USMB GOP - It's only about ID. Turned out they lied.

See, I made a point.

I proved it to be true.

I get attacked by the lowest of the low.

Right on schedule.
Check out the local news in Watauga, North Carolina.

Get this, the state recommends no more than 1500 at a single voting place. I saw this on the news when the Republican board combined three Democratic voting sites into one that has 40 parking spots and will service over 9,000 voters. They are cutting in half voting times. Moving all voting away from colleges. It has nothing to do with ID and everything to do with voter suppression.

God these fuckers are bold. Now watch these USMB Republicans, "Oh, it's all about ID and fairness". Don't these guys ever give up? How can you trust them when they lie so much?

Then, they held a town hall in a room that seats 8 to keep anyone from protesting. Didn't work.

After "So Many Comments" State Board of Elections Reviewing Monday's Watauga Elections Board Meeting | High Country Press

WataugaWatch: Watauga Co. Board of Elections, 8/12/13: The Long & the Short of It

At least Throrax is honest among most right wingers here. At least he's not saying, "It's all about fair elections" when clearly it's not.

from the same people who screamed "let 'em die!!!". No surprise there.

right on comes Deans no.1 ass kisser......
can someone translate this babble?

man Rdean can find anything on the Internet from ANOTHER STATE and blame all the Republicans for it...That's his modus operandi

how sad does one have to be?

I sometimes have to open up this bed wetter's threads to see the trainwreck of stupidity.

It's always painful though.

Check out the local news in Watauga, North Carolina.

Get this, the state recommends no more than 1500 at a single voting place. I saw this on the news when the Republican board combined three Democratic voting sites into one that has 40 parking spots and will service over 9,000 voters. They are cutting in half voting times. Moving all voting away from colleges. It has nothing to do with ID and everything to do with voter suppression.

God these fuckers are bold. Now watch these USMB Republicans, "Oh, it's all about ID and fairness". Don't these guys ever give up? How can you trust them when they lie so much?

Then, they held a town hall in a room that seats 8 to keep anyone from protesting. Didn't work.

After "So Many Comments" State Board of Elections Reviewing Monday's Watauga Elections Board Meeting | High Country Press

WataugaWatch: Watauga Co. Board of Elections, 8/12/13: The Long & the Short of It

At least Throrax is honest among most right wingers here. At least he's not saying, "It's all about fair elections" when clearly it's not.

from the same people who screamed "let 'em die!!!". No surpruse there.

omg, you're getting as bad as rdean..please dots don't be a parrot and use rdeans hateful broad's unbecoming

That's what bed wetters are...

Parrots. Regurgitating the same insipid shit over and over.
Oh come on white wingers. You know you guys are the worst of the worst. How many times have we heard it's all bout "voter ID" and fair elections and here is proof it isn't and you resort to "name calling"?

I admit. Names from these morons is a "badge of honor". When the Republican Leadership refers to their base as the "stupid party", it's these guys that are being talked about.

They've given up excusing the bullshit with phoney excuses now they think that calling names on the internet will make it go away
Check out the local news in Watauga, North Carolina.

Get this, the state recommends no more than 1500 at a single voting place. I saw this on the news when the Republican board combined three Democratic voting sites into one that has 40 parking spots and will service over 9,000 voters. They are cutting in half voting times. Moving all voting away from colleges. It has nothing to do with ID and everything to do with voter suppression.

God these fuckers are bold. Now watch these USMB Republicans, "Oh, it's all about ID and fairness". Don't these guys ever give up? How can you trust them when they lie so much?

Then, they held a town hall in a room that seats 8 to keep anyone from protesting. Didn't work.

After "So Many Comments" State Board of Elections Reviewing Monday's Watauga Elections Board Meeting | High Country Press

WataugaWatch: Watauga Co. Board of Elections, 8/12/13: The Long & the Short of It

At least Throrax is honest among most right wingers here. At least he's not saying, "It's all about fair elections" when clearly it's not.

when are you and Thorax going to move in together?.....:

RDean needs to move in with Thorazine.

one of the side effects of that drug is Constipation...that will just give Dean another thing to blame on Republicans....
Really impressed by the Conservative responses

Not one addresses the OP

"You are stupid" passes for an educated response
Your Avatar is a clown with a broom stick up his ass, but I'm sick? Hilarious!

Sure, but its a clown with a broom stick that rattled a Presidency

I don't know the president was rattled. He's had to deal with your kind for many years. It's average Americans who are surprised at the depth of racism in this day and age that comes from your ilk.

yes we are.....we see the fucking racism coming from YOU..... you are Obsessed with White Republicans Dean....get help.....50 or 60 sessions on the couch and you might be ok....
Oh come on white wingers. You know you guys are the worst of the worst. How many times have we heard it's all bout "voter ID" and fair elections and here is proof it isn't and you resort to "name calling"?

