USMB Coffee Shop IV

Still waiting on the results of my endoscopy and colonoscopy, too. Had it done Dec 5th and I won't get the results until Jan 28th. Can you believe that shit??? Pun not intended. :D
HI HI HI ChrisL! I've wondered how you were doing!! Good to see you and hope you pop in more often!

Gracie! How are you doing? ZZ Pups told me you were caught in that awful fire in CA! Hope all is going well for you. :smiliehug:
If it weren't for USMB assisting us, we would have been living in our van until FEMA helped us out. Good folks here! I am forever grateful and humbled at these folks kindness.
We are doing ok for now. Still on a wait list for low income housing but we keep getting pushed back which pisses me off. Maybe this year we will get a forever home, cuz where we are now is not a forever thing and will probably end sooner rahter than later. :(

I'm sorry to hear that. :( That is not fair that you are being pushed back on the list. You people who were put out by the fire should be a top priority.
Not much new here. Just delivered 10 blue log cabin quilt tops to the Charity Bees and am starting a new pink and colorful series this week. I showed the pink stripe one to my cousin, and she wants one for her granddaughter, so now I have to play it again Sam on pink quilt. Fortunately, I bought enough pink fabrics to make about 6 quilts for aids babies or whoever needs them locally. Last year the Charity Bees gave 86 quilts out to the care center, Senior homes, hospice, and the likes. One of the blue ones was large enough for the family that lost their home to a fire a few weeks back. I told them I'd like it if they did that, but it's not my call who gets them. I know they have crying needs all around town.

And my little case of asthma has convinced me to stop Karaoke until I am symptomless. My cousin has asthma too, and she gave me some pointers on self care with Over-the-counter medicines--she recommended using Dayquil tabs, Metamucil for mucus, and vapor rub that has eucalyptus oil in it. So after visiting her this afternoon, I headed to WalMart to purchase her suggestions. I took one of the mucus lozenges about an hour ago, and I'm so sleepy, my face is about to fall into the keyboard. So bless you all, hope you have a dynamite week ahead, that peace prevails in Iran, and everybody starts loving everybody again in DC. That said, It's time for prayer list, if I don't fall asleep first. Hope everyone who has a health issue heals; everyone who's had a fussy time with a loved ones kisses and makes up, and that those taking medicines remember to take them as ordered and on time every day. Hugs to all ~~~~~ :huddle:
Not much new here. Just delivered 10 blue log cabin quilt tops to the Charity Bees and am starting a new pink and colorful series this week. I showed the pink stripe one to my cousin, and she wants one for her granddaughter, so now I have to play it again Sam on pink quilt. Fortunately, I bought enough pink fabrics to make about 6 quilts for aids babies or whoever needs them locally. Last year the Charity Bees gave 86 quilts out to the care center, Senior homes, hospice, and the likes. One of the blue ones was large enough for the family that lost their home to a fire a few weeks back. I told them I'd like it if they did that, but it's not my call who gets them. I know they have crying needs all around town.

And my little case of asthma has convinced me to stop Karaoke until I am symptomless. My cousin has asthma too, and she gave me some pointers on self care with Over-the-counter medicines--she recommended using Dayquil tabs, Metamucil for mucus, and vapor rub that has eucalyptus oil in it. So after visiting her this afternoon, I headed to WalMart to purchase her suggestions. I took one of the mucus lozenges about an hour ago, and I'm so sleepy, my face is about to fall into the keyboard. So bless you all, hope you have a dynamite week ahead, that peace prevails in Iran, and everybody starts loving everybody again in DC. That said, It's time for prayer list, if I don't fall asleep first. Hope everyone who has a health issue heals; everyone who's had a fussy time with a loved ones kisses and makes up, and that those taking medicines remember to take them as ordered and on time every day. Hugs to all ~~~~~ :huddle:

Feel better! :)
Meanwhile..I had a really really bad bout of a flare up in my left wrist this time. Hard to type, so I have to peck peck peck which takes me forever instead of typing with two hands. But, it is slowly passing now, thankfully. Still very sore but at least I am not groaning with the pain. I though tmaybe I broke my wrist or something it was so painful. Alas..just a flare up.

Had to get a new doc too. The one I was seeing no longer carries the secondary insurance we have, so in February...MrG and I have to start all over again training out doc to not fuck with what works and battle to not be put on different stuff cuz the new doc has different ideas than the old one.

