USMB Coffee Shop IV

I've got a real problem going on here... as I struggle daily to eat small portions, healthy food, stay away from processed junk, blah blah blah, and to 'try' and exercise and stay at a healthy weight, and it is a massive battle and it just got harder a few weeks ago. Our little grocery's deli in town here decided to start making their own fresh donuts, and I don't mean just any old donuts, I mean ultra donuts, like ones with maple syrup glazing and Bavarian cream filling or raspberry jelly and such. I can resist them sometimes, but my will power just isn't that strong. So I buy them now and then. I've never been a big one for sweets, but oh what a sinful delight. My goodness.
At a moderate walk (2.8 to 3.2 mph) You need to walk for an hour and a half to burn off the donut. So, walk to get your donut?
Oh boy, I can so relate. I am a real doughnut freak and cannot resist a tempting treat like that. Hombre used to get me a box of Krispy Kremes for special occasions but I can't eat just 1 or 2, I want the WHOLE THING!!!! So we don't buy them anymore.

But you know what 007? You're a lot younger than me but not exactly a spring chicken anymore and significant obesity isn't a problem for you. As long as you eat your oatmeal and other healthy diet, I think a guilty pleasure isn't going to do you a lot of harm, if any. I say go for it along with a little common sense. :) (Oh, and add a tablespoon or so of freshly ground flaxseed and/or chia seeds to your salad or throw it in somewhere else in your diet and that should help take care of excess bad cholesterol and your not taking the statin any more. You can order fresh whole organic flaxseed from Amazon and we just use a cheap ordinary coffee bean grinder to grind it up. Don't grind more than you will use in a half hour or so though as once ground, it loses a lot of its potency fairly quickly.) You do not grind chia seeds, just consume whole.
I think you'll do just fine and enjoy your doughnuts. :)
At a moderate walk (2.8 to 3.2 mph) You need to walk for an hour and a half to burn off the donut. So, walk to get your donut?
I'd rather hit my gym.

I usually offset the donut by skipping eating something else. I burn around +/- 2400 calories a day with light physical activity so, I try and factor in the donut.
I've got a real problem going on here... as I struggle daily to eat small portions, healthy food, stay away from processed junk, blah blah blah, and to 'try' and exercise and stay at a healthy weight, and it is a massive battle and it just got harder a few weeks ago. Our little grocery's deli in town here decided to start making their own fresh donuts, and I don't mean just any old donuts, I mean ultra donuts, like ones with maple syrup glazing and Bavarian cream filling or raspberry jelly and such. I can resist them sometimes, but my will power just isn't that strong. So I buy them now and then. I've never been a big one for sweets, but oh what a sinful delight. My goodness.

Omigawd, a fresh hot donut is one of the best things in the world! I would skip a couple of meals just to have one of those!
Okay I wish to make a formal complaint against 007 and boedicca. Because of their commentary on doughnuts just before I went to store ahead of our possibly impending snowstorm tonight, they forced me to think of doughnuts.

Our store has a great little bakery and makes impressively good doughnuts.

I have to walk through the bakery displays to get to the produce section.

Hombre and I each consumed three freshly baked still warm doughnuts this afternoon. And of course it's their fault. :)

(They were sooooo good!)
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Well... after seven months of waiting... today is the day the truck is supposed to be here, and I'm not excited in the least, because I honestly don't believe it will be. It's been one delay after another, and I'm betting today will be no different. The day will pass by and no truck.
Local dealer wants me to trade in my 2019 for a 2022 but they don't have one to show me. I can't do that.
Certainly not.

I'm trading in my 2019. I wish it didn't have the dynamic fuel management, or I'd keep it.

There isn't a 2022 on the lot at my dealer either. The only ones that do trickle in are the ones that were ordered, like mine.
To 007 and SFC Ollie, when our 2016 Subaru was stolen last summer. It was found but damaged and so infested with drug residue it was labeled a bio hazard. So the insurance company totaled it and when we received the check we needed to replace the car and turn in our rental USAA had provided for a month. This was late July and there was NO new inventory at the Subaru dealership, at least that we could afford. They had just received one 2018 Subaru Legacy, loaded, and they were willing to sell it as a fully inspected, certified used car for the cash we had to spend. It has been a great car and we were so lucky to get it.

The current economy has not been good for many industries and apparently the auto industry is having major setbacks with the price of used cars now off the rails, new cars are not keeping up with demand, and with horrible fuel prices, it's just tough.

