USMB Coffee Shop IV

Now, for the 20 evidence-based health benefits from the same page as above:
Strengthen Bones
Blueberries are rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K; these nutrients, in tandem with exercise and an overall healthy diet, are key for bone health.
Skin Care
Anthocyanins in blueberries assist in fighting oxidative DNA damage, while the abundance of vitamin C is a big factor in building collagen. This is why regular consumption of blueberries may help reduce signs of aging, such as wrinkles, age spots, and acne.
Soothe Inflammation
The antioxidants in blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties reducing the activity of markers of inflammation. [15] [16] These antioxidants may help in preventing chronic inflammatory diseases. [17]
Treat Urinary Tract Infections
Similarly to how cranberries and cranberry juice are known for alleviating UTI, blueberries may, too. Both are known to have certain antibiotic properties and compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls. [20]
Increase Lifespan
Polyphenols and resveratrol found in blueberries help long been thought to increase longevity and decrease the adverse effects linked with aging. [30] [33] [32] [31] Of course, these compounds are only beneficial if combined with exercise and a healthy lifestyle.
There are 15 more, I just picked the ones I liked. You might like the anti-cancer information I omitted. Eat the 10 top cancer-fighting foods every week, and you probably will kick cancer and shrink existing tumors if the other 9 are as good as blueberries, but target different cancers. If someone you love has cancer, you might look up pumpkins and citrus foods, too. Some are better fighters than others.
I'm going to lunch on celery, if I can hold any after drinking the blueberry liquer. (it hasn't turned, however. The freezer fixes that.)
Yup, even raspberries and blackberries are loaded with massive benefits pretty much equal to blueberries. I think raspberries have the highest fiber content of all berries.
Oh, gosh. raspberries are so good.
They're the wife's favorite, she doesn't like blueberries. I prefer blueberries and blackberries. One of my favorite desert toppings is stewed apples and blackberries. Of course there's the Mummy pie made around Thanksgiving with apples and raspberries, haven't made it in a while. I cut the sugar, obviously.


I thought about that after I went to bed. I don't know about England but in America, school's normally use a letter system for grades, A to F. A is the highest grade, F is the lowest for Fail
Now, for the 20 evidence-based health benefits from the same page as above:
Strengthen Bones
Blueberries are rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K; these nutrients, in tandem with exercise and an overall healthy diet, are key for bone health.
Skin Care
Anthocyanins in blueberries assist in fighting oxidative DNA damage, while the abundance of vitamin C is a big factor in building collagen. This is why regular consumption of blueberries may help reduce signs of aging, such as wrinkles, age spots, and acne.
Soothe Inflammation
The antioxidants in blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties reducing the activity of markers of inflammation. [15] [16] These antioxidants may help in preventing chronic inflammatory diseases. [17]
Treat Urinary Tract Infections
Similarly to how cranberries and cranberry juice are known for alleviating UTI, blueberries may, too. Both are known to have certain antibiotic properties and compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls. [20]
Increase Lifespan
Polyphenols and resveratrol found in blueberries help long been thought to increase longevity and decrease the adverse effects linked with aging. [30] [33] [32] [31] Of course, these compounds are only beneficial if combined with exercise and a healthy lifestyle.
There are 15 more, I just picked the ones I liked. You might like the anti-cancer information I omitted. Eat the 10 top cancer-fighting foods every week, and you probably will kick cancer and shrink existing tumors if the other 9 are as good as blueberries, but target different cancers. If someone you love has cancer, you might look up pumpkins and citrus foods, too. Some are better fighters than others.
I'm going to lunch on celery, if I can hold any after drinking the blueberry liquer. (it hasn't turned, however. The freezer fixes that.)
Yup, even raspberries and blackberries are loaded with massive benefits pretty much equal to blueberries. I think raspberries have the highest fiber content of all berries.
Oh, gosh. raspberries are so good.
They're the wife's favorite, she doesn't like blueberries. I prefer blueberries and blackberries. One of my favorite desert toppings is stewed apples and blackberries. Of course there's the Mummy pie made around Thanksgiving with apples and raspberries, haven't made it in a while. I cut the sugar, obviously.