I admit. Names from these morons is a "badge of honor". When the Republican Leadership refers to their base as the "stupid party", it's these guys that are being talked about.

They've given up excusing the bullshit with phoney excuses now they think that calling names on the internet will make it go away

hey CC..... i think Dean has a cheek open right now....
The key to the future of the Republican Party is voter suppression

They execute it so well
Really impressed by the Conservative responses

Not one addresses the OP

"You are stupid" passes for an educated response

how long have you been here?.....its a Dean thread.....and yes Dean has no one to blame but himself for the way he is treated.....but then it seems your threads are becoming the same no surprise you are here defending the guy...
I see no point in engaging stupid fucking liberals in a conversation when they refuse to admit to THE most basic principle involved....


It doesn't exist. Look it up. Go to Harvard Law review, go to somebody that deals with these things.

The Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore ruled that there is no Constitutional right to vote.


All the US Constitution does is prohibit discrimination based on sex, race and age in States that DO permit voting.

Which is all of them these days.

And when you think about, something dimocrap scum are uniformly incapable of....

You're not voting for President anyway. No way.

THINK for a second.....

You're voting for your State's Electors to vote one way or another.

So if I live in Florida and somebody else lives in..... New Joisey, my vote counts for more because if my State (Florida) goes for the Republican and the other person's State (New Joisey) goes for the dimocrap scumbag....

Guess what? My State has more Electoral College votes than does New Joisey ergo, my votes counts for more.

There is no Constitutionally guaranteed right to vote for President.

Only the Individual States can give you that right.

And even then, you're not really voting for the candidate, you're voting for Electors who will then cast their votes for the Candidate...

Hopefully the way they promised. But sometimes.... Not.

If we could find an intelligent libtard somewhere, we could have a discussion.

Last edited:
can someone translate this babble?

man Rdean can find anything on the Internet from ANOTHER STATE and blame all the Republicans for it...That's his modus operandi

how sad does one have to be?

He's a poor sick man

Your Avatar is a clown with a broom stick up his ass, but I'm sick? Hilarious!

Let's say for the sake of argument that CF is sick. How the heck does that make you any less sick? Do you understand logic at all?
In a democratic Republic, the 2nd thing you have to count is money.

The first is votes.

Dee-Troit has 108% of its Citizens registered to vote.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

dimocraps cheat, it's what they do.

dimocraps steal elections, it's what they do.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth, it's who they are.

Deal with it.

The People of this Country are just sitting home. They are so disenfranchised with the whole process, they're just tuning it out.

the Stuttering Clusterfukk got 5,000,000 fewer votes in 2012 than he did in '08.

The reason he won is simple.... White people stayed home.


The question is....... Why?

I know the answers. Does anybody else?

Can anyone explain to me the rationale for staying home and allowing a miserable piece of fucking shit like barack HUSSEIN obama to take the White House?

It's like you want a revolution or something...

Well guess what, homer? It ain't gonna happen. And if it does, let me tell you something.... I've been to war, I lived it first hand and believe me... You have no idea what you're wishing for.

Would our side win? Pffft, it wouldn't even be close. Of course.

But the price we'd have to pay.... You can't imagine.

So to you lazy fucking Republicans, you dream-world libertarians, you people sitting around demanding perfection in every Republican candidate....

Fuck you. YOU are the reasons we keep losing. YOU are the reason the Stuttering Clusterfukk is in Office tightening his tyrannical grip on us every day.

The EPA is about to bypass Congress and regulate through EO's. Didja know that?

We got one more chance, and if we blow it.... If YOU blow it by sitting home and pouting like pre-menstual 13 year old girls.... The fall of the Country is on you.

Sorry McRINO and Mittens weren't perfect. But you can also vote AGAINST someone as much as voting FOR someone. Try it sometime instead of crying like little pussies

Grow up and deal with it.

And Reince Priebus has to go. What an imbecile.

Now that I've pissed off about half of the Conservatives on the Board..... :dunno:
Really impressed by the Conservative responses

Not one addresses the OP

"You are stupid" passes for an educated response

nothing to address

Really? So you're done with claiming voter ID is about fraud or what?

What fraud will closing the number of voting areas stop? Like I said, Repubs are putting the right to vote in a flaming ball of barbwire and saying "no one is stopping you"..

If you think repubs care anything about the right to vote look at this thread.

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