USMB Coffee Shop IV

Afternoon everybody.

I have been really sick since Nov. 15th.
I threw up stomach acid around 2:00 a.m. on Sat. morning November 15th and had to go the emergency room around 4:00 am. They said I had 2nd degree burns on my esophagus - it is very, very painful as I was getting treated for that I got a really bad head cold on top of that on Monday the 17th.
I am just starting to feel human again after feeling for about a week and a half of being hit by a Mac Truck.

I'm hoping to be good by Thanksgiving for our dinner. My milk still tastes like tin foil. YUK!

Oh my, Peach. I was just about to put you on the MIA list so glad you felt well enough to update us today. What caused the burns? I'm gonna put you on the list for some TLC vibes and see if that won't speed up the healing process.
With hope that our active Jewish friends have a sense of humor, I just saw this on Facebook. With Chanukah just three weeks away, what do you think? Marketing fail of the year?

Morning, folks. Woke up at 0200 and couldn't get back to sleep again... Looks like I get to have all the coffee I want today! :coffee:

You're too young to be having those kinds of syndromes Sixfoot. But welcome to the Coffee Shop insomniacs club anyway.
Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing...........
At least I slept even though I woke up every hour and had to get up twice to pee......

Yes me too. I have been consciously trying to readjust my sleep cycle back to something approximating what the rest of the world around here does. There's no reason to not sleep when I'm sleepy or be up when I'm not sleepy, but it leaves me out of everything else. :)

I tend to go to bed too late and get up to early. I also only require about 5 or 6 hours of sleep per night for some reason. I seem to sleep fine, and normally I fall asleep right away, but I automatically wake up without any alarm after about 5 or 6 hours. I have a VERY difficult time lying in bed and trying to sleep any longer than that. :dunno: Maybe I'm just weird. Lol!

I sleep about nine hours a night left alone, often straight through.

Me too!
I do have most of my shopping done and the house cleaned good, which i like to do before i decorate..i plan on doing the tree and other decor this week.
We've spent the last few days cleaning, organizing and putting up shelving in the garage. Finally can get the new car into it, lol. That was our Christmas gift to each other a new Subaru Outback Premium in a pretty twilight blue it! Oldest daughters car went to the grave yard so she got the older Outback.

Good weekend then!

Outside lights coming up this theme, I'm not a decorator. but it'll do....
If the old cars have any life in them we usually do the same and pass them on to those who need them...

I wish I could get a car in my garage with some cleanup...but then would have to move boat outsiside...can't do that....:biggrin:

I'm eclectic in my decor..meaning whatever i like decor, lol.
Hubby has a small fishing boat but wants a bigger one. There is a space for RV's on the side of the garage we are thinking about putting up a roof shelter out there to protect a boat..maybe next spring. I enjoy fishing too and the grandkids will love it.

Would that be a sea going boat or you live near a lake?

Lakes, The highland lakes of central Texas are all within easy driving distance....Right now it's hard to find a boat launch usable because of drought on some of them because they aren't constant level..the boat is a Z7 Nitro, not huge but all I can get in my two car garage, took some careful measuring to figure that out...

Well yeah. Unless you're on the Gulf, a Texan would logically fish in the lake. But Bonita indicates Northern California. So just curious if she's on the coast or inland.

Not too many New Mexicans own boats as we have the least surface water of any of the 50 states. But those who do are passionate about them.

We have more water than land, mostly rivers and bayous. Everyone has a boat.
Good weekend then!

Outside lights coming up this theme, I'm not a decorator. but it'll do....
If the old cars have any life in them we usually do the same and pass them on to those who need them...

I wish I could get a car in my garage with some cleanup...but then would have to move boat outsiside...can't do that....:biggrin:

I'm eclectic in my decor..meaning whatever i like decor, lol.
Hubby has a small fishing boat but wants a bigger one. There is a space for RV's on the side of the garage we are thinking about putting up a roof shelter out there to protect a boat..maybe next spring. I enjoy fishing too and the grandkids will love it.

Would that be a sea going boat or you live near a lake?

Lakes, The highland lakes of central Texas are all within easy driving distance....Right now it's hard to find a boat launch usable because of drought on some of them because they aren't constant level..the boat is a Z7 Nitro, not huge but all I can get in my two car garage, took some careful measuring to figure that out...

Well yeah. Unless you're on the Gulf, a Texan would logically fish in the lake. But Bonita indicates Northern California. So just curious if she's on the coast or inland.

Not too many New Mexicans own boats as we have the least surface water of any of the 50 states. But those who do are passionate about them.

We have more water than land, mostly rivers and bayous. Everyone has a boat.
We have more land than water...... much of it vertical............. Everyone has rappelling gear and skis........ :eusa_whistle:
So, yesterday, a friend borrowed my pick-up to move a washer and drier. He seemed to be taking more time than I expected when he and his brother walked into the bar laughing.

It seems that earlier in the day, some guy with an F-150 robbed a pharmacy in the next town to the east. Johnny fit the description.
& police cars had surrounded him at a convenience store a few blocks from here and searched my truck.
One officer folded the seat forward and found a 2 pound tannerite exploding target.
They are completely inert until the 2 parts are mixed and then hit by a supersonic rifle round. The cop joked to a colleague that they were looking for a robbery suspect and found a terrorist.

I guess they still haven't found the guy because all day, cops have been following me and running my plates.
Would that be a sea going boat or you live near a lake?

Lakes, The highland lakes of central Texas are all within easy driving distance....Right now it's hard to find a boat launch usable because of drought on some of them because they aren't constant level..the boat is a Z7 Nitro, not huge but all I can get in my two car garage, took some careful measuring to figure that out...

Well yeah. Unless you're on the Gulf, a Texan would logically fish in the lake. But Bonita indicates Northern California. So just curious if she's on the coast or inland.

