USMB Coffee Shop IV

OK now! Finally some encouraging news about my partner Max. He had a bone biopsy done several days ago. They collected bone and marrow samples and a tissue sample at the site of the infection. Wound cultures came back negative and we should have the bone cultures back today. There was a bit of high fives and back slapping going on, but I'm reserving full party mode for this afternoon.

Great news Ernie. But we'll keep him on the list for a bit longer.
Thank you, Foxy. No news today. I suppose we'll hold off on the party 'til Monday now.
Was just reading on the AOL news:
"At least 72 daily record lows have been set Friday morning from Connecticut to Florida to as far west as Indiana, including major cities such as New York, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami, Detroit and Cincinnati."

They were saying DC has not been this cold since the 1880's? Or maybe ever. . . .
Talked to my brother in law an hour ago. -5 in Noank, CT
Well, this is the first Friday night of Lent. Took Mrs. BBD down to the Catholic Church for their fish fry. They have one every Friday night during the Lent season. As usual, the meal was just excellent. I'm telling you, whoever is the one frying up all the fish knows what he/she is doing. Still rubbing my tummy.
Mama Fox ((hugs)) Prayers will continue. Just don't give up on a long marriage without trying every resource available to you.

So far my strategy involved a big hug yesterday morning, I moved to her side of the bed and warmed it up before she got in and put gas in her car this morning when it was negative 2.
Seems like a reasonable approach. I wouldn't mind if someone put fuel in my truck when it was freeze-your-nuts cold!

You know what? I am old enough to remember when you drove your car to the gas station where pleasant attendants immediately swarmed to your car to check the oil and tire pressure, cleaned your windshield and headlights, all while they pumped the gas into your car.

And the last time I was pumping gas in my car in 40 mph winds with sleet stinging my skin, I could cheerfully have strangled whoever thought pumping your own gas was a good idea.
Ditto, Foxy! Did you know that in Oregon, it's illegal to pump your own gas?

Why is it illegal? Do they charge extra to pump it? I think around here you pay more for full serve than self serve. Also, around here we don't have hardly ANY full service stations. Most of them are self service.
I'm not sure, maybe some kind of job security thing. Maybe some kind of safety thing.
Was just reading on the AOL news:
"At least 72 daily record lows have been set Friday morning from Connecticut to Florida to as far west as Indiana, including major cities such as New York, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami, Detroit and Cincinnati."

They were saying DC has not been this cold since the 1880's? Or maybe ever. . . .
And yet, we're setting record high temps here! At least, it's unseasonably warm.
So far my strategy involved a big hug yesterday morning, I moved to her side of the bed and warmed it up before she got in and put gas in her car this morning when it was negative 2.
Seems like a reasonable approach. I wouldn't mind if someone put fuel in my truck when it was freeze-your-nuts cold!

You know what? I am old enough to remember when you drove your car to the gas station where pleasant attendants immediately swarmed to your car to check the oil and tire pressure, cleaned your windshield and headlights, all while they pumped the gas into your car.

And the last time I was pumping gas in my car in 40 mph winds with sleet stinging my skin, I could cheerfully have strangled whoever thought pumping your own gas was a good idea.
Ditto, Foxy! Did you know that in Oregon, it's illegal to pump your own gas?

Why is it illegal? Do they charge extra to pump it? I think around here you pay more for full serve than self serve. Also, around here we don't have hardly ANY full service stations. Most of them are self service.
I'm not sure, maybe some kind of job security thing. Maybe some kind of safety thing.

That's so strange. I've never heard of such a thing. I always pump my own gas.
Hi coffee shop! It was 2 degrees here in MA this morning when I woke up and put the television on. It has now warmed up to 17 degrees. :lol: That doesn't even include wind chill. Brrrrr. :huddle: Hugs for warmth!

I've been thinking about you Chris, and chatting with friends in DC who are having the coldest weather in at least 20 years. If the Atlantic whole coast starts freezing up, I think we may need a new game plan or something. Just be sure you have a way to keep warm no matter what happens.

Thanks Foxy. I'm plenty warm as long as I stay indoors. :) It has been a very loooong winter.
Hi coffee shop! It was 2 degrees here in MA this morning when I woke up and put the television on. It has now warmed up to 17 degrees. :lol: That doesn't even include wind chill. Brrrrr. :huddle: Hugs for warmth!

I've been thinking about you Chris, and chatting with friends in DC who are having the coldest weather in at least 20 years. If the Atlantic whole coast starts freezing up, I think we may need a new game plan or something. Just be sure you have a way to keep warm no matter what happens.