You say obviously, but cutting sugar is never an obvious choice to me! :lol:
Life for the Foxfyres has been mildly stressful but mostly in a good way. We sent our week long house guest back to Colorado this morning and spent the day catching up on chores it would be rude to do with a house guest in the house.

Weather has turned mild and pleasant--more like early April than early March. Makes me want to go plant flowers or something. It is either just playing a cruel joke before hitting us with a major winter blast or we're in for a really hot summer this year.

Oh well it will be what it will be.

Maintaining a healthy diet is frustrating for me when I cook for people who are more interested in eating food they really like to eat instead of eating healthy. And what they mostly like to eat isn't. But we do the best we can.

I suspect Ringel is a better cook than I am. :)

Tomorrow Aunt Betty wants to treat us to Dion's Pizza. I suppose the marinara sauce and mushrooms are fairly acceptable as health food????
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Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Jackson for wellness.
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Beautress for wellness.
Gracie and Mr. G. for continued progress for solutions.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and stresses of caring for the animals.
Peach's Mr. P for continued progress, healing, and recovery and Peach for the stresses of being primary caretaker.
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.
Good results for Nosmo's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.

And we leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back, and we rejoice when they do.

The lion in March in Albuquerque
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Life for the Foxfyres has been mildly stressful but mostly in a good way. We sent our week long house guest back to Colorado this morning and spent the day catching up on chores it would be rude to do with a house guest in the house.

Weather has turned mild and pleasant--more like early April than early March. Makes me want to go plant flowers or something. It is either just playing a cruel joke before hitting us with a major winter blast or we're in for a really hot summer this year.

Oh well it will be what it will be.

Maintaining a healthy diet is frustrating for me when I cook for people who are more interested in eating food they really like to eat instead of eating healthy. And what they mostly like to eat isn't. But we do the best we can.

I suspect Ringel is a better cook than I am. :)

Tomorrow Aunt Betty wants to treat us to Dion's Pizza. I suppose the marinara sauce and mushrooms are fairly acceptable as health food????

Don't worry Foxfyre, I suspect every single person who posts in the CS is a better cook than I am! :lol:
Life for the Foxfyres has been mildly stressful but mostly in a good way. We sent our week long house guest back to Colorado this morning and spent the day catching up on chores it would be rude to do with a house guest in the house.

Weather has turned mild and pleasant--more like early April than early March. Makes me want to go plant flowers or something. It is either just playing a cruel joke before hitting us with a major winter blast or we're in for a really hot summer this year.

Oh well it will be what it will be.

Maintaining a healthy diet is frustrating for me when I cook for people who are more interested in eating food they really like to eat instead of eating healthy. And what they mostly like to eat isn't. But we do the best we can.

I suspect Ringel is a better cook than I am. :)

Tomorrow Aunt Betty wants to treat us to Dion's Pizza. I suppose the marinara sauce and mushrooms are fairly acceptable as health food????

Don't worry Foxfyre, I suspect every single person who posts in the CS is a better cook than I am! :lol:

Well I've never eaten your cooking, but I like you, so I would give it a try. :)
Life for the Foxfyres has been mildly stressful but mostly in a good way. We sent our week long house guest back to Colorado this morning and spent the day catching up on chores it would be rude to do with a house guest in the house.

Weather has turned mild and pleasant--more like early April than early March. Makes me want to go plant flowers or something. It is either just playing a cruel joke before hitting us with a major winter blast or we're in for a really hot summer this year.

Oh well it will be what it will be.

Maintaining a healthy diet is frustrating for me when I cook for people who are more interested in eating food they really like to eat instead of eating healthy. And what they mostly like to eat isn't. But we do the best we can.

I suspect Ringel is a better cook than I am. :)

Tomorrow Aunt Betty wants to treat us to Dion's Pizza. I suppose the marinara sauce and mushrooms are fairly acceptable as health food????

Don't worry Foxfyre, I suspect every single person who posts in the CS is a better cook than I am! :lol:

Well I've never eaten your cooking, but I like you, so I would give it a try. :)
The closest I get to cooking is bacon and scrambled eggs. I microwave, I don’t cook. :lol:
Our house guest was a cook in the Coast Guard and something of a chef--he still likes to cook. He and Hombre cooked for men's groups for many years. He has since moved on and is now living in Colorado and cooks for his local VFW chapter as well as serving on call as pastor for various churches in the area. He is in his 80's and is amazing.

