USMB Coffee Shop IV

One thing I never saw before was a sign that was posted at a rest area we stopped at on I 25 in the Chihuahuan Desert (in New Mexico). It was similar to this:


Guess some people need to be made aware they're in the wilds even though they're stopping at an "oasis" along the way.

You can go a long time without seeing a rattler in these parts, but where they do exist there are likely to be a LOT of them in a fairly small area. That probably accounts for the warning.
Hello all, I hope all is well. I know some of you were ill when I last posted, hoping things haven't got worse - I am still keeping you all in my thoughts. :)

I have been continuing to train hard as per usual. On Thursday night my lovely Sensei Tracy spoke to me after class and kind of gave me a lecture - but a nice one. She has concerns about my attitude in class and the fact I get distracted and don't seem to be putting in as much effort.

I cannot help getting distracted, but now that I know she has picked up on it, it makes me concerned. I get distracted at work as well, lost in my own world, and I fidget and jiggle around without being aware of it also.

She told me that my attitude in class last Saturday was disgraceful and that she was very disappointed. I told her I was aware it was appalling but at the time I didn't care as I was angry.

She gave me a hug and told me to keep trying. I know she told me all this because she cares and wants me to succeed so I did appreciate her speaking to me.

This morning I went to class, did better than I did last week (Tracy wasn't there, though) and I got an award for showing respect! Wow!
I sent the photo of it to Tracy and she told me it must have been deserved, which it was.

I just need to try and keep focusing although I honestly don't know how to deal with the getting distracted all the time. Obviously there is something going on given I get distracted in class, at work and at home. Hmm..

But I shall keep plugging away and hopefully I will get my brown belt at the end of the year. :)
With what you are doing, you have to keep your anger on a short leash. I'm sure Tracy must have told you as much. "Goosefrabbah", Noomi! This is just another molehill you need to conquer. You can do this!
Asking prayers and positive vibes tonight for my daughter. Awhile ago got a call from California that she was in the hospital pending an appendectomy. Talked with her and they were pumping her full of antibiotics with surgery scheduled in the morning. A half hour later got another call and they were taking her in for surgery tonight--which says to me that her symptoms have worsened and it is now an emergency. Her Mom is trying to stay calm but this is her baby we're talking about here.
All my positive energy is coming you way, and your daughter's way. I cannot even fathom how I would deal with my daughter going through something similar and my being trapped so far away!
I've been sicker'n a dog since Monday. Started out the usual scratchy throat and then turned into a full blown... something. First time in ages that I've been so congested that I turned into a mouth breather, and first time since I can remember, really, that it got into my chest. My lungs felt like someone had poured them full of lead, and I got a cough that hacked up phlegm. I know, not a very pleasant thing to talk about, but since I've already had my right lung hacked open because it filled with fluid, this concerns me. I'm finally going to venture out today and hit walmart. I am feeling a tad bit better and do need essentials, and since I don't have a wife or significant other, it's up to me to wait on myself. I'm going to buy some Musinex for the first time ever for chest congestion and see what that does.
I sold my big universal gym but have to disassemble it to get it out the door. Those people will be showing up in a couple hours to pick that up. I've had all week to take it apart but haven't felt up to it. Being sick on top of this second bitter cold winter in a row is really getting me down. Seems to me like we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of summer up north here in Wisconsin, where it's ground zero for these polar vortex's. I'm on financial lock down for that reason. Goal one, buy a new heavy duty truck suited for pulling, goal two, buy a nice sized travel trailer that I could comfortably live in for 2 or 3 months. It would be wonderful if I could accomplish that by the end of this year, because my plan is to take off for parts south from January to possibly the end of March. Get the bulk of winter over up here and then come back.
Wish I could send some of our warmth your way, and some energy too! Get better soon, 007!
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Sometimes, working in the land of corporate stupid can be entertaining.
Work just pushed out some online training about EEOC, Diversity and Harrassment.
Seems that people can't call me things like "old timer", "grandpa" or "senior", but there is nothing preventing me from calling them "junior", "child", "kid" or "youngin".
I plan on having fun with this company policy.

