USMB Coffee Shop IV

I've been sicker'n a dog since Monday. Started out the usual scratchy throat and then turned into a full blown... something. First time in ages that I've been so congested that I turned into a mouth breather, and first time since I can remember, really, that it got into my chest. My lungs felt like someone had poured them full of lead, and I got a cough that hacked up phlegm. I know, not a very pleasant thing to talk about, but since I've already had my right lung hacked open because it filled with fluid, this concerns me. I'm finally going to venture out today and hit walmart. I am feeling a tad bit better and do need essentials, and since I don't have a wife or significant other, it's up to me to wait on myself. I'm going to buy some Musinex for the first time ever for chest congestion and see what that does.

I sold my big universal gym but have to disassemble it to get it out the door. Those people will be showing up in a couple hours to pick that up. I've had all week to take it apart but haven't felt up to it. Being sick on top of this second bitter cold winter in a row is really getting me down. Seems to me like we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of summer up north here in Wisconsin, where it's ground zero for these polar vortex's. I'm on financial lock down for that reason. Goal one, buy a new heavy duty truck suited for pulling, goal two, buy a nice sized travel trailer that I could comfortably live in for 2 or 3 months. It would be wonderful if I could accomplish that by the end of this year, because my plan is to take off for parts south from January to possibly the end of March. Get the bulk of winter over up here and then come back.

Hey babes....I do hope you accomplish the goal of getting away for a couple of months. I remember what you went through last winter.

May you start feeling better soon. I hope you don't have a high fever. That would be time to see the doc. :smiliehug:
I've been sicker'n a dog since Monday. Started out the usual scratchy throat and then turned into a full blown... something. First time in ages that I've been so congested that I turned into a mouth breather, and first time since I can remember, really, that it got into my chest. My lungs felt like someone had poured them full of lead, and I got a cough that hacked up phlegm. I know, not a very pleasant thing to talk about, but since I've already had my right lung hacked open because it filled with fluid, this concerns me. I'm finally going to venture out today and hit walmart. I am feeling a tad bit better and do need essentials, and since I don't have a wife or significant other, it's up to me to wait on myself. I'm going to buy some Musinex for the first time ever for chest congestion and see what that does.

I sold my big universal gym but have to disassemble it to get it out the door. Those people will be showing up in a couple hours to pick that up. I've had all week to take it apart but haven't felt up to it. Being sick on top of this second bitter cold winter in a row is really getting me down. Seems to me like we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of summer up north here in Wisconsin, where it's ground zero for these polar vortex's. I'm on financial lock down for that reason. Goal one, buy a new heavy duty truck suited for pulling, goal two, buy a nice sized travel trailer that I could comfortably live in for 2 or 3 months. It would be wonderful if I could accomplish that by the end of this year, because my plan is to take off for parts south from January to possibly the end of March. Get the bulk of winter over up here and then come back.
I've been dealing with the same thing, guy; for 5 or 6 days now. Chest and back hurt from coughing.
The mucinex didn't do much for me, but Dayquil washed down with a double Alka-Seltzer Cold (cherry flavor) is getting me through the days.
Sleeping is a problem. I'm getting an hour or 2 at a time, then awake for 2 more.
Good morning everybody. Just talked with daughter and she is feeling good, in great spirits, and thinks they'll release her to go home later today. She said the surgery pain is nothing compared to the pain she had been having pre-surgery. So looks good. I'm much calmed down and much relieved and thank you all so much for the prayers and positive vibes. It does help.

Ernie and especially 007 are describing what Hombre has been going through the last week. I recommend Theraflu--it did wonders for him. And then put on the day/night tablets for a couple of days and he's pretty well over it now it seems. I didn't get it. . .yet. . .but I apparently have a hell of an immune system for an old gal.

We'll be in the high 60's today but busted back to 40's for a high tomorrow for a couple of days. Still very spring like here. That's probably why this is such snowbird territory.

