USMB Coffee Shop IV

I sleep a lot better if I take two extra strength acetaminophen PM (Tylenol PM) plus a 5 mg melatonin. I've learned too to take them 30 minutes or so before I get in bed & get really sleepy so I'm wanting that bed. I go to sleep within a minute or two that way. Otherwise I'm tossing and turning up to an hour before I get to sleep.
I had really bad overall leg cramps, toe to arms, though the legs were horrible. I called the local homeophathic group here, and the answer was "potassium" I told him I'd had one in the morning of the horrible episode, and he said potassium must be always present if leg cramps are frequent. Sure enough I probably hadn't taken a potassium because the magnesium seemed to help a little a couple of weeks ago, and I hadn't even thought of potassium for several weeks. Apparently, it has to be rebuilt, and I was told to take them at one or two hour intervals, so I took one, and it prevented reoccurrance the next day, but in the evening I had a few cramps but it wasn't near as bad as the night before, so I took another potassium last night and this morning. Still wasn't enough, because after a long nap, I had slight cramps so made my way back to the potassium supplement and took another. I decided to go relax and listen to some scriptures I've been wanting to hear, starting with the book of Joel, which I had forgotten about, and sure enough, Miss Song decided to put up a howl when the neighbor's car turned in. I wanted to come back here and see if 007 or BBD had checked in. I enjoyed both of their posts in the last 10 years I've been here at USMB. This lounge is like family to me, and I hope everyone is well. Prayers still up for everyone's return to good health. Have to go.
Well Friends and Neighbors I have some wonderful news for my immediately family...
My 16-year-old Grandson has his Eagle Scout Court of Honor scheduled for June 5th... Grandpa is super Proud of him, and an Honorable mention has to go to his Dad... His Dad was there all the way...
Grandma is going to go for the Ceremony and I am going to stay at home and take care of the livestock...
I'm just full of it tonight...
My Son and DIL are pregnant again...:04:
I'm very happy for them... Surprised, but very happy... After the miscarriage last fall, well lets say I didn't have a clue, did I mention that I am very happy...

Life is good...
Well Friends and Neighbors I have some wonderful news for my immediately family...
My 16-year-old Grandson has his Eagle Scout Court of Honor scheduled for June 5th... Grandpa is super Proud of him, and an Honorable mention has to go to his Dad... His Dad was there all the way...
Grandma is going to go for the Ceremony and I am going to stay at home and take care of the livestock...
I'm just full of it tonight...
My Son and DIL are pregnant again...:04:
I'm very happy for them... Surprised, but very happy... After the miscarriage last fall, well lets say I didn't have a clue, did I mention that I am very happy...

Life is good...
Congratulations on the accomplishment of your family's Court of Honor Eagle Scout. He must have done some serious work to achieve that title.
Hope the new expected little one makes it this time. Prayers up for your son and DIL for the healthy, happy little one's birth and long life! Hope it heals their broken heart of losing one. Bless them both and their future child. :thup: :huddle:
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Well Friends and Neighbors I have some wonderful news for my immediately family...
My 16-year-old Grandson has his Eagle Scout Court of Honor scheduled for June 5th... Grandpa is super Proud of him, and an Honorable mention has to go to his Dad... His Dad was there all the way...
Grandma is going to go for the Ceremony and I am going to stay at home and take care of the livestock...
I'm just full of it tonight...
My Son and DIL are pregnant again...:04:
I'm very happy for them... Surprised, but very happy... After the miscarriage last fall, well lets say I didn't have a clue, did I mention that I am very happy...

Life is good...
That Eagle Scout accomplishment is wonderful. Hombre was a scoutmaster for many years and both our kids were in scouts. Lots of good memories. And those grandbabies are special and prayers up that this pregnancy will be wonderful. (Most are.)
I had really bad overall leg cramps, toe to arms, though the legs were horrible. I called the local homeophathic group here, and the answer was "potassium" I told him I'd had one in the morning of the horrible episode, and he said potassium must be always present if leg cramps are frequent. Sure enough I probably hadn't taken a potassium because the magnesium seemed to help a little a couple of weeks ago, and I hadn't even thought of potassium for several weeks. Apparently, it has to be rebuilt, and I was told to take them at one or two hour intervals, so I took one, and it prevented reoccurrance the next day, but in the evening I had a few cramps but it wasn't near as bad as the night before, so I took another potassium last night and this morning. Still wasn't enough, because after a long nap, I had slight cramps so made my way back to the potassium supplement and took another. I decided to go relax and listen to some scriptures I've been wanting to hear, starting with the book of Joel, which I had forgotten about, and sure enough, Miss Song decided to put up a howl when the neighbor's car turned in. I wanted to come back here and see if 007 or BBD had checked in. I enjoyed both of their posts in the last 10 years I've been here at USMB. This lounge is like family to me, and I hope everyone is well. Prayers still up for everyone's return to good health. Have to go.

