USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good Morning!
And helloooo, SBiker. Good to see you back again.
Another balmy day here, -17C.
I had a Russian friend whose son was a dentist in Moscow. She offered have him put us up and do any dental work we needed. I should have taken her up on that offer, just to visit Moscow. Alas, too busy with everything going on here.

Here in Moscow now a warm weather, a pair degrees above zero, and they say, it would be warm for a several weeks... I hope, at Epiphany would be a frost, but not sure, looking at the window...

So, find a time to visit Moscow - it's a great town with a lot of interesting places. I live in Moscow about 4 years and still don't know nothing about south part of this town :) Here is very good public transport, so you'll have a lot of chances to travel. Also, from Moscow there are a lot of straight routes to another towns of Russia :)
I have added fish to my madras curries instead of chicken, marinade the fish in a dish and leave refrigerated for a day or 2, Then gently add it to the pot until cooked, 5 minutes cooking, fish doesnā€™t take long to cook.
We always had a large vegetable garden too and I grew up loving vegetables prepared in all sorts of ways. Except for butter beans and lima beans. Hated them as a kid. Still do.

The only things I donā€™t eat is undercooked red meats, and sushi types of fish meals, raw fish isnā€™t civilised.
But everything else on this planet Iā€™ll give it a go, remember Iā€™m a council house British bloke, Iā€™ll eat anything as long as itā€™s cooked properly.

Red meat is a full of parasites without processing, but vinegar can solve this problem. But what about raw red frosted fish, "stroganina"? It's an awesome siberian food - make a thin pieces of raw frosted red fish with a pepper, salt and a bit of lemon juice! :)
Raw beef in the US is generally safe to eat raw depending on how sanitary it is handled. Pork and chicken need to be cooked thoroughly because of the bacteria they can harbor. It is recommended that you even cook those for your pets if you feed them chicken or pork. Wild meat can carry parasites or bacteria depending on where they are harvested. I do cook all my wild meats.
Fish seasoned with pepper, salt, and lemon juice is called ceviche here and is quite tasty.
Ceviche - Wikipedia

Hm, interesting, but ceviche have a lot of lemon juice and fish is not frozen. In stroganina there are only a drop of lemon, preferably pepper and salt :) But raw fish of different type, offcourse, a tasty. what about salted or smoked fish? :)

I am quite partial to smoked Hadock with a jacket potato.

Oh, cool! It's interesting, how it would be to use Hadock as beer snack :)

p.s. O! Haddok is a "piksha", I used to eat it cooked :)
I have added fish to my madras curries instead of chicken, marinade the fish in a dish and leave refrigerated for a day or 2, Then gently add it to the pot until cooked, 5 minutes cooking, fish doesnā€™t take long to cook.

M-m, I want it right now... And probably will do it at nearest weekend :)

Iā€™ve been making Indian curries for 20 years or more.
I started eating Indian madras and vindaloo curries when I first started work in the middle of the 70s.
So from that you understand my heat level of chillies is pretty high.
For those Americans who have only eaten Mexican chilli and rice meals Indian curries are on a level you would find too hot. Iā€™ve eaten American Mexican chillies all over the US and frankly my 2 sons could of eaten them at 5 years old.
I had some Pakistani friends years ago and was invited to eat with them. Ooohh, boy, you're right about the heat levels.

The Portuguese were granted a trading city at Goa in South west India. They traded tomatoes, and chillies from South America, up to then Indians only used white and black peppers to their meals for spice.
This opened up a huge explosion in Indian foods. Most regions just eat what vegetable crop, or grains in meals. One maharajah had over 100 cooks each competing to outdo the others and gain favour creating huge menus and dishes what we see today.

My all time favourite is chicken madras... if I go out with the guys I will have a Chicken vindaloo weapons grade hot.
I had some Pakistani friends years ago and was invited to eat with them. Ooohh, boy, you're right about the heat levels.

The Portuguese were granted a trading city at Goa in South west India. They traded tomatoes, and chillies from South America, up to then Indians only used white and black peppers to their meals for spice.
This opened up a huge explosion in Indian foods. Most regions just eat what vegetable crop, or grains in meals. One maharajah had over 100 cooks each competing to outdo the others and gain favour creating huge menus and dishes what we see today.

My all time favourite is chicken madras... if I go out with the guys I will have a Chicken vindaloo weapons grade hot.

The thing is that those who only cook with salt and black pepper are missing out on all the great health benefits to be found in so many herbs and spices.
Been taking doxycycline for the past 6 days for a Bacterial infection in the lungs. For all I know it's Pneumonia. Anyway it's not been any better so the Doc switched me to something called Levofloxacin. Reading the printout that comes with this stuff is like reading a horror movie and you're the star.Three pages of warnings come with this stuff.... And things like tearing tendons and nerve problems which could be permanent.... I think me and Doc need to talk!!!!!!
Been taking doxycycline for the past 6 days for a Bacterial infection in the lungs. For all I know it's Pneumonia. Anyway it's not been any better so the Doc switched me to something called Levofloxacin. Reading the printout that comes with this stuff is like reading a horror movie and you're the star.Three pages of warnings come with this stuff.... And things like tearing tendons and nerve problems which could be permanent.... I think me and Doc need to talk!!!!!!

whereas Iā€™m feeling 100% after my virus meds finished, Iā€™m healthier than a race horse. :)
I had a deep cleaning (scaling and planing) done to my teeth over the course of 2 dentist visits, one last week and one Monday. As a smoker for more than 20 years, and a long term drinker of coffee and tea, as well as having not gone to a dentist for more than 20 years, I had some solid staining on my teeth. I wasn't expecting that to change, as the deep clean was really about getting stuff below the gum-line, but it turns out I got the stains cleaned off pretty well, too. I no longer smoke, no longer drink coffee, and mostly drink green tea rather than black, so I might not have to worry about those sorts of stains coming back. :)

I still have 2 crowns and a couple of fillings to get, unfortunately. I also have to decide if I want to put another $500 into my car, potentially more, or just buy a new one. I've been saving money, but now it seems like I need to spend a lot. I also need to make a doctor appointment now that I have insurance, as I haven't seen a doctor in more than 20 years, too. :p
Iā€™ve always had a private dentist, NHS has dentists but to get an appointment when you want it is not an option.
Since I was able to afford private dental care Iā€™ve gone with it.
Every 6 months I go for a check up and my dentist asked ā€œany problems!ā€
I have a scale and polish clean up every year. When I retire Iā€™ll use NHS dentists :(

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