USMB Coffee Shop IV

Pink Lady ise my favorite. I sometimes slice one up and have it with Harvarti with Dill for dinner. Yum!

You had me right up to the dill. I'm not a big fan of dill, except for a dip or sauce, like salmon dill pasta sauce.

It's apply season here. There was every variety imaginable today. I bought enough McIntosh apples to make a pie.
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here.

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
Dragonlady almost done with recovery from knee surgery.
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness.
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Ringel's sister-in-law in final stages of ALS - peace and comfort for her and the family.
Hombre's nephew diagnosed with ALS - peace and comfort for him and the family.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

So I was having so many annoying issues and whatever with my computer the last couple of days I went ahead and upgraded to Windows 11 today. All thost annoying issues seem to have gone away. And Ringel05 , my older games (ones I used to play on the old XP Windows actually) work just fine with Windows 11. I haven't tried to download and install any of the old software but that already on the computer works.

I'm not finding Windows 11 as intuitive as Win 10 and its taking awhile to find everything and a lot of stuff I used to find with one click takes two or three now, but it does seem to be a really stable and smooth running operating system.
So I was having so many annoying issues and whatever with my computer the last couple of days I went ahead and upgraded to Windows 11 today. All thost annoying issues seem to have gone away. And Ringel05 , my older games (ones I used to play on the old XP Windows actually) work just fine with Windows 11. I haven't tried to download and install any of the old software but that already on the computer works.

I'm not finding Windows 11 as intuitive as Win 10 and its taking awhile to find everything and a lot of stuff I used to find with one click takes two or three now, but it does seem to be a really stable and smooth running operating system.

It's funny you posted this, because I just read that Windows is halting their latest 11 update because it has been causing a lot of issues for gamers. :p

It's funny you posted this, because I just read that Windows is halting their latest 11 update because it has been causing a lot of issues for gamers. :p

Hmmm. If I had read that I probably wouldn't have upgraded. But seriously, the computer is working so much better since I did. But then I don't play any of those high powered games and my old games seem to be working fine. So far my ancient Microsoft office apps (2003) are all working normally. No printer issues. So far so good.
I ordered one of these massagers (Amazon), got it for half price and it arrived today. Been thinking about one for quite a while and I tried it out first thing after it was delivered. OMG, why did I ever wait so long?!! After just 5 minutes my back and neck feels sooooooo much better!!

I remember the first time I was introduced to the mystery of the parson's nose ..

I was just a Lump then, yup, a chubby kid.

alas, it remains a mystery to me still.

I can't wait for Thanksgiving and a turkey dinner.. :p ..
I remember the first time I was introduced to the mystery of the parson's nose ..

I was just a Lump then, yup, a chubby kid.

alas, it remains a mystery to me still.

I can't wait for Thanksgiving and a turkey dinner.. :p ..
Okay you made me look up 'parson's nose'. I had never heard that term. On chickens we always called it a cocktail. :)
Miss Songie's puppies are officially one month old as of yesterday. They're the cutest little fluffballs I've ever seen, all nine of them. She took a hike at suppertime, and I was worried she wouldn't come back. (She did, later) Even so, the babies were crying, so I heated up some milk to room temperature, poured it into 9 little bowls, about two ounces of it, and I ran back and forth from the media room where they stay to the kitchen, taking 2 at a time. They did just fine lapping it up, They were so cute, and man, do they love milk. About the time I was bringing the last one back to the media room, Miss Songie shows up for nursing time, and it was pitch black by then. I think their little teeth are a bit much, but she soldiered on. In a day or so, I'm going to work on ways with puppy chow, but I think I will put them in the kitchen where the messes they make are a little easier to clean up on ceramic tiles. Well, I couldn't sleep due to still coughing even though taking 3 prescriptions the doctor ordered last week. I'm now so tired I wouldn't have the energy to cough much more, So good night everybody. I enjoyed all the posts. Thanks! I love reading everyone's day to day stuff. It makes my day. :huddle: I'm going to try and get a little sleep now. I was very worried about Miss Songie, because some friends of mine were over this afternoon and killed off a copperhead snake that was on the bayou side of the arena. Silly reason not to get any sleep, but I'm worn out now. Nite! :sleep:
I live about 30 miles from Buffalo, New York. The sun is shining. The sky is the clear and bright and not a cloud to be seen. Until you look towards the Lake Erie and there you will see a bank of grey angry looking clouds, n the southern horizon, dumping 3 inches of snow per hour on Buffalo. My daughter lives about halfway between here and Buffalo and she heard thunder and lightning last night. Thundersnow!!!!

