USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hello all, I hope all is well. I know some of you were ill when I last posted, hoping things haven't got worse - I am still keeping you all in my thoughts. :)

I have been continuing to train hard as per usual. On Thursday night my lovely Sensei Tracy spoke to me after class and kind of gave me a lecture - but a nice one. She has concerns about my attitude in class and the fact I get distracted and don't seem to be putting in as much effort.

I cannot help getting distracted, but now that I know she has picked up on it, it makes me concerned. I get distracted at work as well, lost in my own world, and I fidget and jiggle around without being aware of it also.

She told me that my attitude in class last Saturday was disgraceful and that she was very disappointed. I told her I was aware it was appalling but at the time I didn't care as I was angry.

She gave me a hug and told me to keep trying. I know she told me all this because she cares and wants me to succeed so I did appreciate her speaking to me.

This morning I went to class, did better than I did last week (Tracy wasn't there, though) and I got an award for showing respect! Wow!
I sent the photo of it to Tracy and she told me it must have been deserved, which it was.

I just need to try and keep focusing although I honestly don't know how to deal with the getting distracted all the time. Obviously there is something going on given I get distracted in class, at work and at home. Hmm..

But I shall keep plugging away and hopefully I will get my brown belt at the end of the year. :)

Hi Noomi. Good to see you back in the Coffee Shop!!! I would have a heart to heart talk with your doctor re your distraction issues. Any number of fixable things can cause that from minor depression to Vitamin B-12 deficiency or a host of other things that in themselves aren't serious and can be remedied. He might want to refer you to a specialist. If it is causing you problems, and you seem to say that it is, I sure wouldn't let it go.
Hello all, I hope all is well. I know some of you were ill when I last posted, hoping things haven't got worse - I am still keeping you all in my thoughts. :)

I have been continuing to train hard as per usual. On Thursday night my lovely Sensei Tracy spoke to me after class and kind of gave me a lecture - but a nice one. She has concerns about my attitude in class and the fact I get distracted and don't seem to be putting in as much effort.

I cannot help getting distracted, but now that I know she has picked up on it, it makes me concerned. I get distracted at work as well, lost in my own world, and I fidget and jiggle around without being aware of it also.

She told me that my attitude in class last Saturday was disgraceful and that she was very disappointed. I told her I was aware it was appalling but at the time I didn't care as I was angry.

She gave me a hug and told me to keep trying. I know she told me all this because she cares and wants me to succeed so I did appreciate her speaking to me.

This morning I went to class, did better than I did last week (Tracy wasn't there, though) and I got an award for showing respect! Wow!
I sent the photo of it to Tracy and she told me it must have been deserved, which it was.

I just need to try and keep focusing although I honestly don't know how to deal with the getting distracted all the time. Obviously there is something going on given I get distracted in class, at work and at home. Hmm..

But I shall keep plugging away and hopefully I will get my brown belt at the end of the year. :)

Hi Noomi. Good to see you back in the Coffee Shop!!! I would have a heart to heart talk with your doctor re your distraction issues. Any number of fixable things can cause that from minor depression to Vitamin B-12 deficiency or a host of other things that in themselves aren't serious and can be remedied. He might want to refer you to a specialist. If it is causing you problems, and you seem to say that it is, I sure wouldn't let it go.

Interesting. I am quite easily distracted myself and always just assumed it's because I have a lot on my mind and a lot going on. I never realized that it could be due to vitamin deficiency or something.
Asking prayers and positive vibes tonight for my daughter. Awhile ago got a call from California that she was in the hospital pending an appendectomy. Talked with her and they were pumping her full of antibiotics with surgery scheduled in the morning. A half hour later got another call and they were taking her in for surgery tonight--which says to me that her symptoms have worsened and it is now an emergency. Her Mom is trying to stay calm but this is her baby we're talking about here.
Hello all, I hope all is well. I know some of you were ill when I last posted, hoping things haven't got worse - I am still keeping you all in my thoughts. :)

I have been continuing to train hard as per usual. On Thursday night my lovely Sensei Tracy spoke to me after class and kind of gave me a lecture - but a nice one. She has concerns about my attitude in class and the fact I get distracted and don't seem to be putting in as much effort.