Been doing nothing much.....just watching a lot of tv movies on demand, on netflix and on amazon. And putting puzzles together. We do love the 300/500 large pc puzzles but they are hard to find in thrift stores. We wont buy new ones cuz they cost too damn much!!! But, it keeps our brains occupied, so we will keep hunting them down when we can. :)
Hallo, Gracie. Sorry you are hurting. Hopefully, this too will pass soon.
I enjoy puzzles, too, but just don't have the space right now. Although I've had this week off I've been very busy doing outside things. I have a handle on the animals and we are expecting little ones any day now. I have the maternity ward set up in my utility room ready to receive new mommas and kids. Being on kid watch isn't as bad as it used to be. Between my bladder and having to stoke the fire, I just put on boots and a jacket and make a trek to the girls' pen to check up on everyone. Funny, the partner used about 45 gallons of water in two weeks. I've refilled the containers three times this week (over 100 gallons) and will need to fill them again in two days. Water is heavy work and the partner "wore out" before he got around to providing more than a couple of gallons a day for the animals. I also pour a large kettle of hot water into the cooler water before serving it. The goats drink more if the water isn't icy cold. The pard doesn't really seem to understand how critical it is to provide water. Dehydration is a big problem, especially when the temperatures fall below freezing.
HI HI HI ChrisL! I've wondered how you were doing!! Good to see you and hope you pop in more often!

Gracie! How are you doing? ZZ Pups told me you were caught in that awful fire in CA! Hope all is going well for you. :smiliehug:
If it weren't for USMB assisting us, we would have been living in our van until FEMA helped us out. Good folks here! I am forever grateful and humbled at these folks kindness.
We are doing ok for now. Still on a wait list for low income housing but we keep getting pushed back which pisses me off. Maybe this year we will get a forever home, cuz where we are now is not a forever thing and will probably end sooner rahter than later. :(

I'm sorry to hear that. :( That is not fair that you are being pushed back on the list. You people who were put out by the fire should be a top priority.
Unfortunately, indiscriminate breeders are put at the top of the list, leaving the elderly who have more than paid their dues to languish and manage as best they can.
HI HI HI ChrisL! I've wondered how you were doing!! Good to see you and hope you pop in more often!

Gracie! How are you doing? ZZ Pups told me you were caught in that awful fire in CA! Hope all is going well for you. :smiliehug:
If it weren't for USMB assisting us, we would have been living in our van until FEMA helped us out. Good folks here! I am forever grateful and humbled at these folks kindness.
We are doing ok for now. Still on a wait list for low income housing but we keep getting pushed back which pisses me off. Maybe this year we will get a forever home, cuz where we are now is not a forever thing and will probably end sooner rahter than later. :(

I'm sorry to hear that. :( That is not fair that you are being pushed back on the list. You people who were put out by the fire should be a top priority.
Unfortunately, indiscriminate breeders are put at the top of the list, leaving the elderly who have more than paid their dues to languish and manage as best they can.

California is a screwball state.
Still waiting on the results of my endoscopy and colonoscopy, too. Had it done Dec 5th and I won't get the results until Jan 28th. Can you believe that shit??? Pun not intended. :D

I had to wait awhile on my results too but only a week or so. Took 10 days to get the results of a recent Ct Scan.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery and comfort/peace for Peach.
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.
Jackson for wellness.
Roy for wellness.
SFC Ollie's son-in-law - comfort, wellness, solutions.
Mindful's house fire damage and healing for her shoulder.
Beautress for wellness
Gracie for wellness, good solutions, and a conquering spirit.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and stresses of caring for the animals.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back, and we rejoice when they do.

January is the quietest month in the garden.
Actually old Roy is feeling 90% of his old self at the moment, giddiness isn’t with me, nausea has gone, I still feel light headed if I move my head too quick but other than that I’m on the mend after all of this time. :)
Hmm, so wonderful to see you all here! Let's make a small rock'n'roll party?

How in the world does a Russian know and appreciate Michael J Fox doing "Johnny B. Goode," a popular rock & roll song from the 1950's? Michael did play guitar back then but he wasn't as good as he was in that video. He learned the chords so he could simulate playing and he lip synched the lyrics that were actually sung by a Mark Campbell, the closest thing the producers could find to Fox's actually voice. That was in the iconic movie "Back to the Future."

Alas Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease in the early 1990's and no longer performs in the movies or elsewhere except for doing some voice overs. He started the Michael J. Fox Foundation devoted to research and treatment of Parkinsons and that is what he devotes most of his time to these days.
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Good morning, Coffee Shoppers!
A balmy +3F here in Willow. First time we've been above zero in almost two weeks. Bitter cold but not without its positive points. The spruce bark beetle infestation that has been destroying our spruce trees and making them into tinder for wildfires is impacted by sustained severe cold temps.
Spruce beetle infestation slowed by cold winter
It’s nearly 6pm here, the rain is battering the double glazing.
We had steak and chips for dinner with a side salad, the wife offered me a bottle of Budweiser to which I declined, I’m still on antibiotics so I’m not drinking alcohol at all.

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