USMB Coffee Shop IV

Monday was awful. In addition to everything else, I had put off grocery shopping and needed protein. But before I got there, I remembered that if you eat before you go shopping, it's less likely you will be tempted to buy more than your list. So as I was driving along, it started raining buckets, and it turned colder than usual when the buckets full were working their way down. Well, I got to my favorite place, Cloud Nine, and got out of the truck, when the rain intensified. There were 2 little steps up to the store with 5 tables, and I slipped when a couple of buckets splashed down at the same time, went crashing forward, landed on both hands and hit my noggin good. It took a minute to get up, and the buckets kept pouring down, still stunned, and walked through the door. The proprietor, a certified Homeopathic Doctor, Sprayed my swollen hand, forehead lump, and thumb on the other hand, and said the Arnica Spray would lessen the swelling. I went on home, because I had no appetite, and I hurt too bad to go shopping. I hit a low for the year when I got home, but at least my sweet puppy Song cheered me up, and she seemed to know where it hurt, because she started licking my hands and forehead. She isn't even a year old, bless her sweet little usually naughty heart, so I dried off, changed from my soaking wet pantsuit into dry jeans and longsleeved tshirt, took 1 aspirin to keep the blood swellings from clotting, and fell asleep for a couple of hours. The pain went away sometime yesterday, and today, I'm feeling okay, but I hate it when I can't use my hands to open doors, get through the doggie barrier to keep Miss Song out of the carpeted areas of the house until she is housebroken. She is definitely the prettiest dog I've ever had, and she's still growing a little more each week. I couldn't crochet for 2 days, but today It was if nothing bad had ever happened to my right hand, with only the thumb still hurting. I don't use my left hand much in crocheting, but as a discipline, decided not to crochet more than a row with an hour between rows of doing nothing. The left hand looks less like a mitt than it did 2 days ago, and is feeling better. And the bump on my forehead only hurts when I rub it to see if the swelling went down. It pretty much did. It wasn't raining like that when I left the house to go shopping, but I swear by the time I got to the sandwich/health supplement shop, I blame the fall on the way the water was coming in exactly like cold buckets of water hurled down at an accelerated rate causing my slipping and crashing. I'm fine now, but for a while, I was typing with one finger on one of the Writing Boards here. I'm a Haiku freak, and I love the way the 17 counts lilt into 3 lines with 5-7-5 syllables allowed in sequence. I guess in a nutshell, this week was like "Old age isn't for sissies." :auiqs.jpg:I'm just fine now, and am ready to get on with taking it easy while I have a good excuse. :laughing0301:
Oh Beautress!!!! I had a similar fall when my knee gave out as it went up the stairs and I had a nasty fall. I didn't even have the excuse of a downpour because it was a bright sunny day. Please take care.

Remember the part where I said it was 75 degrees a couple of days ago??? It's snowing right now.