Well time to make a brunch. Blessings for a good Saturday for all.
Sometimes, working in the land of corporate stupid can be entertaining.
Work just pushed out some online training about EEOC, Diversity and Harrassment.
Seems that people can't call me things like "old timer", "grandpa" or "senior", but there is nothing preventing me from calling them "junior", "child", "kid" or "youngin".
I plan on having fun with this company policy.

Good for you alan1. I hope you do a bang-up job of it all. :thup: PC run a mock.
One of the guys I work with (for privacy sake, I'll call him Alex) is the same age as my oldest daughter. He's smart, driven, works hard and has an excellent sense of humor. We get along great. He also sometimes calls me "Pappy" as a reference to my age and I sometimes call him "kiddo" or "junior" in refernce to his age, it's all in fun.

So, on Friday we had a team meeting and while waiting for everybody to arrive we were bantering about the recent training pushed down to us. Alex called me Pappy. I looked over at the director of our department and stated. "I feel offended that junior here called me a disrespective term, pappy. It violates the company policies on EEOC, Diversity and Harrassment." Alex piped up, "But I mean it as a term of endearment, and you just called me junior, which I find offensive". "Sorry Alex", I say, "But there is nothing in the company policies about referring to young age, only elder folks like me. Also, harrassment and EEOC only address age as it pertains to old age, not young age. Additionally, offensive behavior is determined by my feelings, not your intent." I look over at the department director and say, "I find the term 'pappy' to be highly offensive because it is obviously an ageism remark and it is unacceptable in the work environment. Please bring this child's inappropriate comments to the attention of HR."
People walking into the conferance room late and only catching the last part of the conversation were looking nervous. It's not my nature to snivel about things and they all know that Alex and I get along great so they were also confused. The director said, "Alex, company policy says I have to get HR involved". All of this was impromptu and all of us were just making fun of the EEOC, Diversity and Harrassment training we just had to suffer through.
I stood up, pointed across the table at Alex and loudly exclaimed, "BOOYAH, take that Junior. You'll be in a company re-education gulag come Monday morning and I'll be sipping coffee and laughing about your misfortune".

Fact is, it was all about poking fun at corporate dumb, HR won't get contacted, we all laughed and we all get along.

Alex recently applied for an open position on our team that is a higher pay grade. I was part of the team that conducted the interviews for him and the other candidates. He is by far, the best qualified person. Some of the senior management was concerned about his "maturity level" (read young age) for the position, since he will be leading people older than him in the new position. I was a strong advocate to promote him and I found out Friday evening that the offer was extended to him. He'll do fine and I'll continue to mentor him as I've done in the past for him and others.
I also told him a little secret about negotiation for the new job. The new pay grade can allow an additional week of vacation beyond company standard vacation based on years of service, if you ask for it. My promotion into that pay grade is how I got my extra week of vacation.
We picked up Giz from the vet today, got him home opened the cat carrier and he went straight to the back door and started yelling to be let out. Not yet as it's gonna take about 10 days for him to fully recover.
In the mean time we have a new weather front moving in, from tonight through Monday afternoon we're supposed to get up to 10 inches of snow.
We picked up Giz from the vet today, got him home opened the cat carrier and he went straight to the back door and started yelling to be let out. Not yet as it's gonna take about 10 days for him to fully recover.
In the mean time we have a new weather front moving in, from tonight through Monday afternoon we're supposed to get up to 10 inches of snow.

You are a little over 3 hours from me. How come you get 12 inches of snow and we get warm sunshine?

So how did the interview process go? Do you see a move to El Paso in your future?
Sometimes, working in the land of corporate stupid can be entertaining.
Work just pushed out some online training about EEOC, Diversity and Harrassment.
Seems that people can't call me things like "old timer", "grandpa" or "senior", but there is nothing preventing me from calling them "junior", "child", "kid" or "youngin".
I plan on having fun with this company policy.

Good for you alan1. I hope you do a bang-up job of it all. :thup: PC run a mock.
One of the guys I work with (for privacy sake, I'll call him Alex) is the same age as my oldest daughter. He's smart, driven, works hard and has an excellent sense of humor. We get along great. He also sometimes calls me "Pappy" as a reference to my age and I sometimes call him "kiddo" or "junior" in refernce to his age, it's all in fun.

