USMB Coffee Shop IV

Are you getting sufficient (a little more than recommended) Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc Beautress? All three boost the immune system a lot that might help prevent some of these reoccurring infections.

I also swear by a Budwig 'smoothie' that I take in lieu of one meal a day. Strongly boosts the good immune system and decreases that which attacks us. Used on low or no refined sugar diet, it has been useful in treatment of cancer, arthritis, other autoimmune issues as well as help us resist the usual bugs going around.

2 T organic flaxseed oil
4 T reduced fat cottage cheese
blend for about 1 minute using a wand blender until completely mixed and no visible oil--this process of slow blending makes the flax oil water soluble so that the body uses it all instead of just passing it through the system.

Increase fiber and antioxidant properties by adding a tablespoon or two of freshly ground flaxseed. (Always grind the flaxseed in an inexpensive coffee grinder just before using as it quickly loses its potency once ground. Unlike chia seeds, flaxseed should be ground to get the full benefit from it.)

(all of the above can be ordered through Amazon. I use Puritan Pride organic flaxseed oil and whatever flaxseed is on sale.

Add and blend in enough apple juice or other no sugar added juice so that the mixture pours easily into a blender.

Now add some crushed ice or whole ice cubes if you have a heavy duty blender, a whole apple or orange or both, maybe a handful of berries, a couple of tablespoons of raw unprocessed honey and pulse and blend just until blended. Don't over blend. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy.

This smoothie will be high calorie enough to replace one meal a day.
Thanks, Foxfyre. I take A, B100, C, D, zinc, etc., but forgot the apple regimen, which may have been part of it, and was too much coughing and didn't feel like grocery shopping for at least a week. Your smoothie sounds good, and hopefully my 3 new meds will get rid of the coughing all day and half the night stuff, and will try to go shopping in a day or two when I get better. It must be everywhere, because my cousin just called and got the same cough when she and 5 of her friends drove to Branson last week, which is a few hundred miles from here. Have to go. One of the nine is chewing on my shoe and I have to pick it up because puppies frequently like to be cuddled. Thanks for the tips. :thup:
Thanks, Foxfyre. I take A, B100, C, D, zinc, etc., but forgot the apple regimen, which may have been part of it, and was too much coughing and didn't feel like grocery shopping for at least a week. Your smoothie sounds good, and hopefully my 3 new meds will get rid of the coughing all day and half the night stuff, and will try to go shopping in a day or two when I get better. It must be everywhere, because my cousin just called and got the same cough when she and 5 of her friends drove to Branson last week, which is a few hundred miles from here. Have to go. One of the nine is chewing on my shoe and I have to pick it up because puppies frequently like to be cuddled. Thanks for the tips. :thup:
One of nine?

Doesn't look like this does it?

Thanks, Foxfyre. I take A, B100, C, D, zinc, etc., but forgot the apple regimen, which may have been part of it, and was too much coughing and didn't feel like grocery shopping for at least a week. Your smoothie sounds good, and hopefully my 3 new meds will get rid of the coughing all day and half the night stuff, and will try to go shopping in a day or two when I get better. It must be everywhere, because my cousin just called and got the same cough when she and 5 of her friends drove to Branson last week, which is a few hundred miles from here. Have to go. One of the nine is chewing on my shoe and I have to pick it up because puppies frequently like to be cuddled. Thanks for the tips. :thup:

I picked up an upper respiratory infection from my grandchildren last week, and I've been feeling like I was hit by a truck since Monday. For the cough, I'm taking Benelyn Extra Strength before bed. It lets me sleep through the night without coughing up a lung at 3:00 am. I forgot to take it Thursday night and suffered for it.

I'm blessed to have a friend who brought me groceries and meds when I ran out. I ran out of Tylenol and Kleenex. He even brought me a "ratsicle" for Rosemary.

We got lucky on the North side of the Lake Erie. I'm looking at news from Buffalo, with snow up to their asses and we got another 6 inches, tops. 5 feet just south of Buffalo. I've been where the good people of Buffalo are now. We were threatening as much as a foot and thankfully we didn't get that amount, although it's still coming down..

