USMB Coffee Shop IV

Speaking of puppies. Tubby recently transitioned from an outdoor dog to an indoor member of the family. As you can see, he's adapting quite well. lol

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It's good to know outdoor dogs can make that transition. I'm hoping my LGD (livestock guardian dog) Great Pyrenees will be able to make that transition. She's very affectionate and loves people at least as much as she loves her goats. Mostly, I'm worried about whether a 125 lb hairball of a dog will housebreak easily. She's lived all her life in the goat pens outdoors.

Yep, its all in the increments. The best part is, he's been an outdoor dog all of his life (14 months), so he doesn't know where else to do his business but outside. :D
Roxie is about 5 years old now, but I'm thinking that doing your business outside will carry through. Right now, she despises being "inside" anything, including the stock trailer or the enclosed back of a truck or car. I'm going to outfit my pickup with a comfy, open cage-kennel and start toting her around in that next summer. But first, a shave and shower at the groomer's. She's pretty socially unacceptable in her current state.
One thing I look forward to is the 5-10 lb weight loss. Since we monitored weight in the military, it was duly noted that most everybody who moved up here gained at least that much. Once they move back South, roughly the same amount of weight goes away. When I got transferred to NJ from AK, I lost about 10 lbs in the first few weeks I was there. It has something to do with how our bodies deal with the climate changes.
If any of y'all ever get up this way when I am in residence, I will more than gladly host a few nights at Chez Lost-inna-woods, complete with homemade cheese, wine, and sour dough bread.

Lost in the woods... you in Missouri?
Nah, Alaska, but I know about which you refer...
One thing I look forward to is the 5-10 lb weight loss. Since we monitored weight in the military, it was duly noted that most everybody who moved up here gained at least that much. Once they move back South, roughly the same amount of weight goes away. When I got transferred to NJ from AK, I lost about 10 lbs in the first few weeks I was there. It has something to do with how our bodies deal with the climate changes.
If any of y'all ever get up this way when I am in residence, I will more than gladly host a few nights at Chez Lost-inna-woods, complete with homemade cheese, wine, and sour dough bread.

Lost in the woods... you in Missouri?
Nah, Alaska, but I know about which you refer...

The Sandia Mountains are a relatively narrow strip of high ground that forms the eastern boundary of Albuquerque. From the top you look down and see the city spread out a mile below and extending to the western horizon, and to the east you see the foothills and the lower wooded plains below and various communities. Highway 14 runs right next to the mountain the whole length of the east side. In other words from anywhere on top you can look out and clearly see landmarks below. Evenso, several times each year, search and rescue teams have to go out and find people who manage to get themselves lost on the mountain????
One thing I look forward to is the 5-10 lb weight loss. Since we monitored weight in the military, it was duly noted that most everybody who moved up here gained at least that much. Once they move back South, roughly the same amount of weight goes away. When I got transferred to NJ from AK, I lost about 10 lbs in the first few weeks I was there. It has something to do with how our bodies deal with the climate changes.
If any of y'all ever get up this way when I am in residence, I will more than gladly host a few nights at Chez Lost-inna-woods, complete with homemade cheese, wine, and sour dough bread.

Lost in the woods... you in Missouri?
Nah, Alaska, but I know about which you refer...

The Sandia Mountains are a relatively narrow strip of high ground that forms the eastern boundary of Albuquerque. From the top you look down and see the city spread out a mile below and extending to the western horizon, and to the east you see the foothills and the lower wooded plains below and various communities. Highway 14 runs right next to the mountain the whole length of the east side. In other words from anywhere on top you can look out and clearly see landmarks below. Evenso, several times each year, search and rescue teams have to go out and find people who manage to get themselves lost on the mountain????
City folk......... :eusa_whistle:
One thing I look forward to is the 5-10 lb weight loss. Since we monitored weight in the military, it was duly noted that most everybody who moved up here gained at least that much. Once they move back South, roughly the same amount of weight goes away. When I got transferred to NJ from AK, I lost about 10 lbs in the first few weeks I was there. It has something to do with how our bodies deal with the climate changes.
If any of y'all ever get up this way when I am in residence, I will more than gladly host a few nights at Chez Lost-inna-woods, complete with homemade cheese, wine, and sour dough bread.

Lost in the woods... you in Missouri?
Nah, Alaska, but I know about which you refer...

