USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning everyone.. Today sucks. Getting my dress blues prepped for tomorrow's funeral services.

Corporal Charles "Bruce" Edward Ham, II
955th Engineer Company, Ft. Leonard Wood
06/14/1971 - 11-07-2014

Multiple tours in Iraq, and a heart attack takes my friend at 43.. Everyone gets compliments after they die, but there's no room for doubt just how great of a person he really was.
Morning everyone.. Today sucks. Getting my dress blues prepped for tomorrow's funeral services.

Corporal Charles "Bruce" Edward Ham, II
955th Engineer Company, Ft. Leonard Wood
06/14/1971 - 11-07-2014

Multiple tours in Iraq, and a heart attack takes my friend at 43.. Everyone gets compliments after they die, but there's no room for doubt just how great of a person he really was.

My condolences SixFoot
R.I.P. Corporal Charles

I've been procrastinating for the last two days, blaming it on the snow and cold........ Today I have to get a bunch of things done and run a bunch of errands. Checked out back this morning, the back porch thermometer is reading a balmy 35 degrees with no breeze, was too warm for my heavy winter coat.
This looks like a nice place and it's time for my afternoon mocha cappuccino and scones. Hi there..

Welcome Bonita Louise

Jump right in an enjoy.
Be sure to click on page 1 for the rules of this thread and if you agree to them you are very welcome.
I see Pogo has given you your complimentary Dip ? what ever it is suppose to be. :)
It's usually a complimentary beverage for those who are first timers here but it looks good doesn't it?
I read the rules and i am well disciplined, at my age i have had a lot of practice, lol.
Thanks for the welcome..:smile:

Here is your complimentary beverage

I also have no idea what this is either but it looks delicious. :biggrin:

It does look good..thanks!!
This looks like a nice place and it's time for my afternoon mocha cappuccino and scones. Hi there..

Welcome Bonita Louise

Jump right in an enjoy.
Be sure to click on page 1 for the rules of this thread and if you agree to them you are very welcome.
I see Pogo has given you your complimentary Dip ? what ever it is suppose to be. :)
It's usually a complimentary beverage for those who are first timers here but it looks good doesn't it?
I read the rules and i am well disciplined, at my age i have had a lot of practice, lol.
Thanks for the welcome..:smile:

Oh darn. Some of the guys were probably hoping for somebody a bit naughtier. But oh well. (teasing of course.)
Welcome, welcome. And be sure to bookmark us or use "all watched threads" or something so you can find us again. It sometimes slows down in here during the evening unless our Europeans and Aussies are up early, but if that happens, it will be back up and jumping in the morning.

USMB just recently changed their software and we're all learning how to navigate with the new stuff. Took me forever to figure out how to get back here consistently, but if you click on Watched Threads up there, you'll see in bitty print "there may be more to see" and clicking on that will take you to ALL WATCHED THREADS. So any thread you have posted in will show up there even if there have been no new posts since you last went there. I dragged that link to my desk top and that's the way I come back to USMB now. Others probably have other tricks of the trade.

Anyhow this is a typical political message board and it can get pretty ugly out there at times. So if it starts getting to you, come right back here for a safe haven. Oh heck, come back here even if you don't need a safe haven. :)
Sorry fellas my naughtier days are behind me you missed that opportunity by about 30 years , lol.
I am slowly learning my way around and thanks for the tips. My skin is thick and there's not much i haven't seen so i stay on a fairly even keel. I don't have a lot of time to read and post usually in the early morning and on breaks and again in the evening. Thanks for the safe room. :smile:
Well, we got another HVAC guy out today and he confirmed my suspicions that the thermostat was wired wrong. However, that didn't do the trick. There were another 3 sensors that weren't working so we replaced them. STILL no heat. WHY was the question until we looked at the schematics again. There is a smoke detector installed in the duct work that had a broken cover allowing all kinds of leaves, trash and water into it. It was toast! That particular item runs about 12 hundred bucks for a Trane so he guessed a similar price for my Rheem. I started looking on-line and ordered one for $130 with shipping. Perhaps we'll have heat here for the weekend.
68 in the building right now with the door to the utility room open. The 200 pound/day ice machine throws a lot of heat, thank God.
68F? You don't need heat at that temperature, AC maybe, heat...not so much.
Good morning krewe! It has been a busy few days. We had a dual birthday party (hubby & mother) Wednesday evening. It went very well. The baby brother, his wife and daughter were in attendance and on reasonably good behavior.

Hubby is still on his wagon, doing the 90 mtngs in 90 days thing. We don't talk about it other than, "Missed the one at X so going to the one at Y at 8." He seems to be doing OK, so keep the prayers and juju coming, please.

I have to take the mother-in-law to the airport this evening. She's off to WA for a few weeks then Canada to see her grandbabies for Christmas. She will be back after the new year.

Work has been hectic but I've got the two new hires trained now. I've got about 10 days of vacation to burn, so have been getting out of there at 5 instead of 7. It has been nice.

It's cold! That is all. Have a happy weekend.
Busy, Tresha! You enjoy your weekend, too...and, thanks!
Morning everyone.. Today sucks. Getting my dress blues prepped for tomorrow's funeral services.

