USMB Coffee Shop IV

IMO daylight savings time should have started on Friday afternoon instead of early this morning. That would have given us the whole weekend to adjust. But I still wish they would just pick a time, preferably daylight savings time, set it and leave it year round. The reason I would pick DST is that it is dark here at 5 p.m. in the wintertime, and Hombre and I don't do dark driving well anymore.
Though I don't know whether 18,500 people in an arena signals the return to "normalcy", it's certainly a roaring start.

The four-day extravaganza of games, the mass excitement that comes with them, food, the expo, and reconnecting with some of the super fans you see around the various arenas over the season, made its long-anticipated return...It didn't disappoint.

Though the term "instant classic" is tossed around far too often, this year's final was just that...Two north metro teams that had played one another twice in the regular season (and many players had been playing with and against one other since youth hockey) matched up for the rubber game, with the championship in the balance....Neither program having one the big prize.

A 5-5- tie game and overtime.

And just like that, it's over....Overtime games are like that...Every rush and every turnover could be the last.

Though a little deflating when it's over, always the most worthwhile experience in the end.

Video here...

And, of course, the annual All-Hockey Hair Team....Special bonus: the most jaw-dropping save of the whole tournament @ 6:32...

After a beautiful week where all the snow disappeared, it started snowing on Friday at lunchtime, and it went on all weekend. Saturday when I woke up, Friday's wet snow had frozen and the cars were crackling down the road. I wanted to go back to bed and stay there, but it warmed up enough to clear the roads by the time we left for Hamilton. On Monday, we went back to warm and sunny. All the snow is gone, and the river crested safely. We expect to get up over 60 degrees by the end of the week.

This is the first weekend I've spent at my daughter's since my birthday, last May. Her marriage ended during lockdown, and she went from a stay at home mom, to a working single mother. I used to spend a couple of days with her family every week or two, and we all miss our time spent together. Both kids are now in school full time, as well.

Last week I was out at the Over 60 Club - a progressive Euchre game at one of the local halls. It was fun. This Thursday is a St. Patrick's Day party. Everybody at the euchre game was saying they're going to keep their masks, but no one was wearing a mask when they said it. Nobody has had a cold, the flue or the sniffles even since we've been required to mask up. We all say we're keeping the masks, but somehow I think that resolve will fall away.

Friday I we have the idiot landlord's Appeal Hearing. I expect it to go very badly for the Landlord. First, his agent requested a Hearing and neither the Landlord nor his agent showed up. The application was dismissed and the Adjudicator told me to get my inspection and file a Tenant's Rights Application. I did that and the Landlord's agent knew I was doing it but requested the Appeal anyway. I sent him a copy of the work order and my Application, so he should know he'll that his Application will be dismissed - again.

The Tribunal is 4 months behind in their Hearings - because of the eviction moratoriums during the lockdowns. The Landlord requested a Hearing and didn't show up, wasting their time and resources. Now, the Landlord has Appealed the Dismissal, without having looked at the evidence that was sent to him BEFORE the Hearing he dodged, thus wasting the Tribunal's time and resources, yet again.

And while the Landlord has been pointlessly trying to evict me, he has refused to even deal with the work order. The ESA is already assessing fines and penalties, and he's done nothing. He's looking at massive fines at this point, and he can never evict me.
DL, I hope your hearing goes every bit as you expect and that's one annoyance behind you. I haven't played Euchre in years, had almost forgotten about it. But having fun is good.

We're 19 days post surgery for Hombre's hip replacement, he had a good doctor visit today, he was able to get into and out of the car okay, the PT is going well, our son and I went together to get a great office chair that sits high enough off the floor he can use it without harming his hip replacement so he can entertain himself with his computer again--an early birthday present. All in all a good day.

I am slowly adjusting to DST and that means I have to go to bed now, way earlier than I feel I should. But tomorrow is another day. Good night everybody.
DL, I hope your hearing goes every bit as you expect and that's one annoyance behind you. I haven't played Euchre in years, had almost forgotten about it. But having fun is good.

