USMB Coffee Shop IV

Is to to create lucid dreams?
It helps, yes.

This stuff helps as well....Just spurred one on last night...It was a doozy!...Makes your non-lucid dreams more vivid and memorable as well...

I so agree in most cases. The only problem is that the chemical dependent and co-dependents (usually family), develop a form of psychosis that, without help, makes it difficult to impossible to see what issues are at play. For instance I had no idea what controlling mechanisms I was using that were not making the situation better and often made it worse. Once the light came on, I was able to unpack all that and (usually) replace it with positive, helpful behavior. Win win for all.
That's why you get help from a god NLP practitioner or hypnotist, if you're in that deep...They're best equipped to dig out those positive intents.

For you playing at home, work through this basic, yet powerful, template...

What is it that you find most important in X? -- The value.

How do you know when you have that?...What is the physical manifestation that rule is being satisfied? --The evidence/rule that satisfies the value.

What does that allow you to feel that you otherwise wouldn't have -- The emotional payoff.

Once the emotional payoff is uncovered, you can begin to reverse engineer whether the values and rules make sense for the outcome you've been getting.

For example, if your emotional outcome is "freedom" but all the physical evidence around you shows that you're prevented from expressing that, you can begin to take action to remove the freedom attenuating circumstances and supplant them with ones that bring you in the desired direction

Though that's the Cliff's Notes version of the model, you can begin to understand the power of it when you run through it with some of your own values and rules.
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That's why you get help from a god NLP practitioner or hypnotist, if you're in that deep...They're best equipped to dig out those positive intents.

For you playing at home, work through this basic, yet powerful, template...

What is it that you find most important in X? -- The value.

How do you know when you have that?...What is the physical manifestation that rule is being satisfied? --The evidence/rule that satisfies the value.

What does that allow you to feel that you otherwise wouldn't have -- The emotional payoff.

Once the emotional payoff is uncovered, you can begin to reverse engineer whether the values and rules make sens for the outcome you've been getting.

For example, if your emotiional outcome is "freedom" but all the physical evidence around you shows that you're prevented from expressing that, you can begin to take action to remove the freedom attenuating circumstances and supplant them with ones that bring you in the desired direction

Though that's the Cliff's Notes version of the model, you can begin to understand the power of it when you run through it with some of your own values and rules.
I don't disagree but usually the co-dependent isn't in that deep. He/she just has to have self realization of the less than helpful behaviors he/she has developed trying to deal with the alcoholic or other drug dependent. A lot of us often can't see the forest for the trees so to speak. Once the light comes on, it all makes sense and can be replaced with more positive and constructive behaviors.

When that happens, even before the addict reaches out for help, his/her ability to manipulate, instigate and control the situation no longer works very well if at all, and the situation gets better if not resolved.
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I don't disagree but usually the co-dependent isn't in that deep. He/she just has to have self realization of the less than helpful behaviors he/she has developed trying to deal with the alcoholic or other drug dependent. A lot of us often can't see the forest for the trees so to speak. Once the light comes on, it all makes sense and can be replaced with more positive and constructive behaviors.

When that happens, even before the addict reaches out for help, his/her ability to manipulate, instigate and control the situation no longer works very well if at all, and the situation gets better if not resolved.
Indeed.....That's why I suggest getting with someone in person.

Though I've done some consultations online and they seem to work out, I prefer a real face-to-face.....While there are a number of helpful models that work, they need a lot more extensive fleshing out than I can give in a thumbnail or two here in this format.
Indeed.....That's why I suggest getting with someone in person.

Though I've done some consultations online and they seem to work out, I prefer a real face-to-face.....While there are a number of helpful models that work, they need a lot more extensive fleshing out than I can give in a thumbnail or two here in this format.
Yes. I think it is important that the counselor/therapist be able to watch eye movement, facial expressions, body language, hear voice intonations.
The weather here has been record setting and beautiful. The snow is almost completely gone and the daffodils on the side of my neighbour's house are poking their leaves above ground. They're always the first thing that blooms in the neighbourhood.

This morning my neighbour was out warming up his 1934 Chevy pickup truck. It's a creamy white with red pinstriping, and it purrs when it's running. It's 6 cylinder and runs on premium gas. With gas running at $7.43 a gallon here, he says he may not be able to run the truck as much as he would like this summer. He retired last summer.

My paralegal my landlord hired to evict me has Appealed the Dismissal of his Application for an Eviction Order claiming he couldn't access the internet hearing. I guess he didn't look at the copies of the evidence I submitted for the January 18th Hearing. So I resubmitted the Payment Record with copies of receipts for the direct deposits to the Landlord's bank account, as well as copies of the money orders I deposited (no returned cheques ever). The amount these records prove is far more than the landlord claims I paid. The case will be dismissed - again.