The Sandia Mountains are a relatively narrow strip of high ground that forms the eastern boundary of Albuquerque. From the top you look down and see the city spread out a mile below and extending to the western horizon, and to the east you see the foothills and the lower wooded plains below and various communities. Highway 14 runs right next to the mountain the whole length of the east side. In other words from anywhere on top you can look out and clearly see landmarks below. Evenso, several times each year, search and rescue teams have to go out and find people who manage to get themselves lost on the mountain????
City folk......... :eusa_whistle:

Well not our city folk. This is a tourist destination though. :)
This was the perfect day off! I managed to sleep in a bit, which is a true pleasure. I tagged the 2014 Pimplebutt Christmas tree. No one else has tagged yet! I had the rpick of the crop literally.

Daisy the Mutt enjoyed romping around on the Christmas tree farm. After that, we walked in the park so she could chase the damn squirrels back up in the trees where they belong. I did some light yard work and then we walked the Grand March in the cemetery.

If you walk the length of the outside loop, you've gone a mile. If you add in all the inner loops, make that 2.

But, for whatever reason, Daisy is getting her slut on. That"'s right. She posed for dog porn.

A warning to parents with young children. The scene shots may be disturbing.

Can't see the images Nosmo. But based on your commentary, I'm wondering if that is a good thing. :)
I'm sorry. It's that whacky iPad! I can't seem to be able to post pictures from it.





She'll lay on the pillows until some place looks more comfortable.
I'd put the "awww" factor at about 9.9 on those photos! What a ham!
She is neither camera shy nor modest. She laid in that pose for fifteen minutes. She woke herself up by snoring.
As a rule I avoid conflicts in the Lounge and the CS which is why I have stopped posting here.

But that didn't mean that I stopped reading the posts. I see the pain in here that Foxy is feeling. I understand the frustration that Stat, Mertex, Wolfsister, Sarah and other liberals are experiencing. I appreciate the advice to "get over it and move on" from Ringel.

But I am still going to butt in and have my say because I think that there are things that need to be said and by the time I am finished some of you are going to change your minds about who you think I am.


Yes, I think that Foxy is a fool. She is not alone either. There are a whole bunch of fools in here and I am going to tell you why.

Like everything worth having in life you have to work on it. And it requires constant maintenance. To all intents and purposes Foxy has done a great job at setting up the CS and maintaining it for 4+ years. For that she is to be commended. And yes, everyone here who has contributed has played a role in making the CS what it was.

However the CS is where it is today because the lesson of the Tavern was either ignored or forgotten.

The Tavern imploded because the OP failed to maintain the necessary discipline to keep it running smoothly. And as the Tavern OP pointed out it was up to the participants to step in and maintain discipline when she was away.

The same situation arose in here. Politics reared it's ugly face and it wasn't immediately slapped down. That wasn't only Foxy's job. It wasn't only the job of those who were offended either. It was everyone's job to report the offense as soon as they saw it even if they personally agreed with it.

And that is why I am calling everyone in here a fool. Including myself! Yes, I should have reported it even when I discovered it post facto but I didn't. Shame on me!

We are all the fools here for NOT doing what we should have done to maintain the CS as a place where politics is not allowed under any circumstances whatsoever. Irrespective of whether or not it is your side that does it they are ruining the CS for everyone.

The problem is that it is still happening. The partisan posts are still occurring. I saw one right before I started this post. It has gone beyond the point of reporting all of the posts that violate the Lounge rules. The wound is raw and no one is reaching out to take the hand of their enemy and offer to forgive them for their trespasses. We fools don't have what it takes to be bigger than ourselves.

So yes, I feel like a fool!

Maybe a few of you feel like fools too.

Because collectively we have allowed what was a good thing to become tainted and poisoned and partisan.

That mistake is not going to happen again while I am around because fool me once...

Before she met me Chinese to her was Chow Mein or Chop Suey, it was all she had ever had and hated both. She had also never had spicy food and for the longest time wouldn't touch it but she'll now eat mildly spiced food as long as there's no cumin in it....... Cumin, the primary spice used in Tex-Mex and Mexican........

Cumin. I wonder if that is the culprit? I never use it when I prepare Mexican food at home and I tolerate my own cuisine very well. But the last couple of years, whenever I had eaten Mexican food at a restaurant, I have wound up sick as a dog. And I haven't been able to identify what ingredient I'm not tolerating. I wonder if it is the cumin?