Bananas Beautress. I get cramps in my calves and feet in the night, if I don't eat my bananas. They're loaded with potassium, and since it's an all natural source, your body is better able to metabolize it. Every time I get cramps, it's because I run out of bananas, and haven't had one for at least a week.

My cousin has stage 4 breast cancer which has spread throughout her system. Chemo is not going well for her, and she's on round 6. She's young woman, with a teenage son, who had remarried in the past 6 years, relocating from Ottawa to Southern Ontario, not far from where I live. Leaving family and friends in Ottawa for a new life was hard, but she had found a good job, her young son was involved in minor hockey, and her husband's MS was mostly in remission. And just when life was so good, bam!

Rose is as beautiful inside as out, and it's awful to see her suffering so. And of course things are getting bad just as I'm preparing for my surgery and can't help her at all. All good thoughts and prayers would be most appreciated.

My sister and her husband have both tested positive for covid. Susie has a list of "pre-existing conditions" as long as your arm but it starts with Rheumatoid Arthritis which has attacked her heart and lungs. She only has 20% heart function, so even though she is triple vaxxed, this is a serious concern. Susie's husband works part-time, so they think he caught it at work, since she seldom leaves the house. She says that the people who tell you it's no different from the flu are LYING. This is much worse.

As for me, 10 days to May 4th. I had my interview with the operating room nurse on Friday, and with the anesthesiologist as well. Tomorrow I go into the hospital for my pre-surgery bloodwork. I have a list of instructions for the day of. I'll be spending the night at the hospital, and coming home the day after.

There are 25 meals in the freezer, and today I'm making pulled pork in the slow cooker, chili on the stove, and baking banana bread. I'm going to make some baked beans tomorrow when I get back from the hospital. That will give me another 20 meals. I need some chicken dishes (butter chicken, and a curried chicken and sweet potato stew), for variety. That will give me 8 different choices.

I finished my new line of adult yoga pants, and immediately appropriated a pair for myself. I made a pair of these yoga pants at the start of the pandemic and they are the most comfortable pants I've ever worn, but they were two inches too short. Over the course of the pandemic, I've lost weight, so these pants are now getting worn, and they don't fit as well as they used to. The new pair was cut longer, and 2 sizes smaller than my first test pair. I want to make a couple more pairs this week as I plan to live in these pants throughout my recovery.

To do list: File my taxes; Update my Personal Care Power of Attorney; stock the pantry; Hair cut and colour on Friday.
Bananas Beautress. I get cramps in my calves and feet in the night, if I don't eat my bananas. They're loaded with potassium, and since it's an all natural source, your body is better able to metabolize it. Every time I get cramps, it's because I run out of bananas, and haven't had one for at least a week.

My cousin has stage 4 breast cancer which has spread throughout her system. Chemo is not going well for her, and she's on round 6. She's young woman, with a teenage son, who had remarried in the past 6 years, relocating from Ottawa to Southern Ontario, not far from where I live. Leaving family and friends in Ottawa for a new life was hard, but she had found a good job, her young son was involved in minor hockey, and her husband's MS was mostly in remission. And just when life was so good, bam!

Rose is as beautiful inside as out, and it's awful to see her suffering so. And of course things are getting bad just as I'm preparing for my surgery and can't help her at all. All good thoughts and prayers would be most appreciated.

My sister and her husband have both tested positive for covid. Susie has a list of "pre-existing conditions" as long as your arm but it starts with Rheumatoid Arthritis which has attacked her heart and lungs. She only has 20% heart function, so even though she is triple vaxxed, this is a serious concern. Susie's husband works part-time, so they think he caught it at work, since she seldom leaves the house. She says that the people who tell you it's no different from the flu are LYING. This is much worse.