Corporal Charles "Bruce" Edward Ham, II
955th Engineer Company, Ft. Leonard Wood
06/14/1971 - 11-07-2014

Multiple tours in Iraq, and a heart attack takes my friend at 43.. Everyone gets compliments after they die, but there's no room for doubt just how great of a person he really was.
Sad indeed..:smiliehug:..
Blessings and prayers for his journey..and also for you, his other friends and his family.
Morning everyone.. Today sucks. Getting my dress blues prepped for tomorrow's funeral services.

Corporal Charles "Bruce" Edward Ham, II
955th Engineer Company, Ft. Leonard Wood
06/14/1971 - 11-07-2014

Multiple tours in Iraq, and a heart attack takes my friend at 43.. Everyone gets compliments after they die, but there's no room for doubt just how great of a person he really was.

So sorry Sixfoot. Sometimes it seems so unfair.
Just checking in between flights. It's cooler today than the past few days but still not wintery-cold. Maybe the mud will freeze again.
Got the oils and fats blended yesterday for another batch of soap. This one's going to be peaches and cream, a special request item from a friend. Of course, she probably won't want all 16 lbs of it, so I'll have to package it and start visiting the crafts fairs. I made some of my popular chocolate cocoa butter soap last week. I have a few batches to wrap that are cured on the racks.
I also have three baby swiss-style cheeses I'm nursing along. They look OK, but with swiss-style cheese, the "proof" is on the inside because that's where the eyes develop. Lots to do around here, always.
Well, enjoy your weekend, everybody. I hope to visit more a bit later.
Good morning krewe! It has been a busy few days. We had a dual birthday party (hubby & mother) Wednesday evening. It went very well. The baby brother, his wife and daughter were in attendance and on reasonably good behavior.

Hubby is still on his wagon, doing the 90 mtngs in 90 days thing. We don't talk about it other than, "Missed the one at X so going to the one at Y at 8." He seems to be doing OK, so keep the prayers and juju coming, please.

I have to take the mother-in-law to the airport this evening. She's off to WA for a few weeks then Canada to see her grandbabies for Christmas. She will be back after the new year.

Work has been hectic but I've got the two new hires trained now. I've got about 10 days of vacation to burn, so have been getting out of there at 5 instead of 7. It has been nice.

It's cold! That is all. Have a happy weekend.

Glad Hubby is doing well, and sounds like he is committed and one who is likely to make it. And having a loving wife and family and hopefully friends as a support group sure helps. And its okay if you are past your naughty years. I guess I am too. Usually. :) And some extra time off is a good thing.
Just checking in between flights. It's cooler today than the past few days but still not wintery-cold. Maybe the mud will freeze again.
Got the oils and fats blended yesterday for another batch of soap. This one's going to be peaches and cream, a special request item from a friend. Of course, she probably won't want all 16 lbs of it, so I'll have to package it and start visiting the crafts fairs. I made some of my popular chocolate cocoa butter soap last week. I have a few batches to wrap that are cured on the racks.
I also have three baby swiss-style cheeses I'm nursing along. They look OK, but with swiss-style cheese, the "proof" is on the inside because that's where the eyes develop. Lots to do around here, always.
Well, enjoy your weekend, everybody. I hope to visit more a bit later.

Your soaps sound heavenly. But I guess I never thought about making swiss cheese. Especially goat swiss cheese. And then it occurs to me that there are likely a lot more goats in Switzerland than there are cattle. :)

You would always be welcome to come visit here GW. But I can assure you, we won't be turning the A/C on at 68 degrees. :)
It's a balmy 37 degrees in Albuquerque at this hour which feels warm after yesterday. We'll have a couple of days of mid to high 50's, maybe even a low 60, the next couple of days before going back into colder temps. But at least it is feeling more like November than late September now.
Good morning! I hope the day finds everyone well. I am sitting by the fire at the cabin and chomping down some tea. I am shocked the connection up here is better than I remember. lol Have a wonderful day folks!

Hope you're having a great vacation mdk. Sounds wonderful. One thing I disliked going to the cabin here was there was zero connection to anything. No computer access of any kind. No cell phone service. And the one phone was rigged so you could receive calls but couldn't call out unless you had a prepaid calling card. There was a time that would have been great, but these days not so much.
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Today will be tough. I have to tell an employee their daughter's car is broke and the trade in value not high enough to pay off the loan.

Then my boss has a customer coming in today that I will work with as he is on vacation. This person is in sales and is running a scenario where she acts liek she wants two cars. It is meant to distract me and feel like I need to be crazy on price in order to get both deals. Then she withdraws the offer to buy on the vehicle that was just a ploy. So I have to act like I don't understand what she is doing.

Some years ago, we would occasionally get an assignment to shop high value cars. We had to pretend to be a bonafide customer to evaluate the customer service, sales pitch, and ethics of the dealership. Not sure exactly what our clients were looking for, but I hated doing that. It just felt wrong to take up people's time when they had no chance to make a sale. Once Hombre and I started our own business, we didn't take those kinds of jobs.
Hello Cross and welcome to the Coffee Shop. Someone who is more tech savvy than myself will be along shortly to provide you your complimentary beverage.

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