Cumin is in a LOT of good things, so hope not! :) It's in taco seasonings! Imagine no tacos! :eek-52: Barbecue sauces . . .

I am wild about cumin and other spicy spices. I have iron digestion and very few allergies. Sadly my biggest allergy is all my favorite fruit...pineapples. I don't get ill but my checks and tongue get all puffy. It's so good! :)

Canned pineapple doesn't bother me at all. But somebody brought fresh pineapple to the potluck luncheon yesterday and it was soooooo good, but immediately gave me a slightly sore throat which happens every time I eat fresh pineapple in any quantity. So, I probably shouldn't eat it, but I do even thinking about Ringel's warning not to keep exposing ourselves to those things we're slightly allergic to.

Pineapple, which I love, will irritate my throat
It's bananas for me.
This was the perfect day off! I managed to sleep in a bit, which is a true pleasure. I tagged the 2014 Pimplebutt Christmas tree. No one else has tagged yet! I had the rpick of the crop literally.

Daisy the Mutt enjoyed romping around on the Christmas tree farm. After that, we walked in the park so she could chase the damn squirrels back up in the trees where they belong. I did some light yard work and then we walked the Grand March in the cemetery.

If you walk the length of the outside loop, you've gone a mile. If you add in all the inner loops, make that 2.

But, for whatever reason, Daisy is getting her slut on. That"'s right. She posed for dog porn.

A warning to parents with young children. The scene shots may be disturbing.

Can't see the images Nosmo. But based on your commentary, I'm wondering if that is a good thing. :)
I'm sorry. It's that whacky iPad! I can't seem to be able to post pictures from it.





She'll lay on the pillows until some place looks more comfortable.
I'd put the "awww" factor at about 9.9 on those photos! What a ham!
She is neither camera shy nor modest. She laid in that pose for fifteen minutes. She woke herself up by snoring.


Hate when that happens
As a rule I avoid conflicts in the Lounge and the CS which is why I have stopped posting here.

But that didn't mean that I stopped reading the posts. I see the pain in here that Foxy is feeling. I understand the frustration that Stat, Mertex, Wolfsister, Sarah and other liberals are experiencing. I appreciate the advice to "get over it and move on" from Ringel.

But I am still going to butt in and have my say because I think that there are things that need to be said and by the time I am finished some of you are going to change your minds about who you think I am.


Yes, I think that Foxy is a fool. She is not alone either. There are a whole bunch of fools in here and I am going to tell you why.

Like everything worth having in life you have to work on it. And it requires constant maintenance. To all intents and purposes Foxy has done a great job at setting up the CS and maintaining it for 4+ years. For that she is to be commended. And yes, everyone here who has contributed has played a role in making the CS what it was.

However the CS is where it is today because the lesson of the Tavern was either ignored or forgotten.

The Tavern imploded because the OP failed to maintain the necessary discipline to keep it running smoothly. And as the Tavern OP pointed out it was up to the participants to step in and maintain discipline when she was away.

The same situation arose in here. Politics reared it's ugly face and it wasn't immediately slapped down. That wasn't only Foxy's job. It wasn't only the job of those who were offended either. It was everyone's job to report the offense as soon as they saw it even if they personally agreed with it.

And that is why I am calling everyone in here a fool. Including myself! Yes, I should have reported it even when I discovered it post facto but I didn't. Shame on me!

We are all the fools here for NOT doing what we should have done to maintain the CS as a place where politics is not allowed under any circumstances whatsoever. Irrespective of whether or not it is your side that does it they are ruining the CS for everyone.

The problem is that it is still happening. The partisan posts are still occurring. I saw one right before I started this post. It has gone beyond the point of reporting all of the posts that violate the Lounge rules. The wound is raw and no one is reaching out to take the hand of their enemy and offer to forgive them for their trespasses. We fools don't have what it takes to be bigger than ourselves.

So yes, I feel like a fool!

Maybe a few of you feel like fools too.

Because collectively we have allowed what was a good thing to become tainted and poisoned and partisan.

That mistake is not going to happen again while I am around because fool me once...

Basically cons hate libs, and they will thank other cons for nasty posts while pretending they are somehow better.

