USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning all. I'm looking at the MSN weather conditions for Albuquerque at this hour as mid 30's, sunny and clear. I'm looking outside at all cloudy skies with an occasional rain drop? We're looking for maybe measurable rain moving in from southern California by tomorrow and Tuesday, but it will probably remain too cold for snow anywhere other than the higher mountains. We sure need the snow there though.

We'll be leaving for the early church service in a few minutes and then probably to brunch. But we'll have to be back in time for the Cowboys Packers game so ya'll all have a great Sunday and we'll catch you later.

Cannot wait for this game. :thup: May the best team win.

Which of course is the Cowboys. :)

Well, it was a good close game anyway. These playoff games have been pretty exciting, IMO. :)

Yes. I still got my win because I had Dallas and 6 points. :) But I did want the Boys to win. All week we've been hearing how the Cowboys got this far due to a controversial call that went against the Lions last week, and today Dallas lost over what will surely be discussed in the coming week as a really controversial call. I had to smile when I heard that Detroit had tweeted: "We know how they feel." (The Cowboys are also being roasted by Detroit fans who are using the word 'karma' a lot. :))
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I have Denver in the Broncos/Colts game and the chances are really good that the Colts will win. But I think everybody else in my pick-ems group picked Denver too. :)
Good morning all. I'm looking at the MSN weather conditions for Albuquerque at this hour as mid 30's, sunny and clear. I'm looking outside at all cloudy skies with an occasional rain drop? We're looking for maybe measurable rain moving in from southern California by tomorrow and Tuesday, but it will probably remain too cold for snow anywhere other than the higher mountains. We sure need the snow there though.

We'll be leaving for the early church service in a few minutes and then probably to brunch. But we'll have to be back in time for the Cowboys Packers game so ya'll all have a great Sunday and we'll catch you later.

Cannot wait for this game. :thup: May the best team win.

Which of course is the Cowboys. :)

Well, it was a good close game anyway. These playoff games have been pretty exciting, IMO. :)

Yes. I still got my win because I had Dallas and 6 points. :) But I did want the Boys to win. All week we've been hearing how the Cowboys got this far due to a controversial call that went against the Lions last week, and today Dallas lost over what will surely be discussed in the coming week as a really controversail call. I had to smile when I heard that Detroit had tweeted: "We know how they feel." (The Cowboys are also being roasted by Detroit fans who are using the word 'karma' a lot. :))

Lol! It was a controversial call. He didn't have control of the ball the whole time, but he did regain control of the ball, IMO. I'm sure plenty of others would argue that point though. :lol:

Well good for you! :) Congrats! :beer:
I have Denver in the Broncos/Colts game and the chances are really good that the Colts will win. But I think everybody else in my pick-ems group picked Denver too. :)

Pats will be playing one of those guys next! :D I guess it doesn't really matter which one. I think they are both about equally as good, but neither as good as the Patriots. :razz:
I felt sorry for the Dallas player who thought he had caught the ball on the goal line, only to have the refs reverse it. What a heart breaker. That play could have changed the outcome of the game!

You mean like the two calls against Detroit last week that DID change the game. Sucks to be Dallas without the refs on your side.
I felt sorry for the Dallas player who thought he had caught the ball on the goal line, only to have the refs reverse it. What a heart breaker. That play could have changed the outcome of the game!

You mean like the two calls against Detroit last week that DID change the game. Sucks to be Dallas without the refs on your side.

Well, don't get me wrong. I'm not a Dallas fan and I love to make fun of Tony Romo. Lol, but I just felt sorry for that individual player. He looked so upset, and I couldn't blame him.
I missed the game today, couldn't bring myself to even watch Dallas play. Contact rules are so crazy these days, the refs do have a tougher job. Although some plays are just plain easy calls and picking up a flag without a review is just plain wrong.
One of my New Years resolutions was to get fitter and boost my endurance, to help me with my karate. From now on, my gradings will be longer and harder, and more will be expected of me. I was told last year I needed to strengthen my legs in order to stretch out my stances, and also to train my knees to position themselves correctly (my kneecaps are on an inward 45 degree angle) so this I decided that more work at the gym was required.

The last two weeks alone, I have walked (at an average pace of 6kmph) over 20km on the treadmill. Have done at least 10km on the bike, and have been lifting, pulling, and pushing weights (arms and legs) like a madwoman. My legs have gotten stronger already, due to regular gym visits (as well as karate) on average three times a week.

Haven't been able to do anything with my arms for a good ten days so far, as last time I used the weights, I pulled or slightly tore a muscle, and have had to be patient while it healed. Today I tried the weights again, set them as low as possible, and did a few gentle chest presses. Managed about 20 before my shoulder started to hurt so I stopped. A huge improvement, though - can only get better from here! The most important thing is to be patient - and not to overdo it as that would be a setback for sure.

Things are looking good so far. :)
Sounds like you have a plan Noomi. We've been on your journey for a long time and I'm looking forward to seeing that photo of you in that black belt.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max and Mrs. Ernie,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
The BBDs and Jingles,
Gracie's Moki,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Good morning. Coffee sure does make a Monday morning easy to handle. Got to go to Rockford to run some errands. Hope everybody has a zippy doo dah day.

Thanks BBD. Hope your day ends with a good sense of accomplishment. I don't know about you, but I love getting things behind me, so I can more ahead without dread. :lol:
Good morning everybody. A seasonal 32 degrees at our house and overcast again. We were forecast for a good chance for rain today but they just put us under a winter storm warning for heavy snow so I'm not too optimistic that we'll get much of anything. Oh me of little faith.

Anyhow the coffee is good. Today is pick up everything in the house that should be thrown away day. And I may get to some bookkeeping and other tasks I've been putting off. We'll see how it goes.

Sending out good vibes for a good Monday for all.
My ex MIL had a wire closet shelf that was overloaded and decided to use the problem to solve another one. She asked me to find heavier grade shelves and expand the whole project. I discovered the kit was a better value than buying individual parts, so I ordered it online and it was shipped to her house free. Got a few extra needed parts too.

It got to her house pretty fast, but when I got all the studs located and box unloaded, I found it was missing 8 main parts. Had to make a 40 mile round trip to get a replacement kit. We opened the box in the store to check for all the parts.

The trip caused me to get behind Sunday, so I finshed it up during a long lunch today. Had to make a second trip early this morning for a few parts and a return. Had to improvise a hanger bar connector in the plumbing department. You would think Closetmaid could pack a box and develop some basic parts. Home Depot was great in assisting me in my trials.
Snowed over night about three inches. I am behind on that job and it is going down to 2 degrees tonight. Any guesses when I most likely will have time to shovel?
My ex MIL had a wire closet shelf that was overloaded and decided to use the problem to solve another one. She asked me to find heavier grade shelves and expand the whole project. I discovered the kit was a better value than buying individual parts, so I ordered it online and it was shipped to her house free. Got a few extra needed parts too.

It got to her house pretty fast, but when I got all the studs located and box unloaded, I found it was missing 8 main parts. Had to make a 40 mile round trip to get a replacement kit. We opened the box in the store to check for all the parts.

The trip caused me to get behind Sunday, so I finshed it up during a long lunch today. Had to make a second trip early this morning for a few parts and a return. Had to improvise a hanger bar connector in the plumbing department. You would think Closetmaid could pack a box and develop some basic parts. Home Depot was great in assisting me in my trials.

Not all men would be so eager to help their MIL, but you're assisting your EX MIL...that's impressive.

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