USMB Coffee Shop IV

peach, I hope you are improving dramatically every day. Sounds terrible.

Thank you Jake and yes it is.
I have not been this sick for about 20 years. It's awful but I am getting better. :)

Ouch, what caused the problem? That sounds like really bad reflux to me, I've sometimes come close to throwing up because of mucus buildup from reflux, and I can easily imagine if I did finally reach that point that it might have a lot of acid in it.

I don't know yet. I have a Docs apt next week and guess we will go from there about it.
I have never had this problem before in my life so I don't know anything about it yet. I only had it on that Sat. morning and have not had it happen since then so I will see what the doc says next week.
Maybe I drink too much grapefruit juice in the mornings. :)
I hope and pray that it is not a very serious problem and that it will never happen again. It is very painful.

I never had reflux in my life until it hit me WHAM one day about ten years ago. I never know for sure what will set it off but it is extremely unpleasant and painful, yes, and it can make me sick as a dog. But an OTC Prilosec (omeprazole) in the morning pretty well takes care of it. Nexium is now OTC I understand and is a bit stronger than omeprazole--and the prescription meds are a bit stronger yet and most insurance will pay for it.
peach, I hope you are improving dramatically every day. Sounds terrible.

Thank you Jake and yes it is.
I have not been this sick for about 20 years. It's awful but I am getting better. :)

Ouch, what caused the problem? That sounds like really bad reflux to me, I've sometimes come close to throwing up because of mucus buildup from reflux, and I can easily imagine if I did finally reach that point that it might have a lot of acid in it.

I don't know yet. I have a Docs apt next week and guess we will go from there about it.
I have never had this problem before in my life so I don't know anything about it yet. I only had it on that Sat. morning and have not had it happen since then so I will see what the doc says next week.
Maybe I drink too much grapefruit juice in the mornings. :)
I hope and pray that it is not a very serious problem and that it will never happen again. It is very painful.

I never had reflux in my life until it hit me WHAM one day about ten years ago. I never know for sure what will set it off but it is extremely unpleasant and painful, yes, and it can make me sick as a dog. But an OTC Prilosec (omeprazole) in the morning pretty well takes care of it. Nexium is now OTC I understand and is a bit stronger than omeprazole--and the prescription meds are a bit stronger yet and most insurance will pay for it.

I don't know if it is related to my really bad head cold or not.
I had a temp between 102 and 103 was really stuffed up, could not hear for about 6 days it was one of those doozies of a really bad head cold.
I had to breath through my mouth and that made it even more painful for my throat.
The emergency room gave me this thick syrup type liquid like cough syrup but it wasn't and it had codeine in it which helped with the pain.
My throat got better in about 4 days but my head cold really took a toll on me.
peach, I hope you are improving dramatically every day. Sounds terrible.

Thank you Jake and yes it is.
I have not been this sick for about 20 years. It's awful but I am getting better. :)

Ouch, what caused the problem? That sounds like really bad reflux to me, I've sometimes come close to throwing up because of mucus buildup from reflux, and I can easily imagine if I did finally reach that point that it might have a lot of acid in it.

I don't know yet. I have a Docs apt next week and guess we will go from there about it.
I have never had this problem before in my life so I don't know anything about it yet. I only had it on that Sat. morning and have not had it happen since then so I will see what the doc says next week.
Maybe I drink too much grapefruit juice in the mornings. :)
I hope and pray that it is not a very serious problem and that it will never happen again. It is very painful.
Glad you're feeling better, Angel.
Wolves that were reintroduced in Minnesota have done pretty well. They are truly beautiful animals. Sorry to hear about the New Mexico experience.

They are doing very well. The international wolf center in Ely has a pack and they have a cam that sometimes you can see them at if you watch at the right time: Wolf Cams International Wolf Center

I heard them howling years ago when I took a canoe trip up to the BWCA. There is just nothing quite like it.

I'd have to ask them..."No liquor? what explains the hats

LOL. Okay, that was good. :)

Hope the day finds you all well and fit, ready for the eating marathon about about to take the first year in quite a while I won't be frying a Turkey..feels odd to let a tradition lapse on such a day...

Well, frying a turkey has never become a tradition at our house as I have never done that in my lifetime. I have eaten fried turkey I think twice just because it was brought to a potluck dinner. But I did consider having a non-traditional (sans turkey) Thanksgiving dinner this year. But my aunt picked up a freebie 16-pounder at the grocery store last week and insisted that I take it. (She and my uncle will be at our table for Thanksgiving dinner.) So......I'll put the bird in the oven early Thursday morning.

Right now the planned menu is very traditional:

Roast turkey
Green bean casserole
Sweet potato souffle
Lime/pineapple salad
Strawberry salad
Cranberry sauce
Pumpkin Pie
Whipped cream

All washed down with copious amounts of peach tea.

I'd have to ask them..."No liquor? what explains the hats

LOL. Okay, that was good. :)

Hope the day finds you all well and fit, ready for the eating marathon about about to take the first year in quite a while I won't be frying a Turkey..feels odd to let a tradition lapse on such a day...

