USMB Coffee Shop IV

Wow. Adam and Eve gave up blueberries to eat an apple? *sigh*

Eve applied peer pressure and Adam succumbed...
Peer pressure? A woman applying "peer" pressure to a man? I'm stretching my imagination...

Why not, if man doesn't have a place to hide? Women are more steady to emotional games...
And Adam didn't knew an alcohol to compensate women aggression :)
Women? What women? They had two sons. lol One killed the other, so Eve gave Adam another son, and that made him happy again after losing his favorite son and the other one running away. Cain became a wanderer or something.
There are 8 of us in a corona virus prediction each of us has put in £1 to correctly or nearest to the amount of people who has contracted it by 3pm tomorrow in the U.K.
My guess is 122
So you're gonna get £8?

My question is, how do you do £8 on an American keyboard? (I copied and pasted here)
Now, for the 20 evidence-based health benefits from the same page as above:
Strengthen Bones
Blueberries are rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K; these nutrients, in tandem with exercise and an overall healthy diet, are key for bone health.
Skin Care
Anthocyanins in blueberries assist in fighting oxidative DNA damage, while the abundance of vitamin C is a big factor in building collagen. This is why regular consumption of blueberries may help reduce signs of aging, such as wrinkles, age spots, and acne.
Soothe Inflammation
The antioxidants in blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties reducing the activity of markers of inflammation. [15] [16] These antioxidants may help in preventing chronic inflammatory diseases. [17]
Treat Urinary Tract Infections
Similarly to how cranberries and cranberry juice are known for alleviating UTI, blueberries may, too. Both are known to have certain antibiotic properties and compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls. [20]
Increase Lifespan
Polyphenols and resveratrol found in blueberries help long been thought to increase longevity and decrease the adverse effects linked with aging. [30] [33] [32] [31] Of course, these compounds are only beneficial if combined with exercise and a healthy lifestyle.
There are 15 more, I just picked the ones I liked. You might like the anti-cancer information I omitted. Eat the 10 top cancer-fighting foods every week, and you probably will kick cancer and shrink existing tumors if the other 9 are as good as blueberries, but target different cancers. If someone you love has cancer, you might look up pumpkins and citrus foods, too. Some are better fighters than others.
I'm going to lunch on celery, if I can hold any after drinking the blueberry liquer. (it hasn't turned, however. The freezer fixes that.)
Yup, even raspberries and blackberries are loaded with massive benefits pretty much equal to blueberries. I think raspberries have the highest fiber content of all berries.
Oh, gosh. raspberries are so good.
They're the wife's favorite, she doesn't like blueberries. I prefer blueberries and blackberries. One of my favorite desert toppings is stewed apples and blackberries. Of course there's the Mummy pie made around Thanksgiving with apples and raspberries, haven't made it in a while. I cut the sugar, obviously.

Eek! Looks like a zombie wrapped in a shroud....Pretty color, though. ;)
Wow. Adam and Eve gave up blueberries to eat an apple? *sigh*

Eve applied peer pressure and Adam succumbed...
Peer pressure? A woman applying "peer" pressure to a man? I'm stretching my imagination...

Why not, if man doesn't have a place to hide? Women are more steady to emotional games...
And Adam didn't knew an alcohol to compensate women aggression :)
Women? What women? They had two sons. lol One killed the other, so Eve gave Adam another son, and that made him happy again after losing his favorite son and the other one running away. Cain became a wanderer or something.
There are 8 of us in a corona virus prediction each of us has put in £1 to correctly or nearest to the amount of people who has contracted it by 3pm tomorrow in the U.K.
My guess is 122
So you're gonna get £8?

My question is, how do you do £8 on an American keyboard? (I copied and pasted here)
I copied the £ from Roy's post and inserted "8" after it if there were 8 players gambling on how many people would succumb by 3pm the next day.
Wow. Adam and Eve gave up blueberries to eat an apple? *sigh*

Eve applied peer pressure and Adam succumbed...
Peer pressure? A woman applying "peer" pressure to a man? I'm stretching my imagination...

Why not, if man doesn't have a place to hide? Women are more steady to emotional games...
And Adam didn't knew an alcohol to compensate women aggression :)
Women? What women? They had two sons. lol One killed the other, so Eve gave Adam another son, and that made him happy again after losing his favorite son and the other one running away. Cain became a wanderer or something.
There are 8 of us in a corona virus prediction each of us has put in £1 to correctly or nearest to the amount of people who has contracted it by 3pm tomorrow in the U.K.
My guess is 122
So you're gonna get £8?

