention to her orphan so that she won't freeze without having mama to huddle up to for warmth. There are five singles in the pen, three of which are small. They seem to be staying near each other and I am hoping that Little Belle will find some comfort in their group. That's four animals that have died since this cold snap started. Winter will take the very young and the very old first.

Nature can be cruel as it can be glorious. Still I know how distressing it is for you. I didn't realize goats naturally die so young though. Cows and pigs can live to be 20, horses 30 to 40 years. Looks like mother nature would hold onto the goats as long.
Busy few days here for me. I went to the dentist this morning for a 10AM deep cleaning appointment. I worked my normal 6PM to 2:30AM shift, getting home about 3. I'll be getting back up in about 5 hours and driving for about 5 hours for a weekend away. I come back Monday afternoon, go to work as normal Monday at 6. Then I have a second deep cleaning (for the other half of my mouth) Tuesday morning at 9AM.

I feel like there will not be enough sleep in between now and when I go to work Tuesday. :lol:

Ick!! I hate going to the dentist for anything. But hope you are staying well and are enjoying the new job Montro.
Went out to provide fresh water and discovered another mortality. This was my oldest doe and at 12 yrs, she was older than most goats get to be. Now I'll have to pay special attention to her orphan so that she won't freeze without having mama to huddle up to for warmth. There are five singles in the pen, three of which are small. They seem to be staying near each other and I am hoping that Little Belle will find some comfort in their group. That's four animals that have died since this cold snap started. Winter will take the very young and the very old first.

Nature can be cruel as it can be glorious. Still I know how distressing it is for you. I didn't realize goats naturally die so young though. Cows and pigs can live to be 20, horses 30 to 40 years. Looks like mother nature would hold onto the goats as long.
10-12 years is not unusual for a goat's life expectancy. A lot of factors affect their longevity, too. Their breed, the food they receive, breeding and use all make a difference. Bucks tend to live shorter lives than does and whethers can live longer than either (no/low stress lives). Spot was special and will be missed greatly. Of course, the partner is blaming me for her demise.
Went out to provide fresh water and discovered another mortality. This was my oldest doe and at 12 yrs, she was older than most goats get to be. Now I'll have to pay special attention to her orphan so that she won't freeze without having mama to huddle up to for warmth. There are five singles in the pen, three of which are small. They seem to be staying near each other and I am hoping that Little Belle will find some comfort in their group. That's four animals that have died since this cold snap started. Winter will take the very young and the very old first.

Nature can be cruel as it can be glorious. Still I know how distressing it is for you. I didn't realize goats naturally die so young though. Cows and pigs can live to be 20, horses 30 to 40 years. Looks like mother nature would hold onto the goats as long.
10-12 years is not unusual for a goat's life expectancy. A lot of factors affect their longevity, too. Their breed, the food they receive, breeding and use all make a difference. Bucks tend to live shorter lives than does and whethers can live longer than either (no/low stress lives). Spot was special and will be missed greatly. Of course, the partner is blaming me for her demise.

Well your partner seems to blame everybody but himself for just about everything. I don't think I would lose any sleep over his opinion. Still praying for a solution for you GW. I know there has to be one out there somewhere.
Went out to provide fresh water and discovered another mortality. This was my oldest doe and at 12 yrs, she was older than most goats get to be. Now I'll have to pay special attention to her orphan so that she won't freeze without having mama to huddle up to for warmth. There are five singles in the pen, three of which are small. They seem to be staying near each other and I am hoping that Little Belle will find some comfort in their group. That's four animals that have died since this cold snap started. Winter will take the very young and the very old first.

Nature can be cruel as it can be glorious. Still I know how distressing it is for you. I didn't realize goats naturally die so young though. Cows and pigs can live to be 20, horses 30 to 40 years. Looks like mother nature would hold onto the goats as long.
10-12 years is not unusual for a goat's life expectancy. A lot of factors affect their longevity, too. Their breed, the food they receive, breeding and use all make a difference. Bucks tend to live shorter lives than does and whethers can live longer than either (no/low stress lives). Spot was special and will be missed greatly. Of course, the partner is blaming me for her demise.