Not too many New Mexicans own boats as we have the least surface water of any of the 50 states. But those who do are passionate about them.

I'm having a heck of a time with the multiply reply, alert
Don't think I've ever used the multiple reply, ever. :dunno:

Probably none of the rest of us have either. But what we mean here by multi-quote, I think, are the nested quotes.
Yes. But i tried to use the quote plus another quote to answer 2 different posters at the same time and when i posted my post was not there just the 2 i quoted. I tried 3 times with the same results. It's not a big deal to me as i don't mind answering people individually. But with a fast moving discussion it is useful.
Afternoon everybody.

I have been really sick since Nov. 15th.
I threw up stomach acid around 2:00 a.m. on Sat. morning November 15th and had to go the emergency room around 4:00 am. They said I had 2nd degree burns on my esophagus - it is very, very painful as I was getting treated for that I got a really bad head cold on top of that on Monday the 17th.
I am just starting to feel human again after feeling for about a week and a half of being hit by a Mac Truck.

I'm hoping to be good by Thanksgiving for our dinner. My milk still tastes like tin foil. YUK!


Feel better!
Afternoon everybody.

I have been really sick since Nov. 15th.
I threw up stomach acid around 2:00 a.m. on Sat. morning November 15th and had to go the emergency room around 4:00 am. They said I had 2nd degree burns on my esophagus - it is very, very painful as I was getting treated for that I got a really bad head cold on top of that on Monday the 17th.
I am just starting to feel human again after feeling for about a week and a half of being hit by a Mac Truck.

I'm hoping to be good by Thanksgiving for our dinner. My milk still tastes like tin foil. YUK!
I hope you don't mind if i send you a blessing and say a prayer for your health..:eusa_pray:
So, yesterday, a friend borrowed my pick-up to move a washer and drier. He seemed to be taking more time than I expected when he and his brother walked into the bar laughing.

It seems that earlier in the day, some guy with an F-150 robbed a pharmacy in the next town to the east. Johnny fit the description.
& police cars had surrounded him at a convenience store a few blocks from here and searched my truck.
One officer folded the seat forward and found a 2 pound tannerite exploding target.
They are completely inert until the 2 parts are mixed and then hit by a supersonic rifle round. The cop joked to a colleague that they were looking for a robbery suspect and found a terrorist.

I guess they still haven't found the guy because all day, cops have been following me and running my plates.
Wear some stripped pajamas and go for a drive in the town where the pharmacy was robbed.........
Afternoon everybody.

I have been really sick since Nov. 15th.
I threw up stomach acid around 2:00 a.m. on Sat. morning November 15th and had to go the emergency room around 4:00 am. They said I had 2nd degree burns on my esophagus - it is very, very painful as I was getting treated for that I got a really bad head cold on top of that on Monday the 17th.
I am just starting to feel human again after feeling for about a week and a half of being hit by a Mac Truck.

I'm hoping to be good by Thanksgiving for our dinner. My milk still tastes like tin foil. YUK!

My gosh! That sounds terrible and painful! Hope you get well soon!
Good weekend then!

Outside lights coming up this theme, I'm not a decorator. but it'll do....
If the old cars have any life in them we usually do the same and pass them on to those who need them...

I wish I could get a car in my garage with some cleanup...but then would have to move boat outsiside...can't do that....:biggrin:

I'm eclectic in my decor..meaning whatever i like decor, lol.
Hubby has a small fishing boat but wants a bigger one. There is a space for RV's on the side of the garage we are thinking about putting up a roof shelter out there to protect a boat..maybe next spring. I enjoy fishing too and the grandkids will love it.

Would that be a sea going boat or you live near a lake?

Lakes, The highland lakes of central Texas are all within easy driving distance....Right now it's hard to find a boat launch usable because of drought on some of them because they aren't constant level..the boat is a Z7 Nitro, not huge but all I can get in my two car garage, took some careful measuring to figure that out...

Well yeah. Unless you're on the Gulf, a Texan would logically fish in the lake. But Bonita indicates Northern California. So just curious if she's on the coast or inland.

Not too many New Mexicans own boats as we have the least surface water of any of the 50 states. But those who do are passionate about them.

We have more water than land, mostly rivers and bayous. Everyone has a boat.

That must be pretty cool.
So, yesterday, a friend borrowed my pick-up to move a washer and drier. He seemed to be taking more time than I expected when he and his brother walked into the bar laughing.

It seems that earlier in the day, some guy with an F-150 robbed a pharmacy in the next town to the east. Johnny fit the description.
& police cars had surrounded him at a convenience store a few blocks from here and searched my truck.
One officer folded the seat forward and found a 2 pound tannerite exploding target.
They are completely inert until the 2 parts are mixed and then hit by a supersonic rifle round. The cop joked to a colleague that they were looking for a robbery suspect and found a terrorist.

I guess they still haven't found the guy because all day, cops have been following me and running my plates.
Act suspicious, Ernie. Lead them on a wild goose chase. I'll send you a carton of cigarettes.
peach, I hope you are improving dramatically every day. Sounds terrible.

Thank you Jake and yes it is.
I have not been this sick for about 20 years. It's awful but I am getting better. :)
I feel your pain, peach174 . I've had Barretts Esophagus for about 10 years and learned last week it's in a pre-cancerous condition. On Dec 11th the doc is doing a laser treatment on it and he said it will be cured for a while. Too many years with reflux and I was put on Nexium 5 years ago. Wish I had been aware years ago. Good luck to you.
In advance of our family T'giving reunion, I've been watching some old VHS videos that I burned to DVD.
One is from when my son was HIS son's age (1 yr old). Hilarious stuff.

The only thing we have is some old movie film.....not easy to burn to DVD. I wish we had the VHS tape.

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