My question is, how do you do £8 on an American keyboard? (I copied and pasted here)
£8pounds I might win if 122 is correct
Eve applied peer pressure and Adam succumbed...
Peer pressure? A woman applying "peer" pressure to a man? I'm stretching my imagination...

Why not, if man doesn't have a place to hide? Women are more steady to emotional games...
And Adam didn't knew an alcohol to compensate women aggression :)
Women? What women? They had two sons. lol One killed the other, so Eve gave Adam another son, and that made him happy again after losing his favorite son and the other one running away. Cain became a wanderer or something.
There are 8 of us in a corona virus prediction each of us has put in £1 to correctly or nearest to the amount of people who has contracted it by 3pm tomorrow in the U.K.
My guess is 122
So you're gonna get £8?

My question is, how do you do £8 on an American keyboard? (I copied and pasted here)
I copied the £ from Roy's post and inserted "8" after it if there were 8 players gambling on how many people would succumb by 3pm the next day.
At 3pm today there were 85 people infected in the U.K.
I bet 122 will be effected, the other 7 guys have all put their best guesses from 115-139
My 122 is pure hope and pray :)
I’m quite surprised you yanks haven’t got a £ on your keyboard
So far, the little goat has lost one lower hind leg and the other will fall off soon enough. My partner is planning on making her a house goat (at his house). I feel pretty badly that an otherwise healthy animal begins life so badly. Having no hind legs doesn't seem to bother the kid, she has adapted and gets around fine. Her momma doesn't seem to notice a difference, either. I'm still watching the other kid. She may loose one, or both, hind feet. It's been a pretty sucky year so far. I suppose a couple of crippled kids is nothing, though, compared to what some of y'all are going through.
Best to all of you.
Peer pressure? A woman applying "peer" pressure to a man? I'm stretching my imagination...

Why not, if man doesn't have a place to hide? Women are more steady to emotional games...
And Adam didn't knew an alcohol to compensate women aggression :)
Women? What women? They had two sons. lol One killed the other, so Eve gave Adam another son, and that made him happy again after losing his favorite son and the other one running away. Cain became a wanderer or something.
There are 8 of us in a corona virus prediction each of us has put in £1 to correctly or nearest to the amount of people who has contracted it by 3pm tomorrow in the U.K.
My guess is 122
So you're gonna get £8?

My question is, how do you do £8 on an American keyboard? (I copied and pasted here)
I copied the £ from Roy's post and inserted "8" after it if there were 8 players gambling on how many people would succumb by 3pm the next day.
At 3pm today there were 85 people infected in the U.K.
I bet 122 will be effected, the other 7 guys have all put their best guesses from 115-139
My 122 is pure hope and pray :)
I’m quite surprised you yanks haven’t got a £ on your keyboard

I don't find a £ on my keyboard. Do have a $ sign. Do you have a $ on yours?
So far, the little goat has lost one lower hind leg and the other will fall off soon enough. My partner is planning on making her a house goat (at his house). I feel pretty badly that an otherwise healthy animal begins life so badly. Having no hind legs doesn't seem to bother the kid, she has adapted and gets around fine. Her momma doesn't seem to notice a difference, either. I'm still watching the other kid. She may loose one, or both, hind feet. It's been a pretty sucky year so far. I suppose a couple of crippled kids is nothing, though, compared to what some of y'all are going through.
Best to all of you.

It would be heartbreaking to me. And yes human life will always be more serious than a goat's life, but that does not make the goat any less valuable. Or make us care less.
Wow. Adam and Eve gave up blueberries to eat an apple? *sigh*

Eve applied peer pressure and Adam succumbed...
Peer pressure? A woman applying "peer" pressure to a man? I'm stretching my imagination...

Why not, if man doesn't have a place to hide? Women are more steady to emotional games...
And Adam didn't knew an alcohol to compensate women aggression :)
I'm suggesting that women have a "secret weapon" that (most) men cannot resist. Persuasion is more effective than pressure, at any rate.
How have you been, Sbiker? Much snow where you are this winter? We were okay until last week and then, BOOM, almost a half meter of snow in two days!

