USMB Coffee Shop IV

beautress I seen this and thought of you....

Just finished watching HUNTERS on amazon. Took 4 or 5 episodes but it got me good. Great flick.

I was curious about that. The description I read sounded interesting, but the trailer didn't seem to match it.
Give it a try. But hang in with it. It will take 4 episodes for you to get the "gist" of what its about. Its very good. Very well made. And fooled me at the end. Which is rare.
Happy Leap Day. A day where 'this time last year' and 'this time next year' does not apply.


People born on leap day only have a real birthday once every four years. But what are the odds of this in the same family?:

2 days+ without pain from the kidney stone. Does that mean it passed? I don't know. Hopefully I'll get some info at my appointment on Tuesday and find out. I'm happy not to have the pain, but I don't want it to just come back again. :p
2 days+ without pain from the kidney stone. Does that mean it passed? I don't know. Hopefully I'll get some info at my appointment on Tuesday and find out. I'm happy not to have the pain, but I don't want it to just come back again. :p
Drink a tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water in the mornings and you'll never have them again.

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