USMB Coffee Shop IV

Ringel05 and gallantwarrior
I just watched a great flick on Netflix. Name of it is My Way. In short, japanese & korean marathon rivals battle for best runner...but WWII happens. Japanese use the koreans as slave soldiers. Then the Russians battle them and both become slave soldiers to the russians. Both are caught and become german slave soldiers. Then the americans show up. I won't say any more. But dayum...what a ride! Loved it.
Subtitled because its in Japanese, korean, russian and german, lol.
I'll add it to my list. Going to the cabin solo, so I might have time. Thank you!
It's really a good movie. All the twists and turn. is based on a true story. :)
Best kind of movie. Thanks, Gracie. How is Moki doing? How are you doing?
Moki is doing just fine. He acts like no surgery was ever done! I am doing ok too, thanks for asking. :)
Been watching a lot of movies cuz its COLD outside. Winter came early.

And you?
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Tresha and hubby,
Mr. H and his friend,
strollingbones & hubby,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.​
Hey guys..not only do I have Netflix thread to talk movies, I also have Couch Tater. Not trying to steal CS patrons..I just know some folks don't read in here or y'all don't stray from here..and I wanted you to be aware of the movie kick I have been on thanks to Ringel and a few others recommendations. So instead of derailing CS with movie talk, I hope you will browse the Netflix Flicks thread as well as Couch Tater thread, located here:
Couch Tater Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Any recommendations of good movies will be much appreciated. :)
Good morning everybody. I'm up on time for a change. Ready for church and then out to brunch in a bit. I was sleeping so hard when the alarm (Hombre) woke me up. So am still a bit loggy, but this too shall pass.

We're at a cool 43 degrees at this hour and it isn't supposed to get out of the 40's today. It will be like that through Wednesday for us and then back to 60 degrees on Thanksgiving?

Oh and Gracie, you can't derail a thread that has no topic. :) It is absolutely okay to talk about movies and TV programs and stuff here as much as it is to talk about archeological artifacts or job hunting or recipes or karate tournaments or life transitions or joys and sorrows and challenges and life transitions and hunting and housecleaning and work and cars and weather and everything else that makes up who and what we are here.
Morning, everyone. This weekend has been a great reprieve from the cold snap, with highs and lows in the 50's. Unfortunately, my hot water is way hotter than it should be, and I've noticed a very small bubbling in my faucet. Time to get under the house and look for the ruptured PVC pipe. :eusa_doh:
Morning, everyone. This weekend has been a great reprieve from the cold snap, with highs and lows in the 50's. Unfortunately, my hot water is way hotter than it should be, and I've noticed a very small bubbling in my faucet. Time to get under the house and look for the ruptured PVC pipe. :eusa_doh:
Ruptured pipe? Possibly or you could have "received" an air pocket feed from the main feed, if you don't find any pipe problems run all of your faucets for a few minutes and bleed the emergency pressure valve on the hot water heater (without scalding yourself..........)
As for where to look for possible breaks is any exterior hose bib feeds and any other line running close to the outside walls.
Somebody clue me in. We have a big screen HD tv in the great room and want to watch our movies in there. How do I get Netflix on it?
Is your TV a 'smart' TV? If it does not feature Internet connectivity and built in apps for Netflix, Hulu, vudu, Amazon Prime and the like, you will have to buy (for less than $40) a Roku. That's a wee box that attaches to the TV and connects with an HDMI cable to your internet router.

Piece of cake! And it's easy! I just noticed I still have a piece of cake from my sister-in-law's birthday party. MMmmm! Cake!
Somebody clue me in. We have a big screen HD tv in the great room and want to watch our movies in there. How do I get Netflix on it?
Does your laptop have an HDMI port? If so, it's just a matter of running the HDMI cable from laptop to TV and switching the TV input to the right HDMI port.
If it's a "smart TV" it may be possible to get it to connect to the internet/netflix via WIFI.
Morning, everyone. This weekend has been a great reprieve from the cold snap, with highs and lows in the 50's. Unfortunately, my hot water is way hotter than it should be, and I've noticed a very small bubbling in my faucet. Time to get under the house and look for the ruptured PVC pipe. :eusa_doh:
Ruptured pipe? Possibly or you could have "received" an air pocket feed from the main feed, if you don't find any pipe problems run all of your faucets for a few minutes and bleed the emergency pressure valve on the hot water heater (without scalding yourself..........)
As for where to look for possible breaks is any exterior hose bib feeds and any other line running close to the outside walls.

Good point, and anything that isn't a cracked pipe will be welcomed news for me. lol

We'll see though. The hot water line was partially frozen last week when the temp got down to 8 degrees. This house was originally a small 14 x 60 ft, 1 bedroom 1 bathroom trailer. My godfather added on to it over the last 15 years before I bought it, and its now a multi-section house, with the only trace of the original trailer being the metal frame under part of the house. He made all the plumbing and electrical very easy to access. One of my renovation projects will be to replace all the lines with PEX.

Before I bought this place from him, I lived by Ozark Lake in a house with PEX lines that froze multiple times during the asinine winter last year with no ruptures. I had an old trailer there that my brother lived in, and after all the steel pipes shattered, we gave it the PEX upgrade and he never had an issue again either. Definitely a fan. :)
Just woke up and fed the "kids", suckin' down coffee watching the snow come down...... The snow I don't remember them reporting........ Typical mountain weather......

It's actually quite mild here in Massachusetts today. :) I'm loving it. I'm thinking of opening up my slider and my windows and letting some fresh air in!
That was here yesterday, absolutely gorgeous, now were supposed to get up to 4 inches of snow today.
The good news is the plumber doesn't have to come out, seems the clog in the waste line either cleared itself or it was affecting the neighbors house also and they took care of it. :dunno:
Just woke up and fed the "kids", suckin' down coffee watching the snow come down...... The snow I don't remember them reporting........ Typical mountain weather......

It's actually quite mild here in Massachusetts today. :) I'm loving it. I'm thinking of opening up my slider and my windows and letting some fresh air in!
That was here yesterday, absolutely gorgeous, now were supposed to get up to 4 inches of snow today.
The good news is the plumber doesn't have to come out, seems the clog in the waste line either cleared itself or it was affecting the neighbors house also and they took care of it. :dunno:

Good news! :D The less aggravation, the better.

It's supposed to be in the 60s here tomorrow and rainy. I'll take the rain over the snow though. :)

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