I cannot help getting distracted, but now that I know she has picked up on it, it makes me concerned. I get distracted at work as well, lost in my own world, and I fidget and jiggle around without being aware of it also.

She told me that my attitude in class last Saturday was disgraceful and that she was very disappointed. I told her I was aware it was appalling but at the time I didn't care as I was angry.

She gave me a hug and told me to keep trying. I know she told me all this because she cares and wants me to succeed so I did appreciate her speaking to me.

This morning I went to class, did better than I did last week (Tracy wasn't there, though) and I got an award for showing respect! Wow!
I sent the photo of it to Tracy and she told me it must have been deserved, which it was.

I just need to try and keep focusing although I honestly don't know how to deal with the getting distracted all the time. Obviously there is something going on given I get distracted in class, at work and at home. Hmm..

But I shall keep plugging away and hopefully I will get my brown belt at the end of the year. :)

Hi Noomi. Good to see you back in the Coffee Shop!!! I would have a heart to heart talk with your doctor re your distraction issues. Any number of fixable things can cause that from minor depression to Vitamin B-12 deficiency or a host of other things that in themselves aren't serious and can be remedied. He might want to refer you to a specialist. If it is causing you problems, and you seem to say that it is, I sure wouldn't let it go.

Interesting. I am quite easily distracted myself and always just assumed it's because I have a lot on my mind and a lot going on. I never realized that it could be due to vitamin deficiency or something.

If it isn't causing you any problems I wouldn't worry about it. But Noomi was describing some symptoms I wouldn't just shrug off I think. But yeah, if you are bugged by it, mention it to your doc the next time you have a checkup. You and Noomi aren't that far apart in age I think. Maybe it's just a phase ya'll are going through. :)
Hello all, I hope all is well. I know some of you were ill when I last posted, hoping things haven't got worse - I am still keeping you all in my thoughts. :)

I have been continuing to train hard as per usual. On Thursday night my lovely Sensei Tracy spoke to me after class and kind of gave me a lecture - but a nice one. She has concerns about my attitude in class and the fact I get distracted and don't seem to be putting in as much effort.

I cannot help getting distracted, but now that I know she has picked up on it, it makes me concerned. I get distracted at work as well, lost in my own world, and I fidget and jiggle around without being aware of it also.

She told me that my attitude in class last Saturday was disgraceful and that she was very disappointed. I told her I was aware it was appalling but at the time I didn't care as I was angry.

She gave me a hug and told me to keep trying. I know she told me all this because she cares and wants me to succeed so I did appreciate her speaking to me.

This morning I went to class, did better than I did last week (Tracy wasn't there, though) and I got an award for showing respect! Wow!
I sent the photo of it to Tracy and she told me it must have been deserved, which it was.

I just need to try and keep focusing although I honestly don't know how to deal with the getting distracted all the time. Obviously there is something going on given I get distracted in class, at work and at home. Hmm..

But I shall keep plugging away and hopefully I will get my brown belt at the end of the year. :)

Hi Noomi. Good to see you back in the Coffee Shop!!! I would have a heart to heart talk with your doctor re your distraction issues. Any number of fixable things can cause that from minor depression to Vitamin B-12 deficiency or a host of other things that in themselves aren't serious and can be remedied. He might want to refer you to a specialist. If it is causing you problems, and you seem to say that it is, I sure wouldn't let it go.

Interesting. I am quite easily distracted myself and always just assumed it's because I have a lot on my mind and a lot going on. I never realized that it could be due to vitamin deficiency or something.

If it isn't causing you any problems I wouldn't worry about it. But Noomi was describing some symptoms I wouldn't just shrug off I think. But yeah, if you are bugged by it, mention it to your doc the next time you have a checkup. You and Noomi aren't that far apart in age I think. Maybe it's just a phase ya'll are going through. :)

The problems it causes for me is forgetfulness. I will put my keys down somewhere but will be thinking about something else, and 10 minutes later, I have no idea where I put my darn keys. It is at least annoying.
Hello all, I hope all is well. I know some of you were ill when I last posted, hoping things haven't got worse - I am still keeping you all in my thoughts. :)

I have been continuing to train hard as per usual. On Thursday night my lovely Sensei Tracy spoke to me after class and kind of gave me a lecture - but a nice one. She has concerns about my attitude in class and the fact I get distracted and don't seem to be putting in as much effort.

