USMB needs a gay/alternate lifestyle sub forum

I'd be more suspicious of Grampa, he just wants to get certain types of people in a dark, far away part of the site, for who knows what???

The political side of the homersexuals is one that is allowing them to assert themselves..Plus a new forum thread is extra for those that bring up the subject...
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Al Gore talks about the weather all the time. It doesn't make the weather a political topic just because he does but the topics seem to start there anyhow.

Likewise every time a politician says something about gays we get flooded with gay topics in the politics section.

Many topics that are related to politics have their own sub forum so why not a topic for this?

Also, please tell Fake Jake to stop pretending he's something he's not.


Here's a better idea: stop being a totalitarian conservative, you can't force gay Americans back into the closet just as you can't force gay political topics to an out-of-the-way sub-forum so you don't have to see or read about gay political topics.

You and others on the right have only yourselves to blame, you made marriage access for same-sex couples a political issue as a consequence of your hate, ignorance, and desire to deny gay Americans their civil liberties.
Exactly! It never fails to amaze me just how much out of their way these bozo idiots Love to go just to become offended each and every time something like that is posted when they could just IGNORE those posts!
I'd be more suspicious of Grampa, he just wants to get certain types of people in a dark, far away part of the site, for who knows what???

The political side of the homersexuals is one that is allowing them to assert themselves..Plus a new forum thread is extra for those that bring up the subject...

Was there a sale on tinfoil today at Walmart?
I concur with WolfSister for Deri as mod for that forum if it ever comes to pass.
Great idea but it will be trolled by gay haters and ruined because of that.

You Betcha. How's it feel - having your privacy invaded at every corner you turn ? How do you think it feels having Homosexual [1] propoganda blasted in your face and aimed at your children and Family day and night . What goes around Cums around .

[1] [See --I can be nice - i didn't say queer or faggot]
Well now you know exactly how it feels for others to have their privacy invaded at every corner by RW propaganda. And talking about aiming at your children and Family day and night, the filthy way some of you RWers talk can be truly hazardous to young children who visit these forums. But then again, I forget the type of folks we are apparently interacting with who would not post that way if they had better sense. BUT......:eusa_hand:
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If they consider an lgbt subforum..I highly recommend a mod for it...just for that delete and weed through the idiotic crap by morons that only go in there for entertainment.

Also a good idea but such a person could be hard to find. Not too many without a dog in the fight to pick from.

I nominate Derideo_Te.
Great choice!! But such a forum as the one being suggested was suggested some time ago but the idea went nowhere. So, might as well write that one off already. Besides, the trolls who want to cause further divisions on this message board by creating a separate forum would not end their complaining and trolling even if a new forum was created you can bet your bottom dollar on that. They just have to get used to the idea that GLBT News are News and whether it goes in the Politics section or the Current Events section whenever they see the subject heading they will KNOW, unequivocally, whether to click on it or not. It is tantamount to Censorship to not want GLBT News to be included in the Politics or Current Events section when all other stuff can be placed there. And if they don't want to read about GLBT matters then Just Pass Those Over. That's how an Intelligent person would handle it. Er...well....again that would be an 'Intelligent' person. :eusa_whistle:
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USMB needs a gay/alternate lifestyle sub forum

It would be a great way to get Mal and Warbler out of the basement.
Al Gore talks about the weather all the time. It doesn't make the weather a political topic just because he does but the topics seem to start there anyhow.

Likewise every time a politician says something about gays we get flooded with gay topics in the politics section.

Many topics that are related to politics have their own sub forum so why not a topic for this?

Also, please tell Fake Jake to stop pretending he's something he's not.


Gay issues are very in the news. While I do not think it is an awful idea for reasons different than yours, it would end up like the religion forum at most boards--flooded with atheists trolling and taunting people of faith, but in this case, people disrupting any conversations about alternative lifestyle matters.
I disagree for two reasons -

One is there are already way too many forums and sub-forums here. I think someone needs to come in here with a weed whacker.

Two, I would rather we look for things we all have in common instead of more reasons to argue and fight. Whether its men women, children, minorities, gays. More segregation isn't the answer to any issue.

The idea is a good one...the odds of it being a place where lgbt's could gather and just talk without being harassed...are high. Probably best to just not do it.
Al Gore talks about the weather all the time. It doesn't make the weather a political topic just because he does but the topics seem to start there anyhow.

Likewise every time a politician says something about gays we get flooded with gay topics in the politics section.

Many topics that are related to politics have their own sub forum so why not a topic for this?

Also, please tell Fake Jake to stop pretending he's something he's not.


Gay issues are very in the news. While I do not think it is an awful idea for reasons different than yours, it would end up like the religion forum at most boards--flooded with atheists trolling and taunting people of faith, but in this case, people disrupting any conversations about alternative lifestyle matters.

That could easily be solved by the enforcement of rules for said forums

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