More importantly, if the paralegal had even looked at my evidence, even once, he would have known that he had no case, and that it would be tossed. I honestly believed he didn't show up because he knew that and didn't want to be embarrassed by the Tenant he was hired to evict. As my daughter said "Is someone paying him for this level of incompetence?". Sadly, the answer is "Yes".

On March 18th, the Tribunal will hold a Review Hearing to determine whether to uphold the Appeal. If the Appeal is upheld, we will then hold the Hearing on the original Application, immediately following that decision. In addition to my payment record and receipts, I also sent the Tribunal a copy of my T6 Tenant's Rights Application regarding Landlord's maintenance issues, and a copy of the work order issued by the Electrical Safety Authority, on January 21st.

Assuming the Tribunal grants the Appeal, they will then toss the Application - again, on it's merits, or lack thereof, and then they will read the agent the riot act for wasting their time yet again. Having not shown up for the first hearing, spared him the first speech about verifying his client's numbers before submitting them to the Tribunal.

But the Tribunal is 4 months behind in their hearings. And these clowns have now wasted their time and resources - twice, the first time in not showing up, and the second time in Appealing the Dismissal. We have another Hearing coming up - the one where I sued the Landlord for all my appliances and electronics his crappy electrical system destroyed.

Now he can never evict me. Whistleblower protections in the Residential Tenancy Act means that the Tribunal will not issue an eviction order against a tenant who has obtained a work order on the property. All I wanted was a new bathtub, and appliances that work.
That's why you get help from a god NLP practitioner or hypnotist, if you're in that deep...They're best equipped to dig out those positive intents.

For you playing at home, work through this basic, yet powerful, template...

What is it that you find most important in X? -- The value.

How do you know when you have that?...What is the physical manifestation that rule is being satisfied? --The evidence/rule that satisfies the value.

What does that allow you to feel that you otherwise wouldn't have -- The emotional payoff.

Once the emotional payoff is uncovered, you can begin to reverse engineer whether the values and rules make sense for the outcome you've been getting.

For example, if your emotional outcome is "freedom" but all the physical evidence around you shows that you're prevented from expressing that, you can begin to take action to remove the freedom attenuating circumstances and supplant them with ones that bring you in the desired direction

Though that's the Cliff's Notes version of the model, you can begin to understand the power of it when you run through it with some of your own values and rules.

And sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. My therapist simply asked me questions about the dysfunctional people I was dealing with. I had never been around emotionally abusive people before. Once I understood that their attempts to manipulate and control me were manifestations of their own emotional problems, having
Ordered this today. Unlike the Russians, I'm not going to randomly fire.

The weather here has been record setting and beautiful. The snow is almost completely gone and the daffodils on the side of my neighbour's house are poking their leaves above ground. They're always the first thing that blooms in the neighbourhood.

This morning my neighbour was out warming up his 1934 Chevy pickup truck. It's a creamy white with red pinstriping, and it purrs when it's running. It's 6 cylinder and runs on premium gas. With gas running at $7.43 a gallon here, he says he may not be able to run the truck as much as he would like this summer. He retired last summer.

My paralegal my landlord hired to evict me has Appealed the Dismissal of his Application for an Eviction Order claiming he couldn't access the internet hearing. I guess he didn't look at the copies of the evidence I submitted for the January 18th Hearing. So I resubmitted the Payment Record with copies of receipts for the direct deposits to the Landlord's bank account, as well as copies of the money orders I deposited (no returned cheques ever). The amount these records prove is far more than the landlord claims I paid. The case will be dismissed - again.

More importantly, if the paralegal had even looked at my evidence, even once, he would have known that he had no case, and that it would be tossed. I honestly believed he didn't show up because he knew that and didn't want to be embarrassed by the Tenant he was hired to evict. As my daughter said "Is someone paying him for this level of incompetence?". Sadly, the answer is "Yes".

On March 18th, the Tribunal will hold a Review Hearing to determine whether to uphold the Appeal. If the Appeal is upheld, we will then hold the Hearing on the original Application, immediately following that decision. In addition to my payment record and receipts, I also sent the Tribunal a copy of my T6 Tenant's Rights Application regarding Landlord's maintenance issues, and a copy of the work order issued by the Electrical Safety Authority, on January 21st.

Assuming the Tribunal grants the Appeal, they will then toss the Application - again, on it's merits, or lack thereof, and then they will read the agent the riot act for wasting their time yet again. Having not shown up for the first hearing, spared him the first speech about verifying his client's numbers before submitting them to the Tribunal.

But the Tribunal is 4 months behind in their hearings. And these clowns have now wasted their time and resources - twice, the first time in not showing up, and the second time in Appealing the Dismissal. We have another Hearing coming up - the one where I sued the Landlord for all my appliances and electronics his crappy electrical system destroyed.