I cannot help getting distracted, but now that I know she has picked up on it, it makes me concerned. I get distracted at work as well, lost in my own world, and I fidget and jiggle around without being aware of it also.

She told me that my attitude in class last Saturday was disgraceful and that she was very disappointed. I told her I was aware it was appalling but at the time I didn't care as I was angry.

She gave me a hug and told me to keep trying. I know she told me all this because she cares and wants me to succeed so I did appreciate her speaking to me.

This morning I went to class, did better than I did last week (Tracy wasn't there, though) and I got an award for showing respect! Wow!
I sent the photo of it to Tracy and she told me it must have been deserved, which it was.

I just need to try and keep focusing although I honestly don't know how to deal with the getting distracted all the time. Obviously there is something going on given I get distracted in class, at work and at home. Hmm..

But I shall keep plugging away and hopefully I will get my brown belt at the end of the year. :)

Hi Noomi. Good to see you back in the Coffee Shop!!! I would have a heart to heart talk with your doctor re your distraction issues. Any number of fixable things can cause that from minor depression to Vitamin B-12 deficiency or a host of other things that in themselves aren't serious and can be remedied. He might want to refer you to a specialist. If it is causing you problems, and you seem to say that it is, I sure wouldn't let it go.

Interesting. I am quite easily distracted myself and always just assumed it's because I have a lot on my mind and a lot going on. I never realized that it could be due to vitamin deficiency or something.

If it isn't causing you any problems I wouldn't worry about it. But Noomi was describing some symptoms I wouldn't just shrug off I think. But yeah, if you are bugged by it, mention it to your doc the next time you have a checkup. You and Noomi aren't that far apart in age I think. Maybe it's just a phase ya'll are going through. :)

The problems it causes for me is forgetfulness. I will put my keys down somewhere but will be thinking about something else, and 10 minutes later, I have no idea where I put my darn keys. It is at least annoying.

Well I've had that sort of syndrome my entire life. :)
Calling on my Coffee Shop prayer warriors for prayers and positive vibes for our daughter. We got a call from California earlier that she was in the hospital being pumped full of anti-biotics before an appendectomy in the morning--sudden onset symptoms. And a little while ago we got the second call that she has gone to surgery now which says to me that they upgraded it to emergency. I know its a simple surgery and not that much to worry about, but this is my baby and I'm a 1000+ miles away and I'm not handling this very well.
Hello all, I hope all is well. I know some of you were ill when I last posted, hoping things haven't got worse - I am still keeping you all in my thoughts. :)

I have been continuing to train hard as per usual. On Thursday night my lovely Sensei Tracy spoke to me after class and kind of gave me a lecture - but a nice one. She has concerns about my attitude in class and the fact I get distracted and don't seem to be putting in as much effort.

I cannot help getting distracted, but now that I know she has picked up on it, it makes me concerned. I get distracted at work as well, lost in my own world, and I fidget and jiggle around without being aware of it also.

She told me that my attitude in class last Saturday was disgraceful and that she was very disappointed. I told her I was aware it was appalling but at the time I didn't care as I was angry.

She gave me a hug and told me to keep trying. I know she told me all this because she cares and wants me to succeed so I did appreciate her speaking to me.

This morning I went to class, did better than I did last week (Tracy wasn't there, though) and I got an award for showing respect! Wow!
I sent the photo of it to Tracy and she told me it must have been deserved, which it was.

I just need to try and keep focusing although I honestly don't know how to deal with the getting distracted all the time. Obviously there is something going on given I get distracted in class, at work and at home. Hmm..

But I shall keep plugging away and hopefully I will get my brown belt at the end of the year. :)

