USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just got back from bed check in the goat pen. Little Belle was bedded down with DD (Deeohgee's Daughter) and that's good news. The little thing is very skittish. The other girl who lost both her sister and her kid last week is bunked with the Pyrenees. The one momma is alone in a stall, her two kids are piled up together in another stall. I'll have to watch that situation because she's very pregnant and might deliver soon. I'll prep my maternity ward in the utility room. The kids have to be kept warm until they are completely dry.
It's supposed to warm up above freezing today. I'll believe it when I see it.
Hi! Haven't been here in a while. Thought I would drop in and let you know that I am still alive! :D Hope you all have been well and that you had a Merry Christmas.
ChrisL!!!!! Omigosh. So good to hear from you. I see old messages from you here and elsewhere, but didn't know where you have been lurking all this time. Glad to know you're still kicking though and hope everything is going well for you. Did you ever get that hospital job you wanted?
Hi! Haven't been here in a while. Thought I would drop in and let you know that I am still alive! :D Hope you all have been well and that you had a Merry Christmas.
ChrisL!!!!! Omigosh. So good to hear from you. I see old messages from you here and elsewhere, but didn't know where you have been lurking all this time. Glad to know you're still kicking though and hope everything is going well for you. Did you ever get that hospital job you wanted?

Yes, I am working at the hospital, but it's still only part time for right now. I've been pretty busy lately though. A lot has happened this past year. My grammy passed away. My mom was ill, but she is better now. My rabbit passed away. Tough year. :(
Hi! Haven't been here in a while. Thought I would drop in and let you know that I am still alive! :D Hope you all have been well and that you had a Merry Christmas.
ChrisL!!!!! Omigosh. So good to hear from you. I see old messages from you here and elsewhere, but didn't know where you have been lurking all this time. Glad to know you're still kicking though and hope everything is going well for you. Did you ever get that hospital job you wanted?

How are you doing? How was your Christmas? :11_2_1043:
Hello, darlings! I have just read the past two pages and wish I had my arms around each and every one of you. What a special bond we have. The past 8 days have found me quite ill and it is the only time in thirteen years I have ever needed to go back to bed in the daytime. But, I am recovered and have been telling myself it is a good thing I had a flu shot in September or I fear it would have nailed me and I wouldn't be posting this at all at this time. Feeling much better. :113:

I have to laugh because I read Roy's post about his tatt as I have been thinking about getting a delicate one on the back of my neck. ( small birds in flight ) Just yesterday, I was online searching for a temporary tatt and after reading all the effort that goes into applying one for less than a week had decided may as well just get the real deal. I wear my hair in a buzzed cut accompanied by outstanding earrings and other layers of jewelry and chains and Swarovski crystals and a tatt would be appropriate for my chosen, trendy attire. I receive many compliments on my hairstyle which is a #1 or #2 buzz. LOVE IT! Even men are asking me where I get my hair cut...LOL. Women liking it too. I often wonder when people do side looks at me if they think I am recovering from Chemo or if I am a tranny or gay or something of which I am none. It's just that they aren't used to seeing my kind of style here on the very casual laid-back coast but in Portland, NY, London or France I wouldn't stand out because of my style. But, when it comes to attire, I have always marched to a different drummer, so-to-speak. And, I will continue to look, unlike the status quo.

GW, you sweetheart, I ache for what you are having to endure in so many ways. What a loving manly man you do sound like though. Very unusual. I'm happy to know you as I do.

Montrovant, another special and precious person. Biker, also an exciting one. Miss 007! He and I used to have such a blast with different scenarios in which I was usually Daisy Mae and we were riding his Harley in the wind. LOL. Those were fun days here in the coffee shop. He always brought excitement! good to see you here. :thup:

RR, you are another sweet one. I always love your posts and your cups. You are a good man.

Foxfyre, beautress, Gracie and others, you are all uniquely enriched with lifestyles that impress me. Love you all and am so happy you are here. Foxfyre, sometimes those pics you post at the end of the long day here when you are wishing all well, almost make me tear, they are so thoughtful and soul-rendering.