We're 19 days post surgery for Hombre's hip replacement, he had a good doctor visit today, he was able to get into and out of the car okay, the PT is going well, our son and I went together to get a great office chair that sits high enough off the floor he can use it without harming his hip replacement so he can entertain himself with his computer again--an early birthday present. All in all a good day.

I am slowly adjusting to DST and that means I have to go to bed now, way earlier than I feel I should. But tomorrow is another day. Good night everybody.

It's a whole other level of stress when it's YOUR life being affected. Although I will admit to looking forward to what the Adjudicator will say to the Landlord's agent tomorrow. These guys do not suffer fools gladly, and the Landlord's Agent is too stupid to be one person.

I could fill a page with all of the bullshit I've been through with the idiot agent, who refuses to discuss "maintenance issues". He only deals with rent arrears. I told him from day one this was a Tenant's Rights issue and he says he was not retained to deal with tenant's rights, only arrears. The Landlord refuses to discuss ANYTHING with me because he hired the agent to deal with me. They think they're being very clever and smart.

The agent told me if I'd ever attended a Tribunal Hearing in my life before [January 18th], I would have known how strong their case was and that he would have won, if he only his internet had worked properly. He could have called in. Many people attended by telephone. So he's lying. I've caught him in several lies.

Section 16 of the law REQUIRES the Landlord to negotiate and deal with the Tenant. To attempt to "mitigate their damages". All I wanted was a new bathtub and appliances that work. Now I want thousands of dollars for all the appliances the electrical system fried, and the ESA wants a $1400 fine because he didn't get the work order dealt with before the 30 days were up. And the Tribunal could fine him $50,000 for his failure to do so. I'm also asking for the whole building to be inspected and repairs ordered, and there's a lot of work to be done.

The Adjudicator will rip this guy a new one for wasting their time. If the Agent had read the evidence before the first hearing, he would never have appealed. If he had read my letter to him of March 1st, he would have cancelled the Appeal. Instead, he's wasted their time - again.
It has always interested me in how sharing an old cherished movie with my granddaughter or even my kids, they will often comment that nobody does it that way or they don't talk like people talk. It's hard to explain to them how manners and customs and speech in polite company differed when we were young compared to the world they grew up in. Our granddaughter doesn't remember pay phones at all.

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My youngest daughter's favourite movie was The Wizard of Oz. She watched it so often she could recite the dialogue right along with the actors. I recorded it to watch with her children when they came for the weekend, and ever since, Aurora asks me to put it on every time she's here.

Aurora shared HER favourite movie with me this past weekend. Disney's Sleeping Beauty. While watching the credits, I noted that the Disney movie is based on the Tchaikovsky Ballet. I knew it used the music from the ballet, but the ballet's storyline as well. The National Ballet of Canada is performing Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty ballet in Toronto starting next week. The keep sending me video of the fairies bestowing their gifts to further entice me.

I tried to talk my friend into going with me. Two tickets, plus transportation, etc., would be well over $200. My friend was appalled at the price of tickets ($75 - $300), but I pointed out that payroll includes the entire orchestra, the entire corps of dancers, all of the backstage staff, which is why live theatre costs so much.

She agreed to go to Swan Lake in June, and I'll go for Rush Seats. Line up 9:00 am on the morning of. When the box office opens at 11:00, buy two tickets for $40 each - cash. The last time I did this, we ended up in the Director's Box - a $300 ticket, for $30 each. You run the risk that the tickets will be sold out and there are no rush seats available. A certain number of tickets are held for cast families, VIP's, or press. Those unclaimed go for Rush Seats.
My youngest daughter's favourite movie was The Wizard of Oz. She watched it so often she could recite the dialogue right along with the actors. I recorded it to watch with her children when they came for the weekend, and ever since, Aurora asks me to put it on every time she's here.

Aurora shared HER favourite movie with me this past weekend. Disney's Sleeping Beauty. While watching the credits, I noted that the Disney movie is based on the Tchaikovsky Ballet. I knew it used the music from the ballet, but the ballet's storyline as well. The National Ballet of Canada is performing Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty ballet in Toronto starting next week. The keep sending me video of the fairies bestowing their gifts to further entice me.

