USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm going back to the days before my youngest was born, when we were first married, and we used to go to the Forum at Ontario Place for the concerts. It was $6 to get into Ontario Place, for all the attractions, including the concerts. It was a cheap night out.

They tore down the Forum, with its cozy atmosphere and grassy slope seating and replaced it with the Molson Amphitheatre - a covered block of concrete and ugliness. Top seats for the upcoming Miranda Lambert concert are over $300 a seat. The cheapest seats are over $60.00 each.

That's when we stopped going to concerts.
That's it. Hombre and I aren't destitute by any means but we do have to budget our money and live within our means. And there really aren't any celebrities I think enough of to spend that kind of money to go see these days. I'll just enjoy them on our CDs and movie collection and on TV.
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.
Dragonlady for the best possible outcome for her knee.
Ringel - for continued healing and wellness.
Beautress's friend for comfort/healing.
Mindful's daughter for continued wellness.
Dragonlady's son and family and her sister for relief/wellness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
SFC Ollie for health and wellness.
Hombre for successful rehab and continued progress with his new hip.
007 for relief from back pain.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.
Well this was a fun day, been having off and on problems with my modem/router over the last couple of weeks with it getting worse over the last couple of days. It would drop the internet for a while then pick it back up, repeated all day long. So I picked up a new modem (only, already have a router), dayamn prices have gone way up. Didn't even look at the $400 - $500 ones, settled on a very good Motorola for almost $200. Of course when I get it all hooked up I get nothing, no internet, played with it for a half hour then called Comcast......... Internet outage in my area...... Just had to be, right? :lol:
Finally got it activated then took an hour to figure out how to get the wifi to work. Still haven't been able to get on the Motorola Admin site to set up my preferred security settings.
I feel your pain. After struggling through the vagaries of all the stuff we've had to order for Hombre's hip replacement and getting it all properly installed, dealing with missing parts or misrepresentations of what we could expect, etc. it is maddening. So I know what you are feeling and probably much more so because it has gone on for so long.

Right now Hombre is trying to figure out how Amazon messed up his order for Folgers coffee - we have already received four HUGE canisters of coffee and are advised that probably four more are on their way. And he was charged twice. At least Amazon is pretty easy to do business with and helpful in untangling screw ups.
Foxfyre I hate to be the pessimist amongst the group but when it comes to the coffee, I don't know if I would get rid of it... The way the world is coffee may well be a valued commodity to barter with or sell out right if it's possibly not available in the stores... Trading and bartering may be a valuable skill to draw upon...
It's not going to cost you anything to put it under the bed, and you don't have to feed it...
I don't know, maybe I just think weird...

This one is still amazing to me.

View attachment 616923
absolutely amazing...
Foxfyre I hate to be the pessimist amongst the group but when it comes to the coffee, I don't know if I would get rid of it... The way the world is coffee may well be a valued commodity to barter with or sell out right if it's possibly not available in the stores... Trading and bartering may be a valuable skill to draw upon...
It's not going to cost you anything to put it under the bed, and you don't have to feed it...
I don't know, maybe I just think weird...

absolutely amazing...
I've thought of that too Ridgerunner. Hombre is funny about these things sometimes and just a tad OCD if things aren't as he envisioned or plotted out in his head. But I think if the expiration date isn't too short, we'll use the coffee. We go through a can pretty fast.
Well this was a fun day, been having off and on problems with my modem/router over the last couple of weeks with it getting worse over the last couple of days. It would drop the internet for a while then pick it back up, repeated all day long. So I picked up a new modem (only, already have a router), dayamn prices have gone way up. Didn't even look at the $400 - $500 ones, settled on a very good Motorola for almost $200. Of course when I get it all hooked up I get nothing, no internet, played with it for a half hour then called Comcast......... Internet outage in my area...... Just had to be, right? :lol:
Finally got it activated then took an hour to figure out how to get the wifi to work. Still haven't been able to get on the Motorola Admin site to set up my preferred security settings.
With Comcasts new internet/phone modem I don't need any additional router?
Here we go. I've been holding my breath for this truck to get here BEFORE the FED raises interest rates, but, I'm losing. They raised interest rates a quarter of a percent yesterday with six more planned for this year. Now I'm starting to get pissed this truck isn't here yet.
This is a good day to stay home, it's cool, dreary and it's St Pats day......... I don't have to deal with revelers.........
Hombre has PT this afternoon but the therapist comes to the house. I do have to go to the grocery store though. Not my favorite thing to do, especially with prices so high now.
My Great grandfathers name was Kirkpatrick. However this apparently is Scandinavian, not Irish. Our family is majority Scandinavian, then it divides up between many other European countries of origin, kinda Heinz 57, as I'm sure many others are as well. Yes there is Irish in there, but just a small percentage. One thing is cool though, I'm as much Native American as Elizabeth Warren is... :)
That's it. Hombre and I aren't destitute by any means but we do have to budget our money and live within our means. And there really aren't any celebrities I think enough of to spend that kind of money to go see these days. I'll just enjoy them on our CDs and movie collection and on TV.