My friend, Michelle, was planning on driving to Cleveland today - across the Rainbow Bridge and through Buffalo. She's going to her mother's for Thanksgiving. We talked her into waiting until Monday.
I picked up an upper respiratory infection from my grandchildren last week, and I've been feeling like I was hit by a truck since Monday. For the cough, I'm taking Benelyn Extra Strength before bed. It lets me sleep through the night without coughing up a lung at 3:00 am. I forgot to take it Thursday night and suffered for it.

I'm blessed to have a friend who brought me groceries and meds when I ran out. I ran out of Tylenol and Kleenex. He even brought me a "ratsicle" for Rosemary.

We got lucky on the North side of the Lake Erie. I'm looking at news from Buffalo, with snow up to their asses and we got another 6 inches, tops. 5 feet just south of Buffalo. I've been where the good people of Buffalo are now. We were threatening as much as a foot and thankfully we didn't get that amount, although it's still coming down..

My friend, Michelle, was planning on driving to Cleveland today - across the Rainbow Bridge and through Buffalo. She's going to her mother's for Thanksgiving. We talked her into waiting until Monday.
Wow. A few extra prayers and good vibes for you and Beautress. Hombre (my hubby) has been having something--not a cough but lots of sneezing and runny nose but no other symptoms reported and no serious distress so we'll ride that one out.

Good you talked your friend out of making that trip right now. The Buffalo area is having the snowstorm of the century with three to five or more feet of snow. She might not make it through there on Monday either.
Wow. A few extra prayers and good vibes for you and Beautress. Hombre (my hubby) has been having something--not a cough but lots of sneezing and runny nose but no other symptoms reported and no serious distress so we'll ride that one out.

Good you talked your friend out of making that trip right now. The Buffalo area is having the snowstorm of the century with three to five or more feet of snow. She might not make it through there on Monday either.

Last Thanksgiving she ended up getting trapped in the US after Thanksgiving and couldn't get back across the border when her flight was cancelled and she couldn't get home. She finally ended up having to get vaxxed in the USA, having her parents drive her to Buffalo, and her brother drive her car to Niagara Falls, and wait for her to walk across the bridge dragging her suitcase behind her - in a blizzard . I'm surprised she's even wanting to go again this year.
I'm feeling a lot better than earlier in the week, but I still feel like I've been hit by a truck. When my darling granddaughter said "I don't feel well Grandma. Will you cuddle with me?" I knew what would happen. I certainly wasn't going to say "No way, kid. Get away from me". I take full responsibility.

Between the Benelyn, the Tylenol, my asthma puffers, and staying indoors, the worst of it has been confined to my head and sinuses. I really need to take care of anything getting into my lungs, and my friends are making sure I have everything I need to stay safe and warm at home. Especially in this weather, this weekend.
Wow. A few extra prayers and good vibes for you and Beautress. Hombre (my hubby) has been having something--not a cough but lots of sneezing and runny nose but no other symptoms reported and no serious distress so we'll ride that one out.

Good you talked your friend out of making that trip right now. The Buffalo area is having the snowstorm of the century with three to five or more feet of snow. She might not make it through there on Monday either.
Wow, I slept the afternoon away and it was dark, so I thought it was morning! Nope! But it was good, because I'm getting over the cough after 4-6 weeks of coughing after being exposed to 4 schoolkids who were coughing. and thought nothing of it, because their mother has been such a good friend & still is.
On another forum we're laughing at forgetting where we put things. Last week I was trying to find my car keys......... Found them in my left hand....... I'm right handed...... :cool:
Yeah last night I needed to change the channel on the TV fast and was franticly looking for the remote that I had in my right hand. I am right handed. :)
On another forum we're laughing at forgetting where we put things. Last week I was trying to find my car keys......... Found them in my left hand....... I'm right handed...... :cool:
I've known how to do that for a while now. :mm:
Yeah last night I needed to change the channel on the TV fast and was franticly looking for the remote that I had in my right hand. I am right handed. :)
I know that trick, too. :heehee:
The little puppies had their first meal of puppy chow this evening. Miss Songie, for the first time, gave up her food for them. The vet told me to let her have some too because it was good for not only puppies, but nursing mama dogs too. Their fights are so silly, but after eating, everybody is sooooooo quiet. They ate like there was no tomorrow. Tomorrow, the floor cleaning will be all morning because what goes in goes out. :rolleyes-41:

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