USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, my son's band didn't quite make finals...he said it's going to be a long bus ride home. I'm going to take him to his favorite Greek restaurant for dinner. Damn.:(

It is one of those things that won't loom large in importance as he moves on in life. But for now it is terribly important. I appreciate your mother's understanding of that. But a little TLC and a great Greek restaurant should help a lot.
Thanks, Foxy. Yep, the life of a band parent can be a bit grueling. Plus, my son is also part of our county youth orchestra. He'll rejoin them now that band season is over. This single mom is sure hoping that in addition to academics, some music scholarships are in his future.:eusa_pray:
I feel for you. I had two in marching band and the all South Jersey band for a few can be exhausting. But it's totally enjoyable as well. My daughter broke her arm the month of ASJ trials her year, she never got back into the swing after that :(

You never know what direction they are going to take--thinking about Sherry's hope for a music scholarship for instance. I grew up in band from 4th grade through high school as well as chorus and studying music in other ways--piano, seven years of accordion can you believe it?, a little guitar. But once I got to college, I just wasn't motivated to stay with the formal music education and my career path took a very different and eclectic turn. Still I taught music to my children, continued to work with choral groups as an adult, and directed church choir as a volunteer for many years.

Both my kids grew up saturated in music but neither were interested in band or chorus once they got to college, though our son did resume piano lessons there. Now he is a professional mechanical/petroleum engineer but runs his own private music studio teaching piano, keyboard, guitar, violin, and vocal to more than 60 kids on the side. He would do that full time if it paid anything close to what he makes as an engineer and he plans for that to be his retirement vocation. Daughter is a PhD sociologist/research specialist but off and on has played bass professionally with blues bands. You just never know.

I've played music since I was about 11. (I taught myself out of a World Book Encyclopedia. :) ).

Write a piece of music for the woman in your her piano or guitar and sing to her. They usually like.... a lot.

If they like the guy, they like it. If they don't it can be a bit creepy. :)

Yeah....that's a good point. :)

Of course when you've got it, you've got it. I figure you're probably one of those guys who has got it. :)
Well, I'm back, sort of...... I don't even recall how long it's been. I went down to NJ to visit my Sis and my Mom. Today would have been Mom's 89th birthday : (( She had a fall in the nursing home, and things all started going south a couple of days later.

Let's just say that when one person wishes for another 'Drop dead', it truly isn't such a terrible thought. : (( At least I was already there, and I've been able to help support my Sis who really did all the work.

I can't say enough good things about Sis' loving and diligent attention to Mom for the past five years: what I AM doing is taking Sis to Disney World for a week and some. Not for another couple of months, as there's a lot of 'paper work' and assorted matters to take care of.

I'm not exactly great company right now: yesterday was the 6th anniversary of our Dad's passing. So I'm going to go grab the overstuffed kitty and sit in my new overstuffed chair and read something silly..... I pretty well tired myself out moping around all day.

I don't know why, but when I accidentally knocked the handle off my (full) teapot today, I went on a crying jag for most of an hour. It wasn't a valuable or heirloom pot, just one present from a friend and it was 'comfy'.....not fancy or 'special'.
Well, I'm back, sort of...... I don't even recall how long it's been. I went down to NJ to visit my Sis and my Mom. Today would have been Mom's 89th birthday : (( She had a fall in the nursing home, and things all started going south a couple of days later.

Let's just say that when one person wishes for another 'Drop dead', it truly isn't such a terrible thought. : (( At least I was already there, and I've been able to help support my Sis who really did all the work.

I can't say enough good things about Sis' loving and diligent attention to Mom for the past five years: what I AM doing is taking Sis to Disney World for a week and some. Not for another couple of months, as there's a lot of 'paper work' and assorted matters to take care of.

I'm not exactly great company right now: yesterday was the 6th anniversary of our Dad's passing. So I'm going to go grab the overstuffed kitty and sit in my new overstuffed chair and read something silly..... I pretty well tired myself out moping around all day.

I don't know why, but when I accidentally knocked the handle off my (full) teapot today, I went on a crying jag for most of an hour. It wasn't a valuable or heirloom pot, just one present from a friend and it was 'comfy'.....not fancy or 'special'.
I feel for you, lost both my parents in the last year. We just finished with the inheritance distribution.
Well, I'm back, sort of...... I don't even recall how long it's been. I went down to NJ to visit my Sis and my Mom. Today would have been Mom's 89th birthday : (( She had a fall in the nursing home, and things all started going south a couple of days later.

Let's just say that when one person wishes for another 'Drop dead', it truly isn't such a terrible thought. : (( At least I was already there, and I've been able to help support my Sis who really did all the work.

I can't say enough good things about Sis' loving and diligent attention to Mom for the past five years: what I AM doing is taking Sis to Disney World for a week and some. Not for another couple of months, as there's a lot of 'paper work' and assorted matters to take care of.

I'm not exactly great company right now: yesterday was the 6th anniversary of our Dad's passing. So I'm going to go grab the overstuffed kitty and sit in my new overstuffed chair and read something silly..... I pretty well tired myself out moping around all day.

I don't know why, but when I accidentally knocked the handle off my (full) teapot today, I went on a crying jag for most of an hour. It wasn't a valuable or heirloom pot, just one present from a friend and it was 'comfy'.....not fancy or 'special'.

Well welcome home Marg, even if you aren't quite your old cheery self just yet. You're entitled and so sorry for your loss. I had wondered how you were doing. I would have had you on our MIA list but I thought I saw you posting elsewhere. But I may have dreamed that too. Some of our MIA's have moved to other locations but have stayed in touch, so I know they are okay and are staying away by choice and not unintended circumstances.
That is yet one more thing which is entirely Sis' "job": I resigned as executrix because I'm about a 6-hour drive away from the lawyer, accountant, and banks - not to mention the various government offices. If I'd had to sign everything, it'd likely have slowed things down.