As for me, 10 days to May 4th. I had my interview with the operating room nurse on Friday, and with the anesthesiologist as well. Tomorrow I go into the hospital for my pre-surgery bloodwork. I have a list of instructions for the day of. I'll be spending the night at the hospital, and coming home the day after.

There are 25 meals in the freezer, and today I'm making pulled pork in the slow cooker, chili on the stove, and baking banana bread. I'm going to make some baked beans tomorrow when I get back from the hospital. That will give me another 20 meals. I need some chicken dishes (butter chicken, and a curried chicken and sweet potato stew), for variety. That will give me 8 different choices.

I finished my new line of adult yoga pants, and immediately appropriated a pair for myself. I made a pair of these yoga pants at the start of the pandemic and they are the most comfortable pants I've ever worn, but they were two inches too short. Over the course of the pandemic, I've lost weight, so these pants are now getting worn, and they don't fit as well as they used to. The new pair was cut longer, and 2 sizes smaller than my first test pair. I want to make a couple more pairs this week as I plan to live in these pants throughout my recovery.

To do list: File my taxes; Update my Personal Care Power of Attorney; stock the pantry; Hair cut and colour on Friday.
Prayers up for your cousin, sister, and her husband. We'll hope the vax does its magic for her. So far it has protected from dangerously severe illness even the autoimmune compromised among those I know except for my sister who already was in congenital heart failure when she contracted COVID after being full vaxxed. It did hasten her death I think but in reality didn't cause it.
Bananas Beautress. I get cramps in my calves and feet in the night, if I don't eat my bananas. They're loaded with potassium, and since it's an all natural source, your body is better able to metabolize it. Every time I get cramps, it's because I run out of bananas, and haven't had one for at least a week.

My cousin has stage 4 breast cancer which has spread throughout her system. Chemo is not going well for her, and she's on round 6. She's young woman, with a teenage son, who had remarried in the past 6 years, relocating from Ottawa to Southern Ontario, not far from where I live. Leaving family and friends in Ottawa for a new life was hard, but she had found a good job, her young son was involved in minor hockey, and her husband's MS was mostly in remission. And just when life was so good, bam!

Rose is as beautiful inside as out, and it's awful to see her suffering so. And of course things are getting bad just as I'm preparing for my surgery and can't help her at all. All good thoughts and prayers would be most appreciated.

My sister and her husband have both tested positive for covid. Susie has a list of "pre-existing conditions" as long as your arm but it starts with Rheumatoid Arthritis which has attacked her heart and lungs. She only has 20% heart function, so even though she is triple vaxxed, this is a serious concern. Susie's husband works part-time, so they think he caught it at work, since she seldom leaves the house. She says that the people who tell you it's no different from the flu are LYING. This is much worse.

As for me, 10 days to May 4th. I had my interview with the operating room nurse on Friday, and with the anesthesiologist as well. Tomorrow I go into the hospital for my pre-surgery bloodwork. I have a list of instructions for the day of. I'll be spending the night at the hospital, and coming home the day after.

There are 25 meals in the freezer, and today I'm making pulled pork in the slow cooker, chili on the stove, and baking banana bread. I'm going to make some baked beans tomorrow when I get back from the hospital. That will give me another 20 meals. I need some chicken dishes (butter chicken, and a curried chicken and sweet potato stew), for variety. That will give me 8 different choices.

I finished my new line of adult yoga pants, and immediately appropriated a pair for myself. I made a pair of these yoga pants at the start of the pandemic and they are the most comfortable pants I've ever worn, but they were two inches too short. Over the course of the pandemic, I've lost weight, so these pants are now getting worn, and they don't fit as well as they used to. The new pair was cut longer, and 2 sizes smaller than my first test pair. I want to make a couple more pairs this week as I plan to live in these pants throughout my recovery.

To do list: File my taxes; Update my Personal Care Power of Attorney; stock the pantry; Hair cut and colour on Friday.
Thanks, Dragonlady. I bought a small bunch of bananas again yesterday, but my potassium deficit is long-standing enough to know somehow, I'm not absorbing it in any beneficial way, but my homeopathic caregiver told me to take mega-pills of potassium that I already have by taking doses spaced an hour or two apart as needed. I did that and I like you really prefer to get nutrition from foods. I just looked up what foods contain potassium, and for anyone else who is experiencing too much pain, Here's what I found this morning at Which Foods are Rich in Potassium?. Some nightshade foods that have potassium may trigger arthritis, so run a second scan "foods that trigger arthritis." Most every health problem has a set of good-for-you foods and a set of foods-to-avoid lists. It's best to check out both to make sure you're not triggering another of your familiar health issues or known problems.

