USMB Coffee Shop IV

This place has grown on me tremendously over the years and holds a special place in my heart. I'm not a fair-weathered friend, and will remain a loyal participant as long as the CS exists. I'm one of the most drama-free people around, and while it's unfortunate that some no longer choose to post with us here, I respect their decision.:)
To give credit where credit is due, I have to agree.
And now I have a whole new sexy image of Alan in my head. :)
One of the young that hit on me at my daughter's wedding was a homosexual guy.
I will admit, having a homosexual guy (half my age) hit on me made me think, "Yeah, I still have it, even the homosexual guys want me". Ego boost.

Well you have to be sexy to attract the young-uns of all types so yeah, of course you still got it. :)
Whenever I eat something with a lot of vinegar in it, my face gets kind of sweaty and hot. I wouldn't really consider it an allergy, because I eat it anyways and I don't ever get sick. It stops as soon as I stop eating whatever it is. It happens with hot sauce a lot and some types of salad dressings.
It's allergies. Allergies affect different people different ways to differing degrees, sounds like you may have a mild allergy to vinegar or something in vinegar. What ya have to watch out for is a constant combination of different allergy exposure over a long period of time, it's then when the immune system is overwhelmed, that's what happened to my wife a couple of decades ago, suddenly all those in control allergies that had not manifested themselves suddenly exploded on her.
At the time we were living in a two story townhouse with cement slab floors, the downstairs duct work was run through the slab, a perfect mold breeding environment......... It turns out mold is her worst allergy, the Doc said he'd never seen such a reaction to the skin test in his 30 years of practice, took almost two months for the test site to heal.

Interesting. I never knew that. I thought maybe vinegar just had that effect on some people. :) I've had this "reaction" to it since I was a kid, most prominently when I eat French or Catalina dressing for some reason. Weird. Lol.
Cooking up some cabbage, sweet peppers and onions with garlic, salt and pepper. As it cooks down I'll add a splash of red wine.
The wife hates cabbage...... IT'S MINE!!!! ALL MINE!!!!
Cooking up some cabbage, sweet peppers and onions with garlic, salt and pepper. As it cooks down I'll add a splash of red wine.
The wife hates cabbage...... IT'S MINE!!!! ALL MINE!!!!

How can somebody hate cabbage? I've never understood that since it is such a healthful, versatile, and delicious veggie, cooked or raw. But I have family members who won't touch it. So the bierochs are all mine too. :)

Lol! Funny, I only eat cabbage with vinegar on it! :lol:
Cooking up some cabbage, sweet peppers and onions with garlic, salt and pepper. As it cooks down I'll add a splash of red wine.
The wife hates cabbage...... IT'S MINE!!!! ALL MINE!!!!

How can somebody hate cabbage? I've never understood that since it is such a healthful, versatile, and delicious veggie, cooked or raw. But I have family members who won't touch it. So the bierochs are all mine too. :)
Heck she hates beans (pinto, etc) and peas (texture issue) and hot dogs, and any sausage for that matter. :dunno:

I love sausage. As a matter of fact, just last night I made spaghetti with homemade with chorizo in it! Yummy! I love chorizo in spaghetti sauce, and LOTS of red wine! :D
It's 10 degrees out there, just finished sweeping the next inch + off the driveway, walkway and front stoop. That driveway keeps getting longer every time I do this........ Normally I wouldn't worry about a couple of inches of snow on a driveway but while not really steep it's steep enough to create a problem if the snow gets packed down by the vehicle tires and turns to ice, plus I need the exercise....... :D
However my knee hurts now.......
Which reminds me, looks like my sciatica flare up is healing well, still a little soreness in my thigh but the constant pain in my low back and hip is gone and no more 1000 needles in my thigh. :thup:
It's 10 degrees out there, just finished sweeping the next inch + off the driveway, walkway and front stoop. That driveway keeps getting longer every time I do this........ Normally I wouldn't worry about a couple of inches of snow on a driveway but while not really steep it's steep enough to create a problem if the snow gets packed down by the vehicle tires and turns to ice, plus I need the exercise....... :D
However my knee hurts now.......
Which reminds me, looks like my sciatica flare up is healing well, still a little soreness in my thigh but the constant pain in my low back and hip is gone and no more 1000 needles in my thigh. :thup:

Oh my! You poor thing. It was like 65 degrees here today in Massachusetts. :) Of course, that's not the norm for November, but I've been really enjoying the mild autumn weather.
I'm so envious. I really really really like the snow, cold crisp air, sweaters, scarves, fires, heavy socks, boots ,hats.....

Know what I mean???
I'm so envious. I really really really like the snow, cold crisp air, sweaters, scarves, fires, heavy socks, boots ,hats.....

Know what I mean???
As far as I am concerned, snow is something you go visit or get once a year. Not something you live with all winter.
I just wish someone would give me the lowdown on winter weather for my area. If it is going to be cold, but not very snowy, I'll just continue to shovel by hand. If it is going to be like last winter, I want to allocate funds for a snow blower.
I'm so envious. I really really really like the snow, cold crisp air, sweaters, scarves, fires, heavy socks, boots ,hats.....

Know what I mean???

Yes, for a little while I don't mind it, but after 6 months of it, I am ready for a change! :D I could really use shorter winters and longer summers. That's what I really want. Like a 6 month summer and a 3 month winter would be cool.
I'm so envious. I really really really like the snow, cold crisp air, sweaters, scarves, fires, heavy socks, boots ,hats.....

Know what I mean???

Yes, for a little while I don't mind it, but after 6 months of it, I am ready for a change! :D I could really use shorter winters and longer summers. That's what I really want. Like a 6 month summer and a 3 month winter would be cool.
I know I'm odd. I envy GW.

Hot weather just doesn't agree with me. It's beautiful, but just not for me in large doses :dunno:

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