Hi Noomi. Good to see you back in the Coffee Shop!!! I would have a heart to heart talk with your doctor re your distraction issues. Any number of fixable things can cause that from minor depression to Vitamin B-12 deficiency or a host of other things that in themselves aren't serious and can be remedied. He might want to refer you to a specialist. If it is causing you problems, and you seem to say that it is, I sure wouldn't let it go.
I think she's got a boy friend she isn't telling us about....
Calling on my Coffee Shop prayer warriors for prayers and positive vibes for our daughter. We got a call from California earlier that she was in the hospital being pumped full of anti-biotics before an appendectomy in the morning--sudden onset symptoms. And a little while ago we got the second call that she has gone to surgery now which says to me that they upgraded it to emergency. I know its a simple surgery and not that much to worry about, but this is my baby and I'm a 1000+ miles away and I'm not handling this very well.
Okay she's out of surgery and back in her room and everything went well. I got to talk to her a bit and feel much assured. Thanks Ernie. Hombre is still not well after his bout with 'flu and he had to go on to bed and I was feeling pretty much all alone here. But looks like it's all good now. But she lives alone with her two dogs and though she has good neighbors and coworkers and all that, I am worried that she won't take care of herself while she heals. So. . . .

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
GW's daughter's friend Sachendra,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Foxfyre's daughter for successful surgery and healing,
Those in the dangerous cold zones,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Calling on my Coffee Shop prayer warriors for prayers and positive vibes for our daughter. We got a call from California earlier that she was in the hospital being pumped full of anti-biotics before an appendectomy in the morning--sudden onset symptoms. And a little while ago we got the second call that she has gone to surgery now which says to me that they upgraded it to emergency. I know its a simple surgery and not that much to worry about, but this is my baby and I'm a 1000+ miles away and I'm not handling this very well.

She is in my thoughts and I hope the surgery goes well. Its hard not being there for a loved one, especially a child.
I've been sicker'n a dog since Monday. Started out the usual scratchy throat and then turned into a full blown... something. First time in ages that I've been so congested that I turned into a mouth breather, and first time since I can remember, really, that it got into my chest. My lungs felt like someone had poured them full of lead, and I got a cough that hacked up phlegm. I know, not a very pleasant thing to talk about, but since I've already had my right lung hacked open because it filled with fluid, this concerns me. I'm finally going to venture out today and hit walmart. I am feeling a tad bit better and do need essentials, and since I don't have a wife or significant other, it's up to me to wait on myself. I'm going to buy some Musinex for the first time ever for chest congestion and see what that does.

I sold my big universal gym but have to disassemble it to get it out the door. Those people will be showing up in a couple hours to pick that up. I've had all week to take it apart but haven't felt up to it. Being sick on top of this second bitter cold winter in a row is really getting me down. Seems to me like we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of summer up north here in Wisconsin, where it's ground zero for these polar vortex's. I'm on financial lock down for that reason. Goal one, buy a new heavy duty truck suited for pulling, goal two, buy a nice sized travel trailer that I could comfortably live in for 2 or 3 months. It would be wonderful if I could accomplish that by the end of this year, because my plan is to take off for parts south from January to possibly the end of March. Get the bulk of winter over up here and then come back.
It's a heat wave here today in northwestern Illinois!!! Temp right now is 25. Hasn't been that warm in quite a while. I'm excited about it but I know that tomorrow they are calling for temps in in the single digits so I shouldn't get to excited but today I'm full of glee about it. Seems to me that the warmer weather makes the coffee taste so much better. Sorry to hear that my pal, 007, is feeling under the weather. I recommend a couple of shots of Jack Daniels and to hang in there.
Calling on my Coffee Shop prayer warriors for prayers and positive vibes for our daughter. We got a call from California earlier that she was in the hospital being pumped full of anti-biotics before an appendectomy in the morning--sudden onset symptoms. And a little while ago we got the second call that she has gone to surgery now which says to me that they upgraded it to emergency. I know its a simple surgery and not that much to worry about, but this is my baby and I'm a 1000+ miles away and I'm not handling this very well.

She has been put on our prayer list mama Fox for a quick and speedy recovery. Hugs :smiliehug:
Asking prayers and positive vibes tonight for my daughter. Awhile ago got a call from California that she was in the hospital pending an appendectomy. Talked with her and they were pumping her full of antibiotics with surgery scheduled in the morning. A half hour later got another call and they were taking her in for surgery tonight--which says to me that her symptoms have worsened and it is now an emergency. Her Mom is trying to stay calm but this is her baby we're talking about here.

Mine are with you, Foxy. I relate to the anxiety and concern you all are having.
Okay she's out of surgery and back in her room and everything went well. I got to talk to her a bit and feel much assured. Thanks Ernie. Hombre is still not well after his bout with 'flu and he had to go on to bed and I was feeling pretty much all alone here. But looks like it's all good now. But she lives alone with her two dogs and though she has good neighbors and coworkers and all that, I am worried that she won't take care of herself while she heals. So. . . .