Thanks Foxy. I'm plenty warm as long as I stay indoors. :) It has been a very loooong winter.
It got down in the 30's here in Florida last night. Burrrr!!!!
You gotta be kidding me! It's warmer in Alaska than Florida!!!? It's 34 here right now, tell me it ain't so?
Hi coffee shop! It was 2 degrees here in MA this morning when I woke up and put the television on. It has now warmed up to 17 degrees. :lol: That doesn't even include wind chill. Brrrrr. :huddle: Hugs for warmth!

I've been thinking about you Chris, and chatting with friends in DC who are having the coldest weather in at least 20 years. If the Atlantic whole coast starts freezing up, I think we may need a new game plan or something. Just be sure you have a way to keep warm no matter what happens.

Thanks Foxy. I'm plenty warm as long as I stay indoors. :) It has been a very loooong winter.
It got down in the 30's here in Florida last night. Burrrr!!!!
You gotta be kidding me! It's warmer in Alaska than Florida!!!? It's 34 here right now, tell me it ain't so?

We are stealing your weather! :lol:
Just got back from El Paso, of course I'm exhausted even with the wife doing some of the driving. Left Texas with temps in the 70s, it was freezing and snowing as we went over Raton Pass, it's lower 40s and raining here at the house.
It got down in the 30's here in Florida last night. Burrrr!!!!

Thank goodness we're getting back up into the 70's this weekend.:banana:

Yeah, you are fortunate. It's not going to be that warm here for a long, looooong time. :(

Hang in there...spring is on the way.:)

It got down in the 30's here in Florida last night. Burrrr!!!!

Thank goodness we're getting back up into the 70's this weekend.:banana:

Yeah, you are fortunate. It's not going to be that warm here for a long, looooong time. :(

Hang in there...spring is on the way.:)

Is that a frozen chickadee?

We have tons of them here. I keep my bird feeder filled during the winter mostly for them. That is actually our state bird. Lol.
Hello all, I hope all is well. I know some of you were ill when I last posted, hoping things haven't got worse - I am still keeping you all in my thoughts. :)

I have been continuing to train hard as per usual. On Thursday night my lovely Sensei Tracy spoke to me after class and kind of gave me a lecture - but a nice one. She has concerns about my attitude in class and the fact I get distracted and don't seem to be putting in as much effort.

I cannot help getting distracted, but now that I know she has picked up on it, it makes me concerned. I get distracted at work as well, lost in my own world, and I fidget and jiggle around without being aware of it also.

She told me that my attitude in class last Saturday was disgraceful and that she was very disappointed. I told her I was aware it was appalling but at the time I didn't care as I was angry.

She gave me a hug and told me to keep trying. I know she told me all this because she cares and wants me to succeed so I did appreciate her speaking to me.

This morning I went to class, did better than I did last week (Tracy wasn't there, though) and I got an award for showing respect! Wow!
I sent the photo of it to Tracy and she told me it must have been deserved, which it was.

I just need to try and keep focusing although I honestly don't know how to deal with the getting distracted all the time. Obviously there is something going on given I get distracted in class, at work and at home. Hmm..

But I shall keep plugging away and hopefully I will get my brown belt at the end of the year. :)
OK now! Finally some encouraging news about my partner Max. He had a bone biopsy done several days ago. They collected bone and marrow samples and a tissue sample at the site of the infection. Wound cultures came back negative and we should have the bone cultures back today. There was a bit of high fives and back slapping going on, but I'm reserving full party mode for this afternoon.

Fingers crossed for him.
Hello all, I hope all is well. I know some of you were ill when I last posted, hoping things haven't got worse - I am still keeping you all in my thoughts. :)

I have been continuing to train hard as per usual. On Thursday night my lovely Sensei Tracy spoke to me after class and kind of gave me a lecture - but a nice one. She has concerns about my attitude in class and the fact I get distracted and don't seem to be putting in as much effort.

I cannot help getting distracted, but now that I know she has picked up on it, it makes me concerned. I get distracted at work as well, lost in my own world, and I fidget and jiggle around without being aware of it also.

She told me that my attitude in class last Saturday was disgraceful and that she was very disappointed. I told her I was aware it was appalling but at the time I didn't care as I was angry.

She gave me a hug and told me to keep trying. I know she told me all this because she cares and wants me to succeed so I did appreciate her speaking to me.

This morning I went to class, did better than I did last week (Tracy wasn't there, though) and I got an award for showing respect! Wow!
I sent the photo of it to Tracy and she told me it must have been deserved, which it was.

I just need to try and keep focusing although I honestly don't know how to deal with the getting distracted all the time. Obviously there is something going on given I get distracted in class, at work and at home. Hmm..

But I shall keep plugging away and hopefully I will get my brown belt at the end of the year. :)

You probably just have a lot going on right now from the sounds of it.

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