Well your partner seems to blame everybody but himself for just about everything. I don't think I would lose any sleep over his opinion. Still praying for a solution for you GW. I know there has to be one out there somewhere.
Yeah, he does that. The past couple of days I've been getting his version of "I'm gonna eat some worms". He's going sell his place and move to South America. I haven't tried to argue him out of that. South America is welcome to him. While he had my phone he read all my texts. I suggested that reading someone else's texts and emails or eavesdropping might just reveal things that people hesitate to reveal to the mentally ill. He was upset that I refer to him as "shit-fer-brains" but more upset that people were not given the opportunity to view his side. The man is delusional.
Hello, darlings! I have just read the past two pages and wish I had my arms around each and every one of you. What a special bond we have. The past 8 days have found me quite ill and it is the only time in thirteen years I have ever needed to go back to bed in the daytime. But, I am recovered and have been telling myself it is a good thing I had a flu shot in September or I fear it would have nailed me and I wouldn't be posting this at all at this time. Feeling much better. :113:

I have to laugh because I read Roy's post about his tatt as I have been thinking about getting a delicate one on the back of my neck. ( small birds in flight ) Just yesterday, I was online searching for a temporary tatt and after reading all the effort that goes into applying one for less than a week had decided may as well just get the real deal. I wear my hair in a buzzed cut accompanied by outstanding earrings and other layers of jewelry and chains and Swarovski crystals and a tatt would be appropriate for my chosen, trendy attire. I receive many compliments on my hairstyle which is a #1 or #2 buzz. LOVE IT! Even men are asking me where I get my hair cut...LOL. Women liking it too. I often wonder when people do side looks at me if they think I am recovering from Chemo or if I am a tranny or gay or something of which I am none. It's just that they aren't used to seeing my kind of style here on the very casual laid-back coast but in Portland, NY, London or France I wouldn't stand out because of my style. But, when it comes to attire, I have always marched to a different drummer, so-to-speak. And, I will continue to look, unlike the status quo.

GW, you sweetheart, I ache for what you are having to endure in so many ways. What a loving manly man you do sound like though. Very unusual. I'm happy to know you as I do.

Montrovant, another special and precious person. Biker, also an exciting one. Miss 007! He and I used to have such a blast with different scenarios in which I was usually Daisy Mae and we were riding his Harley in the wind. LOL. Those were fun days here in the coffee shop. He always brought excitement! good to see you here. :thup:

RR, you are another sweet one. I always love your posts and your cups. You are a good man.

Foxfyre, beautress, Gracie and others, you are all uniquely enriched with lifestyles that impress me. Love you all and am so happy you are here. Foxfyre, sometimes those pics you post at the end of the long day here when you are wishing all well, almost make me tear, they are so thoughtful and soul-rendering.

Goodnight for now, sweet dreams to one and all. :bigbed:
Went out to provide fresh water and discovered another mortality. This was my oldest doe and at 12 yrs, she was older than most goats get to be. Now I'll have to pay special attention to her orphan so that she won't freeze without having mama to huddle up to for warmth. There are five singles in the pen, three of which are small. They seem to be staying near each other and I am hoping that Little Belle will find some comfort in their group. That's four animals that have died since this cold snap started. Winter will take the very young and the very old first.
Hello, darlings! I have just read the past two pages and wish I had my arms around each and every one of you. What a special bond we have. The past 8 days have found me quite ill and it is the only time in thirteen years I have ever needed to go back to bed in the daytime. But, I am recovered and have been telling myself it is a good thing I had a flu shot in September or I fear it would have nailed me and I wouldn't be posting this at all at this time. Feeling much better. :113:

I have to laugh because I read Roy's post about his tatt as I have been thinking about getting a delicate one on the back of my neck. ( small birds in flight ) Just yesterday, I was online searching for a temporary tatt and after reading all the effort that goes into applying one for less than a week had decided may as well just get the real deal. I wear my hair in a buzzed cut accompanied by outstanding earrings and other layers of jewelry and chains and Swarovski crystals and a tatt would be appropriate for my chosen, trendy attire. I receive many compliments on my hairstyle which is a #1 or #2 buzz. LOVE IT! Even men are asking me where I get my hair cut...LOL. Women liking it too. I often wonder when people do side looks at me if they think I am recovering from Chemo or if I am a tranny or gay or something of which I am none. It's just that they aren't used to seeing my kind of style here on the very casual laid-back coast but in Portland, NY, London or France I wouldn't stand out because of my style. But, when it comes to attire, I have always marched to a different drummer, so-to-speak. And, I will continue to look, unlike the status quo.