Now he can never evict me. Whistleblower protections in the Residential Tenancy Act means that the Tribunal will not issue an eviction order against a tenant who has obtained a work order on the property. All I wanted was a new bathtub, and appliances that work.
Wow DL. What a journey. But looks like you have your ducks in a row. Best of luck that everything goes in your favor.
Wow DL. What a journey. But looks like you have your ducks in a row. Best of luck that everything goes in your favor.

Both my Landlord and his paralegal are complete idiots. The young lawyer at the Community Legal Clinic asked me who had the file and when I gave him the guy's name, he said "He's not very good". That's the understatement of the year. I don't think he's even read the Residential Tenancy Act.

He does a lot of DUI and speeding tickets, and a little bit of landlord/tenant work, always acting on behalf of the landlord. It's easy money, because the tenants almost never show up, or if they do they have no defense, and the eviction order is given. I never had a case where the tenant ever fought back. This guy knows how to fill out the forms, but he doesn't know the law.

When the agent failed to show the first time, I emailed him that this was not over, and I was not letting this go, just because he dodged the hearing. The ESA inspection was going ahead. There was a gas leak in the apartment downstairs that afternoon after the hearing, and my neighbour was hysterical in the hallway, Then I found out the Fire Marshall had charged and fined him last year for a similar incident.

The agent responded that if I had ever attended a hearing before today, I would have known how strong his case was. Well that's true. I've attended about 50 Hearings and I knew he had no case whatsoever the moment I read the notice.

I have attended a number of Hearings on behalf of family and friends over the years. I have noticed that the Tribunal Adjudicators LOVE IT when Tenants stand up to asshole Landlords. Because it so rarely happens.

But the bald truth is I can't really afford to move. This place was 30% below market rent when I moved in and rents have pretty much doubled since that time. It also has private ensuite laundry which I really need for my dressmaking.

But every small appliance and piece of electronics I own has had to be replaced since I moved here. 3 laptops in 6 years. My Sony Bravia, my iPhone, 5 vaccuum cleaners. 2 printers. Everything has died. At least once. I was starting to think I had a curse placed on me. $10,000 work of small appliances and electronics. I haven't been able to replace everything, and I've had to downgrade considerably in some cases. I now have an RCA big screen I paid $400 for, not a high end Sony with a Klipsch Sound System.

He knew too. He only ever buys used appliances for these units. I asked why we were waiting for a used dryer when new ones were $450. He made up an excuse that the door opens to the left and those dryers are very expensive but that it's more like new appliances only last 3 or 4 years and people notice when new stuff keeps catastrophically failing every couple of years. Whereas if a used appliance fails, well it wasn't new anyway.

One of the Landlord's "obligations" is to maintain the property in a good state of repair, in accordance with local zoning and building by-laws and regulations. Another one is that the appliances are supposed to work properly too.
That's what I've been thinking. I just hope this truck is everything 007 wants in a truck and it is pristine perfect.
It better be. I special ordered it and it's brand spankin' new. My 4th brand new vehicle in the last 6 years, but that's another story.

Should be here tomorrow. I'm hopeful but not confident. After waiting for 7 months I'm not confident in any time line they've given me.
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We had some overripe bananas yesterday (from making Fish ala Banana earlier in the week). So I made two little loaves and some pizza sauce to use later this week. I think we're going to go to a late lunch after a long walk. It's gloriously sunny here today, although a tad brisk.
I've got a real problem going on here... as I struggle daily to eat small portions, healthy food, stay away from processed junk, blah blah blah, and to 'try' and exercise and stay at a healthy weight, and it is a massive battle and it just got harder a few weeks ago. Our little grocery's deli in town here decided to start making their own fresh donuts, and I don't mean just any old donuts, I mean ultra donuts, like ones with maple syrup glazing and Bavarian cream filling or raspberry jelly and such. I can resist them sometimes, but my will power just isn't that strong. So I buy them now and then. I've never been a big one for sweets, but oh what a sinful delight. My goodness.
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I've got a real problem going on here... as I struggle daily to eat small portions, healthy food, stay away from processed junk, blah blah blah, and to 'try' and exercise and stay at a healthy weight, and it is a massive battle and it just got harder a few weeks ago. Our little grocery's deli in town here decided to start making their own donuts, and I don't mean just any old donuts, I mean ultra donuts, like hoogies with maple syrup glazing and Bavarian cream filling. I can resist them sometimes, but my will power just isn't that strong. So I buy them now and then. I've never been a big one for sweets, but oh what a sinful delight. My goodness.
Oh boy, I can so relate. I am a real doughnut freak and cannot resist a tempting treat like that. Hombre used to get me a box of Krispy Kremes for special occasions but I can't eat just 1 or 2, I want the WHOLE THING!!!! So we don't buy them anymore.

