USMB Coffee Shop IV

After a certain age, falls are Mother Natures way of telling you it is time to hit the road. Complications from falls are a huge contributor to those 85 plus
I know many people in their 80's and 90's who are in no way ready to hit the road. They are still mentally sharp, active, love just as much, care just as much, enjoy and laugh just as much as they ever did. I have a 95-yr-old aunt who still drives competently, lives alone, does her own grocery and other shopping, goes to the hair dresser and manicurist frequently and looks to be in her 60's. She is in no way ready to check out. The only concession she makes to old age is she does hire cleaning and yard services and allows me to drive her to appointments that involve really heavy traffic or are somewhat complicated to get to. So yes, the old folks need to take some precautions the younger people don't yet think about, but ready to check out? Nope. No way.
I know many people in their 80's and 90's who are in no way ready to hit the road. They are still mentally sharp, active, love just as much, care just as much, enjoy and laugh just as much as they ever did. I have a 95-yr-old aunt who still drives competently, lives alone, does her own grocery and other shopping, goes to the hair dresser and manicurist frequently and looks to be in her 60's. She is in no way ready to check out. The only concession she makes to old age is she does hire cleaning and yard services and allows me to drive her to appointments that involve really heavy traffic or are somewhat complicated to get to. So yes, the old folks need to take some precautions the younger people don't yet think about, but ready to check out? Nope. No way.
Just when I thought I had all my bases covered.

One of my concerns has been going home right after surgery. It's been more than 30 years since I had my last surgery and they kept you in hospital for a week after major surgery. Now they send you home the same day, or the next day.

The physio nurse had concerns about my living on the second floor. How many steps to the stairs to my apartment. How many stair steps to the front porch? She wanted someone there to help me go to the bathroom, and then help me back at first. So it was decided that I could go to a rehab hospital for a week after the surgery. This solves all of my concerns about being on my own the first week, but it would have to be arranged with the Discharge Nurse.

Until today, I didn't know what they were doing for sure. I need to know what clothes to pack - one night or a week. Groceries: I want fresh milk and fruit in the fridge if I'm staying in one night, and I want the fridge empty if I'm going in for a week. The cat sitter, and my home support team need to know, not to mention my family.

Today I was advised by the Discharge Nurse that I will definitely be going to the rehab hospital, but, there are problems because of covid. The surgery schedule keeps changing. People are cancelling because they have covid, or they're afraid of getting it. Cases are up, hospitalizations are up, and beds are in short supply. If they can't promise me a bed after surgery on Wednesday, and a bed at the rehab hospital on Friday, my surgery will be cancelled and rescheduled.

And because everything is changing minute by minute, they can't even tell me for sure I'm having the surgery until tomorrow. They already changed my surgery time from 12:00 noon, to 10:00 am. I like the earlier time. I get very peckish if I don't eat by 10:00 and I can't even have a glass of water when I get up on surgery day, much less a coffee so the earlier we do this, the better. Check in time is now 8:00 am. So I will roll out of bed, shower, and leave for the hospital at 7:15.

I am in desperate need of a toke to calm my nerves at this point, but since I'm on the "clean and sober" 72 hour pre-surgery regimen, no pills, no booze, no pot.
Just when I thought I had all my bases covered.

One of my concerns has been going home right after surgery. It's been more than 30 years since I had my last surgery and they kept you in hospital for a week after major surgery. Now they send you home the same day, or the next day.

The physio nurse had concerns about my living on the second floor. How many steps to the stairs to my apartment. How many stair steps to the front porch? She wanted someone there to help me go to the bathroom, and then help me back at first. So it was decided that I could go to a rehab hospital for a week after the surgery. This solves all of my concerns about being on my own the first week, but it would have to be arranged with the Discharge Nurse.

Until today, I didn't know what they were doing for sure. I need to know what clothes to pack - one night or a week. Groceries: I want fresh milk and fruit in the fridge if I'm staying in one night, and I want the fridge empty if I'm going in for a week. The cat sitter, and my home support team need to know, not to mention my family.

Today I was advised by the Discharge Nurse that I will definitely be going to the rehab hospital, but, there are problems because of covid. The surgery schedule keeps changing. People are cancelling because they have covid, or they're afraid of getting it. Cases are up, hospitalizations are up, and beds are in short supply. If they can't promise me a bed after surgery on Wednesday, and a bed at the rehab hospital on Friday, my surgery will be cancelled and rescheduled.

And because everything is changing minute by minute, they can't even tell me for sure I'm having the surgery until tomorrow. They already changed my surgery time from 12:00 noon, to 10:00 am. I like the earlier time. I get very peckish if I don't eat by 10:00 and I can't even have a glass of water when I get up on surgery day, much less a coffee so the earlier we do this, the better. Check in time is now 8:00 am. So I will roll out of bed, shower, and leave for the hospital at 7:15.

