USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hombre and I both like a cold bedroom for sleeping, summer and winter. I do not sleep well when it is too warm and anything over 60 is too warm for me. It is miserable sometimes on over night visits with folks when they keep their houses much warmer at night than we do. That is wierd too when I am bundled up all winter when I am up and sometimes have to put on a sweater when the swamp cooler is running comfortably for Hombre in the summer. Oh well. I never claimed not to be weird

Enjoying coffee and thinking about what we should have for breakfast.
Room temperature is 68 degrees, period. At 70, the covers come off and I sweat. At 66, I have 3 comforters, a sweater, socks and sweat pants on and the blankets are pulled up over my head.

What happens at 76? :eusa_whistle:
I vaporize.

Actually, I can work outside at 100, but have to get into AC every couple hours. Have had heat stroke. NOT fun!
I prefer to work in the high 80s and well into the 90s. Landscaping has taken me from 104 to -15.
Hello all, hope the weather has been treating you kindly. Its summer here but you wouldn't know it - we have gone from a top of 38 degrees C (somewhere around 100F for you guys) and hot, dry weather, down to about 25 degrees and major storms and flooding, with more rain and flooding expected. Parts of my town are washed out and my parents are outside working to repair the damage to our front yard.

I drove through one town yesterday afternoon, and within a half hour, it had completely flooded. Unbelievable - the rain came down so quickly and turned the whole town into a swimming pool.

Other than that, things are good - take care, everyone!
Well, the weather is a bit better here today. It's above 0 and no wind today. Supposed to get into the teens and then into the 20's tomorrow. I'm ready for a little warm up. Things not so good here today. Jingles, my oldest beagle, is not feeling well. She has been on the decline for some time now and I'm afraid she is near the end. Taking her in for a visit with my buddy, the vet, around 11:00 a.m. today. She's very wobbly and unstable on her feet. She acts as though she may have had a stroke or something. Will see what the vet has to say later today. She's a grand old girl and I'd sure hate to loose her but she's been declining for some time now and I'm afraid she's near the end.
Ain't none of us gettin' any younger. Hope she's had a good, long, loving run, BBD. (Lost an 18-yr-old a week before Christmas myself.)
Foxfyre can you add Moki again for the list? Poor guy has sundowners (nice word for alzheimer) and is having a kinda rough time at night. We have tried meds, to no avail. He is very anxious at nighttime so the vet wants us to start him on xanax..which I am hesitant to do. I tried melatonin last night...and it didn't make him sleep better. Did for us, but not for him. Tonight, I am going to try it one more time...3mgs since he weighs 32 lbs and that is the dosage according to the pharmacist for a dog of that weight...and if it is still not working, THEN I will try the xanax. Or maybe Rescue Remedy or something similar. I just hate to have him on xanax if I can avoid it.
Anyway...he is healthy otherwise..except still having that damn cancer in him although a slow growing one. Right now, it is the Sundowners I am trying to help him get thru. And us, too.
Crossing my hooks that you can bring Sundowner's issues under control, Gracie.
Hello all, hope the weather has been treating you kindly. Its summer here but you wouldn't know it - we have gone from a top of 38 degrees C (somewhere around 100F for you guys) and hot, dry weather, down to about 25 degrees and major storms and flooding, with more rain and flooding expected. Parts of my town are washed out and my parents are outside working to repair the damage to our front yard.

I drove through one town yesterday afternoon, and within a half hour, it had completely flooded. Unbelievable - the rain came down so quickly and turned the whole town into a swimming pool.

Other than that, things are good - take care, everyone!

Hey Noomi. Glad you stopped by. Seems like this time of last year you guys were having major fires just about everywhere. So this year it is floods. Maybe next year you'll have the exact right balance. :)
Hello all, hope the weather has been treating you kindly. Its summer here but you wouldn't know it - we have gone from a top of 38 degrees C (somewhere around 100F for you guys) and hot, dry weather, down to about 25 degrees and major storms and flooding, with more rain and flooding expected. Parts of my town are washed out and my parents are outside working to repair the damage to our front yard.

I drove through one town yesterday afternoon, and within a half hour, it had completely flooded. Unbelievable - the rain came down so quickly and turned the whole town into a swimming pool.

Other than that, things are good - take care, everyone!
Might want to check into renting SCUBA gear...... just in case......
Good to hear you're doing fine. :thup:
Okay everybody. Here's one for a mental workout:

Discussing how to clean, season and re-season cast iron cookware (among other things) on the muzzelloading forum, the general consensus is cooking cornbread in cast iron keeps it well seasoned..... I'm catching hell because I hate cornbread........ :lol:

For Christmas, my mom requested an 8-inch cast iron skillet specifically to make cornbread. I'm not a huge fan...I'd rather have a flaky biscuit or sweet Hawaiian roll.
Okay everybody. Here's one for a mental workout:


Math is not my strongest subject, and I don't enjoy looking for patterns...but I impressed myself with this one, and recognized it in less than 10 seconds.:thanks:
Better than me, not only is math not my strongest subject I occasionally have difficulty adding 2 + 2...........
As for the puzzle, I haven't a clue.
Discussing how to clean, season and re-season cast iron cookware (among other things) on the muzzelloading forum, the general consensus is cooking cornbread in cast iron keeps it well seasoned..... I'm catching hell because I hate cornbread........ :lol:

For Christmas, my mom requested an 8-inch cast iron skillet specifically to make cornbread. I'm not a huge fan...I'd rather have a flaky biscuit or sweet Hawaiian roll.
The best place to get cast iron cookware is thrift stores and junk stores. The main two things ya have to watch out for is lots of deep rust and if the pot/pan was used to melt lead in. The way to test for lead is a simple lead testing kit found at almost any paint store.
Even if the pot/pan looks "crusty" it's pretty easy to clean, just put the item in the oven, run the oven on clean, when the clean cycle is done the old rust and crud simply falls off the pot/pan. Wash good and re-season.
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Went out back to indulge in my bad habit. Gizmo the kitty comes running up to the door and zips right in when I open it heading straight to the food, go figure.
Went out back to indulge in my bad habit. Gizmo the kitty comes running up to the door and zips right in when I open it heading straight to the food, go figure.

I would have a couple of concerns with a cat coming in and out of my house...bringing in unwanted things like fleas/ticks and/or passing on something to my indoor cats. Also, if s/he isn't spayed or neutered, it could mean a litter of kittens or the horrible stench of a male marking his territory.

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