Same here. I would love to take Aurora to see Sleeping Beauty at the National, but at $75 a ticket for the cheap seats, plus travel and meals in Toronto, it's a lot more money than just picking the kids up at home and taking them to the theatre, like when we lived there. I think I went to one concert at the Molson Amplitheatre and hated it. They were giving out free tickets at work - Melissa Etheridge. They covered the whole area in concrete, with hard seats. Whole other experience from a blanket on the grass with a picnic basket.

Today is 67 degrees and high wispy clouds in a blue sky. Last weekend I was walking downtown at supper time, and at least 40 V-formations of birds flew overhead, each with more than 30 birds some with close to 100 individuals. Ducks, geese, swans. We've have Tundra Swans, Mute Swans, Trumpeter Swans, ducks of every description and size, geese. All the local photographers are out at the lakes, and inlets taking pictures and putting them on our FaceBook page.

Hard to believe it was snowing 5 days ago.
I recall my first concert was "Frampton Comes Alive" .. way back when .. in Anaheim, California and I thought the $10.00 dollar price was outrageous... :laugh:

Turned out, it was well worth it... 😃
UPDATE: Found a GM insider forum where there's GM employees that have some sort of back door to access info on your vehicle by VIN. Guy checked mine and it says it's "loaded" and "dispatched." So all excited I called my salesman and he confirmed his info says it's been loaded on a transport also, but the transports have a satellite transponder on them and he can watch where it physically is, and he said it's still in the plant parking lot in Flint, MI. Well that was back around 3:00PM, so maybe by now it's on the road. I hate to get my hopes, again, but this time it does appear that it SHOULD be on it's way. Oh glory day. Can't wait to post a pic of it here. You all probably think this is all a big fairy tale by now... :auiqs.jpg:
My Great grandfathers name was Kirkpatrick. However this apparently is Scandinavian, not Irish. Our family is majority Scandinavian, then it divides up between many other European countries of origin, kinda Heinz 57, as I'm sure many others are as well. Yes there is Irish in there, but just a small percentage. One thing is cool though, I'm as much Native American as Elizabeth Warren is... :)
We always assumed we had strong Irish roots, but doing serious genealogy with our family, I have found a few Irish connections but not much. Mostly English, German, Austrian and a strong Scottish connection through my maternal grandmother. But hey, if Elizabeth Warren can be Native American, all of us can be Irish. At least on St. Paddy's day. :)
UPDATE: Found a GM insider forum where there's GM employees that have some sort of back door to access info on your vehicle by VIN. Guy checked mine and it says it's "loaded" and "dispatched." So all excited I called my salesman and he confirmed his info says it's been loaded on a transport also, but the transports have a satellite transponder on them and he can watch where it physically is, and he said it's still in the plant parking lot in Flint, MI. Well that was back around 3:00PM, so maybe by now it's on the road. I hate to get my hopes, again, but this time it does appear that it SHOULD be on it's way. Oh glory day. Can't wait to post a pic of it here. You all probably think this is all a big fairy tale by now... :auiqs.jpg:
No, I believe it exists. Right up there with Santa Claus and unicorns. . . or maybe Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster? Kidding of course. At least you are able to get a little excited again now. :)

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