USMB Coffee Shop IV

Don Corleones Staten Island "house" is up for sale if ya have $2.89 million..........

Notice the high walls and wrought iron gate are missing. They were props added to make the home look fortified.

It's interesting but it doesn't look like a 2.89 million dollar house.
The Hollywood house in the show sold for $135 Million.........

So, Moki my rat terrier, was taken to the vet today because he has 2 smooshy lumps on his rib on each side. I THOUGHT it was like the cysts Karma had, which we had removed a few months ago. Turns out one is just fatty goop...but the other has cancer cells in it. Sigh. So on Monday, in he goes to have both removed and the one sliced and diced to see how far it has gotten, what kind it is, how fast it can go, etc. Hoping she gets it all when she whacks it off. I don't want him to go to Gracie quite yet. He is only 11 years old. Rather, WILL be 11 in february. Asking for good vibes and prayers for my Moki Butt.
So, Moki my rat terrier, was taken to the vet today because he has 2 smooshy lumps on his rib on each side. I THOUGHT it was like the cysts Karma had, which we had removed a few months ago. Turns out one is just fatty goop...but the other has cancer cells in it. Sigh. So on Monday, in he goes to have both removed and the one sliced and diced to see how far it has gotten, what kind it is, how fast it can go, etc. Hoping she gets it all when she whacks it off. I don't want him to go to Gracie quite yet. He is only 11 years old. Rather, WILL be 11 in february. Asking for good vibes and prayers for my Moki Butt.

Prayers and juju for Moki ♡
So, Moki my rat terrier, was taken to the vet today because he has 2 smooshy lumps on his rib on each side. I THOUGHT it was like the cysts Karma had, which we had removed a few months ago. Turns out one is just fatty goop...but the other has cancer cells in it. Sigh. So on Monday, in he goes to have both removed and the one sliced and diced to see how far it has gotten, what kind it is, how fast it can go, etc. Hoping she gets it all when she whacks it off. I don't want him to go to Gracie quite yet. He is only 11 years old. Rather, WILL be 11 in february. Asking for good vibes and prayers for my Moki Butt.

You got it Gracie. Hope it all goes well.
Lord, we were planning on keeping Gracie with us a long time. Gracie has designs on keeping Moki for a long time too. It all works so much better if you can help us with Moki.
So, Moki my rat terrier, was taken to the vet today because he has 2 smooshy lumps on his rib on each side. I THOUGHT it was like the cysts Karma had, which we had removed a few months ago. Turns out one is just fatty goop...but the other has cancer cells in it. Sigh. So on Monday, in he goes to have both removed and the one sliced and diced to see how far it has gotten, what kind it is, how fast it can go, etc. Hoping she gets it all when she whacks it off. I don't want him to go to Gracie quite yet. He is only 11 years old. Rather, WILL be 11 in february. Asking for good vibes and prayers for my Moki Butt.
Good vibes coming your way, and to Moki Butt, too! Hope they caught it early enough.
He was not thrilled today. She had to put a muzzle on him cuz when he gets freaked out, he tends to snip. He didn't try to, but just in case, we put one on him. NOT a happy doggy. But, he was jumping for joy when we were leaving the exam room, lol.
It is hard to get exited about a place that removes what you consider to be valuable body parts.
Well, we got another HVAC guy out today and he confirmed my suspicions that the thermostat was wired wrong. However, that didn't do the trick. There were another 3 sensors that weren't working so we replaced them. STILL no heat. WHY was the question until we looked at the schematics again. There is a smoke detector installed in the duct work that had a broken cover allowing all kinds of leaves, trash and water into it. It was toast! That particular item runs about 12 hundred bucks for a Trane so he guessed a similar price for my Rheem. I started looking on-line and ordered one for $130 with shipping. Perhaps we'll have heat here for the weekend.
68 in the building right now with the door to the utility room open. The 200 pound/day ice machine throws a lot of heat, thank God.

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