Well, frying a turkey has never become a tradition at our house as I have never done that in my lifetime. I have eaten fried turkey I think twice just because it was brought to a potluck dinner. But I did consider having a non-traditional (sans turkey) Thanksgiving dinner this year. But my aunt picked up a freebie 16-pounder at the grocery store last week and insisted that I take it. (She and my uncle will be at our table for Thanksgiving dinner.) So......I'll put the bird in the oven early Thursday morning.

Right now the planned menu is very traditional:

Roast turkey
Green bean casserole
Sweet potato souffle
Lime/pineapple salad
Strawberry salad
Cranberry sauce
Pumpkin Pie
Whipped cream

All washed down with copious amounts of peach tea.
You forgot the grits. Again.

I'd have to ask them..."No liquor? what explains the hats

LOL. Okay, that was good. :)

Hope the day finds you all well and fit, ready for the eating marathon about about to take the first year in quite a while I won't be frying a Turkey..feels odd to let a tradition lapse on such a day...

Well, frying a turkey has never become a tradition at our house as I have never done that in my lifetime. I have eaten fried turkey I think twice just because it was brought to a potluck dinner. But I did consider having a non-traditional (sans turkey) Thanksgiving dinner this year. But my aunt picked up a freebie 16-pounder at the grocery store last week and insisted that I take it. (She and my uncle will be at our table for Thanksgiving dinner.) So......I'll put the bird in the oven early Thursday morning.

Right now the planned menu is very traditional:

Roast turkey
Green bean casserole
Sweet potato souffle
Lime/pineapple salad
Strawberry salad
Cranberry sauce
Pumpkin Pie
Whipped cream

All washed down with copious amounts of peach tea.

My father in law was a preacher after he retired from the Army, his first church was New Iberia, La, they love fried Turkey, he showed me how to do it one Thanksgiving, since then that was my job frying one Turkey and Smoking another, someone else did the Oven roasted......mmmmm good stuff... He said it was like a foreign country there but he loved it...
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I'd have to ask them..."No liquor? what explains the hats

LOL. Okay, that was good. :)

Hope the day finds you all well and fit, ready for the eating marathon about about to take the first year in quite a while I won't be frying a Turkey..feels odd to let a tradition lapse on such a day...

Well, frying a turkey has never become a tradition at our house as I have never done that in my lifetime. I have eaten fried turkey I think twice just because it was brought to a potluck dinner. But I did consider having a non-traditional (sans turkey) Thanksgiving dinner this year. But my aunt picked up a freebie 16-pounder at the grocery store last week and insisted that I take it. (She and my uncle will be at our table for Thanksgiving dinner.) So......I'll put the bird in the oven early Thursday morning.

Right now the planned menu is very traditional:

Roast turkey
Green bean casserole
Sweet potato souffle
Lime/pineapple salad
Strawberry salad
Cranberry sauce
Pumpkin Pie
Whipped cream

All washed down with copious amounts of peach tea.
You forgot the grits. Again.

Never. But around here, grits are breakfast food. :)

I'd have to ask them..."No liquor? what explains the hats

LOL. Okay, that was good. :)

Hope the day finds you all well and fit, ready for the eating marathon about about to take the first year in quite a while I won't be frying a Turkey..feels odd to let a tradition lapse on such a day...

Well, frying a turkey has never become a tradition at our house as I have never done that in my lifetime. I have eaten fried turkey I think twice just because it was brought to a potluck dinner. But I did consider having a non-traditional (sans turkey) Thanksgiving dinner this year. But my aunt picked up a freebie 16-pounder at the grocery store last week and insisted that I take it. (She and my uncle will be at our table for Thanksgiving dinner.) So......I'll put the bird in the oven early Thursday morning.

Right now the planned menu is very traditional:

Roast turkey
Green bean casserole
Sweet potato souffle
Lime/pineapple salad
Strawberry salad
Cranberry sauce
Pumpkin Pie
Whipped cream

All washed down with copious amounts of peach tea.

My father in law was a preacher after he retired from the Army, his first church was New Iberia, La, the love fried Turkey, he showed me how to do it one Thanksgiving, since then that was my job frying one Turkey and Smoking another, someone else did the Oven roasted......mmmmm good stuff... He said it was like a foreign country there but he loved it...

I've not seen it done. How big a turkey? What do you fry it in? With what heat source? How do you know it is done?
Not big on Turkey although Constantinople is nice.......
We prefer ham or if we're lazy and one is nearby, Boston Market for a whole chicken meal......

I LOVE Boston Market Chicken!!!!

My mom is making two small turkeys, but I'd prefer chicken any day of the week...I've never tried Boston Market.

I usually choose chicken over turkey too, as would Hombre, but we have some major league turkey lovers in the family who will be here for Thanksgiving. Remember the scene in "Christmas Story" where the dad was the all time turkey lover? They're like that.

And Boston Market's rotisserie chicken is unlike any I've ever had--not the frozen store thing, but hot out of the oven at the restaurant. Most flavorful, tender, just awesome.

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