I was somewhat intimidated cooking for him but he arranged his schedule to not miss any meals here so I guess I did okay. :)
Life for the Foxfyres has been mildly stressful but mostly in a good way. We sent our week long house guest back to Colorado this morning and spent the day catching up on chores it would be rude to do with a house guest in the house.

Weather has turned mild and pleasant--more like early April than early March. Makes me want to go plant flowers or something. It is either just playing a cruel joke before hitting us with a major winter blast or we're in for a really hot summer this year.

Oh well it will be what it will be.

Maintaining a healthy diet is frustrating for me when I cook for people who are more interested in eating food they really like to eat instead of eating healthy. And what they mostly like to eat isn't. But we do the best we can.

I suspect Ringel is a better cook than I am. :)

Tomorrow Aunt Betty wants to treat us to Dion's Pizza. I suppose the marinara sauce and mushrooms are fairly acceptable as health food????

Now, for the 20 evidence-based health benefits from the same page as above:
Strengthen Bones
Blueberries are rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K; these nutrients, in tandem with exercise and an overall healthy diet, are key for bone health.
Skin Care
Anthocyanins in blueberries assist in fighting oxidative DNA damage, while the abundance of vitamin C is a big factor in building collagen. This is why regular consumption of blueberries may help reduce signs of aging, such as wrinkles, age spots, and acne.
Soothe Inflammation
The antioxidants in blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties reducing the activity of markers of inflammation. [15] [16] These antioxidants may help in preventing chronic inflammatory diseases. [17]
Treat Urinary Tract Infections
Similarly to how cranberries and cranberry juice are known for alleviating UTI, blueberries may, too. Both are known to have certain antibiotic properties and compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls. [20]
Increase Lifespan
Polyphenols and resveratrol found in blueberries help long been thought to increase longevity and decrease the adverse effects linked with aging. [30] [33] [32] [31] Of course, these compounds are only beneficial if combined with exercise and a healthy lifestyle.
There are 15 more, I just picked the ones I liked. You might like the anti-cancer information I omitted. Eat the 10 top cancer-fighting foods every week, and you probably will kick cancer and shrink existing tumors if the other 9 are as good as blueberries, but target different cancers. If someone you love has cancer, you might look up pumpkins and citrus foods, too. Some are better fighters than others.
I'm going to lunch on celery, if I can hold any after drinking the blueberry liquer. (it hasn't turned, however. The freezer fixes that.)
Yup, even raspberries and blackberries are loaded with massive benefits pretty much equal to blueberries. I think raspberries have the highest fiber content of all berries.
They're called seeds! I love the flavor of raspberries and will pick the seeds out of my teeth if I must.
This has taken a few days. Things are moving way to fast here. Seems like all of us are facing challenges. I wonder whether we would be as satisfied with what we manage to deal with if we had to deal with less?
Sunday, I got the KIA high-centered on the new snow. Poor little car just doesn't have a lot of ground clearance. The Pard and a I fired up both snow-blowers and cleared about a quarter mile of road and I got the KIA home.
I went into Anchorage yesterday so that I would not miss an appointment with my hip surgeon. My surgeon is being deployed in July so he has referred me to a colleague. Back for another appointment later this month. At least my brother is still available this summer to act as a caregiver for me post-op.
Got a call from the Pard, who had picked up another load of hay. He ran the Dodge (with the hay) into the ditch and had to hobble about a mile home. A neighbor pulled him out this morning, lucky him.
I have had to buy three cords of wood that I was unable to process last year. Expensive, I will say. Right now, I am carrying both of our bills and things are tight. The partner's profligate spending habits are driving me nuts 'cause he's now spending my money.
Wow. Adam and Eve gave up blueberries to eat an apple? *sigh*

Eve applied peer pressure and Adam succumbed...
Peer pressure? A woman applying "peer" pressure to a man? I'm stretching my imagination...

Why not, if man doesn't have a place to hide? Women are more steady to emotional games...
And Adam didn't knew an alcohol to compensate women aggression :)
I'm suggesting that women have a "secret weapon" that (most) men cannot resist. Persuasion is more effective than pressure, at any rate.
How have you been, Sbiker? Much snow where you are this winter? We were okay until last week and then, BOOM, almost a half meter of snow in two days!

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