So, on Friday we had a team meeting and while waiting for everybody to arrive we were bantering about the recent training pushed down to us. Alex called me Pappy. I looked over at the director of our department and stated. "I feel offended that junior here called me a disrespective term, pappy. It violates the company policies on EEOC, Diversity and Harrassment." Alex piped up, "But I mean it as a term of endearment, and you just called me junior, which I find offensive". "Sorry Alex", I say, "But there is nothing in the company policies about referring to young age, only elder folks like me. Also, harrassment and EEOC only address age as it pertains to old age, not young age. Additionally, offensive behavior is determined by my feelings, not your intent." I look over at the department director and say, "I find the term 'pappy' to be highly offensive because it is obviously an ageism remark and it is unacceptable in the work environment. Please bring this child's inappropriate comments to the attention of HR."
People walking into the conferance room late and only catching the last part of the conversation were looking nervous. It's not my nature to snivel about things and they all know that Alex and I get along great so they were also confused. The director said, "Alex, company policy says I have to get HR involved". All of this was impromptu and all of us were just making fun of the EEOC, Diversity and Harrassment training we just had to suffer through.
I stood up, pointed across the table at Alex and loudly exclaimed, "BOOYAH, take that Junior. You'll be in a company re-education gulag come Monday morning and I'll be sipping coffee and laughing about your misfortune".

Fact is, it was all about poking fun at corporate dumb, HR won't get contacted, we all laughed and we all get along.

Alex recently applied for an open position on our team that is a higher pay grade. I was part of the team that conducted the interviews for him and the other candidates. He is by far, the best qualified person. Some of the senior management was concerned about his "maturity level" (read young age) for the position, since he will be leading people older than him in the new position. I was a strong advocate to promote him and I found out Friday evening that the offer was extended to him. He'll do fine and I'll continue to mentor him as I've done in the past for him and others.
I also told him a little secret about negotiation for the new job. The new pay grade can allow an additional week of vacation beyond company standard vacation based on years of service, if you ask for it. My promotion into that pay grade is how I got my extra week of vacation.

Good for you. Some of the protocol nonsense is most irritating to me too, most especially when it affects people in material ways. While bullying and harassment of any kind and all that should not be tolerated by anybody, I 100% support opposing and ridiculing those who would deny us the ability to just relax and enjoy working, playing, enjoying each other.
We picked up Giz from the vet today, got him home opened the cat carrier and he went straight to the back door and started yelling to be let out. Not yet as it's gonna take about 10 days for him to fully recover.
In the mean time we have a new weather front moving in, from tonight through Monday afternoon we're supposed to get up to 10 inches of snow.

You are a little over 3 hours from me. How come you get 12 inches of snow and we get warm sunshine?

So how did the interview process go? Do you see a move to El Paso in your future?
You know how it works in the mountains, one valley could be growing oranges and has a jump in the alligator population it's so warm while the next one over is attracting arctic wildlife and people are building igloos.

As for the interview...... It went well, everyone is friendly as can be but getting a read on if they're going to hire her or not is challenging as all the major players are playing it close to the chest. We should know by next week.
The feeling is that yes they want her but there's no knowing for sure until we get the actual thumbs up or thumbs down. :dunno:
If it is indeed a thumbs up then we'll have to head back down, find a place to live then move everything which means I'll have a hell of a lot of road time ahead of me......... I might just put her in a "corporate" hotel till I can get everything done up here.
We picked up Giz from the vet today, got him home opened the cat carrier and he went straight to the back door and started yelling to be let out. Not yet as it's gonna take about 10 days for him to fully recover.
In the mean time we have a new weather front moving in, from tonight through Monday afternoon we're supposed to get up to 10 inches of snow.

You are a little over 3 hours from me. How come you get 12 inches of snow and we get warm sunshine?

So how did the interview process go? Do you see a move to El Paso in your future?
You know how it works in the mountains, one valley could be growing oranges and has a jump in the alligator population it's so warm while the next one over is attracting arctic wildlife and people are building igloos.