Goodnight for now, sweet dreams to one and all. :bigbed:
Thank you for your kind thoughts, AA. Sorry to know that you have been ill but very glad that you are mending well now. Welcome back!
As far as style, you keep being you. I enjoy reading when you and Gracie start talking style and decoration. You two are marvelous, strong women who know themselves and are comfortable with the people you are. Lots of people never achieve that kind inner peace.
Thanks for the good words, GW. Gracie and I are unconventional to different degrees and we like ourselves just as we are. It is not about how we are perceived by others. We couldn't care less. It is about being our authentic selves ( if I may speak for her ) and for me, it is always about being classy while looking "different." Ha! I dare to have flair. I've never had fears and owe my self-confidence to the genes I was fortunate to inherit from two special people. Mom and Dad. :11_2_1043:
Hi! Haven't been here in a while. Thought I would drop in and let you know that I am still alive! :D Hope you all have been well and that you had a Merry Christmas.
ChrisL!!!!! Omigosh. So good to hear from you. I see old messages from you here and elsewhere, but didn't know where you have been lurking all this time. Glad to know you're still kicking though and hope everything is going well for you. Did you ever get that hospital job you wanted?

Yes, I am working at the hospital, but it's still only part time for right now. I've been pretty busy lately though. A lot has happened this past year. My grammy passed away. My mom was ill, but she is better now. My rabbit passed away. Tough year. :(

So sorry about your grammy and your sweet bunny. That would make it a tough year. Hope your mom gets well soon.
Hi! Haven't been here in a while. Thought I would drop in and let you know that I am still alive! :D Hope you all have been well and that you had a Merry Christmas.
ChrisL!!!!! Omigosh. So good to hear from you. I see old messages from you here and elsewhere, but didn't know where you have been lurking all this time. Glad to know you're still kicking though and hope everything is going well for you. Did you ever get that hospital job you wanted?

How are you doing? How was your Christmas? :11_2_1043:

Christmas so so this year but all in all good.
Hi! Haven't been here in a while. Thought I would drop in and let you know that I am still alive! :D Hope you all have been well and that you had a Merry Christmas.
ChrisL!!!!! Omigosh. So good to hear from you. I see old messages from you here and elsewhere, but didn't know where you have been lurking all this time. Glad to know you're still kicking though and hope everything is going well for you. Did you ever get that hospital job you wanted?

Yes, I am working at the hospital, but it's still only part time for right now. I've been pretty busy lately though. A lot has happened this past year. My grammy passed away. My mom was ill, but she is better now. My rabbit passed away. Tough year. :(

So sorry about your grammy and your sweet bunny. That would make it a tough year. Hope your mom gets well soon.

Thanks, Foxy! Grammy was sick for quite a while with Alzheimers. At first, she was diagnosed as just having senile dementia, but then they said she had Alzheimer's. She had a DNR status and choked on some food and was unconscious, so they just let her go.

My mom is better now. She was sick for about a month with pneumonia, though.

I got a new rabbit. I will have to post a picture of him one of these days. He is really cute but more skittish than the last rabbit. This is not him, but he looks pretty much like this except for his white feet and one white leg with a stripe that goes up to his neck. :)

Hi! Haven't been here in a while. Thought I would drop in and let you know that I am still alive! :D Hope you all have been well and that you had a Merry Christmas.
ChrisL!!!!! Omigosh. So good to hear from you. I see old messages from you here and elsewhere, but didn't know where you have been lurking all this time. Glad to know you're still kicking though and hope everything is going well for you. Did you ever get that hospital job you wanted?

Yes, I am working at the hospital, but it's still only part time for right now. I've been pretty busy lately though. A lot has happened this past year. My grammy passed away. My mom was ill, but she is better now. My rabbit passed away. Tough year. :(

So sorry about your grammy and your sweet bunny. That would make it a tough year. Hope your mom gets well soon.

Thanks, Foxy! Grammy was sick for quite a while with Alzheimers. At first, she was diagnosed as just having senile dementia, but then they said she had Alzheimer's. She had a DNR status and choked on some food and was unconscious, so they just let her go.

My mom is better now. She was sick for about a month with pneumonia, though.

