USMB Coffee Shop IV

My wife like watching the remodel, house flipping shows, I like hoping some of the "stars" of these shows get knocked on their butts by someone or that they lose their shirt on the flip......... :lol:
Heck she hates beans (pinto, etc) and peas (texture issue) and hot dogs, and any sausage for that matter. :dunno:

Well you need to think twice about moving to New Mexico. You're talking major staples and foods it is hard to avoid here. The pinto bean is one of New Mexico's two state vegetables you know. (The other is the chili pepper.)

But I can appreciate food prejudices. I won't eat lima or butter beans--texture and taste issues. And I dislike boiled okra so most gumbo kinds of recipes are lost on me. Loved breaded and fried or pickled okra though. I do prefer a good hot dog every time over a hamburger.
Before she met me Chinese to her was Chow Mein or Chop Suey, it was all she had ever had and hated both. She had also never had spicy food and for the longest time wouldn't touch it but she'll now eat mildly spiced food as long as there's no cumin in it....... Cumin, the primary spice used in Tex-Mex and Mexican........

Cumin. I wonder if that is the culprit? I never use it when I prepare Mexican food at home and I tolerate my own cuisine very well. But the last couple of years, whenever I had eaten Mexican food at a restaurant, I have wound up sick as a dog. And I haven't been able to identify what ingredient I'm not tolerating. I wonder if it is the cumin?

Cumin is in a LOT of good things, so hope not! :) It's in taco seasonings! Imagine no tacos! :eek-52: Barbecue sauces . . .

I am wild about cumin and other spicy spices. I have iron digestion and very few allergies. Sadly my biggest allergy is all my favorite fruit...pineapples. I don't get ill but my checks and tongue get all puffy. It's so good! :)

Canned pineapple doesn't bother me at all. But somebody brought fresh pineapple to the potluck luncheon yesterday and it was soooooo good, but immediately gave me a slightly sore throat which happens every time I eat fresh pineapple in any quantity. So, I probably shouldn't eat it, but I do even thinking about Ringel's warning not to keep exposing ourselves to those things we're slightly allergic to.
Well you need to think twice about moving to New Mexico. You're talking major staples and foods it is hard to avoid here. The pinto bean is one of New Mexico's two state vegetables you know. (The other is the chili pepper.)

But I can appreciate food prejudices. I won't eat lima or butter beans--texture and taste issues. And I dislike boiled okra so most gumbo kinds of recipes are lost on me. Loved breaded and fried or pickled okra though. I do prefer a good hot dog every time over a hamburger.
Before she met me Chinese to her was Chow Mein or Chop Suey, it was all she had ever had and hated both. She had also never had spicy food and for the longest time wouldn't touch it but she'll now eat mildly spiced food as long as there's no cumin in it....... Cumin, the primary spice used in Tex-Mex and Mexican........

Cumin. I wonder if that is the culprit? I never use it when I prepare Mexican food at home and I tolerate my own cuisine very well. But the last couple of years, whenever I had eaten Mexican food at a restaurant, I have wound up sick as a dog. And I haven't been able to identify what ingredient I'm not tolerating. I wonder if it is the cumin?

Cumin is in a LOT of good things, so hope not! :) It's in taco seasonings! Imagine no tacos! :eek-52: Barbecue sauces . . .

I am wild about cumin and other spicy spices. I have iron digestion and very few allergies. Sadly my biggest allergy is all my favorite fruit...pineapples. I don't get ill but my checks and tongue get all puffy. It's so good! :)

Canned pineapple doesn't bother me at all. But somebody brought fresh pineapple to the potluck luncheon yesterday and it was soooooo good, but immediately gave me a slightly sore throat which happens every time I eat fresh pineapple in any quantity. So, I probably shouldn't eat it, but I do even thinking about Ringel's warning not to keep exposing ourselves to those things we're slightly allergic to.