As for the interview...... It went well, everyone is friendly as can be but getting a read on if they're going to hire her or not is challenging as all the major players are playing it close to the chest. We should know by next week.
The feeling is that yes they want her but there's no knowing for sure until we get the actual thumbs up or thumbs down. :dunno:
If it is indeed a thumbs up then we'll have to head back down, find a place to live then move everything which means I'll have a hell of a lot of road time ahead of me......... I might just put her in a "corporate" hotel till I can get everything done up here.

It sounds like you want the offer so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Saw this picture and had to share it!

We picked up Giz from the vet today, got him home opened the cat carrier and he went straight to the back door and started yelling to be let out. Not yet as it's gonna take about 10 days for him to fully recover.
In the mean time we have a new weather front moving in, from tonight through Monday afternoon we're supposed to get up to 10 inches of snow.

You are a little over 3 hours from me. How come you get 12 inches of snow and we get warm sunshine?

So how did the interview process go? Do you see a move to El Paso in your future?
You know how it works in the mountains, one valley could be growing oranges and has a jump in the alligator population it's so warm while the next one over is attracting arctic wildlife and people are building igloos.

As for the interview...... It went well, everyone is friendly as can be but getting a read on if they're going to hire her or not is challenging as all the major players are playing it close to the chest. We should know by next week.
The feeling is that yes they want her but there's no knowing for sure until we get the actual thumbs up or thumbs down. :dunno:
If it is indeed a thumbs up then we'll have to head back down, find a place to live then move everything which means I'll have a hell of a lot of road time ahead of me......... I might just put her in a "corporate" hotel till I can get everything done up here.

It sounds like you want the offer so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
It also depends on what they're offering salary/wage wise. Also the wife said they have some of the best benefits she's ever seen and with El Paso expanding they're expanding right along with them. We still would prefer Colorado Springs or Santa Fe but they're not hiring right now.
Just came back from the grocery store; pre-storm bread, milk and toilet paper....... :lol:
Saw this picture and had to share it!


Hey Westie. LTNS. Can't get the picture to load though. :(
Me neither.

The wife wanted to know what this cacti was:


I explained it was not a cactus but a yucca plant but I didn't know which until just a couple of minutes ago.
It's a Soaptree Yucca named for the soapy material found in it's trunk and roots which is used as a substitute for soap.
Saw this picture and had to share it!


Hey Westie. LTNS. Can't get the picture to load though. :(
Me neither.

The wife wanted to know what this cacti was:


I explained it was not a cactus but a yucca plant but I didn't know which until just a couple of minutes ago.
It's a Soaptree Yucca named for the soapy material found in it's trunk and roots which is used as a substitute for soap.

They are used extensively in landscaping around here. There seems to be a love/hate relationship with them though. Some people hate them. Some love them. I love them. :)

I've been sicker'n a dog since Monday. Started out the usual scratchy throat and then turned into a full blown... something. First time in ages that I've been so congested that I turned into a mouth breather, and first time since I can remember, really, that it got into my chest. My lungs felt like someone had poured them full of lead, and I got a cough that hacked up phlegm. I know, not a very pleasant thing to talk about, but since I've already had my right lung hacked open because it filled with fluid, this concerns me. I'm finally going to venture out today and hit walmart. I am feeling a tad bit better and do need essentials, and since I don't have a wife or significant other, it's up to me to wait on myself. I'm going to buy some Musinex for the first time ever for chest congestion and see what that does.

