USMB Coffee Shop IV

Leaving to go to my buddy, the vet, office to bring Jingles home in a few minutes. She had pancreatitis and he will be sending her home with a handful of meds and a special diet. She should recover just fine he said.
Good luck, BBD. I've had a few buddies who lost fur-fam to pancreatitis. It can go a while, but is always fatal.

It is serious yes, but I disagree it is always fatal GW. Veterinary medicine has come a long way in just the last 10 years and I know several folks whose dogs had a Pancreatitis attack once time, went on a regime of meds and controlled diet, and never had another. So I think it is safe to say it isn't curable, but it is manageable and not always fatal in both humans and dogs.

Um Noomi, this was for fun yes?

Of course haha! A mate of mine posted it on Facebook and I got a laugh out of it. :)

Okay. I figured that but had to check to make sure. :) ((hugs))
Well the evening passed fairly quickly and morning will come earlier than usual if we get up in time for the early church service. So I'm calling it a day.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max and Mrs. Ernie,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
The BBDs and Jingles,
Gracie's Moki,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Late night and early morning... Coffee sure is good today! Up and dressed and will be leaving for Mass in about an hour. Had a grand time last night, and no, my suit isn't two sizes too small! Perfect fit. It was a very nice evening and the meal, symphony and the short stop for some late night munchies all turned out really nice. If you are a fan of John Williams, you would have enjoyed the symphony last night. It was all John Williams music scores form some of his movies. Boy, those folks who play in the Symphony sure know their way around their various instruments. I would not at all be surprised if I doze a bit during the Packer/Dallas game today. I figure it should be a good game. I think both teams are pretty evenly matched up. As much as I would like to see the Packers win, I think the game really could go either way. Jingles is doing really well this morning and is more like her old self. I am certain that she feels much better. Well, hope everybody has a great Sunday.
Good morning all. I'm looking at the MSN weather conditions for Albuquerque at this hour as mid 30's, sunny and clear. I'm looking outside at all cloudy skies with an occasional rain drop? We're looking for maybe measurable rain moving in from southern California by tomorrow and Tuesday, but it will probably remain too warm for snow anywhere other than the higher mountains. We sure need the snow there though.

We'll be leaving for the early church service in a few minutes and then probably to brunch. But we'll have to be back in time for the Cowboys Packers game so ya'll all have a great Sunday and we'll catch you later.
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Discussing how to clean, season and re-season cast iron cookware (among other things) on the muzzelloading forum, the general consensus is cooking cornbread in cast iron keeps it well seasoned..... I'm catching hell because I hate cornbread........ :lol:

How can any red blooded born and bred American hate cornbread???? (It isn't my favorite or my first choice either, but it does have its purposes. You can't have pinto beans without cornbread. And cornbread dressing for the turkey is the absolute best.)

I love cornbread. I can see where people could hate it, if they have some with sugar in it. ( can we say cake? )Sugar has no place in the best cornbread, baked at high temps in a cast iron skillet for about 25 minutes using white cornmeal, turning only once, to brown the bottom and make it crusty and crunchy, in those lovely bacon drippings of about one or two tablespoons. :thup: Golden brown on top and crunchy on bottom. Butter in- between . To die for, :lol:

I can actually enjoy the sweet cornbread if the texture and seasonings are right, but I prefer good unsweetened cornbread. We do generally use the yellow cornmeal though as that is preferred by most who sit at our table. I do agree that you need that slight crunch on the bottom meaning you do need to cook it in a very hot preheated cast iron skillet or pan--and again it is important not to overbake it or it will be too dry.

I think those who think they don't like cornbread have never had really good cornbread. :)

Here is how you make the bottom crust, crunchy, while leaving the cornbread with the perfect texture. It is a no-fail system handed down by great grandma.

We will presume the cornbread has been baking at 425 or 450° for 20 minutes. We then quickly pull out that middle rack it is on- place a full sized round dinner plate over the top of the cornbread- flip the cornbread upside down-onto the plate- then slide the cornbread back into the cast iron skillet, upside down and bake another 5 or 10 minutes. Presto! The perfectly textured cornbread. This is soul food and I was reared on it, being brought up in the southernmost region of a Midwestern state. All things southern, including manners. :)
Good morning all. I'm looking at the MSN weather conditions for Albuquerque at this hour as mid 30's, sunny and clear. I'm looking outside at all cloudy skies with an occasional rain drop? We're looking for maybe measurable rain moving in from southern California by tomorrow and Tuesday, but it will probably remain too cold for snow anywhere other than the higher mountains. We sure need the snow there though.

We'll be leaving for the early church service in a few minutes and then probably to brunch. But we'll have to be back in time for the Cowboys Packers game so ya'll all have a great Sunday and we'll catch you later.

Cannot wait for this game. :thup: May the best team win.
Leaving to go to my buddy, the vet, office to bring Jingles home in a few minutes. She had pancreatitis and he will be sending her home with a handful of meds and a special diet. She should recover just fine he said.
Good luck, BBD. I've had a few buddies who lost fur-fam to pancreatitis. It can go a while, but is always fatal.

As is life. ^^^^^^^
Good morning all. I'm looking at the MSN weather conditions for Albuquerque at this hour as mid 30's, sunny and clear. I'm looking outside at all cloudy skies with an occasional rain drop? We're looking for maybe measurable rain moving in from southern California by tomorrow and Tuesday, but it will probably remain too cold for snow anywhere other than the higher mountains. We sure need the snow there though.

We'll be leaving for the early church service in a few minutes and then probably to brunch. But we'll have to be back in time for the Cowboys Packers game so ya'll all have a great Sunday and we'll catch you later.

Cannot wait for this game. :thup: May the best team win.

Which of course is the Cowboys. :)
I'm happy that Green Bay won the game BUT I don't believe they should have been playing Rodgers. I strongly disagree with playing the game with players that you know are hurt. It's not right.
Leaving to go to my buddy, the vet, office to bring Jingles home in a few minutes. She had pancreatitis and he will be sending her home with a handful of meds and a special diet. She should recover just fine he said.
Good luck, BBD. I've had a few buddies who lost fur-fam to pancreatitis. It can go a while, but is always fatal.

No it isn't not like it used to be.
They have great drugs now that work great.
My Cat Rusty had pancreatitis when he was a kitten. They said he would not live a very long life. The drugs worked back then and that was way back in 1985.
Guess What?
He died when he was 19 years old.
Good morning all. I'm looking at the MSN weather conditions for Albuquerque at this hour as mid 30's, sunny and clear. I'm looking outside at all cloudy skies with an occasional rain drop? We're looking for maybe measurable rain moving in from southern California by tomorrow and Tuesday, but it will probably remain too cold for snow anywhere other than the higher mountains. We sure need the snow there though.

We'll be leaving for the early church service in a few minutes and then probably to brunch. But we'll have to be back in time for the Cowboys Packers game so ya'll all have a great Sunday and we'll catch you later.

Cannot wait for this game. :thup: May the best team win.

Which of course is the Cowboys. :)

Well, it was a good close game anyway. These playoff games have been pretty exciting, IMO. :)
I felt sorry for the Dallas player who thought he had caught the ball on the goal line, only to have the refs reverse it. What a heart breaker. That play could have changed the outcome of the game!

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