USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning folks! Happy Halloween! I've got a giant bowl of large candy bars ready for tonight's festivities, none of that "fun size" nonsense in this household. lol.
Where do you live again? :)


As kid you always remembered the house that gave away the big candy bars. I made a promised to myself as child to be one of those houses as an adult. The last kid at house get the bowl dumped into their bag, I can't have all that candy in the house because I'll gobble it up. Nom, nom, nom!
Nice. :)
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The wheelbarrow?

Did I studder? Yes, the wheelbarrow. It was a steep hill and I needed to prevent it from going downhill by keeping my right foot in front of the wheel. The front bar landed squarely on my big toe with 350 lbs. of rocks in the tray.
For Halloween I'm gonna make the house look empty. Soooo, where can we go........?

The basement? :biggrin:
The hotel........

Oh, so that's what you call it. :)
In this house the basement is the dungeon....... Someone partially dug out a section of the crawl space under the house mainly for the utilities so it's all earthen walls though they did cement the floor.
You might not want to hide down there then.
The wheelbarrow?

Did I studder? Yes, the wheelbarrow. It was a steep hill and I needed to prevent it from going downhill by keeping my right foot in front of the wheel. The front bar landed squarely on my big toe with 350 lbs. of rocks in the tray.
But why did you need to regrow the wheelbarrow? You could have easily picked up a new one in the time it took you to go to the hardware store........
For Halloween I'm gonna make the house look empty. Soooo, where can we go........?
I usually turn off my back yard light so it's pretty dark around here. I shut everything off in the house and retreat to the shop with just the tv on.

Not much to worry about out here on this dead end road.
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But why did you need to regrow the wheelbarrow? You could have easily picked up a new one in the time it took you to go to the hardware store........

I liked that wheelbarrow. Plus good ones are expensive. I finished the job that day.

I have a high pain threadhold. Cut my knee with a chain saw once. Went to the drug store and bought gauze, ace bandage, hydrogen proxide and butterfly bandages. Pried the cut open, it went down to the tendons and washed it out. Put it back together and returned to work the next day.
But why did you need to regrow the wheelbarrow? You could have easily picked up a new one in the time it took you to go to the hardware store........

I liked that wheelbarrow. Plus good ones are expensive. I finished the job that day.

I have a high pain threadhold. Cut my knee with a chain saw once. Went to the drug store and bought gauze, ace bandage, hydrogen proxide and butterfly bandages. Pried the cut open, it went down to the tendons and washed it out. Put it back together and returned to work the next day.
I like the new wheelbarrows with two wheels.
But why did you need to regrow the wheelbarrow? You could have easily picked up a new one in the time it took you to go to the hardware store........

I liked that wheelbarrow. Plus good ones are expensive. I finished the job that day.

I have a high pain threadhold. Cut my knee with a chain saw once. Went to the drug store and bought gauze, ace bandage, hydrogen proxide and butterfly bandages. Pried the cut open, it went down to the tendons and washed it out. Put it back together and returned to work the next day.
That never happened but if it did, you are cray cray.. FFS, saveliberty
But why did you need to regrow the wheelbarrow? You could have easily picked up a new one in the time it took you to go to the hardware store........

I liked that wheelbarrow. Plus good ones are expensive. I finished the job that day.

I have a high pain threadhold. Cut my knee with a chain saw once. Went to the drug store and bought gauze, ace bandage, hydrogen proxide and butterfly bandages. Pried the cut open, it went down to the tendons and washed it out. Put it back together and returned to work the next day.
That never happened but if it did, you are cray cray.. FFS, saveliberty

My kids still tell the story and I have the scar to prove it. Did I mention I don't like hospitals?
Partially broke my left radius in high school. Wasn't until later in the day when I slipped and fell on the sidewalk that I realized I needed to go to the hospital.
But why did you need to regrow the wheelbarrow? You could have easily picked up a new one in the time it took you to go to the hardware store........

I liked that wheelbarrow. Plus good ones are expensive. I finished the job that day.

I have a high pain threadhold. Cut my knee with a chain saw once. Went to the drug store and bought gauze, ace bandage, hydrogen proxide and butterfly bandages. Pried the cut open, it went down to the tendons and washed it out. Put it back together and returned to work the next day.
That never happened but if it did, you are cray cray.. FFS, saveliberty
I've seen stuff like that and other things not as bad. Pulled a 16 penny nail out of my hand and went back to work, Popped my left thumb out of joint doing a demo job, after I stopped "dancing" (in pain) popped it back into place and went back to work, sliced a finger wide open and pretty much did what Save did except I had alcohol a curved needle and thread.
I like the new wheelbarrows with two wheels.

