USMB Coffee Shop IV

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"He" tiled Sat and I grouted so it was done yesterday, I guess I should have said weekend. Over concrete slab.


Happy dance for you!
Cold frosty morn in Caroina, about 25 degress. No snow appears to have come down in my absence. No cat appears to have come down either; he's still in the same position, wailing plaintively. :dunno:

Maybe I should just run a dumbwaiter up there to deliver food...
Good morning everyone. What a long and very fun weekend. Our dinner party was a smashing success on Saturday, so much so in fact, I spent the majority of the day yesterday relaxing and avoiding the disaster that is my kitchen. lol. The dishwasher sure is about to get a workout today.
Good morning everybody. I failed to sign off with the vigil list last night because I couldn't get the site to load. Don't know if the problem was here or on my end but I was too sleepy to figure it out.

Good to see mdk and Mad Scientist stop by. Sorry to hear Hobbes is still in the tree. Was watching the weather before I got up this morning and saw that Raliegh NC was the coldest spot in the country this morning and lots of snow there? Even Atlanta was colder than us and we were pretty chilly this morning.

I'm considering unplugging our phones today to avoid the non stop political calls, but I probably won't. Enjoying my first cup of coffee--others to follow. Hope everybody is having a good Monday.
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Cold frosty morn in Caroina, about 25 degress. No snow appears to have come down in my absence. No cat appears to have come down either; he's still in the same position, wailing plaintively. :dunno:

Maybe I should just run a dumbwaiter up there to deliver food...

Maddening though. I would be going freakin` crazy, if my girl was up there. I'm almost going crazy knowing Hobbes is still in place. Please let us know ASAP when he is home. I would be having alternate emotions of anxiety, anger, and hope.
What's wrong SL? I had a beautiful Himalayan Orange Point cat that I adored for 12 years. He wasn't all that bright but very beautiful. His name was Baby, looked just like this one.


That is one beauty. I had a cream Persian. What a mellow cat he was.

As far as brain size goes, I think there is no relevance to intelligence, as applies to studies done on humans.

I don't care about intelligence in my animals. I am into the ones with heart. :thup:
What's wrong SL? I had a beautiful Himalayan Orange Point cat that I adored for 12 years. He wasn't all that bright but very beautiful. His name was Baby, looked just like this one.


That is one beauty. I had a cream Persian. What a mellow cat he was.

As far as brain size goes, I think there is no relevance to intelligence, as applies to studies done on humans.

I don't care about intelligence in my animals. I am into the ones with heart. :thup:
They had three that looked like Baby but he is the one who walked right over to us and let us pet him. He chose us. :)

The previous owner had neutered and declawed him so we couldn't show him but he really was that beautiful a Flame point. Himalayans are part Persian and part Siamese. He had the most beautiful voice too. I could never find another Baby...
Actually cats are very different from dogs, but they have their own unique intelligence and I do consider them very intelligent animals. A very young kitten will almost always quickly learn to use the litter box after being shown a couple of times. A puppy needs much more intense instruction to learn where he/she is supposed to go.

Present a dog with a puzzle and some figure it out, but most give up if it is not quickly solved. But give a cat a puzzle and you can watch him/her sit there, wheels turning, or walking back and forth studying the situation, until he/she figures it out. However I see dogs and cats as having varying degrees of intelligence among their own species just as us humans do.
Maybe you can buy some 8' sections of stove pipe for the tree bases Pogo...

Kind of like how you stop squirrels from bird feeders.

That would work. Maybe I can get a volume discount on a hundred thousand.

As much as it bothers us to think about poor Hobbes up in that tree, I know it is tearing you up. But nothing to do but hope he'll realize nobody is going to rescue him this time and he'll come down on his own.
What's wrong SL? I had a beautiful Himalayan Orange Point cat that I adored for 12 years. He wasn't all that bright but very beautiful. His name was Baby, looked just like this one.


That is one beauty. I had a cream Persian. What a mellow cat he was.

As far as brain size goes, I think there is no relevance to intelligence, as applies to studies done on humans.

I don't care about intelligence in my animals. I am into the ones with heart. :thup:
They had three that looked like Baby but he is the one who walked right over to us and let us pet him. He chose us. :)

The previous owner had neutered and declawed him so we couldn't show him but he really was that beautiful a Flame point. Himalayans are part Persian and part Siamese. He had the most beautiful voice too. I could never find another Baby...

He is gorgeous. I would have a tough time resisting taking him home if he was up for adoption.

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