She already did most of the drill after Dad died, so with any luck at all this will be easier. Sometimes there are little 'extras' of angst - like trying to find parking for the courthouse......

We're having the lawyer and the accountant work out suggestions for the distribution: I don't want any of the 401K money, since I'd have to pay taxes on it at a much higher rate than Sis would and the withdrawals are *mandatory*. I can't see why we should pay the IRS and the State of NJ any more money than we can legally get away with.....
Thanks, Ringel and Foxy! I truly don't remember the past few months..... it's amazing that nothing got turned off because I forgot about the bills, etc.

I wasn't really staying away 'by choice' - that's only fun if one has the leisure to compose a suitable manifesto for one's "FU All, I'm Leaving" thread : ))

The only individuals who've motivated me in that direction are unfortunately a couple of my erstwhile 'relatives', LOL. And I promised Mom I'd 'play nice' with the rest of the family, even the couple of members who're so extremely self-centered that ......... *never-mind!*
Ringel05 and gallantwarrior
I just watched a great flick on Netflix. Name of it is My Way. In short, japanese & korean marathon rivals battle for best runner...but WWII happens. Japanese use the koreans as slave soldiers. Then the Russians battle them and both become slave soldiers to the russians. Both are caught and become german slave soldiers. Then the americans show up. I won't say any more. But dayum...what a ride! Loved it.
Subtitled because its in Japanese, korean, russian and german, lol.
So, here's a news flash for all you who think mice are wonderful, furry bundles...a friend of mine has found out that they are really the spawn of Satan. This guy travels a bit, not much as he used to, but he spends lots of time tramping hill and dell, collecting berries. He came home last week and noticed an unpleasant odor, which he tracked down to a cabinet in his kitchen. You know, one of those out-of-the-way cubbies where seldom used items are stored? He found a horrific nest of mice. They had gotten into some paper goods and fabric and gone to mouse town. He got to looking at some of the nesting material and decided to go find where it had come from. Now he finds mouse nests in his panty and most of his clothing storage, as well as some boxes of books and papers. So far, he's killed dozens and his dog has gotten almost as many mice.
Mice, unlike many other animals, will soil their nests, urinating and defecating where they also raise their young. They also leave urine trails as the run from place-to-place. At any rate, my buddy has used far less...polite words to describe his ordeal. What he's been unable to salvage, he's been cleaning. Moral of this story, mice are not nice. Although small, they can cause great damage. If you see one, there are others and they can make many more very quickly. I personally cannot stand the vermin and trap those my feral miss.

Agreed, mice are not nice. That is one of the reasons I wanted to move down off the mountain. The rodent population has exploded out there and it was almost impossible to keep the little buggers from moving into the house. We had the beautiful deer mice up there, but you still don't want to live with them. And because of the rare but possible outbreaks of Bubonic Plague and the deadly hantavirus in this area, both carried by infected rodents, it is not only aesthetically unacceptable but could be dangerous to have them in your house.

When I first got my goats, I had a dozen bags of feed neatly stacked on a pallet. I though keeping them of the ground was a good idea, it was and is. When I got to the last layer of feed, one of the bags was writhing. I picked it up and dozens of mice jumped out of it, scattering all around. Instead of 50 lbs of feed, I had almost that much mouse poop. I have a fish tote now, and of course my feral barn cats. I still have to set traps during really bad, wet weather, though. I used that feed bag as a trap, laying it out and snatching it up when I went to the barn. Then I'd take the mice in the bag as far away from the house as I could and let my dachshund "hunt" them. She's a better mouser than any of my housecats.

One of our mama Siamese cats--the best and smartest cat I have ever owned--mercy I miss her still--was the best mouser I have ever known. The few mice we got in Kansas came in apparently through or around the dryer vent but she just somehow instinctively knew when that was happening. She would crouch motionless, just the very tip of her tail twitching, a bit away from the washer dryer combo. And once the little bugger would stick out its nose, she was lightning fast and would have it. I never saw a mouse ever outside the laundry room.

Our precious dog that followed some years after the cats though, forget it. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He would chase the rabbits but they had his number and after a short sprint would just move out of the path and watch him run by. You could almost hear them snicker.
I love to watch cats hunt. I've had house cats who react to moose in the yard the same way. I wonder what they would have done had they encountered those moose...
Ringel05 and gallantwarrior
I just watched a great flick on Netflix. Name of it is My Way. In short, japanese & korean marathon rivals battle for best runner...but WWII happens. Japanese use the koreans as slave soldiers. Then the Russians battle them and both become slave soldiers to the russians. Both are caught and become german slave soldiers. Then the americans show up. I won't say any more. But dayum...what a ride! Loved it.
Subtitled because its in Japanese, korean, russian and german, lol.
I'll add it to my list. Going to the cabin solo, so I might have time. Thank you!
Ringel05 and gallantwarrior
I just watched a great flick on Netflix. Name of it is My Way. In short, japanese & korean marathon rivals battle for best runner...but WWII happens. Japanese use the koreans as slave soldiers. Then the Russians battle them and both become slave soldiers to the russians. Both are caught and become german slave soldiers. Then the americans show up. I won't say any more. But dayum...what a ride! Loved it.
Subtitled because its in Japanese, korean, russian and german, lol.
I'll add it to my list. Going to the cabin solo, so I might have time. Thank you!
It's really a good movie. All the twists and turn. is based on a true story. :)

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