But you know what 007? You're a lot younger than me but not exactly a spring chicken anymore and significant obesity isn't a problem for you. As long as you eat your oatmeal and other healthy diet, I think a guilty pleasure isn't going to do you a lot of harm, if any. I say go for it along with a little common sense. :) (Oh, and add a tablespoon or so of freshly ground flaxseed and/or chia seeds to your salad or throw it in somewhere else in your diet and that should help take care of excess bad cholesterol and your not taking the statin any more. You can order fresh whole organic flaxseed from Amazon and we just use a cheap ordinary coffee bean grinder to grind it up. Don't grind more than you will use in a half hour or so though as once ground, it loses a lot of its potency fairly quickly.) You do not grind chia seeds, just consume whole.
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The weather here has been record setting and beautiful. The snow is almost completely gone and the daffodils on the side of my neighbour's house are poking their leaves above ground. They're always the first thing that blooms in the neighbourhood.

This morning my neighbour was out warming up his 1934 Chevy pickup truck. It's a creamy white with red pinstriping, and it purrs when it's running. It's 6 cylinder and runs on premium gas. With gas running at $7.43 a gallon here, he says he may not be able to run the truck as much as he would like this summer. He retired last summer.

My paralegal my landlord hired to evict me has Appealed the Dismissal of his Application for an Eviction Order claiming he couldn't access the internet hearing. I guess he didn't look at the copies of the evidence I submitted for the January 18th Hearing. So I resubmitted the Payment Record with copies of receipts for the direct deposits to the Landlord's bank account, as well as copies of the money orders I deposited (no returned cheques ever). The amount these records prove is far more than the landlord claims I paid. The case will be dismissed - again.

More importantly, if the paralegal had even looked at my evidence, even once, he would have known that he had no case, and that it would be tossed. I honestly believed he didn't show up because he knew that and didn't want to be embarrassed by the Tenant he was hired to evict. As my daughter said "Is someone paying him for this level of incompetence?". Sadly, the answer is "Yes".

On March 18th, the Tribunal will hold a Review Hearing to determine whether to uphold the Appeal. If the Appeal is upheld, we will then hold the Hearing on the original Application, immediately following that decision. In addition to my payment record and receipts, I also sent the Tribunal a copy of my T6 Tenant's Rights Application regarding Landlord's maintenance issues, and a copy of the work order issued by the Electrical Safety Authority, on January 21st.

Assuming the Tribunal grants the Appeal, they will then toss the Application - again, on it's merits, or lack thereof, and then they will read the agent the riot act for wasting their time yet again. Having not shown up for the first hearing, spared him the first speech about verifying his client's numbers before submitting them to the Tribunal.

But the Tribunal is 4 months behind in their hearings. And these clowns have now wasted their time and resources - twice, the first time in not showing up, and the second time in Appealing the Dismissal. We have another Hearing coming up - the one where I sued the Landlord for all my appliances and electronics his crappy electrical system destroyed.

Now he can never evict me. Whistleblower protections in the Residential Tenancy Act means that the Tribunal will not issue an eviction order against a tenant who has obtained a work order on the property. All I wanted was a new bathtub, and appliances that work.
Nothing worse than a SLUMLORD landlord. I've had to deal with a couple in my life time.

Stick it to 'em.
Oh boy, I can so relate. I am a real doughnut freak and cannot resist a tempting treat like that. Hombre used to get me a box of Krispy Kremes for special occasions but I can't eat just 1 or 2, I want the WHOLE THING!!!! So we don't buy them anymore.

But you know what 007? You're a lot younger than me but not exactly a spring chicken anymore and significant obesity isn't a problem for you. As long as you eat your oatmeal and other healthy diet, I think a guilty pleasure isn't going to do you a lot of harm, if any. I say go for it along with a little common sense. :) (Oh, and add a tablespoon or so of freshly ground flaxseed and/or chia seeds to your salad or throw it in somewhere else in your diet and that should help take care of excess bad cholesterol and your not taking the statin any more. You can order fresh whole organic flaxseed from Amazon and we just use a cheap ordinary coffee bean grinder to grind it up. Don't grind more than you will use in a half hour or so though as once ground, it loses a lot of its potency fairly quickly.) You do not need to grind chia seeds, just consume whole.
I'm 6' 1", lost an inch to old age, but pretty much stay right around 205-210 lbs. I should probably be 180-190 lbs, but to get there I'd have to virtually STARVE, and I just can't bring myself to do that. I'll be 67 this July.

Yeah I've gotten on the smoothie band wagon. I bought a real nice Ninja Nutri Pro mixer that does an excellent job. I usually use a banana, some frozen strawberries or other fruit, some mad hava sweetner, some vanilla flavored whey protein, a big dash of cinnamon and chia seeds, and finish with a couple chunks of ice. I just LOVE them, and have one just about every day. I also like to grab a small handful of walnuts for a snack too, or later at night, popcorn.
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