Sorry, ringo.
Sorry yourself, keep it out of the CS, period. Friend or not this is the last warning. Yeah, I'm gonna be the asshole and not let it happen anymore, I don't care who does it.
It's all being handled behind the scenes now and despite the correlation you drew it will not end up the same as the Tavern which (as far as I know) very few here posted in, heck I didn't even know it imploded till Peach said something.
The poison has been removed and healing needs to commence which is why I keep saying everyone needs to let it go and move on.
Cooking up some cabbage, sweet peppers and onions with garlic, salt and pepper. As it cooks down I'll add a splash of red wine.
The wife hates cabbage...... IT'S MINE!!!! ALL MINE!!!!

How can somebody hate cabbage? I've never understood that since it is such a healthful, versatile, and delicious veggie, cooked or raw. But I have family members who won't touch it. So the bierochs are all mine too. :)
Heck she hates beans (pinto, etc) and peas (texture issue) and hot dogs, and any sausage for that matter. :dunno:

Well you need to think twice about moving to New Mexico. You're talking major staples and foods it is hard to avoid here. The pinto bean is one of New Mexico's two state vegetables you know. (The other is the chili pepper.)

But I can appreciate food prejudices. I won't eat lima or butter beans--texture and taste issues. And I dislike boiled okra so most gumbo kinds of recipes are lost on me. Loved breaded and fried or pickled okra though. I do prefer a good hot dog every time over a hamburger.
Before she met me Chinese to her was Chow Mein or Chop Suey, it was all she had ever had and hated both. She had also never had spicy food and for the longest time wouldn't touch it but she'll now eat mildly spiced food as long as there's no cumin in it....... Cumin, the primary spice used in Tex-Mex and Mexican........

Your wife sounds almost as picky as me!

I don't particularly like cabbage, although I'll eat it if it's in something I otherwise like, such as a salad (which, btw, usually contains little more than lettuce and cucumber for me). I don't like beans, with the exception of green beans, and do they really count? :lol: Sausage is great, though. I don't like spicy food, although I can deal with mildly spicy. Tex-Mex and Mexican....ugh. Not only will I not want to eat most of it because of the taste, I shudder to think of the badness that would be my belly after eating it! :blowup:
This place has grown on me tremendously over the years and holds a special place in my heart. I'm not a fair-weathered friend, and will remain a loyal participant as long as the CS exists. I'm one of the most drama-free people around, and while it's unfortunate that some no longer choose to post with us here, I respect their decision.:)
This place has grown on me tremendously over the years and holds a special place in my heart. I'm not a fair-weathered friend, and will remain a loyal participant as long as the CS exists. I'm one of the most drama-free people around, and while it's unfortunate that some no longer choose to post with us here, I respect their decision.:)

I'm trying to :lol:
Work just keeps getting more and more interesting. I mentioned a couple months back that company A made an offer to buy the company that I work for, then company B jumped into the fray wanting to buy us. The FTC has delayed things (go figure, a government agency giving copious quantities of free red tape to all involved), but we continue to march down the path of a company A buyout/merger.
I am one of a dozen IT people at my company (we have over 300 people in IT) that is figuring out how to make a buyout/merger work on day one of a combined company. As in, the day a deal closes, we have to report all our financials as one company. Today, there are certain financials that each company handles differently. No can do on day one, so we have to have everything in place to flip that switch. I find it interesting that we are working to make significant changes to our IT infrastructure as it relates to financial reporting when we don't even know that the buyout/merger is a done deal.
Next week I fly to the headquarters of the acquiring company and we are going to test integrating our financial systems with theirs. Fixed assets, and General Ledgers are the real biggies but real estate and inventory are also pretty big. It's actually fun and exciting to be on a project like this despite the stress and huge challenges. It's also fun to observe the corporate politics. I'm just a peon that does the IT work -- directors, assistant VP's and VP's flexing their company clout (job title) or trying not to overstep their bounds while interacting with each other can be very entertaining. Oh, and the good news about flying to their corporate office, it's on the company jet, no aggravating TSA security to deal with.
My only concern is that this hot woman from accounting, that is about half my age, said she wanted to party with me while we are there. I'm not sure she can keep up with me if we go into drinking/party mode. I wouldn't want her to get too drunk and hit on me like some of the youngsters at my daughters wedding did.

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