Canned or fresh has the same effect: It is a shame because it is my favorite. Many of the spring and summer parties I attend are themed and the cocktails for those months are fruity, often containing pineapple.
Whenever I eat something with a lot of vinegar in it, my face gets kind of sweaty and hot. I wouldn't really consider it an allergy, because I eat it anyways and I don't ever get sick. It stops as soon as I stop eating whatever it is. It happens with hot sauce a lot and some types of salad dressings.

Maybe it is who you're eating dinner with?
Whenever I eat something with a lot of vinegar in it, my face gets kind of sweaty and hot. I wouldn't really consider it an allergy, because I eat it anyways and I don't ever get sick. It stops as soon as I stop eating whatever it is. It happens with hot sauce a lot and some types of salad dressings.

Maybe it is who you're eating dinner with?

Nah. I imagine you or I would enjoy having dinner with the same folks Chris has dinner with. :) But a whole lot of us are experiencing some weird reactions to the world around us these days. I don't know if it is the additives or preservatives or GMOs or what it is, but it sure does seem to be more common these days than it used to be.
My wife like watching the remodel, house flipping shows, I like hoping some of the "stars" of these shows get knocked on their butts by someone or that they lose their shirt on the flip......... :lol:

Why? You don't like those shows? I don't watch them so I don't know if I would like them or not.
We just got an invite to go out for seafood tonight, so I have to go make myself pretty. Hold the fort ya'll. Later. (And yay, I don't have to cook tonight.)
Mertex is very right. The Cappucino Corral (spelling is deliberate) was opened by me and is for ALL USMB members completely irrespective of ideology and any other orientation, to shoot the shit without getting shot at. Hence, "Corral" in the thread title. [emoji14]

In the Cappucino Corral, the rules of the Lounge are strictly and politely enforced. In the last months in the Coffee Shop, I have witnessed numerous blatant attacks on specific members and of Liberals in general, a move that has forever destroyed the trust and spirit of friendliness here in the Coffee Shop. In my opinion, the damage is irreparable. It is irreparable because it has gone on with impunity for so long.

A great deal of the blame for forever having poisoned the well lies squarely with 007, whose vicious postings were not only tolerated, but thanked by regulars in the CS. It was at this moment that my suspicion was confirmed: that Liberals are just barely tolerated here and if you scratch just one Millimeter under the surface, it gets ugly really fast.

Not so at the Cappucino Corral: there we don't care if you sleep with your rifle or long for the days of Kruschev, whether you believe in one G-d, many gods or no god at all, whether you love hot women or hunky men - none of that is important. In other words, the CC does the things that the CS claims to do, but fails utterly. And the reason why it fails utterly is because there has (probably) always been a strong undercurrent of bare-minimum tolerance for Liberals and if people think that people haven't noticed it, they are fooling themselves. With that kind of fake tolerance, any project is bound to run ashore.

And yet, in spite of that, I don't think the Coffee Shop should close. I just think that the OP and the regulars there should just -finally- be honest about the clientele they really want here. Lying is never good. Just be honest. I think we can all live with that.

Pretty much everyone here knows that I live in the BRD and not in the USA and am therefore 6 hours ahead of the East Coast and cannot always monitor the CC but there are others there who do. In fact, I have invited some real hard-core Conservatives and Libertarians to join the CC. If people just use the golden rule of behavior, then there should be few problems.

And with that, I wish the CS well but will no longer partake. A good man knows when and where he is not welcome and the evidence that I and, well, all Liberals, are not welcome, is here in abundance. And now, back to the CC.



Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
How many times do you plan to tell us that you don't like the CS and "will no longer partake"? I personally am pleased that you have struck out on your own adventure with the Cappucino Corral and are happy there. I wish you all luck and prosperity in your endeavor. Just don't be disappointed when human nature once again asserts itself.
Good morning everyone! I've got a busy day ahead filled with chores and other household duties. We leave tomorrow for the cabin and there is much to procure. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Cheers!
Enjoy your stay at the cabin. If it's anything like my country place, it's as close to heaven as you can get without dying to get there.
My wife like watching the remodel, house flipping shows, I like hoping some of the "stars" of these shows get knocked on their butts by someone or that they lose their shirt on the flip......... :lol:

Why? You don't like those shows? I don't watch them so I don't know if I would like them or not.
Some of em are good but people like Scott on Flipping Vegas is a whiny, self absorbed prick. One other we first saw today is in Texas, the guy is an emotionally immature A-hole. The problem is I've worked with people like that, one job superintendent was like the Texas guy only he was abusive, a couple of us walked off the job when management wouldn't do anything about him. I think we were the second crew to walk off that job.
This was the perfect day off! I managed to sleep in a bit, which is a true pleasure. I tagged the 2014 Pimplebutt Christmas tree. No one else has tagged yet! I had the rpick of the crop literally.

Daisy the Mutt enjoyed romping around on the Christmas tree farm. After that, we walked in the park so she could chase the damn squirrels back up in the trees where they belong. I did some light yard work and then we walked the Grand March in the cemetery.

If you walk the length of the outside loop, you've gone a mile. If you add in all the inner loops, make that 2.

But, for whatever reason, Daisy is getting her slut on. That"'s right. She posed for dog porn.

A warning to parents with young children. The scene shots may be disturbing.

Can't see the images Nosmo. But based on your commentary, I'm wondering if that is a good thing. :)
I'm sorry. It's that whacky iPad! I can't seem to be able to post pictures from it.





She'll lay on the pillows until some place looks more comfortable.
I'd put the "awww" factor at about 9.9 on those photos! What a ham!
Mertex is very right. The Cappucino Corral (spelling is deliberate) was opened by me and is for ALL USMB members completely irrespective of ideology and any other orientation, to shoot the shit without getting shot at. Hence, "Corral" in the thread title. [emoji14]

In the Cappucino Corral, the rules of the Lounge are strictly and politely enforced. In the last months in the Coffee Shop, I have witnessed numerous blatant attacks on specific members and of Liberals in general, a move that has forever destroyed the trust and spirit of friendliness here in the Coffee Shop. In my opinion, the damage is irreparable. It is irreparable because it has gone on with impunity for so long.

A great deal of the blame for forever having poisoned the well lies squarely with 007, whose vicious postings were not only tolerated, but thanked by regulars in the CS. It was at this moment that my suspicion was confirmed: that Liberals are just barely tolerated here and if you scratch just one Millimeter under the surface, it gets ugly really fast.

Not so at the Cappucino Corral: there we don't care if you sleep with your rifle or long for the days of Kruschev, whether you believe in one G-d, many gods or no god at all, whether you love hot women or hunky men - none of that is important. In other words, the CC does the things that the CS claims to do, but fails utterly. And the reason why it fails utterly is because there has (probably) always been a strong undercurrent of bare-minimum tolerance for Liberals and if people think that people haven't noticed it, they are fooling themselves. With that kind of fake tolerance, any project is bound to run ashore.

And yet, in spite of that, I don't think the Coffee Shop should close. I just think that the OP and the regulars there should just -finally- be honest about the clientele they really want here. Lying is never good. Just be honest. I think we can all live with that.

Pretty much everyone here knows that I live in the BRD and not in the USA and am therefore 6 hours ahead of the East Coast and cannot always monitor the CC but there are others there who do. In fact, I have invited some real hard-core Conservatives and Libertarians to join the CC. If people just use the golden rule of behavior, then there should be few problems.

And with that, I wish the CS well but will no longer partake. A good man knows when and where he is not welcome and the evidence that I and, well, all Liberals, are not welcome, is here in abundance. And now, back to the CC.



Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
How many times do you plan to tell us that you don't like the CS and "will no longer partake"? I personally am pleased that you have struck out on your own adventure with the Cappucino Corral and are happy there. I wish you all luck and prosperity in your endeavor. Just don't be disappointed when human nature once again asserts itself.
GW, please let it go, it's already been dealt with and we don't want to stir it up again. Thanks.
Speaking of puppies. Tubby recently transitioned from an outdoor dog to an indoor member of the family. As you can see, he's adapting quite well. lol

View attachment 34004
It's good to know outdoor dogs can make that transition. I'm hoping my LGD (livestock guardian dog) Great Pyrenees will be able to make that transition. She's very affectionate and loves people at least as much as she loves her goats. Mostly, I'm worried about whether a 125 lb hairball of a dog will housebreak easily. She's lived all her life in the goat pens outdoors.
Mertex is very right. The Cappucino Corral (spelling is deliberate) was opened by me and is for ALL USMB members completely irrespective of ideology and any other orientation, to shoot the shit without getting shot at. Hence, "Corral" in the thread title. [emoji14]

In the Cappucino Corral, the rules of the Lounge are strictly and politely enforced. In the last months in the Coffee Shop, I have witnessed numerous blatant attacks on specific members and of Liberals in general, a move that has forever destroyed the trust and spirit of friendliness here in the Coffee Shop. In my opinion, the damage is irreparable. It is irreparable because it has gone on with impunity for so long.

A great deal of the blame for forever having poisoned the well lies squarely with 007, whose vicious postings were not only tolerated, but thanked by regulars in the CS. It was at this moment that my suspicion was confirmed: that Liberals are just barely tolerated here and if you scratch just one Millimeter under the surface, it gets ugly really fast.

Not so at the Cappucino Corral: there we don't care if you sleep with your rifle or long for the days of Kruschev, whether you believe in one G-d, many gods or no god at all, whether you love hot women or hunky men - none of that is important. In other words, the CC does the things that the CS claims to do, but fails utterly. And the reason why it fails utterly is because there has (probably) always been a strong undercurrent of bare-minimum tolerance for Liberals and if people think that people haven't noticed it, they are fooling themselves. With that kind of fake tolerance, any project is bound to run ashore.

And yet, in spite of that, I don't think the Coffee Shop should close. I just think that the OP and the regulars there should just -finally- be honest about the clientele they really want here. Lying is never good. Just be honest. I think we can all live with that.

Pretty much everyone here knows that I live in the BRD and not in the USA and am therefore 6 hours ahead of the East Coast and cannot always monitor the CC but there are others there who do. In fact, I have invited some real hard-core Conservatives and Libertarians to join the CC. If people just use the golden rule of behavior, then there should be few problems.

And with that, I wish the CS well but will no longer partake. A good man knows when and where he is not welcome and the evidence that I and, well, all Liberals, are not welcome, is here in abundance. And now, back to the CC.



Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
How many times do you plan to tell us that you don't like the CS and "will no longer partake"? I personally am pleased that you have struck out on your own adventure with the Cappucino Corral and are happy there. I wish you all luck and prosperity in your endeavor. Just don't be disappointed when human nature once again asserts itself.
GW, please let it go, it's already been dealt with and we don't want to stir it up again. Thanks.

I must have missed something, somewhere. Advice taken...
Good morning everyone! I've got a busy day ahead filled with chores and other household duties. We leave tomorrow for the cabin and there is much to procure. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Cheers!
Enjoy your stay at the cabin. If it's anything like my country place, it's as close to heaven as you can get without dying to get there.

Oh, I missed mdk's cabin post, and I agree with GW re having a great time though I've never been to GW's cabin....just to the general area. Probably could have thrown a rock and hit it but didn't know GW at that time. Given how little tolerance GW has for warm weather, I sure don't envy him having to acclimate when he returns to the lower 48. But we all do what we gotta do.
Holy bat, Crapman! I broached a flagon of my mead, a rose hip melomel. I thought it tasted rather sweet when I bottled it. I had about 1 1/2 cups of the brew last night and it knocked my socks off! This stuff must be about 14% alcohol!! It actually tastes like a port wine. At any rate, I'm going to keep this stuff for special occasions when someone else will be imbibing. It's still unbelievably warm here, high 30s, low 40s, and still no snow.
Well you need to think twice about moving to New Mexico. You're talking major staples and foods it is hard to avoid here. The pinto bean is one of New Mexico's two state vegetables you know. (The other is the chili pepper.)