I am in desperate need of a toke to calm my nerves at this point, but since I'm on the "clean and sober" 72 hour pre-surgery regimen, no pills, no booze, no pot.
I hope all goes as scheduled. I think the week in rehab might be a very good thing as you mentioned. It would be different if you had a 24/7 dedicated caretaker as Hombre had with my son and me but that first week was still rough--there was so much we didn't know and worried that we would do something wrong and set him back. And yes, he went home the day after surgery. Covid isn't spiking in our area and continues to decline. Only 43 people in the hospital who test positive state wide and probably few of those are there because of Covid alone. Of course that could change at any time. But still send prayers and positive vibes your way DL.
The surgery is a go. It's back to the 12:00 o'clock surgery time. I'm so relieved.

When they called to change my surgery time to 10:00, they didn't tell me that meant I was expected to go home the same day. The 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. times are meant for people going home the same day. The notes on my file said I was fine with the change. Yes, I was, but only because they didn't tell me I would be going home in the afternoon!!!

Anyway, I now have to clean out the fridge, and get organized for being away for a week.
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we especially focus on Dragonlady who is now scheduled for knee surgery at noon tomorrow and pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for.

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.
Ringel - for continued healing and wellness.
Beautress's friend for comfort/healing.
Mindful's daughter for continued wellness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
SFC Ollie for health and wellness.
Hombre for successful rehab and continued progress with his new hip.
007 for relief from back pain.
Dragonlady for impending knee surgery on May 4.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.
Today the USMB Coffee Shop is 12 years old.

And the statistics so far:

The original USMB Coffee Shop opened on 5-4-2010 and acquired 80,455 posts and 3,285,729 views before it closed on 7-30-13.
USMB Coffee Shop II opened on 7-30-13 and acquired 25,935 posts and 486,351 views before it closed on 4-14-14.
The USMB Coffee Shop III opened on 4-15-14 and is closing on 5-15-14 with 2,803 posts and 32,229 views.
The original three Coffee Shops had acquired roughly 150,000 more views before they were deleted.
Coffee Shop IV opened on 5-15-14 and has acquired 70,486 posts and 2,959,450 views.

The grand total for the Coffee Shop:
179,679 posts and roughly 6,763,759 views.

437 different people (give or take a few due to name changes) have posted in the Coffee Shop at some time.

Our friends here come and go, and there is an ebb and flow to the Coffee Shop with little activity at some times and then we fill a dozen pages in a day. I like to think this record is because of the really special people we get to know in the Coffee Shop, and the genuine affection, concern, and encouragement that can be found here. And there's always room for more folks who need or want or appreciate that.
Not a good day here. This morning one of our 8th grade students shot himself in the school cafeteria. No other students were injured but at least 50 other students were in the cafeteria at the time. And then a friend who happens to be a Mother and former Marine went to the school to get her kid and took a gun with her. Not sure what she was thinking or what she did but she was immediately arrested. Charged with carrying a fire arm on school property. The news is calling it a shooting incident but most here believe the student died. Hard take in a village of 1200 people.
Not a good day here. This morning one of our 8th grade students shot himself in the school cafeteria. No other students were injured but at least 50 other students were in the cafeteria at the time. And then a friend who happens to be a Mother and former Marine went to the school to get her kid and took a gun with her. Not sure what she was thinking or what she did but she was immediately arrested. Charged with carrying a fire arm on school property. The news is calling it a shooting incident but most here believe the student died. Hard take in a village of 1200 people.
That's hard to deal with in any community, but yes, small towns feel it the hardest because everybody knows everybody. Sometimes I think everything has gone crazy everywhere.
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Sitting at the vets with the daughters dog while she goes to the hospital. She was out walking him and another dog came out of nowhere and attacked them. Daughter took a bite to a pinkie finger while on ground wrestling with em both. She only weighs about 110 . Lucky has a few puncture wounds, doesn't look serious. Could have been much worse.
Sitting at the vets with the daughters dog while she goes to the hospital. She was out walking him and another dog came out of nowhere and attacked them. Daughter took a bite to a pinkie finger while on ground wrestling with em both. She only weighs about 110 . Lucky has a few puncture wounds, doesn't look serious. Could have been much worse.
Yes she was fortunate. My daughter almost had her thumb amputated trying to separate her dogs that were fighting. At least she knew they were vaccinated. Glad your daughter and her dog didn't sustain worse injuries.
Yes she was fortunate. My daughter almost had her thumb amputated trying to separate her dogs that were fighting. At least she knew they were vaccinated. Glad your daughter and her dog didn't sustain worse injuries.
She could have got herself killed. She actually parted them twice she said, enough for her dog to get away. Dont know why she thought he would go and leave her behind.
She could have got herself killed. She actually parted them twice she said, enough for her dog to get away. Dont know why she thought he would go and leave her behind.
You often don't think clearly in violent situations like that. You just react. My Aunt Betty is an R.N. and our friend Dana was a V.A. emergency room doc for many years before she was forced to retire for medical reasons. Both say some of the ugliest trauma/wounds they have seen were on people trying to break up dog fights.
Tornado warning. If you read about packs of Angel Soft falling from the sky in three counties, you will know I was assassinated by Mother Nature.
Goodness. Stay safe.

Came and gone. Was more like a hurricane but no damage. I did notice something odd. I have three cellphones all with the same carrier. The alert sounded on the most expensive plan one first, then it was maybe 4 minutes later until it sounded on the middle plan one and then sounded last on the cheapest plan one. Apparently verizon is pay to play even when a tornado warning is being issued :smoke:

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