I sold my big universal gym but have to disassemble it to get it out the door. Those people will be showing up in a couple hours to pick that up. I've had all week to take it apart but haven't felt up to it. Being sick on top of this second bitter cold winter in a row is really getting me down. Seems to me like we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of summer up north here in Wisconsin, where it's ground zero for these polar vortex's. I'm on financial lock down for that reason. Goal one, buy a new heavy duty truck suited for pulling, goal two, buy a nice sized travel trailer that I could comfortably live in for 2 or 3 months. It would be wonderful if I could accomplish that by the end of this year, because my plan is to take off for parts south from January to possibly the end of March. Get the bulk of winter over up here and then come back.
I've been dealing with the same thing, guy; for 5 or 6 days now. Chest and back hurt from coughing.
The mucinex didn't do much for me, but Dayquil washed down with a double Alka-Seltzer Cold (cherry flavor) is getting me through the days.
Sleeping is a problem. I'm getting an hour or 2 at a time, then awake for 2 more.
I just bought some of that Alka Seltzer Severe Cold & Flu at the store, along with the Musinex chest congestion stuff. Haven't taken either yet. Took a 12 hour Sudafed decongestant at around 8 this morning and surprisingly it's still doing a pretty good job. If I can breath I won't bother with taking anything later tonight, otherwise I'll down some of that Alka Seltzer. I'll try the Musinex tomorrow and see how it works. Although I did feel better today, tomorrow will be a week since I've been fighting this crap. I hate to be sick. I think I caught this from my son. Between his kid in day care and him being out and about with his job, he's a walking germ dispensary. I'm going to be more careful around him in the future. This is the third time I've caught nasty stuff off him.

Hope you feel better soon, bro, and me too.
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Saw this picture and had to share it!


Hey Westie. LTNS. Can't get the picture to load though. :(
Me neither.

The wife wanted to know what this cacti was:


I explained it was not a cactus but a yucca plant but I didn't know which until just a couple of minutes ago.
It's a Soaptree Yucca named for the soapy material found in it's trunk and roots which is used as a substitute for soap.
I have one of those. I think it's cool.
I've been sicker'n a dog since Monday. Started out the usual scratchy throat and then turned into a full blown... something. First time in ages that I've been so congested that I turned into a mouth breather, and first time since I can remember, really, that it got into my chest. My lungs felt like someone had poured them full of lead, and I got a cough that hacked up phlegm. I know, not a very pleasant thing to talk about, but since I've already had my right lung hacked open because it filled with fluid, this concerns me. I'm finally going to venture out today and hit walmart. I am feeling a tad bit better and do need essentials, and since I don't have a wife or significant other, it's up to me to wait on myself. I'm going to buy some Musinex for the first time ever for chest congestion and see what that does.

I sold my big universal gym but have to disassemble it to get it out the door. Those people will be showing up in a couple hours to pick that up. I've had all week to take it apart but haven't felt up to it. Being sick on top of this second bitter cold winter in a row is really getting me down. Seems to me like we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of summer up north here in Wisconsin, where it's ground zero for these polar vortex's. I'm on financial lock down for that reason. Goal one, buy a new heavy duty truck suited for pulling, goal two, buy a nice sized travel trailer that I could comfortably live in for 2 or 3 months. It would be wonderful if I could accomplish that by the end of this year, because my plan is to take off for parts south from January to possibly the end of March. Get the bulk of winter over up here and then come back.

Hey babes....I do hope you accomplish the goal of getting away for a couple of months. I remember what you went through last winter.

May you start feeling better soon. I hope you don't have a high fever. That would be time to see the doc. :smiliehug:
Thanks, sweety. I've already been looking at trucks and pretty much have settled on what I want, that being a Chevy, couple years old, low miles, 3/4 ton, 4x4, Silverado, the 6.0 gas engine, and preferably the LTZ so it has the back up camera, LCD display, remote start, etc, all the goodies. But, they're kinda hard to find. There's actually more diesels than gas but they're $40-$45K, and I just don't want to spend that much on a damn truck.

I did call the VA and they didn't think I was bad off enough to warrant a visit to urgent care. They did say call if I got any worse though, and thankfully I feel better.
Saw this picture and had to share it!


Hey Westie. LTNS. Can't get the picture to load though. :(

Sorry you can't see the picture! Yeah, Moderating takes most of my time when I'm here, sad to say. I won't be on for a couple of weeks 'cause we're heading off to Paris tomorrow to do some work on the old home, and visit relatives.

Home is in this picture....


And we eat here A LOT!

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One thing I never saw before was a sign that was posted at a rest area we stopped at on I 25 in the Chihuahuan Desert (in New Mexico). It was similar to this:


Guess some people need to be made aware they're in the wilds even though they're stopping at an "oasis" along the way.

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