Your family members are on my prayer list. We don't know how precious they are until we loose them. Prayers up. :hands: oh, adn :huddle:

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Prayers up for your cousin, sister, and her husband. We'll hope the vax does its magic for her. So far it has protected from dangerously severe illness even the autoimmune compromised among those I know except for my sister who already was in congenital heart failure when she contracted COVID after being full vaxxed. It did hasten her death I think but in reality didn't cause it.

JM is recovering nicely. Susie is also getting better but not as quickly. They gave her a round of the early treatment drugs and, combined with her vaccination status, she says she's going to be fine. She is as tough as they come. JM takes such good care of her too. She is truly blessed, in that regard. But I won't stop my prayers until I know she's fully recovered. Her condition really is that fragile to begin with.

As promised, despite the two inches of snow on the ground on Monday, it is currently 66 degrees under blue skies, headed to 75 this afternoon. Break out shorts and the sun tan oil. We're going to the beach!!! High temperature predicted for Wednesday - 39 degrees!!!!
Thanks, Dragonlady. I bought a small bunch of bananas again yesterday, but my potassium deficit is long-standing enough to know somehow, I'm not absorbing it in any beneficial way, but my homeopathic caregiver told me to take mega-pills of potassium that I already have by taking doses spaced an hour or two apart as needed. I did that and I like you really prefer to get nutrition from foods. I just looked up what foods contain potassium, and for anyone else who is experiencing too much pain, Here's what I found this morning at Which Foods are Rich in Potassium?. Some nightshade foods that have potassium may trigger arthritis, so run a second scan "foods that trigger arthritis." Most every health problem has a set of good-for-you foods and a set of foods-to-avoid lists. It's best to check out both to make sure you're not triggering another of your familiar health issues or known problems.

Your family members are on my prayer list. We don't know how precious they are until we loose them. Prayers up. :hands: oh, adn :huddle:

I can't do apricots or melons (food allergies), and even our chickens wouldn't eat kale, but I do eat a lot of broccoli, raw spinach in my salads, raisins, dates, and sweet potatoes, in addition to the bananas. But there were a couple of weeks where there were no decent bananas in either of the local grocery stores, and there I was, hopping around in the night, after being rudely awakened by the pain.

When my oldest started dating her husband, he had a lot of health problems, relating to poor diet. Within a year of their marriage, all of them were gone, because she's a health food Nazi. All organic, all of the time. So much of what ails people can be cured with a good diet.

I read something a while back that made sense to me. It said that our bodies were never designed to process or digest all of these chemicals we're feeding ourselves - drugs when we're sick, preservatives in our food and elements in the water and air, so it just stores them as fat. When we eat natural raised and organic food produced without all of the additives and chemicals, our bodies are better able to efficiently process the foods. Back in the 1980's, when I was recovering from living in the UFFI house, I took handfuls of B and C vitamins to rebuild my immune system, and mostly I had really expensive pee. But years of eating clean and healthy have done it for me. Plus where I'm living the air is so clean and sweet smelling. There's no industry for miles around. I'm in the best health of any 72 year old I know, except for the arthritis, and getting old in general.

I'm making more of these yoga pants. They are the most comfortable things I've ever worn. Hopefully I can get them cut today after I finish the cooking. They should sell like hotcakes once people try them.
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A man and his space capsule April 20, 2022. Astronaut Charlie Duke looks at his Apollo 16 Command Module at the Marshall Spaceflight Center in Huntsville in celebration of the 50th anniversary of his moon landing.
I can't do apricots or melons (food allergies), and even our chickens wouldn't eat kale, but I do eat a lot of broccoli, raw spinach in my salads, raisins, dates, and sweet potatoes, in addition to the bananas. But there were a couple of weeks where there were no decent bananas in either of the local grocery stores, and there I was, hopping around in the night, after being rudely awakened by the pain.

When my oldest started dating her husband, he had a lot of health problems, relating to poor diet. Within a year of their marriage, all of them were gone, because she's a health food Nazi. All organic, all of the time. So much of what ails people can be cured with a good diet.

