USMB poll who won tonight?

Who won?

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Trump connected in the first part of the debate but faltered during the last 2/3rds. Hillary had him on the ropes but had a few stumbles along the way, so it was no knock out.
Think trump lost his focus in the second half and started to become unhinged a bit, the first half was pretty close.
To undecided votes I might toss it to Hillary, but Trump didn't lose any of his base here I think.
He can shoot someone in the face and his base would still support him. Nothing new there.

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Again...the REAL indicator is tomorrow...who wants to keep talking about the debate and who wants to drop the subject or whines the most about it being unfairly run. That will be your real answer.

The thing is anyone that complains about Lester Holt handling of the debate are doing so because they are too partisan... The questions were fair and Lester was fair, and the winner to me was the third party candidate because neither Clinton nor Trump gave me the impression they would be a viable candidate for President...

Oh please the left media are rejoicing at how he spun the debate left and took care of Hillary, repeatedly going after Trump while avoiding many of Hillary's major issues altogether. He's pond scum. Hillary will get hers when she faces Chris Wallace.
1. Hillary sounded much better than I thought she would. She managed to get rid of the shrill lecturing style but she needs to work more on getting rid of her condenscending tone and demeanor.

2. If you like the trade deals of the last 28 years and like the loss of manufacturing jobs being replaced by burger flipping jobs, if you like the complete domination of the Northern Levant by ISIS and the steady increase of regulation and taxes Then yo most likely think Hillary Clinton won the debate and you want 4 more years of Obama-like stagnation with front loaded promises. IF you think the last 28 years of governance by both parties has been pathetic and incompetent,t hen you most likely think Trump won.

3. Trump made some substantiated charges on Hillary that she tried to laugh away like some drugged up idiot, and she failed. She conveyed herself in a manner one might expact from someone who thinks that they are above the law.

4. Trump needed to come across to the public as a serious statesman and not the Hitler that Hillary tries to paint him as and she failed to make that case. This means Trump won hands down, but no libtards will admit it because they are lying fucks.

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I don't ether of them had a particularly strong performance, but Trump won.

No huge fan of Hillery, but she fucked Trump up one side of the stage and down the other. Hillery unhinged Trump and it cant be denied. Every time she did the smile and the thing with her reptile eyes trump came unglued. Had it been anyone else they would have been laughed off stage. To say Trump won that debate would be like saying that Happy Gilmore was an excellent golfer. Now, did the debate make any difference toward moving either candidate out front in the race ? not likely. Trump got lucky. He got a first hand lesson in what its like to have a nasty insect under his skin. Hillery owned Trump just like everyone said she would. Now, will it make a difference ? doubt it but if Trump wants to win he better thicken that skin and not be such a little bitch.
Must be a graveyard around here what with all the leftist trash whistling (out of tune).

Trump won...sometimes it takes a couple days for a bruise to Wednesday the progs will realize Trump is inevitable.

And I think secretly they want him to win because they can't play defense worth a shit.

Really? Why is he crying then?

Donald is already whining.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

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Oh, and most importantly Hillery kept Trump off the only topic that even go him noticed and thats immigration.
Again...the REAL indicator is tomorrow...who wants to keep talking about the debate and who wants to drop the subject or whines the most about it being unfairly run. That will be your real answer.

The thing is anyone that complains about Lester Holt handling of the debate are doing so because they are too partisan... The questions were fair and Lester was fair, and the winner to me was the third party candidate because neither Clinton nor Trump gave me the impression they would be a viable candidate for President...
But Lester is a Republican. So they aren't even being a good partisan, just a bad reactionary.

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Trump should have challenged her to release her medical records.
Naw but he should have brought up the Goldman Sachs speech transcripts.
No, then she stressed how important it was to know about his tax returns because people have a right to know everything about their president, he should have made her health an issue.

That's a good point. He definitely should have. He seemed to be taken by surprise with a few things, and he should have been better prepared.
I still think he did ok. I agree he was a little off balance but the Dems (with the help of the media) have lowered his expectations so much, all he had to do was show up.
With all that help, Amnesty Don STILL flopped. LoL!

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That has to be the single dumbest name given to Trump. How embarrassing for you
She won she was better prepared, and she executed well

Actually, she wasn't well prepared, and she didn't execute well. She was struggling to string together sentences, straining to remember what she wanted to say, and came across as a pretentious twat doing little more than going through the motions of grampa's playbook with artificial mechanism that belies a sense on entitlement. The debate was a toss-up when she should have hit a grand slam. She let Trump pull her down to his level. She made petty jabs to make herself feel good, and completely failed to capitalize ample opportunities. She even flubbed what should have been her best moment of the night. She made a full concession of responsibility for the email scandal, but allowed Trump to turn right around and beat her over the head with it again with asinine lies and obtuse rhetoric.
When she hit him with the tax return punch, he could have easily said,

My returns will be released at sometime BECAUSE I NEVER DELETED THEM, now let's talk a little bit about those 33,000 EMAILS YOU DID! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HIDING BITCH.

Pay attention pop.... the question is about tax returns. He failed miserably. What is he hiding anyway?
No one give a shit about those emails.

You wish!

Pay attention pop. Tax returns. Not the emails.

Hey dimwit, the question is about transparency.

She wants it, yet deletes her documents.

She stated a fair question that also applies to her.

What are you hiding?
I don't ether of them had a particularly strong performance, but Trump won.

I'd agree on the debate itself. As for the election, neither hurt themselves with their supporters. But with the middle who dislike Hitlary and aren't going to change that view but fear Trump as a loose cannon, Trump won because he didn't do anything to scare them. Trump's got the momentum since he cut the stupid shit. The only way he loses is going back there.

Hillary is unpleasant and arrogant and no one's changing their view of her. Trump's got the negatives, but they aren't so deeply entrenched. Can Trump control himself another month and a half? Don't know. But if he does, he will win

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