Good for you alan1. I hope you do a bang-up job of it all. :thup: PC run a mock.
One of the guys I work with (for privacy sake, I'll call him Alex) is the same age as my oldest daughter. He's smart, driven, works hard and has an excellent sense of humor. We get along great. He also sometimes calls me "Pappy" as a reference to my age and I sometimes call him "kiddo" or "junior" in refernce to his age, it's all in fun.

So, on Friday we had a team meeting and while waiting for everybody to arrive we were bantering about the recent training pushed down to us. Alex called me Pappy. I looked over at the director of our department and stated. "I feel offended that junior here called me a disrespective term, pappy. It violates the company policies on EEOC, Diversity and Harrassment." Alex piped up, "But I mean it as a term of endearment, and you just called me junior, which I find offensive". "Sorry Alex", I say, "But there is nothing in the company policies about referring to young age, only elder folks like me. Also, harrassment and EEOC only address age as it pertains to old age, not young age. Additionally, offensive behavior is determined by my feelings, not your intent." I look over at the department director and say, "I find the term 'pappy' to be highly offensive because it is obviously an ageism remark and it is unacceptable in the work environment. Please bring this child's inappropriate comments to the attention of HR."
People walking into the conferance room late and only catching the last part of the conversation were looking nervous. It's not my nature to snivel about things and they all know that Alex and I get along great so they were also confused. The director said, "Alex, company policy says I have to get HR involved". All of this was impromptu and all of us were just making fun of the EEOC, Diversity and Harrassment training we just had to suffer through.
I stood up, pointed across the table at Alex and loudly exclaimed, "BOOYAH, take that Junior. You'll be in a company re-education gulag come Monday morning and I'll be sipping coffee and laughing about your misfortune".

Fact is, it was all about poking fun at corporate dumb, HR won't get contacted, we all laughed and we all get along.

Alex recently applied for an open position on our team that is a higher pay grade. I was part of the team that conducted the interviews for him and the other candidates. He is by far, the best qualified person. Some of the senior management was concerned about his "maturity level" (read young age) for the position, since he will be leading people older than him in the new position. I was a strong advocate to promote him and I found out Friday evening that the offer was extended to him. He'll do fine and I'll continue to mentor him as I've done in the past for him and others.
I also told him a little secret about negotiation for the new job. The new pay grade can allow an additional week of vacation beyond company standard vacation based on years of service, if you ask for it. My promotion into that pay grade is how I got my extra week of vacation.
PC sucks, is absolutely senseless, and fails to take into account that people are who they are, and no one should be permitted to allow their bunched panties to interfere with business-as-usual.
Saw this picture and had to share it!


Hey Westie. LTNS. Can't get the picture to load though. :(
Me neither.

The wife wanted to know what this cacti was:


I explained it was not a cactus but a yucca plant but I didn't know which until just a couple of minutes ago.
It's a Soaptree Yucca named for the soapy material found in it's trunk and roots which is used as a substitute for soap.

They are used extensively in landscaping around here. There seems to be a love/hate relationship with them though. Some people hate them. Some love them. I love them. :)

I tried growing them here...they just didn't seem to work out, though!
Asking prayers and positive vibes tonight for my daughter. Awhile ago got a call from California that she was in the hospital pending an appendectomy. Talked with her and they were pumping her full of antibiotics with surgery scheduled in the morning. A half hour later got another call and they were taking her in for surgery tonight--which says to me that her symptoms have worsened and it is now an emergency. Her Mom is trying to stay calm but this is her baby we're talking about here.
All my positive energy is coming you way, and your daughter's way. I cannot even fathom how I would deal with my daughter going through something similar and my being trapped so far away!