I read something a while back that made sense to me. It said that our bodies were never designed to process or digest all of these chemicals we're feeding ourselves - drugs when we're sick, preservatives in our food and elements in the water and air, so it just stores them as fat. When we eat natural raised and organic food produced without all of the additives and chemicals, our bodies are better able to efficiently process the foods. Back in the 1980's, when I was recovering from living in the UFFI house, I took handfuls of B and C vitamins to rebuild my immune system, and mostly I had really expensive pee. But years of eating clean and healthy have done it for me. Plus where I'm living the air is so clean and sweet smelling. There's no industry for miles around. I'm in the best health of any 72 year old I know, except for the arthritis, and getting old in general.

I'm making more of these yoga pants. They are the most comfortable things I've ever worn. Hopefully I can get them cut today after I finish the cooking. They should sell like hotcakes once people try them.
I had spinach and artichoke dip for my chicken egg rolls last night. Not bad. Even Miss Song got her share. Eating for 1 can make you fat unless your dog likes human food better than her kibbles. Lucky me. :)

While I'm thinking of Canada, I love to see the Canadian geese have flown home to Canadian wonderful places a couple of weeks ago, as this picture of Oregon skies shows:
I love those birds. Years ago, we were in Colorado, and on the hotel grounds, this mama Canadian goose was so cute, demanding treats for her goslings. She was so feisty like the world owed her a living. I LMAO every time I think of her.

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I had really bad overall leg cramps, toe to arms, though the legs were horrible. I called the local homeophathic group here, and the answer was "potassium" I told him I'd had one in the morning of the horrible episode, and he said potassium must be always present if leg cramps are frequent. Sure enough I probably hadn't taken a potassium because the magnesium seemed to help a little a couple of weeks ago, and I hadn't even thought of potassium for several weeks. Apparently, it has to be rebuilt, and I was told to take them at one or two hour intervals, so I took one, and it prevented reoccurrance the next day, but in the evening I had a few cramps but it wasn't near as bad as the night before, so I took another potassium last night and this morning. Still wasn't enough, because after a long nap, I had slight cramps so made my way back to the potassium supplement and took another. I decided to go relax and listen to some scriptures I've been wanting to hear, starting with the book of Joel, which I had forgotten about, and sure enough, Miss Song decided to put up a howl when the neighbor's car turned in. I wanted to come back here and see if 007 or BBD had checked in. I enjoyed both of their posts in the last 10 years I've been here at USMB. This lounge is like family to me, and I hope everyone is well. Prayers still up for everyone's return to good health. Have to go.
The quickest and most long lasting solution for me for leg and foot cramps is still a swallow or two of dill pickle juice. The combination of sodium and potassium plus small amounts of magnesium and calcium are proven solutions for many cramps. Of course if your blood pressure is difficult to control, the sodium content might not be warranted, but I do take blood pressure meds and my doctor has not discouraged the pickle juice remedy or advised I should limit salt for that matter. Even WebMD admits pickle juice works for many.
I now have enough dinners in the freezer for 6 weeks. I want to make a couple of chicken dishes for variety, and I need some beef stew. Stewing beef has been too expensive. I'm now working on pancakes, muffins, and breakfast quickbreads. And some soups for lunch.

The medical equipment I'm renting is being delivered at lunchtime tomorrow. I need a raised toilet seat, walker, crutches and I bought a cane. This weekend, I'll set the bedroom up with the sewing room TV, and get ready to spend the next couple of weeks in bed. There's a cable hookup in the bedroom so I can move it back and forth. I have knitting projects to work on, as well as hand sewing on my sewing projects, to keep me busy.

The French Open (tennis) starts on May 22nd. The Blue Jays are in 1st place and baseball is fun again!!! The Vlady and Bo Show is the most fun to watch since the glory days in 1992 and 1993 when we won back to back World Series.

But today's biggest and happiest news is that Skate Canada this year (end of October) is going to be in Mississauga - just outside Toronto. All my skating friends from the USA are already making plans to come. The last time we all got together was 2016, which was the last time Skate Canada was in Mississauga. I went to SC in Montreal in 2018 but few of the American friends made the trip. We all get together for dinners, lunches, and martini parties, but the only time we all get together is at skating events, and there haven't been any live events for the past two years.

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