I tried to talk my friend into going with me. Two tickets, plus transportation, etc., would be well over $200. My friend was appalled at the price of tickets ($75 - $300), but I pointed out that payroll includes the entire orchestra, the entire corps of dancers, all of the backstage staff, which is why live theatre costs so much.

She agreed to go to Swan Lake in June, and I'll go for Rush Seats. Line up 9:00 am on the morning of. When the box office opens at 11:00, buy two tickets for $40 each - cash. The last time I did this, we ended up in the Director's Box - a $300 ticket, for $30 each. You run the risk that the tickets will be sold out and there are no rush seats available. A certain number of tickets are held for cast families, VIP's, or press. Those unclaimed go for Rush Seats.
Yep. The days when we paid $2 for a ticket to an Elvis concert are long gone. :)
Gittin' slow in my old days. Didn't notice it until you posted this.

Still no truck... if you can believe it... I can't.
I feel your pain. After struggling through the vagaries of all the stuff we've had to order for Hombre's hip replacement and getting it all properly installed, dealing with missing parts or misrepresentations of what we could expect, etc. it is maddening. So I know what you are feeling and probably much more so because it has gone on for so long.

Right now Hombre is trying to figure out how Amazon messed up his order for Folgers coffee - we have already received four HUGE canisters of coffee and are advised that probably four more are on their way. And he was charged twice. At least Amazon is pretty easy to do business with and helpful in untangling screw ups.
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This one is still amazing to me.

View attachment 616923
Yeah that one is spooky weird.

Fourth day my back has been killing me too. Bent down kinda sideways the other day and felt a little catch, nothing bad, but I immediately knew, yep, here it comes. Felt fine the rest of the day but when I got out of bed the next morning, the pain just grew until I could barely stand, and wouldn't if it hadn't been for my trusty walking stick. Been feeling a tiny bit better each day, but seriously, a TINY bit.

Was able to get out and get a NEW PHONE today though. Story behind that is, my cable was on the blink for an entire day. Woke up and the modem wasn't permitting data up and down. It had a connection but it was jammed. Technician came today and said that the second time he'd seen that in the past two days and thought it had something to do with an update. He did a hard reset and it kicked right back on. BUT, in the meantime, I had "mobile hotspot" on my Verizon smart phone so I turned that on. Was very easy to sign the laptop and the ROKU for TV onto it so I had it all, but, I ate what little bit of data I had on my old plan pretty quick. So Verizon sent me a message saying they'd added another gig but charged me $15. Well, I got online and went to my Verizon account and changed my old, OLD plan to a new one with 5G unlimited data and hotspot, and that was all fine and dandy but, my little old Samsung Galaxy S9 did not have 5G capabilities, so I was paying for a new data plan but I couldn't really take advantage of it, on my phone anyway. So off to the Verizon store I went today and picked up a new Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus, and got a $700 discount with my old phone as a trade in, which the gal said she never saw S9's anymore... lol... but the new phone is larger, doesn't fit as well in pockets, but it's a beauty, better battery life, better screen, better blah, blah, blah. If it's half as nice a phone as the S9 was, I'll be happy, because even though that phone was getting up there in years, it still worked a champ. I never had one single problem with it, and the battery would still hold a pretty decent charge. Anyway, was very happy with the deal and huge discount. The gal also said that they were starting to run low on phones and that once they're gone, she didn't have any idea when they'd be able to get more, so the timing of getting a new phone probably couldn't have been better.
Yep. The days when we paid $2 for a ticket to an Elvis concert are long gone. :)

I'm going back to the days before my youngest was born, when we were first married, and we used to go to the Forum at Ontario Place for the concerts. It was $6 to get into Ontario Place, for all the attractions, including the concerts. It was a cheap night out.

They tore down the Forum, with its cozy atmosphere and grassy slope seating and replaced it with the Molson Amphitheatre - a covered block of concrete and ugliness. Top seats for the upcoming Miranda Lambert concert are over $300 a seat. The cheapest seats are over $60.00 each.

That's when we stopped going to concerts.

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