GW, you sweetheart, I ache for what you are having to endure in so many ways. What a loving manly man you do sound like though. Very unusual. I'm happy to know you as I do.

Montrovant, another special and precious person. Biker, also an exciting one. Miss 007! He and I used to have such a blast with different scenarios in which I was usually Daisy Mae and we were riding his Harley in the wind. LOL. Those were fun days here in the coffee shop. He always brought excitement! good to see you here. :thup:

RR, you are another sweet one. I always love your posts and your cups. You are a good man.

Foxfyre, beautress, Gracie and others, you are all uniquely enriched with lifestyles that impress me. Love you all and am so happy you are here. Foxfyre, sometimes those pics you post at the end of the long day here when you are wishing all well, almost make me tear, they are so thoughtful and soul-rendering.

Goodnight for now, sweet dreams to one and all. :bigbed:

Sorry you had to be so ill AA and equally glad that you recovered. I see my doctor for a routine exam in the morning and I'm sure she'll want me to have a flu and pneumonia shot. 2020 is shaping up to be an especially bad flu season and I haven't had any repercussions from the flu shots in recent years. They used to make me so ill I refused them. My doc always gave me a choice--a colonoscopy or a flu shot, so I agreed to the flu shot. Since I already had to consent to a colonoscopy this past year, I don't know what she'll threaten me with now. But your story probably convinced me to consent to the flu shot. :)
Hello, darlings! I have just read the past two pages and wish I had my arms around each and every one of you. What a special bond we have. The past 8 days have found me quite ill and it is the only time in thirteen years I have ever needed to go back to bed in the daytime. But, I am recovered and have been telling myself it is a good thing I had a flu shot in September or I fear it would have nailed me and I wouldn't be posting this at all at this time. Feeling much better. :113:

I have to laugh because I read Roy's post about his tatt as I have been thinking about getting a delicate one on the back of my neck. ( small birds in flight ) Just yesterday, I was online searching for a temporary tatt and after reading all the effort that goes into applying one for less than a week had decided may as well just get the real deal. I wear my hair in a buzzed cut accompanied by outstanding earrings and other layers of jewelry and chains and Swarovski crystals and a tatt would be appropriate for my chosen, trendy attire. I receive many compliments on my hairstyle which is a #1 or #2 buzz. LOVE IT! Even men are asking me where I get my hair cut...LOL. Women liking it too. I often wonder when people do side looks at me if they think I am recovering from Chemo or if I am a tranny or gay or something of which I am none. It's just that they aren't used to seeing my kind of style here on the very casual laid-back coast but in Portland, NY, London or France I wouldn't stand out because of my style. But, when it comes to attire, I have always marched to a different drummer, so-to-speak. And, I will continue to look, unlike the status quo.

GW, you sweetheart, I ache for what you are having to endure in so many ways. What a loving manly man you do sound like though. Very unusual. I'm happy to know you as I do.

Montrovant, another special and precious person. Biker, also an exciting one. Miss 007! He and I used to have such a blast with different scenarios in which I was usually Daisy Mae and we were riding his Harley in the wind. LOL. Those were fun days here in the coffee shop. He always brought excitement! good to see you here. :thup:

RR, you are another sweet one. I always love your posts and your cups. You are a good man.

Foxfyre, beautress, Gracie and others, you are all uniquely enriched with lifestyles that impress me. Love you all and am so happy you are here. Foxfyre, sometimes those pics you post at the end of the long day here when you are wishing all well, almost make me tear, they are so thoughtful and soul-rendering.

Goodnight for now, sweet dreams to one and all. :bigbed:
Thank you for your kind thoughts, AA. Sorry to know that you have been ill but very glad that you are mending well now. Welcome back!
As far as style, you keep being you. I enjoy reading when you and Gracie start talking style and decoration. You two are marvelous, strong women who know themselves and are comfortable with the people you are. Lots of people never achieve that kind inner peace.

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