Like 2014, the weather has been really warm up until this week, and the water of both Lake Erie and Lake Ontario is much warmer than normal, when the weather suddenly turned cold last week. Two weeks ago, we were wearing shorts and going golfing. A week later it was winter coats, hats and gloves. I feel bad for the people in Buffalo. We got less than 4 inches snow.

Beautress, the puppies sound adorable, but I have great sympathy for your Mama Songy. 9 babies at once, with their sharp little puppy teeth. Ouch!!!

My daughter finished moving, but her nanny had an accident with my daughter's car, and she's waiting for repairs to be completed. Until then she has a compact Mazda which is way smaller than her Jeep. She can't take Rosemary home until she has the Jeep back.

The cats will miss her. Especially Skeezix, the indoor cat. She keeps trying to win staring contests with Rosemary. I keep telling Skeezix she can't win this one. Rosemary has no eyelids. But cats never listen.
The view from my back door, looking south to Lake Erie. We’ve got a few fluffy clouds overhead now. I guess they haven’t processed my “unsubsciption to winter” yet.

Those dark grey clouds on the horizon are what are going to be dumping on Buffalo.


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Miss Songie's puppies are officially one month old as of yesterday. They're the cutest little fluffballs I've ever seen, all nine of them. She took a hike at suppertime, and I was worried she wouldn't come back. (She did, later) Even so, the babies were crying, so I heated up some milk to room temperature, poured it into 9 little bowls, about two ounces of it, and I ran back and forth from the media room where they stay to the kitchen, taking 2 at a time. They did just fine lapping it up, They were so cute, and man, do they love milk. About the time I was bringing the last one back to the media room, Miss Songie shows up for nursing time, and it was pitch black by then. I think their little teeth are a bit much, but she soldiered on. In a day or so, I'm going to work on ways with puppy chow, but I think I will put them in the kitchen where the messes they make are a little easier to clean up on ceramic tiles. Well, I couldn't sleep due to still coughing even though taking 3 prescriptions the doctor ordered last week. I'm now so tired I wouldn't have the energy to cough much more, So good night everybody. I enjoyed all the posts. Thanks! I love reading everyone's day to day stuff. It makes my day. :huddle: I'm going to try and get a little sleep now. I was very worried about Miss Songie, because some friends of mine were over this afternoon and killed off a copperhead snake that was on the bayou side of the arena. Silly reason not to get any sleep, but I'm worn out now. Nite! :sleep:
Are you getting sufficient (a little more than recommended) Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc Beautress? All three boost the immune system a lot that might help prevent some of these reoccurring infections.

I also swear by a Budwig 'smoothie' that I take in lieu of one meal a day. Strongly boosts the good immune system and decreases that which attacks us. Used on low or no refined sugar diet, it has been useful in treatment of cancer, arthritis, other autoimmune issues as well as help us resist the usual bugs going around.

2 T organic flaxseed oil
4 T reduced fat cottage cheese
blend for about 1 minute using a wand blender until completely mixed and no visible oil--this process of slow blending makes the flax oil water soluble so that the body uses it all instead of just passing it through the system.

Increase fiber and antioxidant properties by adding a tablespoon or two of freshly ground flaxseed. (Always grind the flaxseed in an inexpensive coffee grinder just before using as it quickly loses its potency once ground. Unlike chia seeds, flaxseed should be ground to get the full benefit from it.)

(all of the above can be ordered through Amazon. I use Puritan Pride organic flaxseed oil and whatever flaxseed is on sale.

Add and blend in enough apple juice or other no sugar added juice so that the mixture pours easily into a blender.

Now add some crushed ice or whole ice cubes if you have a heavy duty blender, a whole apple or orange or both, maybe a handful of berries, a couple of tablespoons of raw unprocessed honey and pulse and blend just until blended. Don't over blend. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy.

This smoothie will be high calorie enough to replace one meal a day.

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