I got a new rabbit. I will have to post a picture of him one of these days. He is really cute but more skittish than the last rabbit. This is not him, but he looks pretty much like this except for his white feet and one white leg with a stripe that goes up to his neck. :)


Really cute.
Hi! Haven't been here in a while. Thought I would drop in and let you know that I am still alive! :D Hope you all have been well and that you had a Merry Christmas.
ChrisL!!!!! Omigosh. So good to hear from you. I see old messages from you here and elsewhere, but didn't know where you have been lurking all this time. Glad to know you're still kicking though and hope everything is going well for you. Did you ever get that hospital job you wanted?

Yes, I am working at the hospital, but it's still only part time for right now. I've been pretty busy lately though. A lot has happened this past year. My grammy passed away. My mom was ill, but she is better now. My rabbit passed away. Tough year. :(

So sorry about your grammy and your sweet bunny. That would make it a tough year. Hope your mom gets well soon.

Thanks, Foxy! Grammy was sick for quite a while with Alzheimers. At first, she was diagnosed as just having senile dementia, but then they said she had Alzheimer's. She had a DNR status and choked on some food and was unconscious, so they just let her go.

My mom is better now. She was sick for about a month with pneumonia, though.

I got a new rabbit. I will have to post a picture of him one of these days. He is really cute but more skittish than the last rabbit. This is not him, but he looks pretty much like this except for his white feet and one white leg with a stripe that goes up to his neck. :)


Really cute.

He is really coming along. He was really frightened of us when I first got him, but now he will let us pet and (kind of) cuddle him. He gets frightened easily though because he apparently wasn't handled much as a baby. Now though, sometimes when I pet him, he will flop over and close his eyes. It is SO adorable. :) I've had him for about 8 months, and he is a little over a year old. He is litter trained and loves running around the house and jumping (otherwise known as "binkies" in bunny speak! - Lol!)
Meanwhile..I had a really really bad bout of a flare up in my left wrist this time. Hard to type, so I have to peck peck peck which takes me forever instead of typing with two hands. But, it is slowly passing now, thankfully. Still very sore but at least I am not groaning with the pain. I though tmaybe I broke my wrist or something it was so painful. Alas..just a flare up.

Had to get a new doc too. The one I was seeing no longer carries the secondary insurance we have, so in February...MrG and I have to start all over again training out doc to not fuck with what works and battle to not be put on different stuff cuz the new doc has different ideas than the old one.

Been doing nothing much.....just watching a lot of tv movies on demand, on netflix and on amazon. And putting puzzles together. We do love the 300/500 large pc puzzles but they are hard to find in thrift stores. We wont buy new ones cuz they cost too damn much!!! But, it keeps our brains occupied, so we will keep hunting them down when we can. :)
Meanwhile..I had a really really bad bout of a flare up in my left wrist this time. Hard to type, so I have to peck peck peck which takes me forever instead of typing with two hands. But, it is slowly passing now, thankfully. Still very sore but at least I am not groaning with the pain. I though tmaybe I broke my wrist or something it was so painful. Alas..just a flare up.

Had to get a new doc too. The one I was seeing no longer carries the secondary insurance we have, so in February...MrG and I have to start all over again training out doc to not fuck with what works and battle to not be put on different stuff cuz the new doc has different ideas than the old one.

Been doing nothing much.....just watching a lot of tv movies on demand, on netflix and on amazon. And putting puzzles together. We do love the 300/500 large pc puzzles but they are hard to find in thrift stores. We wont buy new ones cuz they cost too damn much!!! But, it keeps our brains occupied, so we will keep hunting them down when we can. :)
Prayers up that you feel better soon, Gracie. :huddle:
HI HI HI ChrisL! I've wondered how you were doing!! Good to see you and hope you pop in more often!

Gracie! How are you doing? ZZ Pups told me you were caught in that awful fire in CA! Hope all is going well for you. :smiliehug:
If it weren't for USMB assisting us, we would have been living in our van until FEMA helped us out. Good folks here! I am forever grateful and humbled at these folks kindness.
We are doing ok for now. Still on a wait list for low income housing but we keep getting pushed back which pisses me off. Maybe this year we will get a forever home, cuz where we are now is not a forever thing and will probably end sooner rahter than later. :(

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