USMB Coffee Shop IV

I just saw the worst commercial ever...I can't watch or listen to people gagging without joining in.:(

Discussing how to clean, season and re-season cast iron cookware (among other things) on the muzzelloading forum, the general consensus is cooking cornbread in cast iron keeps it well seasoned..... I'm catching hell because I hate cornbread........ :lol:

For Christmas, my mom requested an 8-inch cast iron skillet specifically to make cornbread. I'm not a huge fan...I'd rather have a flaky biscuit or sweet Hawaiian roll.

I am quite a connoisseur when it comes to cornbread--I could be a judge at the county fair. . . .and for some cuisines, nothing else is quite appropriate. I would choose cornbread over the biscuit. But given a choice between a serving of cornbread and the sweet Hawaiian roll? I'd go for the roll or almost any fresh bread less heavy than cornbread. :)
Went out back to indulge in my bad habit. Gizmo the kitty comes running up to the door and zips right in when I open it heading straight to the food, go figure.

I would have a couple of concerns with a cat coming in and out of my house...bringing in unwanted things like fleas/ticks and/or passing on something to my indoor cats. Also, if s/he isn't spayed or neutered, it could mean a litter of kittens or the horrible stench of a male marking his territory.
She's pretty clean, haven't found and critters on her or any signs of worms, I've checked. She'll want to go back out in the morning but will be back in a day or two, when she does I'm taking her to the vet to have her checked out and see if she has a chip. Hell as good as she looks they may already know her.
I just saw the worst commercial ever...I can't watch or listen to people gagging without joining in.:(

I have a pretty strong stomach, but I'm with you re the gag reflex. That scene in "Titanic" where Jack is teaching Rose how to spit? I have to leave the room. I don't do much better in "Apollo 13" when Fred Haise starts throwing up in the command module.
Okay everybody. Here's one for a mental workout:


Math is not my strongest subject, and I don't enjoy looking for patterns...but I impressed myself with this one, and recognized it in less than 10 seconds.:thanks:

Took me quite a bit longer than 10 seconds but I did get it.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max and Mrs. Ernie,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
The BBDs and Jingles,
Gracie's Moki,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Discussing how to clean, season and re-season cast iron cookware (among other things) on the muzzelloading forum, the general consensus is cooking cornbread in cast iron keeps it well seasoned..... I'm catching hell because I hate cornbread........ :lol:

For Christmas, my mom requested an 8-inch cast iron skillet specifically to make cornbread. I'm not a huge fan...I'd rather have a flaky biscuit or sweet Hawaiian roll.

I love cornbread in a cast iron pan. I've found that the type of cornmeal you use is VERY important. Some of them are very bland. You an also add other flavors to your cornbread. I like to add scallions to it sometimes. That's really good. :)
Good morning everybody. Overcast and wintry looking outside though if we get any precip out of the next round of storms, it isn't supposed to happen until Monday and Tuesday. I got tickled when I first checked the weather this morning and MSN advised me that we are sunny and clear here. :)
Good morning folks. I was supposed to help my brother move today but since it so cold it has been postponed until tomorrow. That means I am going to play board games all day. Yay!
Discussing how to clean, season and re-season cast iron cookware (among other things) on the muzzelloading forum, the general consensus is cooking cornbread in cast iron keeps it well seasoned..... I'm catching hell because I hate cornbread........ :lol:

How can any red blooded born and bred American hate cornbread???? (It isn't my favorite or my first choice either, but it does have its purposes. You can't have pinto beans without cornbread. And cornbread dressing for the turkey is the absolute best.)

I love cornbread. I can see where people could hate it, if they have some with sugar in it. ( can we say cake? )Sugar has no place in the best cornbread, baked at high temps in a cast iron skillet for about 25 minutes using white cornmeal, turning only once, to brown the bottom and make it crusty and crunchy, in those lovely bacon drippings of about one or two tablespoons. :thup: Golden brown on top and crunchy on bottom. Butter in- between . To die for, :lol:
Yesterday I delivered the Meals on Wheels to a couple dozen residents. Never done it before. It was a a lot of fun.

That was very charitable of you, H. The second happiest group of people are those who volunteer. The first? Those who work for compensation.

I have usually combined both. :thup: Probably what keeps my attitude in a good place.
Discussing how to clean, season and re-season cast iron cookware (among other things) on the muzzelloading forum, the general consensus is cooking cornbread in cast iron keeps it well seasoned..... I'm catching hell because I hate cornbread........ :lol:

How can any red blooded born and bred American hate cornbread???? (It isn't my favorite or my first choice either, but it does have its purposes. You can't have pinto beans without cornbread. And cornbread dressing for the turkey is the absolute best.)

I love cornbread. I can see where people could hate it, if they have some with sugar in it. ( can we say cake? )Sugar has no place in the best cornbread, baked at high temps in a cast iron skillet for about 25 minutes using white cornmeal, turning only once, to brown the bottom and make it crusty and crunchy, in those lovely bacon drippings of about one or two tablespoons. :thup: Golden brown on top and crunchy on bottom. Butter in- between . To die for, :lol:

I can actually enjoy the sweet cornbread if the texture and seasonings are right, but I prefer good unsweetened cornbread. We do generally use the yellow cornmeal though as that is preferred by most who sit at our table. I do agree that you need that slight crunch on the bottom meaning you do need to cook it in a very hot preheated cast iron skillet or pan--and again it is important not to overbake it or it will be too dry.

I think those who think they don't like cornbread have never had really good cornbread. :)

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