But I can appreciate food prejudices. I won't eat lima or butter beans--texture and taste issues. And I dislike boiled okra so most gumbo kinds of recipes are lost on me. Loved breaded and fried or pickled okra though. I do prefer a good hot dog every time over a hamburger.
Before she met me Chinese to her was Chow Mein or Chop Suey, it was all she had ever had and hated both. She had also never had spicy food and for the longest time wouldn't touch it but she'll now eat mildly spiced food as long as there's no cumin in it....... Cumin, the primary spice used in Tex-Mex and Mexican........

Cumin. I wonder if that is the culprit? I never use it when I prepare Mexican food at home and I tolerate my own cuisine very well. But the last couple of years, whenever I had eaten Mexican food at a restaurant, I have wound up sick as a dog. And I haven't been able to identify what ingredient I'm not tolerating. I wonder if it is the cumin?

Cumin is in a LOT of good things, so hope not! :) It's in taco seasonings! Imagine no tacos! :eek-52: Barbecue sauces . . .

I am wild about cumin and other spicy spices. I have iron digestion and very few allergies. Sadly my biggest allergy is all my favorite fruit...pineapples. I don't get ill but my checks and tongue get all puffy. It's so good! :)

Canned pineapple doesn't bother me at all. But somebody brought fresh pineapple to the potluck luncheon yesterday and it was soooooo good, but immediately gave me a slightly sore throat which happens every time I eat fresh pineapple in any quantity. So, I probably shouldn't eat it, but I do even thinking about Ringel's warning not to keep exposing ourselves to those things we're slightly allergic to.

Pineapple, which I love, will irritate my throat
Speaking of puppies. Tubby recently transitioned from an outdoor dog to an indoor member of the family. As you can see, he's adapting quite well. lol

View attachment 34004
It's good to know outdoor dogs can make that transition. I'm hoping my LGD (livestock guardian dog) Great Pyrenees will be able to make that transition. She's very affectionate and loves people at least as much as she loves her goats. Mostly, I'm worried about whether a 125 lb hairball of a dog will housebreak easily. She's lived all her life in the goat pens outdoors.

Yep, its all in the increments. The best part is, he's been an outdoor dog all of his life (14 months), so he doesn't know where else to do his business but outside. :D
Good morning everyone! I've got a busy day ahead filled with chores and other household duties. We leave tomorrow for the cabin and there is much to procure. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Cheers!
Enjoy your stay at the cabin. If it's anything like my country place, it's as close to heaven as you can get without dying to get there.

Oh, I missed mdk's cabin post, and I agree with GW re having a great time though I've never been to GW's cabin....just to the general area. Probably could have thrown a rock and hit it but didn't know GW at that time. Given how little tolerance GW has for warm weather, I sure don't envy him having to acclimate when he returns to the lower 48. But we all do what we gotta do.
One thing I look forward to is the 5-10 lb weight loss. Since we monitored weight in the military, it was duly noted that most everybody who moved up here gained at least that much. Once they move back South, roughly the same amount of weight goes away. When I got transferred to NJ from AK, I lost about 10 lbs in the first few weeks I was there. It has something to do with how our bodies deal with the climate changes.
If any of y'all ever get up this way when I am in residence, I will more than gladly host a few nights at Chez Lost-inna-woods, complete with homemade cheese, wine, and sour dough bread.
One thing I look forward to is the 5-10 lb weight loss. Since we monitored weight in the military, it was duly noted that most everybody who moved up here gained at least that much. Once they move back South, roughly the same amount of weight goes away. When I got transferred to NJ from AK, I lost about 10 lbs in the first few weeks I was there. It has something to do with how our bodies deal with the climate changes.
If any of y'all ever get up this way when I am in residence, I will more than gladly host a few nights at Chez Lost-inna-woods, complete with homemade cheese, wine, and sour dough bread.

Lost in the woods... you in Missouri?

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