Thanks Sweetie. She called awhile ago and she's home. Her not-quite-ex-husband and they are still friends lives fairly close and will stay with her tonight to ride herd on the dogs and keep watch. The next door neighbor is doing the cooking and transport of meals. She was in good spirits and feeling good, so I'm feeling much better about it all now.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
GW's daughter's friend Sachendra,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Foxfyre's daughter for successful healing,
Those in the dangerous cold zones,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Don't know why but I'm wide awake. Could have something to do with all the caffeine I've consumed today, idk. Just glad there's NHRA drag racing on to watch. I feel pretty good too, thankfully. The Daytona 500 is on tomorrow. Probably watch that.
I've been sicker'n a dog since Monday. Started out the usual scratchy throat and then turned into a full blown... something. First time in ages that I've been so congested that I turned into a mouth breather, and first time since I can remember, really, that it got into my chest. My lungs felt like someone had poured them full of lead, and I got a cough that hacked up phlegm. I know, not a very pleasant thing to talk about, but since I've already had my right lung hacked open because it filled with fluid, this concerns me. I'm finally going to venture out today and hit walmart. I am feeling a tad bit better and do need essentials, and since I don't have a wife or significant other, it's up to me to wait on myself. I'm going to buy some Musinex for the first time ever for chest congestion and see what that does.
I sold my big universal gym but have to disassemble it to get it out the door. Those people will be showing up in a couple hours to pick that up. I've had all week to take it apart but haven't felt up to it. Being sick on top of this second bitter cold winter in a row is really getting me down. Seems to me like we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of summer up north here in Wisconsin, where it's ground zero for these polar vortex's. I'm on financial lock down for that reason. Goal one, buy a new heavy duty truck suited for pulling, goal two, buy a nice sized travel trailer that I could comfortably live in for 2 or 3 months. It would be wonderful if I could accomplish that by the end of this year, because my plan is to take off for parts south from January to possibly the end of March. Get the bulk of winter over up here and then come back.
Wish I could send some of our warmth your way, and some energy too! Get better soon, 007!
Who'd have ever thought, that if Wisconsinites want to move to warmer climate, they should move to ALASKA.
For all of you who know who I'm talking about, Bootneck left me a thanks on a post of mine, sent him a private message, hopefully I'll hear back soon. Now if only EZ would show up. :thup:
Yup, we're getting snow, just like they said we would. Already dumped around 4 inches last night. They downgraded the amounts to 8 inches through Monday, clear and upper 30s, lower 40s Tuesday and Wednesday followed by more snow Thursday. We may get more over the weekend.
Well... I feel notably better today... what a relief. Pretty day here too, sun is shining but it's cold.

So what have you decided with your internet, BBD?
For all of you who know who I'm talking about, Bootneck left me a thanks on a post of mine, sent him a private message, hopefully I'll hear back soon. Now if only EZ would show up. :thup:

Woo hoo. That would be sooooo great. Two great people.
Boot said he'd been busy and finally got to take some leave, complaining that it coincided with the middle of winter...... :lol:
He knows (or knew) EZ so maybe he can give us an update on her, asked him about his uncle Colin but haven't heard back from him yet.
Yup, we're getting snow, just like they said we would. Already dumped around 4 inches last night. They downgraded the amounts to 8 inches through Monday, clear and upper 30s, lower 40s Tuesday and Wednesday followed by more snow Thursday. We may get more over the weekend.

Yep, just checked the radar and Trinidad is in the bullseye of a big blob of precip area. Albuquerque is under a weather advisory until late morning tomorrow and it is overcast here, but so far we're high and dry.

Good morning all. Off to the early church service and then to brunch afterward. Hombre seems to be all over his bout with the winter crud for now. I'm really giving myself a Dutch uncle lecture that I am NOT catching it.
We've gotten to our predicted high of 73 already and if the graph can be depended on, we should hit 77 here today. It's mostly cloudy with a chance of rain tonight and tomorrow evening and the overnight. Lows will be in the 40's most of next week with highs in the upper 60's.
I feel a bit better this morning, but my chest and back hurt like hell from all the coughing.
Anybody else watching the Daytona 500?

I've never been a real big NASCAR fan, been to a couple races but I like the NHRA drags better. As far as NASCAR drivers I've always thought Jeff Gordon was a good race car driver. But ya know, it would be cool to see that feisty little Danica Patrick win the race.
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Back from church and an excellent brunch with good food and good company. And as a dedicated disaster movie aficionado, I was tickled to see that the SyFy channel is running disaster movies all day and evening. So the DVR will be recording overtime today.

And while SyFy may or may not include serious science, for today's science lesson I offer:

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