Mother Nature - you're drunk. Go home.
Monday was awful. In addition to everything else, I had put off grocery shopping and needed protein. But before I got there, I remembered that if you eat before you go shopping, it's less likely you will be tempted to buy more than your list. So as I was driving along, it started raining buckets, and it turned colder than usual when the buckets full were working their way down. Well, I got to my favorite place, Cloud Nine, and got out of the truck, when the rain intensified. There were 2 little steps up to the store with 5 tables, and I slipped when a couple of buckets splashed down at the same time, went crashing forward, landed on both hands and hit my noggin good. It took a minute to get up, and the buckets kept pouring down, still stunned, and walked through the door. The proprietor, a certified Homeopathic Doctor, Sprayed my swollen hand, forehead lump, and thumb on the other hand, and said the Arnica Spray would lessen the swelling. I went on home, because I had no appetite, and I hurt too bad to go shopping. I hit a low for the year when I got home, but at least my sweet puppy Song cheered me up, and she seemed to know where it hurt, because she started licking my hands and forehead. She isn't even a year old, bless her sweet little usually naughty heart, so I dried off, changed from my soaking wet pantsuit into dry jeans and longsleeved tshirt, took 1 aspirin to keep the blood swellings from clotting, and fell asleep for a couple of hours. The pain went away sometime yesterday, and today, I'm feeling okay, but I hate it when I can't use my hands to open doors, get through the doggie barrier to keep Miss Song out of the carpeted areas of the house until she is housebroken. She is definitely the prettiest dog I've ever had, and she's still growing a little more each week. I couldn't crochet for 2 days, but today It was if nothing bad had ever happened to my right hand, with only the thumb still hurting. I don't use my left hand much in crocheting, but as a discipline, decided not to crochet more than a row with an hour between rows of doing nothing. The left hand looks less like a mitt than it did 2 days ago, and is feeling better. And the bump on my forehead only hurts when I rub it to see if the swelling went down. It pretty much did. It wasn't raining like that when I left the house to go shopping, but I swear by the time I got to the sandwich/health supplement shop, I blame the fall on the way the water was coming in exactly like cold buckets of water hurled down at an accelerated rate causing my slipping and crashing. I'm fine now, but for a while, I was typing with one finger on one of the Writing Boards here. I'm a Haiku freak, and I love the way the 17 counts lilt into 3 lines with 5-7-5 syllables allowed in sequence. I guess in a nutshell, this week was like "Old age isn't for sissies." :auiqs.jpg:I'm just fine now, and am ready to get on with taking it easy while I have a good excuse. :laughing0301:
We all reach a certain age where we don't bounce as well as we used to and falls often have much greater consequences. Doctors seems conscious of this because every time we see one of pretty much any specialty, there is always a question of whether you have fallen. Happy that yours wasn't of worse consequences but geez, sounds like an ordeal just the same. Glad you're feeling better. (And yeah, I find myself using my age as a good excuse to not do things I don't want to do anymore. :) )
No doubt about it. I made a bad choice about getting out of the car while it was raining, but I got a better idea of what "buckets of rain" really means. I slipped because of two closely timed stashes of water landed on unique steps as I was going up one of them. All that water that wasn't there when I approached the step, but it was when I stepped, and its action of moving while a 2" deep mass of water made me slip and fall damaging 2 hands on opposite sides, and I fell on uneven bricks that put the lump on my head. The water under my foot gushed really fast, and I fell forward with the worst of it on my forehead that now bears a 1x2" red bruise on the risen knot that formed under my skin that had to be blood vessels. A bucket of water can turn a square foot of surface into a mini-flood and cause the most agile of us to fall at its behest. I won't be gong out from now on in inclement spring weather. My balance was swept away in a millisecond. The funny thing is, last week I was patting myself on the back for getting out of snow country where seniors slip several times per winter due to ice forming under what looks like fresh-fallen snow. I didn't know a fall due to rain could be just as surprising a demon as an inelegant fall on uneven ice under a thin layer of snowflakes. The amount and velocity of water that fell in a split second was frigid for this time of year accounts for why that in the 20 minutes it took to get back home, I still had to wring out my wet clothing. After the major problems ironed themselves out in the last 3 days, another problem in my neck worked its way to the surface. Funny how nature works. You can only feel pain in one area at a time, and as one subsides, another arises with that much shock if there's a there there. lol
Lyrid of the lake
Springtime Meteor Shower in Full Spring, 2022 below:

The annual Lyrid meteor shower, one of the oldest known, is active in late April, as our fair planet plows through dust left along the orbit of long-period comet Thatcher. The trail of the bright fireball points back toward the shower's radiant in the constellation Lyra high in the northern springtime sky and off the top of the frame. Just rising in that starry sky, light from a third quarter moon also cast a glow on the peaceful waters of the lake.
Even though this picture was taken 4 days ago, if it's not overcast in your area, you may see a falling star or two at this time of year. The one above has a lot of the Milky Way showing, and at least one shooting star. Hope it's warm enough in your area to enjoy the show of nature during this time of year.
I just can't do twitter and social media anymore. It's no fun. Hope everybody had a good weekend. Thanks to Mr. Oddball for his weekly cartoon. They're always a lifter upper. :thup:
We all reach a certain age where we don't bounce as well as we used to and falls often have much greater consequences. Doctors seems conscious of this because every time we see one of pretty much any specialty, there is always a question of whether you have fallen. Happy that yours wasn't of worse consequences but geez, sounds like an ordeal just the same. Glad you're feeling better. (And yeah, I find myself using my age as a good excuse to not do things I don't want to do anymore. :) )
After a certain age, falls are Mother Natures way of telling you it is time to hit the road. Complications from falls are a huge contributor to those 85 plus

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