But I hope 007's truck arrives today as promised and it is everything he hoped for.
To 007 and SFC Ollie,
But I hope 007's truck arrives today as promised and it is everything he hoped for.
Well... I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up and I didn't. I waited until after noon to text, "any time," to my salesman. He texted back that it's still "ESTIMATED" to be delivered BY today, but he hasn't gotten an email notification yet that it's even been loaded onto a transport. He added that sometimes they show up without having been notified that they were loaded on a transport so you just don't know. So... I have no damn idea when this truck will show up, and apparently he doesn't either. Could still be today, could be two months from now. All I do know is this has reached the point of utter absurdity. I asked him how many angry customers he's had to deal with today besides me, and he noted that there's many. I told him I was just frustrated and sorry for being a pain. He said I was fine and not a problem. I've known him now for years. He's been my salesman from the start and I think he's good people, so I won't give him a hard time. He certainly can't do anything about it. He told me last week that the dealer had offered to come and pick their vehicles up with their own transport, and GM told them NO. Now I wonder why that is.
Well... I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up and I didn't. I waited until after noon to text, "any time," to my salesman. He texted back that it's still "ESTIMATED" to be delivered BY today, but he hasn't gotten an email notification yet that it's even been loaded onto a transport. He added that sometimes they show up without having been notified that they were loaded on a transport so you just don't know. So... I have no damn idea when this truck will show up, and apparently he doesn't either. Could still be today, could be two months from now. All I do know is this has reached the point of utter absurdity. I asked him how many angry customers he's had to deal with today besides me, and he noted that there's many. I told him I was just frustrated and sorry for being a pain. He said I was fine and not a problem. I've known him now for years. He's been my salesman from the start and I think he's good people, so I won't give him a hard time. He certainly can't do anything about it. He told me last week that the dealer had offered to come and pick their vehicles up with their own transport, and GM told them NO. Now I wonder why that is.
I feel your pain. And anger. And frustration. Trying to get the right stuff for Hombre's recovery for his hip replacement surgery has been one of the most frustrating things I've had to deal with in some time. And even that was less frustrating than the delivery of that truck of yours.
I'd chat further, but Bella (mom cat) seems antsy to use the computer.
Well, it doesn't take a crystal ball to hope there is a new computer for Bella in her future so you can have full use of your own to visit the USMB Coffee Shop and old friends who think a lot of you, saveliberty. :thup:
Back is out this morning, horrendous pain. Noticed a tiny bit of pain early yesterday evening when I kind of awkwardly bent over to pick something up, but when I got out of bed this morning the pain began, and bad. Every movement I'm racked with pain, even going to down my legs. If it wasn't for my walking stick, I wouldn't even be able to stand.
I've got a real problem going on here... as I struggle daily to eat small portions, healthy food, stay away from processed junk, blah blah blah, and to 'try' and exercise and stay at a healthy weight, and it is a massive battle and it just got harder a few weeks ago. Our little grocery's deli in town here decided to start making their own fresh donuts, and I don't mean just any old donuts, I mean ultra donuts, like ones with maple syrup glazing and Bavarian cream filling or raspberry jelly and such. I can resist them sometimes, but my will power just isn't that strong. So I buy them now and then. I've never been a big one for sweets, but oh what a sinful delight. My goodness.

I had a similar problem when I was staying at my daughter's house in Toronto for an extended period. Right at the foot of her street, was Dufflet. One of the best organic bakeries in Canada. The owner has received numerous awards, been featured in magazines, and her pastries are featured at all of the top restaurants and food stores in Toronto.

My favourite is the raspberry chocolate truffle cake. My mouth watered as I typed it. When family asked me what kind of cake I wanted for my birthday, it's a raspberry truffle chocolate cake from Dufflet.

Every time I left her house to go downtown, I had to pass Dufflet. I considered it a "hazzard" and tried to avert my eyes as I passed. My will power was no stronger than yours.

I would also like to add that my local coffee shop at my end of Queen Street featured cakes from Dufflet, but I went there for their pumpkin muffins.
Back is out this morning, horrendous pain. Noticed a tiny bit of pain early yesterday evening when I kind of awkwardly bent over to pick something up, but when I got out of bed this morning the pain began, and bad. Every movement I'm racked with pain, even going to down my legs. If it wasn't for my walking stick, I wouldn't even be able to stand.

I had a day like that last week. I had to climb my hands up my thighs to stand up straight. I spent the day doing nothing, and smoking a lot of pot. I also took an Alieve, and laid in bed and pulled my knees up to my ears by wrapping my arms around my thighs and pulling them slowly. I was fine the next day, but every time I moved I could feel the spasms building.

Keep your back warm to promote blood flow through the muscles, and stop the spasms. The spasms will decrease blood flow and increase your pain.

When you're feeling better, I would recommend some gentle yoga exercises. They'll help keep your spine in alignment, strengthen your core muscles to better support your spine, and help you feel better.

Good wishes and best of luck.
Back is a tiny bit better this morning. Spent yesterday taking 600mg ibuprofen and a heat pad on the back. Did a little research and found that the heat pad might be making things worse, or just prolonging the pain. Since the pain isn't really muscular, an ice pack is actually what I should be using. Joint swelling is what I need to reduce so I started with a big baggie of ice, and that actually felt good, then used a hot/cold gel pack I have. regardless, I think time is the only thing that's ultimately going to get rid of the pain. Laying down in bed I'm actually pain free, but I'm not laying in bed all day for anything.
Back is a tiny bit better this morning. Spent yesterday taking 600mg ibuprofen and a heat pad on the back. Did a little research and found that the heat pad might be making things worse, or just prolonging the pain. Since the pain isn't really muscular, an ice pack is actually what I should be using. Joint swelling is what I need to reduce so I started with a big baggie of ice, and that actually felt good, then used a hot/cold gel pack I have. regardless, I think time is the only thing that's ultimately going to get rid of the pain. Laying down in bed I'm actually pain free, but I'm not laying in bed all day for anything.
Yes back pain sucks, maybe one of the worst chronic pains. At least it is highly unlikely those good doughnuts are the culprit. For his hip, I ordered Hombre a couple of gel packs to use to ice his hip. They are huge and it occurred to me they would be great on a sore back. Took them a couple of days to get here from Amazon.
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