I have an 8 cubic foot one of those. My smaller one is all metal with a solid wheel on it. The expectation was that it would be indestructable, wrong.
I have a single wheel metal one. Has an aired up wheel though. I've only used it a few times, mostly for mixing and hauling concrete. Best thing to have for that, for small do it yourself jobs. Like my brother's grave stone was starting to sink and was crocked. He passed away in '86 so it's been awhile. So I went over and removed his stone, framed up some forms around the existing pad, made it a little bigger and leveled it off and poured new concrete over it. Put the stone back and sealed it around the base and there ya have it, it looked great.
But why did you need to regrow the wheelbarrow? You could have easily picked up a new one in the time it took you to go to the hardware store........

I liked that wheelbarrow. Plus good ones are expensive. I finished the job that day.

I have a high pain threadhold. Cut my knee with a chain saw once. Went to the drug store and bought gauze, ace bandage, hydrogen proxide and butterfly bandages. Pried the cut open, it went down to the tendons and washed it out. Put it back together and returned to work the next day.
That never happened but if it did, you are cray cray.. FFS, saveliberty

My kids still tell the story and I have the scar to prove it. Did I mention I don't like hospitals?
They wouldn't do anything like that to you in ER without numbing you up first. You guys need to let the pros handle these things. Jeezus, I am freaking.
Never, ever had a bad Halloween night.

We went as a group of five, and we carried ball bats in case the older boys thought they could take our candy.

Never had a problem.
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It's Thursday!!! Been rather busy around here today. Toe is still sore. I called my foot doctor yesterday and wouldn't you know that they were closed on Wednesdays? I've been going to him for about 3 years now and I didn't know they were closed on Wednesdays. Anyway... I have an appointment with him on Monday afternoon. Right now the toe is infected so he called in a prescription for an antibiotic for me and I'll pick that up when the pharmacy calls to say it's ready. Have to soak the toe in Epson Salt twice a day until I see him on Monday. If it isn't infected he will most likely take the nail off on Monday. I sort of hate it. I mean, I've been growing it for 63 years and I've sort of grown fond of it. Hate to see it go. It being Thursday, Mrs. BBD is over at the neighbor's house quilting and will be there until around 4:00 or so. So, it's me and Taco, Nellie and Jingles - plus two house cats against the world today.

Been reading the posts. Interesting stuff here today. I've started putting together my Christmas list and will start my Christmas shopping pretty soon. Mrs. BBD has already reminded me that she isn't interested in anything from Victoria's Secret. I don't know why she wouldn't be. There's so many interesting things in that store. However, I rarely go in there any more because for some reason it makes my pacemaker speed up every time I go in there just to look. Also, the sales staff seem to get tired of me asking "What's that?" Guess this year I will buy Mrs. BBD's Christmas present at Farm and Fleet.
I worked maintenance at the Supermax prison in Boscobel for a little over two years. It was a pretty demanding job since everything we dealt with was either made of steel, concrete or both. But one time I smashed my finger nail good. Turned all black and swelled up, so went to the doc and he drilled a little hole in it to drain off the pressure. A few days later the nail was looking pretty funky so I went back to him. He was giving it a look and commented that it was about ready to come off, and with a quick, unexpected tug, he pulled it off. Didn't really hurt, but guess what... IT GREW BACK. So don't worry, pard, my bet is your toe nail will grow back too.
Common practice for me. If I manage to smash a finger so that blood builds up under the nail, I always use a very small drill bit to open the nail and let the pressure off. Magically relieves that pulsing, painful pressure.
A doctor once showed me an easier way. He reached in his desk drawer and pulled out a paper clip, straightened it out a bit and heated the end with a Bic lighter. He then poked a hole through the nail, literally like a hot knife through better. I've done it to myself a few times since.

Not at all. It's completely painless and takes half a second. Much quicker and less pressure than using a drill bit.
Dislocations do hurt until you pop them back in. Did that to my left ring finger. It sure looked crooked even with my work gloves on. Pulled up and out and it was just stiff for the rest of the day at work.

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