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
GW's daughter's friend Sachendra,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Foxfyre's daughter for successful surgery and healing,
Those in the dangerous cold zones,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

Positive thoughts for your daughter, Foxy. Hopefully she has a quick recovery. :)
I've been sicker'n a dog since Monday. Started out the usual scratchy throat and then turned into a full blown... something. First time in ages that I've been so congested that I turned into a mouth breather, and first time since I can remember, really, that it got into my chest. My lungs felt like someone had poured them full of lead, and I got a cough that hacked up phlegm. I know, not a very pleasant thing to talk about, but since I've already had my right lung hacked open because it filled with fluid, this concerns me. I'm finally going to venture out today and hit walmart. I am feeling a tad bit better and do need essentials, and since I don't have a wife or significant other, it's up to me to wait on myself. I'm going to buy some Musinex for the first time ever for chest congestion and see what that does.

I sold my big universal gym but have to disassemble it to get it out the door. Those people will be showing up in a couple hours to pick that up. I've had all week to take it apart but haven't felt up to it. Being sick on top of this second bitter cold winter in a row is really getting me down. Seems to me like we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of summer up north here in Wisconsin, where it's ground zero for these polar vortex's. I'm on financial lock down for that reason. Goal one, buy a new heavy duty truck suited for pulling, goal two, buy a nice sized travel trailer that I could comfortably live in for 2 or 3 months. It would be wonderful if I could accomplish that by the end of this year, because my plan is to take off for parts south from January to possibly the end of March. Get the bulk of winter over up here and then come back.

Sorry to hear you are ill. Get well soon! :) So many people are getting sick.

I hear you about the horrid weather. We have to stay positive though. Spring is right around the corner!
Hello all, I hope all is well. I know some of you were ill when I last posted, hoping things haven't got worse - I am still keeping you all in my thoughts. :)

I have been continuing to train hard as per usual. On Thursday night my lovely Sensei Tracy spoke to me after class and kind of gave me a lecture - but a nice one. She has concerns about my attitude in class and the fact I get distracted and don't seem to be putting in as much effort.

I cannot help getting distracted, but now that I know she has picked up on it, it makes me concerned. I get distracted at work as well, lost in my own world, and I fidget and jiggle around without being aware of it also.

She told me that my attitude in class last Saturday was disgraceful and that she was very disappointed. I told her I was aware it was appalling but at the time I didn't care as I was angry.

She gave me a hug and told me to keep trying. I know she told me all this because she cares and wants me to succeed so I did appreciate her speaking to me.

This morning I went to class, did better than I did last week (Tracy wasn't there, though) and I got an award for showing respect! Wow!
I sent the photo of it to Tracy and she told me it must have been deserved, which it was.

I just need to try and keep focusing although I honestly don't know how to deal with the getting distracted all the time. Obviously there is something going on given I get distracted in class, at work and at home. Hmm..

But I shall keep plugging away and hopefully I will get my brown belt at the end of the year. :)

Hi Noomi. Good to see you back in the Coffee Shop!!! I would have a heart to heart talk with your doctor re your distraction issues. Any number of fixable things can cause that from minor depression to Vitamin B-12 deficiency or a host of other things that in themselves aren't serious and can be remedied. He might want to refer you to a specialist. If it is causing you problems, and you seem to say that it is, I sure wouldn't let it go.

Interesting. I am quite easily distracted myself and always just assumed it's because I have a lot on my mind and a lot going on. I never realized that it could be due to vitamin deficiency or something.

If it isn't causing you any problems I wouldn't worry about it. But Noomi was describing some symptoms I wouldn't just shrug off I think. But yeah, if you are bugged by it, mention it to your doc the next time you have a checkup. You and Noomi aren't that far apart in age I think. Maybe it's just a phase ya'll are going through. :)

The problems it causes for me is forgetfulness. I will put my keys down somewhere but will be thinking about something else, and 10 minutes later, I have no idea where I put my darn keys. It is at least annoying.

Well I've had that sort of syndrome my entire life. :)

My ex's mom used to call it CRS syndrome (can't remember shit). :lol:

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