But I'm not only about "secret weapon", don't underestimate the power of women collective! :)

As for me, thanks, I'm fine and working, building new wonderful system for the knowledge management, at Python/React stack.. There were some snow charges here, but almost all time is up to zero and snowless :) They promise about 10-11 C this weekend...
And also, this weekend we prepare to Women's day, 8th of March... Today will be corporative coctail-party, devoted to women :)
Wow. Adam and Eve gave up blueberries to eat an apple? *sigh*

Eve applied peer pressure and Adam succumbed...
Peer pressure? A woman applying "peer" pressure to a man? I'm stretching my imagination...

Why not, if man doesn't have a place to hide? Women are more steady to emotional games...
And Adam didn't knew an alcohol to compensate women aggression :)
Women? What women? They had two sons. lol One killed the other, so Eve gave Adam another son, and that made him happy again after losing his favorite son and the other one running away. Cain became a wanderer or something.
There are 8 of us in a corona virus prediction each of us has put in £1 to correctly or nearest to the amount of people who has contracted it by 3pm tomorrow in the U.K.
My guess is 122
So you're gonna get £8?

My question is, how do you do £8 on an American keyboard? (I copied and pasted here)

Hmm, I don't know nothing about it. I have double US/RU layout, but it's a symbol, not in Russian table of chars too...
Eve applied peer pressure and Adam succumbed...
Peer pressure? A woman applying "peer" pressure to a man? I'm stretching my imagination...

Why not, if man doesn't have a place to hide? Women are more steady to emotional games...
And Adam didn't knew an alcohol to compensate women aggression :)
Women? What women? They had two sons. lol One killed the other, so Eve gave Adam another son, and that made him happy again after losing his favorite son and the other one running away. Cain became a wanderer or something.
There are 8 of us in a corona virus prediction each of us has put in £1 to correctly or nearest to the amount of people who has contracted it by 3pm tomorrow in the U.K.
My guess is 122
So you're gonna get £8?

My question is, how do you do £8 on an American keyboard? (I copied and pasted here)

Hmm, I don't know nothing about it. I have double US/RU layout, but it's a symbol, not in Russian table of chars too...
£ = pound sterling. :)
Wow. Sterling backs up the pound. Kudos. We have paper money, but over here you wouldn't know it has its flaws, because people spend on stuff they like, and it makes them happy to have stuff they like. ;)

Right now, I'm having this awesome cuppa Joe, enjoying being in Foxfyre's wonderful thread at USMB, and feelin' fine. :)
I love the people who visit this thread, and miss the ones who are away or having hard times at home and can't be here.
I’m quite surprised you yanks haven’t got a £ on your keyboard

American Pound sign... #
lol. English pounds, heart pounds, drum pounds, fist pounds, weight pounds, rain pounds, scale pounds, ...... ... ......
Wow. Sterling backs up the pound. Kudos. We have paper money, but over here you wouldn't know it has its flaws, because people spend on stuff they like, and it makes them happy to have stuff they like. ;)

Right now, I'm having this awesome cuppa Joe, enjoying being in Foxfyre's wonderful thread at USMB, and feelin' fine. :)
I love the people who visit this thread, and miss the ones who are away or having hard times at home and can't be here.
I’m quite surprised you yanks haven’t got a £ on your keyboard

American Pound sign... #
lol. English pounds, heart pounds, drum pounds, fist pounds, weight pounds, rain pounds, scale pounds, ...... ... ......
And of course 14 pounds make a stone to which I have 12.
Wow. Sterling backs up the pound. Kudos. We have paper money, but over here you wouldn't know it has its flaws, because people spend on stuff they like, and it makes them happy to have stuff they like. ;)

Right now, I'm having this awesome cuppa Joe, enjoying being in Foxfyre's wonderful thread at USMB, and feelin' fine. :)
I love the people who visit this thread, and miss the ones who are away or having hard times at home and can't be here.
I’m quite surprised you yanks haven’t got a £ on your keyboard

American Pound sign... #
lol. English pounds, heart pounds, drum pounds, fist pounds, weight pounds, rain pounds, scale pounds, ...... ... ......
And of course 14 pounds make a stone to which I have 12.
I think you Brits are most resourceful folk. Even the Beatles are thoughtful. They wrote a song to wake up sleepy drivers who were on their way home from their concerts, and here it is, I mean who could fall asleep at the wheel with this playing on the airwaves:

Try and sing this at Karaoke, and you'll get it. The melody moves at a clip no other song ever has. Wake up! :lmao:

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